Like the Dharavi Belt protest the East Indians (natives of Mumbai) also protested at Azad Maidan on 18 July 2016.
The East Indians of Mumbai are an ethnic group who fear the development plan will take away their ethnicity and cultural roots .
In order to over come this fear they have submitted a signature campaign to the Chief minister of Maharashtra.
The question here is not how development is going to beautify Mumbai , but the struggle of the native sons of soil who have still not received their OBC status though it is granted to some in their community ,and their cry of victimisation by the builders lobby.
The Gaothans in which they reside for 400 yrs is their home with memories. How can anyone come and evict them ?
The rally at Azad Maidan was to ask the government authorities – “Mumbai Development Plan2034 is benefiting who and on whose Cost ?”
Karen Miranda, Sociologist, Dept of Sociology , Maharashtra College , Mumbai Central