With Joking Russian TV The Best Source of Electronic News And Information Available –  Woe Is Us!  


  In 1950, Einstein explained why our civilization continues to be “like an axe in the had of the pathological criminal,”: “Under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control the main sources of information (press, radio, education). Mysteriously, our best independent journalists, top intellectuals and historians, are of no help. Even on RT’s ten more serious shows there is no urging of prosecution for international crimes

Albert Einstein described our present world situation way back during the First World War: “How is it at all possible that this culture-loving era could be so monstrously amoral?  …  All our lauded technological progress — our very civilization – is like the axe in the hand of the pathological criminal.” –  Albert Einstein, Letter to Heinrich Zangger (1917)

In 1950, Einstein explained why our civilization continues to be “like an axe in the had of the pathological criminal,”: “Under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.” –  Albert Einstein, Essays in Humanism

Einstein was obviously referring to the criminal media cartel controlling more than 98% of all sources of information and entertainment, and continually inculcating acceptance, cooperation, even praise for  a continuing the genocidal and illegal use of the US Armed Forces, CIA and sanctions.

Mysteriously, even our best independent journalists, top intellectuals and historians, are of no help, as they to a man, stick to reporting and chronicling events of massive human horror as if they were simply Realpolitik, as unchallengeable as the weather, never including the whole truth that they are obvious prosecutable genocidal crimes against humanity. Inversely, in the case of domestic homicide on a city street anywhere, the first issue to clarify whether what happened was a crime or not. Amazingly, in the little independent and alternate world coverage journalism we have, the word ‘crime’ is never employed. Anti-imperialist journalists report mass murderous world events as terrible or mistaken foreign policy, rarely, if ever, never citing, to this archival research peoples historian’s knowledge, a need for reparations, indemnity, or compensation for surviving victims.

Even RTV (Russian Television, broadcasting in Russian, English, Spanish and Arabic) the most popular source of anti-Western imperialism news and information, claiming “more than 3 billion views across its channels and 3.5 million subscribers,” daily presents horrific upon horrific news as entertaining news and information. Among the “Shows” RT presents on RT in English by RT’s own descriptions are: The News Thing’ “a satirical show;” ‘Redacted Tonight’ “perhaps only comedy can truly bring truth to the people;” ‘Watching the Hawks’ “media, politics and pop culture;” ‘The Big Picture’ “hottest political show;” ‘ CrossTalk’ “hot-topic discussions on politics and trends;” (wherein obvious lies are represented by US officials are debated); ‘Politiking’ “with Larry King;” Kirby’s War of Words’ “RT’s most opinionated personality.”

Even on RT’s ten more serious shows there is no urging of prosecution for international crimes. To this writer’s knowledge, in reporting on what are in reality the most obvious violations of international law, RT shows never promote a public demand that the continuing profitable and genocidal use of Western armed forces and clandestine agencies be prosecuted and justice served for survivors. Though exposing a good deal of US machinations, RT leaves basic US deceit unreported, even willingly supports them, e.g. RT daily evening news commentator Thomas Hartman, says,“of course Assad is a brutal dictator” (in full and outspoken agreement with the CIA’s concocted and mainstream media propagated evaluation).

RT is only half critical of the US, NATO and UN, and at that, presents its criticism as if wholesale mayhem can be attributed to it bad or mistaken US policies, never to prosecutable genocidal crimes against humanity in dire need of public outrage and clamorously serious discussion.

This then is our conundrum. Either we watch no TV and miss out on the RT exposés of some of what some of us know are US NATO UN prosecutable crimes against humanity, which RT describes as otherwise, or we watch RT exposés along with RT’s diplomatic dancing around the rest of US perfidy, which in effect protects that perfidy from being recognized and from awakening any serious demand for prosecution.

There are many topics which RT covers, that are rarely or never seen on criminal CIA involved mainstream media, but given RT’s tacitly ignoring the Nuremberg Principles of International Law, and emphasis on entertainment, all the news and info one gets from RT seems to boil down to information for information’s sake, edifying only up to a certain limited point – and this author is disgusted by programing irreverent to the dead and dying, and to one’s sensitivity regarding inappropriate and embarrassing sarcasm, wherein jokes are made in fun about perpetrators of genocide getting away with murder, and therefore able to continue profitable but illegal genocide.

You author had been assuming that RT was an exception to Einstein’s description of our hopelessly controlled information. This article seeks to point out his reassessment of RT viewing, in that rendering only half of the truth can function in the same way as half truths function, and thus would fit well within Einstein’s, “Under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control, directly or indirectly, the main sources of information (press, radio, education). It is thus extremely difficult, and indeed in most cases quite impossible, for the individual citizen to come to objective conclusions and to make intelligent use of his political rights.”

How and why RT might be partially controlled by Einstein noted “private capitalists” apart from promoted by the Russian government is beyond the scope of this article’s overview.

However, this peoples historian was once interviewed on RT’s Moscow Weekend News in English program. It’s three minutes are an example of how RT very often follows closely the agenda of mainstream media, albeit with some opposition to some of its genocidal lies.

Interview with Jay Janson – YouTube
▶ 3:23


Oct 7, 2013 – Uploaded by RTQuestionMore

Jay Janson is historian and writer. 06.10.2013. … Interview with Jay Janson.

Siddhartha Gautama, called Buddha (the enlightened one), is said to have taught during his final teaching, ‘Don’t believe anything anyone tells you. Use your own power of discernment to find what is true.’ Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans, as Einstein observed early on,  believe most of what they are told on their corporate owned TV channels, radio stations, and newspapers and magazines, and allow themselves be manipulated and psyched into acceptance of all sorts of insane neocolonialist genocide as necessary and patriotic. The few of us, who are aware and wish to bring the constant killing fields insanity to a screeching halt, have no source of alternative journalism on our side, encouraging, fostering or promoting the necessary organizing.

Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark encourages us to keep the faith that deceit and deception cannot last forever, that we can look to an end to the lawlessness of the mostly American rich, who rule the world, when their economic power hegemony is ended, maybe as soon as twenty years from now.

Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents in 67 countries; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, Sweden and the US; now resides in NYC; First effort was a series of articles on deadly cultural pollution endangering seven areas of life emanating from Western corporate owned commercial media published in Hong Kong’s Window Magazine 1993; Howard Zinn lent his name to various projects of his; Global Research; Information Clearing House; Counter Currents, Kerala, India; Minority Perspective, UK; Einartysken, Sweden: Saker Vineyard, Germany; Dissident Voice; Ta Kung Pao; Uruknet; Voice of Detroit; Mathaba; Ethiopian Review; Palestine Chronicle; India Times; MalaysiaSun; China Daily; South China Morning Post; Come Home America; CubaNews; TurkishNews; HistoryNews Network; Vermont Citizen News have published his articles; 300 of which are available at: click http://www.opednews.com/author/author1723.html ; Weekly column, South China Morning Post, 1986-87; reviews for Ta Kung Bao; article China Daily, 1989. Is coordinator of the Howard Zinn co-founded King Condemned US Wars International Awareness Campaign: (King Condemned US Wars) http://kingcondemneduswars.blogspot.com/ and website historian of the Ramsey Clark co-founded Prosecute US Crimes Against Humanity Now Campaign http://prosecuteuscrimesagainsthumanitynow.blogspot.com/ featuring a country by country history of US crimes and laws pertaining


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