Of each other, we should be kind
While there is still time. — from Larkin’s The Mower
Kindness is crucial to ruling out cruelty, encouraging compassion, making collective advances.
Of each other, we should be kind
While there is still time. — from Larkin’s The Mower
Kindness is crucial to ruling out cruelty, encouraging compassion, making collective advances.
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Sep 28 marks important days in the lives of two revered icons of revolutionary action in India - Bhagat Singh and Shankar Guha Niyogi. Both exemplified a sense of identification…
"...truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid long...." -- Act II, Scene ii, The Merchant of Venice Police chases are a top cause of auto accidents, but at…
"He makes it Look so easy, it looks so clean He moves like God's immaculate machine" -- from Paul Simon's "One Trick Pony" "When a person expends the least…
My Lord, May I protest? How to Protest? That is the question! “Anger is a negative emotion, but to feel a right anger and to the right degree and…
I. I recognized a familiar sound I’d just finished working with a personal training client near Central Park before hopping on a downtown R train. Over my shoulder was a…
Politics is a game of fear. Those who do not have the ability to make power elites afraid do not succeed. All of the movements that opened up the democratic…
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