Life frightens me often
Death does not.
Dead men do not frighten me
I am ready to join any crowd
Every second night I celebrate with the dead
Playing cards and singing songs
Discussing about life that doesn’t matter
Waking up is a curse.
And life frightens me
Death does not.
Silence in life frightens me
Streets filled with walking corpses
In the prisons of their own minds
Sealed lips of the teachers
Knowledge not to be known
Feelings that are not felt
The smell of death on the living
The sound of breath of the dead
Vultures around the living
Cooking food on the funeral pyre
Life frightens me
But death does not.
And I am frightened
About the pretentious dead breathing
But death does not frighten me
Silence in the graves frighten me
The graves do not frighten me
Life does.
And when the dead bodies do not wake up
I keep telling myself
That it is safer to get drunk
On the silence of the graves.
K.P. Sasi is a film maker and political activist. He can be reached at [email protected]