Despite the coming to power of a ‘Nationalist’ government, India continues to be full of anti-nationals. Government is so much struggling to build nationalism, but to little effect. Anti-nationals are everywhere. But there is nothing to worry for the nationalist government. They have a new solution at their hands in the form of ‘Nationalism Glasses’.
CCTV recently came out with a short video titled ‘Nationalism Glasses’ on the occasion of the Republic day. In this film, the protagonist by wearing the ‘Nationalist glasses’ acquires the ability to see nationalism everywhere day in and day out, in-house and out-house. This is a wonder glass, which can be used to make all the anti-nationals into nationalists. By wearing this glass, one can find ‘sanskar’ everywhere. Nationalism will be seen everywhere.
By wearing this glass – the acts which will appear nationalist would include: –
· Worshipping a cow
· Glorifying the Prime Minister – shouting Modi, Modi for everything
· Believing fake new without verifying
· Renaming streets with historical Muslim names with Hindu names
· Making hatred speeches
· Trolling a critic of the government and using abusing words
· Shouting slogans such as jai shriram and go to Pakistan
· Abusing an opposition leader
· Painting saffron color to all residential and official places
· Placing tanks in universities
· Giving hatred speeches against certain communities
· Forcibly marrying off those seen together on valentine’s day
· Attacking those consuming beef – either perceived or real
· Carrying out mass murders of minorities
· Glorifying schemes such as demonetization and GST without critically analyzing
· Making people to stand in long ATM que comparing them with solider in the border
· Forcing one to say Vandemataram and Bharat Mata ki jai and Pakistan murdabad
· Forcing people to believe that all Muslims are terrorists and all Christians are converters
· Making people believe that RSS terrorism is equivalent to nationalism
· Being a part of fake news spreading machinery
· Joining saffron IT cell
· Wearing khaki chaddi
· Believing stories of Hindu victimization and
· Trusting pseudo-science as miracles of cow urine and pushpaka viman.
Wearing a nationalist glass will make all these acts appear national. Not only this, the wonder glass can also help you identify an anti-national. It would identify anti-nationals involved in the following acts: –
· Criticizing the prime-minister
· Criticizing schemes such as Demonetization and GST
· Inviting or praising a Pakistani scholar or an artist
· Raising questions on Gujarat riots and Gujarat model
· A scholar or alumni of Jawaharlal Nehru University, HCU, FTII or other institutions
· Being a Secular liberal or left
· Being a critic of the wonders of cow urine and other forms of pseudo-science
· Being associated with any opposition party
· Being a Muslim or a Christian
· Being a Dalit or an Adivasi
· Being skeptics of Acche din and New India
· Being human rights activists – women dalit or Adivasi
· Being intellectuals and writers
· Being rationalists
· Being a beef eater
· Being among those who believe in growing intolerance
· Being among those who raise questions on growing income inequalities and failure of job creation
· Being persons who criticize acts of gau rakshaks and fringe communal groups.
With availability of such a wonderful glasses, isn’t it time the government provides its citizens with these glasses and turns everyone a nationalist? Kudos to this new invention called the ‘Nationalism glasses’.
N. Srinivasa Rao is a development professional and working in a non-governmental organization.