Thousands and thousands of unarmed Palestinians, defying Israeli snipers, tanks, tear gas, and drones, again protested at the Gaza-Israel border. They demanded their right to return to lands stolen from them and an end to the cruel and crippling blockade imposed on them by Israel and Egypt—and to assert their humanity. Once again, Israel responded with tear gas and murderous live fire. Ten Palestinian protesters were killed and 1,000 were wounded, including seven journalists, bringing the toll since the beginning of the “Great March of Return” protests to at least 30 killed and the number of wounded and injured to 2,500.
Israel is an illegitimate settler state and outpost of Western imperialism, and its violence is utterly illegitimate and criminal.
The Trump/Pence regime has upheld Israel’s murderous assault on the unarmed Palestinians, literally blaming them for getting in the way of Israeli bullets: “We condemn leaders and protesters who call for violence or who send protesters—including children—to the fence, knowing that they may be injured or killed,” declared a White House representative.
This is just one of the ways the Trump/Pence regime is escalating violence and tensions in a very volatile situation and a very volatile region. Palestinian protests are continuing and will culminate on May 15, the 70th anniversary of the 1948 founding of Israel through the violent uprooting of three-fourths of the Palestinian population and the theft of their land. Palestinians mark May 15 as the Nakba—the “Catastrophe.”
This will be taking place around the time the U.S. is threatening to move its embassy to Jerusalem, and three days after the Trump/Pence regime may have pulled out of the nuclear deal it and other world powers agreed to with Iran. Both of these moves would mark a serious and dangerous escalation that will put millions of lives in jeopardy.
These crimes by the U.S. and Israel must be condemned, and the courageous resistance of the Palestinian people upheld!
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