Suresh Oraon (27) of Purnadih Chatra Jharkhand was shot dead this morning. Suresh and his people were the owners of the land on which the state owned Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) built their Purnadih coal mines. Suresh kept fighting CCL and their mafia against land grabbing. When CCL bulldozed the resistance Suresh and community started fighting for jobs and compensation. When CCL started to dump mine waste into the Damodar river they took the management to court and won.
Suresh was a people’s leader always helping his people. After he got a job he kept helping other activist with their court cases bails and during medical difficulties. Till the end he kept fighting CCL and their mafia.
He is survived by wife Sangita and two children, son Deepu 6 and daughter Depanshu (4).