A large number of people in all 157 villages of 33 Gram Panchayat of Narasingpurblock in Cuttack district are continuously suffering from Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD). The patients are also continuously dying because of lack of proper treatment.The government of Odisha has closed its eyes from this epidemic like situation. On 17t – 18th November, 2017 a seven-members’team of Ganatantrik Adhikar Suraksha Sangathan, Odisha visited 8 villages of 5 Gram Panchayat of Narasinghpur block. The team members met nearly 80 CKD patients as well as family members of 20 people who died due to CKD. The patients were describing its symptoms like swelling of face, leg and hands; feeling of nausea and vomiting etc. Most of them are going to various private clinics and government hospitals of Cuttack, 120km far from the area. There are many patients who are unable to take medicines prescribed by the physicians because of poverty. Even though they have started treatment but due to such reason their health situation is deteriorating. They need in an average Rs 3000 – 4000 pm for medical treatment.
In an average every three people in one hundred population is suffering from CKD in Narasingpur. The team got to know from the medical staffs that in last three years 1324 patients have been listed for treatment and out of them 483 people already died of CKD. The local hospital is only providing iron and calcium tabs to all CKD patients. So, most of the patients are running to Cuttack just to save their life. Thenumber private medical agents and private drinking water providers has mushroomed to make profit from plight of people. The GASS will publish a detailed report on this issue in near future.
It is a pity that the government has not yet taken any concrete steps to bring a break to this epidemic like situation. It is unbelievable the government has not done any study to find its reason. Here, the ‘Ganatantrik Adhikar Suraksha Sangathan’, Odisha demands that a) the state government should constitute a team of doctors and public health experts and should come with a detailed study report to find its reason. b) Government should provide good health care to all patients.
Deba Ranjan
General Secretary
Ganatantrik Adhikar Suraksha Sangathan