On the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Hindu Mahasabha did something embarrassing and vicious to the democracy and prosperity of the nation: they shot the poster of father of the nation with bullets from point blank range and to make it look more real they applied blood to the image exhibiting the ongoing fascism culture of the nation which makes the democracy vulnerable.
The situation reminded many of the death of Gandhi, who was shot in an open field in the compound of Birla House (now Gandhi Smriti), a large mansion on 30th January 1948 by Nathuram Godse. Though Godse shot him, but the whole plan of Gandhi’s assassination came from the seed of numerous Hindutva extremist groups and their teachings, who believed in the protection of the rights of Hindu religion only and never ever tried to fight for independence or for protection of humanity, since they never accepted or liked the secular and democratic mindset of Mahatma Gandhi.
The ideology of Gandhi was completely opposite to that of religious extremism and that is what made the Hindutva extremist take the step of assassinating Gandhi. It is very clear from both Gandhi’s biography and Godse’s book that the Hindutva extremist never accepted the idea of secularism and objected Gandhi and his followers when they rejected to eliminate Muslims from India. Secular Muslims wanted to live in India, and the extremist Muslims wanted the division. Hindutva extremist group wanted India to be emptied off Muslims and so they protested against Gandhi with extremism as the tool, when Mahatma said that, “Indians were never barbarians and neither they will ever be. So, we should learn to tolerate peacefully and to live like brothers and sisters”.
The peaceful speech itself went against the extremist ideology of Hindutva making them more angry over Gandhi and finally, they sent one assassinator named Godse to kill Gandhi and after he killed he said that, “He is not ashamed of killing Gandhi because Gandhi always had a soft corner for the Muslims and a harsher opinion over the Hindus”. The speech itself tells the level of fanaticism Godse had inside him which the group of Hindu extremists taught him. Gandhi went against every possible Hindu religious scandals in the form of untouchability, religious stigma etc., and when Gandhi protested against the scandals which the Hindutva group think as their pride, they felt that Gandhi is slightly towards Muslims and had a harsher view to the Hindus making a complete embarrassment of India.
Before Gandhi, no other leader had so much leadership power to gather millions of upper caste and lower caste Hindus along with Christians, Muslims, Parsis together under one organisation and ideology making India appear as a distinct nation full of cultural and religious unity. The unity went against the idea of Hindutva which is still flowing from every Hindu extremist, and so Gandhi was assassinated just after our Independence. India is distinct because unlike any other monarchical and presidential nation, India is secular and tolerant in its dissent and opinions. It is united instead of enormous diversity in religion, caste, sex, language, culture and race. No other nation has the quality of being diverse and united at the same time. No matter how much we criticise Gandhi, we cannot deny the fact that Gandhi played an enormous role to make India sovereign, secular, socialist, republic and democratic. Denying Gandhi as the reformer of the nation is impossible.
Hindu Mahasabha just replicated the idea of fanaticism which Godse and Golwalkar had inside them. Their followers still cannot accept the idea of secularism and religious tolerance of the nation and so they want to exhibit clearly that they will assassinate anyone who tries to be sovereign, secular, socialist, republic and democratic. Whatever Gandhi established in this nation, Hindu Mahasabha and other extremist groups of India clearly deny all of the establishment. Their idea of India to be a Hindu nation is what is to be opposed at this very moment. We stand unique because we never want India to be another Hindu fanatic nation, where violence would be the sole solution to every problem. Women would appear as the tool of men with misogyny as a key part. Lower caste citizens would be the victim of torture of the upper caste citizens. Knowledge would survive over superstitions and religious dogmas. Rationality would crave to appear in the idea of the nation.
We don’t want an irrational and extremist India to be under the rule of the fanatics. Gandhi was killed but his idea still lives. It is very necessary to make the idea breathe so that the nation could withstand the barbarism. Just like Shashi Tharoor said in one of his speeches that, “We don’t want India to turn into a Hindu Pakistan”. And I believe, no sane Indian wants India to be under the umbrella of fanaticism. Assassination of Gandhi was the death of an idea which India itself is and if we let the fanatics to kill thousands of Gandhi every year, then India would soon turn into a nation of irrationality and violence.
Kabir Deb is a published writer and poet. Born in Haflong and completed his Masters on Life Sciences from Assam University. His work has been published from different national and international magazine like Different Truths, Counter Currents, Reviews, Cafe Dissensus, Spillwords magazine and his works rely on political activism.