A ghazal for Muslim victims of hatred in Christchurch, NZ, March 15, 2019
Each cosmic conflagration in the midnight sky
Helps sketch a constellation in the midnight sky.
Dim, bright, small points of light light years apart comprise
Apparent aggregations in the midnight sky.
Imagined beings, mythic heroes, mesmerize,
Impart more fascination to the midnight sky.
Far, far above our deadly human enterprise,
There’s no abomination in the midnight sky.
When Earth events intolerably demoralize,
We search, in consternation, through the midnight sky.
Some hope that fancied, heavenly heroes sympathize.
They seek some consolation in the midnight sky.
Behold! The stars are words of God, if we be wise—
A constant affirmation in the midnight sky.
From love, God made creation. He does not despise
Our painful struggle far below the midnight sky.
Cruel hatred, murder, cease! We must live otherwise,
Must match Love’s declaration in the midnight sky.
Return to Eden then God’s Love may authorize
For equal delectation as the midnight sky.
Let Mother Earth enfold whom killers victimize.
Shine, votive scintillations, in the midnight sky.
Born in 1940 and raised in rural South Dakota, USA, Bob Cable graduated from Harvard College in 1962, then declined a U.S. Air Force commission to teach for two years instead as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Peru. For 20 years he continued teaching English in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; in Isfahan, Iran; and in four regions of the USA (Minnnesota, Texas, Washington DC, and Massachusetts), followed by a decade of work as a medical transcriptionist / secretary in the Boston, Massachusetts area, where he currently lives. Concomitantly, Bob did direct care work in Human Services for 30 years. He has three children with his first, Palestinian wife and enjoys three cats with his current life partner, Lorraine. Bob has always loved poetry and, since retirement in 2015, has written about 300 poems. Email: [email protected]
© Robert Cable