Stay true to Chavismo, says Maduro as power outage continues due to cyber-attacks on Venezuela’s power grid

venezuela power outage

Venezuela’s electrical systems have been targeted by another cyber-attack.

In the face of this imperialist sabotage, Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro said: “We have overcome so many challenges, we’ll overcome this one.”

Venezuelan President was addressing a huge mass gathering in capital city Caracas on Sunday.

During the speech, Maduro called on the people to stay true to Chavismo and the sovereignty of Venezuela as the 24-hour countrywide electricity outage continued.

Venezuela government has accused the US of “sabotage” while US officials blamed corruption and mismanagement for the wide electricity outage.

Sabotage at the Guri hydroelectric power plant left much of Venezuela without power on Thursday night. With hard work, Venezuelan authorities restored power to many parts of the country. However, the country’s grid took another hammering on Saturday, with many of the restored systems knocked out once again, said Maduro.

Maduro told: The electric system had been nearly 70 percent restored, but then, again, “we received another attack of a cybernetic nature, at midday. This cyber-attack disturbed the reconnection process and knocked out everything that had been achieved until noon. We discovered that they were carrying out high-tech attacks against the power systems.”

The Venezuelan President informed the people: Additionally, one of the sources of generation that was working perfectly was also sabotaged.

He accused domestic infiltrators for sabotaging the electric supply from inside.

The electricity authority is now working to restore the electricity supply “manually”.

The concerned authority is also working to diagnose the failure of the computer system at a massive scale.

Earlier reports said 95 percent of the country encountering imperialist intervention again went without power after Sidor Substation in Bolivar state had exploded. The explosion spewed clouds of black smoke into the sky. The substation had been sustaining Venezuela’s power supply since the failure of the Guri plant, which produces 80 percent of the country’s power.

The Venezuela government blamed Thursday’s blackout on sabotage, part of imperialist intervention led by the United States.

President Maduro accused the U.S. of waging an “Electricity War” on the Bolivarian country. The Venezuelan communication and information minister Jorge Rodriguez blamed the outage on a US-orchestrated cyber-attack. Jorge Rodriguez said the sabotage was intended to leave Venezuela without light for several days, and meant to destabilizing the Maduro administration.

Meanwhile US officials, including a vocal proponent of regime change in Venezuela, Senator Marco Rubio, blamed the socialist policies of Maduro’s government for letting the country’s infrastructure crumble to breaking point.

Senator Marco Rubio, the Florida Republican, claimed that Venezuela’s union of electricity workers had predicted the blackout. He accused Maduro of pocketing money that could have been used for repairs, and joked that Maduro “must have pressed the wrong thing on the ‘electronic attack’ app I downloaded from Apple.

Meanwhile, the Trump administration admitted this week that it has no particular “timeline” for its desired regime change in Venezuela, and the U.S. official line remains “all options are on the table.”

With this background, Maduro was addressing a mass meeting in Caracas. In his speech, Maduro said: “We will liberate the electrical company of infiltrators and saboteurs. We have overcome so many challenges; we’ll overcome this one. We’ll do it with love, resistance and revolutionary courage.”

Thousands of people joined the meeting. Maduro, in his speech, denounced the interventionist attempts executed by the United States.

“The technology used in the attack on our electrical system is held only by the US, no other country in the world has the resource,” said the president.

Maduro told the mass meeting: “We have the spirit to overcome any circumstance because we are the sons of the liberator Simon Bolivar, because we are the people of Hugo Chavez.”

On Saturday, thousands of Venezuelans participated in a large-scale protest marches and meetings to reject acts of interventionism in their country. The protest marches and meetings were part of the annual national Bolivarian Anti-Imperialist Day celebrations.

The Anti-imperialist Day is held every March 9 to commemorate the same date in 2015 when former U.S. President Barack Obama announced the first decree against Venezuela, by considering it a threat to U.S.

The march started at 09:00 a.m. local time from the headquarters of Venezuela’s TV Channel 8 and moved to the Presidential Palace of Miraflores, where President Maduro and the countries political leaders received the gathering crowd.

“Today, as the U.S empire, in its desperate attempt to take our natural resources intensified their brutal aggression against the Homeland, we firmly stand up to defend our land and scream with force: Yankee Go Home! We are anti-imperialist!,” tweeted President Maduro.

While addressing the people joining the meeting, Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza congratulated the people for their resistance in the hours after the blackout.

“This is a country that resists and that is why we are going to get out of all difficulties!” assured Arreaza, while calling for unity and support for President Maduro.

Another participant was the president of the National Constituent Assembly (ANC), Diosdado Cabello, who assured that the unity of the Venezuelan people and the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) is “getting stronger every day.”

Cabello demanded respect for the sovereignty of the country and also highlighted the popular courage in the face of the greatest attack in Venezuela’s history to against its electric service. In addition, Cabello emphasized that in Venezuela there have been no acts of violence and that the government is working to restore all services throughout the country.


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