A first-hand account from Caracas on the rightists’ failed coup-day | Peter Lackowski


April 30, 2019, 10 pm — Today there was a farcical attempt to take a military airport that fizzled. It turned into a dozen or so guys throwing stones and being ignored. The Guardian is shamelessly running video of something that happened weeks ago as though it were today. We were there and it was all normal.

There was a demonstration of about 200 people in the usual upper class neighborhood

[Our Venezuelan friend] William was there as our witness.

Meanwhile the rest of us went to see a wonderful example of how a of a planned housing development should be done: sports facilities, day care, and much more to create a real community. A large group of young people who have been studying music […] put on a brief concert for us along with a busload of other internationals who were there for a conference on housing. The enthusiasm of the hundred or more residents who attended was evidence of how impossible it would be for the opposition to ever win an election.

The subway [in Caracas] closed early and will not open tomorrow as a precaution. Given the weak showing today it seems they will not have a big enough crowd to do much, but who knows?

Since the corporate media are making up bizarre lies, I would recommend Telesur.

Peter Lackowski, retired teacher, is a resident of Burlington, Vermont, and a friend of Bolivarian Venezuela.


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