With the harsh political reality we are now faced with there is a serious need for strong resistance from citizens. This was clear at a public hearing on the proposed Metro rail line 6 project in Mumbai on May 21.
Alert citizens, architects, engineers, housewives, transport experts completely exposed the inefficiency and insensitivity in the implementation of the project and demanded that work on it must be stopped immediately. One felt sorry for the officers, most of them were juniors as the seniors kept away.
The government must realise that there is far more expertise out there in the society than in its administration and common sense demands that it listens to the voice of people. It would be good for the administration. But since the government’s projects are generally mired in corruption and are elitist, the authorities are afraid of facing the people.
Snehal Basrur, an economics lecturer in a college-turned housewife, said the project was causing great misery to residents with dust pollution, deafening noise and traffic congestion caused by barricades which had vastly reduced the carriageway of the Jogeshwari Vikhroli link road.
A resident said his youth was gone in suffering hardships during the construction of this road and in old age too he will have to suffer the consequences of the Metro work on this very road.
Parts of the road were being plunged into darkness or exposed to blinding floodlights. There was misery all the way.
It is to the credit of Mr P.K. Sharma, project director, that he gave replies with much patience, understanding and knowledge as did Mr Vishram Patil, chief of the social development cell of MMRDA. But clearly, they had a very weak case.
There was one major flaw in Mr Sharma’s argument and it clearly shows a typical government attitude. He said since the government had decided on the project, people should accept it and cooperate. The problem is the government simply cannot be trusted with these white elephant projects. There are low cost options. For example, the mobility problems can be solved at a fraction of the cost by reducing congestion on roads and introducing more buses. But who cares for people and simple solutions ?
It was good to read earlier this week about the pedestrianisation of Ajmal Khan road in Karol Bagh in Delhi. It now looks so pleasant without cars and congestion. It is a win win situation for all. This is a major shopping area. And shop-keepers are also happy as pedestrianisation boosts their business as it is so much easier to move about on the street.
On the other hand it is sad that Mumbai has failed to make any innovation in urban design and transport even though it was a pioneer in the country with its excellent bus and suburban railway system.
Not only that the rulers are steadily making living and travelling in Mumbai unpleasant with ill-thought, expensive, needless schemes that only help the rich. There is definitely an attack on common people. Now, an air conditioned suburban train is to be run and look at the consequences. For the comfort of a few, a large majority is to be deprived of service.Twelve rgular services will be cancelled to accommodate one a.c. train. The rulers seem to make the same logic as the wicked one made by the French queen – why don’t people eat cake if they can’t have bread.
Despite all the limitation of the suburban service, it is still affordable and during off peak hours travelling can be real fun as one can absorb all the breeze. But of course, most of the time, it is hell since one has to travel during peak hours.
The authorities are daily inflicting more and more hardships on people closing down old bridges. They have criminally failed to do their basic duty of maintaining , repairing the bridges all these years and for this common people are to pay the price.
At the same time more and more incentives are being given to motorists though all norms of urban transport lay down that private cars must be discouraged for reasons of environment and reducing congestion.
The problem lies at the highest levels of planning and design and implementation. There is planning but it is meant to be anti-people. This became obvious during a visit to the headquarters of MMRDA, Mumbai metropolitan regional development authority in BKC, Bandra Kurla complex, the business district.
It is a spanking new building of glass and aluminium façade, looks stylish but is clearly not friendly to the environment with heavy reliance on air conditioning. Common sense shows that this area can do with less air conditioning as there is good east-west breeze.
Why Mumbai faces a transport crisis can be understood here. One can notice that it is so motor car-friendly. Lot of car parking is provided and officers can even reach the first floor directly by car to attend meetings in the big auditorium there. I noticed this when attending a public hearing on the Metro rail line 6.
It is clear that the officers do not have to slog one bit for travel. Literally next door is a fine new residential building for officers with a fine view of the Mithi river and mangroves. The river is filthy everywhere else in the metropolis but here it seems not bad at all and there is no stench one notices elsewhere.
It is not surprising that the planning is for the benefit of the rich and not the masses. I was shocked to notice that right at the entrance of the building. The driveway for cars is so badly designed, it intrudces on the footpath which is reduced to a dangerous slope.
The MMRDA as the top most planning body in the state is supposed to have the best expertise and provide an example to other civic bodies. How can the authorities flout the most basic design norms right at the entrance of the building. And they talk of smart buildings, smart travel and smart cities.
Now that Mr Ajoy Mehta, municipal commissioner, has become the chief secretary of the Maharashtra government he may make two little walking trips a few metres from Mantralaya, the state government headquartes.
It will be good for the city and for understanding transport issues and especially because he says in an interview to the Times of India that he would continue to be committed to the city even after retirement.
These walking trips could as well be part of his work. One is to Vidhan Bhavan, the state legislature, just across the road. He will then realise what it really means to walk in Mumbai. The stretch upto Vidhan Bhavan is almost completely taken over by Metro construction work. Not complaining about that. The problem is it leaves room just for motor cars to pass and none whatsoever for pedestrians.
And this is the picture in many parts of Mumbai.
The other walking trip would also be just across the road to Y.B. Chavan Centre where the bus stop outside the Pratishthan is permanently blocked by motor cars. So, Mr Mehta can see for himself how the administration is totally unfriendly to bus commuters, BEST undertaking’s operations.
Never have the city’s administrators treated common people, commuters with such contempt. The latest report is about unusuable , torturous, high steps on railway bridges.
The rot starts from Mantralaya itself. Clearly, there is a lack of basic understanding of issues whether of architecture or urban transport. The recent demolition of the senselessly built steps in the compound during the renovation after the disastrous fire in Mantralaya shows that. It was a relief recently to see Mantralaya as it was earlier without those horrible steps built at the entrance..
New York Mayor De Blasio is coming under attack for travelling in the environment unfriendly sports utility vehicle SUV to the gym 10 miles away But De Blasio is one of 61 mayors across the country who announced a pledge to adopt and uphold the Paris accord goals. The mayor said pulling out of the deal would be “horribly destructive to the earth.”
So these people do have at least some theoretical understanding of issues while our mayors and bureaucrats seem totally unaware. Worse, they are deeply insensitive.
Imagine MMRDA, , the highest planning authority for the metropolis, declaring it intends to do away with roofs on pedestrian bridges as these add to the weight.
So one inefficiency is to be dealt with another inefficiency and an act of cruelty to the common people.That is what administration has been reduced to.
Vidyadhar Date is a senior journalist and author of a book seeking democratization of urban transport and street life