We the fourth generation of this country,solemnly expect, demand and aspire to see a post-election 2019 India, where:
All our elected representatives irrespective of ruling or opposition, should resolve to work together, committ together and share a common vision, and strive to build a truly democratic, federal, secular and egalitarian country.
Our government and the entire governing system should 24×7 remain upholding and building on the great image, noble legacy and the non-partisan leadership both at home and at global level.
Our elected representatives of both ruling and the opposition should have an agreed upon strategy to fight climate change and collectively aim toward promoting global model in countering global warming.
Every elected representative should honor, respect and duely recognize the scientific principles, rational views and perspectives of or scientists, multi0-discipline experts and community leaders of traditional knowledge and wisdom.
Our elected leaders during their tenure should be ready to undergo a systematic, well- structured knowledge building process on the following subjects:
- Global warming
- Ecology & Biodiversity
- Water science & water resource management
- Gender Justice
- Human Rights
- Social Justice
- Values of federalism, democracy and solidarity
Our leaders should take a special oath for collectively acting beyond the sentiments of caste, gender, race, religion, language, class, political party, philosophy and regionalism, and devote to work for equitable and sustainable development of the people of the country.
Our elected representatives should promote a participatory country-level social movement with SMART targets towards monitoring, controlling and eliminating corruption at all levels in all institutions – public and private.
The government should work out an exclusive mission for rebuilding and strengthening the crisis ridden farm sector with a pragmatic framework of, such as: bio-diversity conservation, climate resilient farming system, farm-sector livelihood sustainability, restoration and rejuvenation of local market system, de-corporatization of the sector.
All the elected representatives – irrespective of their political party affiliation – should take up a proactive initiative both state and national level in objectively assessing the damages done, and prepare a long-term strategy in rebuilding a better scenario in the following issues:
- Environment/Ecology
Rain-fed Agriculture focused biodiversity conservation
Soil erosion
Coastal and marine ecosystems
Social Ecological Issues
Ecological Rights of people/species
Ecological Hot-spots management in the context of generational sustainability
Corporate & Ecological Issues
- Social
Patriarchic cultural values / systems & its impact on women /children
Women rights / safety/ protection
Subaltern communities: status, future & inclusiveness
Corporate & Informal /unorganized sector: women exploitation
Caste based atrocities, discrimination, crimes & victimization
- Governance
Mechanisms of inclusive development
Sustainability goals
Systems for participatory approach
We, the fourth generation, have a vision of India that attracts the attention of the world for humane, scientific and sustainable progress achieved in dignified democratic way. No way should India be looked down upon by any country for the reasons of mob frenzy, lynching, sexual atrocities / rape, corruption, hatred, destruction of environment ecology, farmers’ mass suicide.
We strongly believe that by realizing this vision not only India could rebuild its great image but also the future generation of the country could be ensured of global respect.
Our beloved elected leaders who adore the seats of power! We put our trust on you and honestly expect you to fulfill the above dreams of your younger generation. We are not demanding anything unachievable or wrong things, but Development with Peace, with Justice, with Fraternity!
We wish a great and successful tenure in the quarters of power and governance!
Rajkumar M
Brief Intro about the author:
- An social ecological activist, involved in participatory action research
- Part of various groups involved in social/ecological justice
- Right now involved in promoting an alliance for faith action called ‘Manasodhaya’ for re-visioning, perspective building, among communities, enabling experiencing non-hatred, humane-love based faith that transcends institutionalized religions.