I can’t breath
Allow me to breath
Not just because I want to live
But because I have every right to live
Stop me from taking breath
Just because I belong to a different colour
Colour does not make me any lesser of a person
Who cannot have even a liberty to breath
My forefathers have fought
Just to ensure that I can breath
Breathe the freshness of freedom
In this land known for its tolerance for freedom
Generations have passed in slavery
Succumbing to violence, exploitation, lynching and oppression
With great struggles of my forefathers have we won this independence
You just can’t take away our hard won freedom
Colour of your skin doesn’t make you superior
Or the colour of my skin make me inferior
It is what nature and biology has bestowed it on us
With its inherent equality in diversity
Stop your act of preventing me to breath
It makes me suffocated
A suffocation arising from facing racial prejudices
For generations that have passed
T Navin works with an NGO as a Researcher