On the edge of annihilation,
a tiny virus rimmed
by an aging sun
draws on the sap
of bread earned by man
The conquistador of Nature,
the hunter, the seeker —
all have stopped
The seller sadly winds
his words in a lonely home
Television sets blare old shows
Man depressed into unrest
slowly crawls towards the rim
burning with pandemic flames
looking for sustenance
To live or die —
an Eternity in Life
Has mankind forgotten Lalon’s song?
Words that string together in harmony
Strains of Love, Tolerance, Kindness
Lalon now sings of Change,
looking beyond the common grave —
A Change which will sing of the Glory of Life
the Wonders of the Universe tied
to the rice, the chapati of mankind
basic needs addressed
A Crescendo will tide humankind towards a New Time
Mitali Chakravarty is a writer and the editor of Borderless Journal