The climate is changing.
Clouds thunder protests
for trees turned to paper.
Lightnings throw bolts
on vehicle-filled roads.
Viruses clog veins with
fear, fear of what is to
come. Life as we knew
is threatened. Poppies
whisper from weapon
strewn fields: No point
complaining. The climate
is changing. The climate
is changing. Ice caps are
melting. Floods and fires.
Animals are evolving.
The climate is changing.
The rain thrums hard,
waking the sleepers.
The Earth reverberates.
The climate is changing.
Adapt and adopt to survive
the impact of strifes wrought
by hands that stoked the fire.
The climate is changing.
No point complaining.
The climate is changing.
Mitali Chakravarty writes for love and harmony and, in that spirit, has founded the Borderless Journal.