Shireen Abu Akleh: The story of a foretold death!

Sherine Abu Akleh

The slain Palestinian TV journalist   Sherine Abu Akleh holds American citizenship. But I expect that the United States will not do anything because Sherine is Palestinian and the killer is Zionist. And when the killer is a Zionist, America always does nothing, even if the victim is an American.

I read a while ago the testimony of an American sailor on the American ship Liberty, which Israel bombed in 67 to hold Egypt responsible. But the game was known to America, which did not do anything against Israel. The ship survivors tried to raise their voices to hold Israel accountable but without any result.

The Zionists lie as they breathe, and this is their history since they invade Palestine. Their record from A to U is based on a lies, forgery, and inverting the facts. Even when the Zionists killed the child Muhammad al-Durra during the 1987 intifada, they tried to evade it by saying that the fire was from Palestinians.

And the same thing we heard today about Shireen Abu Akleh, and will listen to the same falsification every time the Zionists commit a crime.

Why did Israel kill the journalist Shireen Abu Akleh?

The Palestinians usually do not ask this question because they know that Israel does not want anyone to learn about its criminal acts. The Zionist strategy is to make zero noise about the crimes they commit.

Because the Zionist project-based from the beginning to end, on lies, falsification of the truth, and fabrication of facts. It is natural that whoever tries to confront the Zionist lies should be punished by all means which include killing, intimidation, arrest etc.

Salim Nazzal is a Palestinian Norwegian researcher, lecturer playwright and poet, wrote more than 17 books such as Perspectives on thought, culture and political sociology, in thought, culture and ideology, the road to Baghdad

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