Political Lynching Of Lidia Thorpe & Huge Failure To Report In Zionist-Subverted Australia

Lidia Thorpe

Courageous and forthright Indigenous Australian Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe is presently subject to hysterical  bipartisan political lynching for her failure and the failure of others to report to her Leader her friendship with a fellow First Nations person who formerly led a motorbike club and has no criminal convictions. However there is massive failure to report gigantic government crimes in war criminal, climate criminal, Zionist-subverted, and US lackey Australia.

To avoid possible perception of conflict of interest, Senator Lidia Thorpe, a former member of the joint parliamentary law enforcement committee, and some public servants in the know  should have reported her friendship with a former Victorian motorbike club president to the Greens Leader and the Government. Indeed both Senator Thorpe and the Greens Leader Adam Bandt have stated that  this failure to report this friendship was an error of judgement.

However, as systematically set out below, while there is no evidence that this “error of judgement” in failing to report (1) actually damaged  law enforcement, there is massive and extraordinary “failure to report” extremely serious matters in war criminal and climate criminal Australia, including  30 really serious and variously deadly matters set out in Section C of this essay.

(A). Failure of Senator Lidia Thorpe and others  to report her friendship with a fellow First Nations person without a criminal record.

First Nations (Indigenous, Aboriginal, Black, Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islander) Australians are subject to hugely disproportionate criminal conviction and incarceration in racist White Australia. Thus while Australia’s Indigenous Australians (0.9 million) are only 3.5% of the overall population (26 million) they represent about 30% of incarcerated Australians. The Australian Law Reform Commission (2018): “Although Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults make up around 2% of the national population, they constitute 27% of the national prison population. In 2016, around 20 in every 1,000 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people were incarcerated. Over-representation is both a persistent and growing problem—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander incarceration rates increased 41% between 2006 and 2016, and the gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous imprisonment rates over that decade widened. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women constitute 34% of the female prison population. In 2016, the rate of imprisonment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women (464.8 per 100,000) was not only higher than that of non-Indigenous women (21.9 per 100,000), but was also higher than the rate of imprisonment of non-Indigenous men (291.1 per 100,000)” [1].

Ash Dahlstrom (a Gamilaraay and Ngarabal man from Moree in NSW) (2021): “For 60,000 years, we had our own set of laws and punishments. Still, in the last 200 years, we have had a legal system imposed on to us from the other side of the world. The results have been catastrophic. Indigenous adults are 12.5 times more likely to be incarcerated, Indigenous children are 26 times more likely to be incarcerated, Indigenous women are becoming the fastest-growing prison population in Australia, and more than 470 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have died in custody” [2]. Indeed one asks: how many Indigenous Australians today have been imprisoned?

Reductio ad absurdum: Noting that Senator Thorpe’s “non-disclosed friendship”  was with a First Nations person without a criminal record, one supposes that racist White Australian Mainstream media and  politicians might well argue for non-discriminatory consistency that all Indigenous MPs – not just Senator Lidia Thorpe – should “report” all friendships with convicted First Nations people, and indeed with  the close relatives of such people. Of course such a proposition would be Nazi-style racism of the kind imposed on First Nations people for most of Australia’s over 2 century Aboriginal Genocide history [3].

To summarize the current controversy, the ABC (the 90 years old taxpayer-funded Australian equivalent of the mendacious,  racist and 100 year-old UK BBC)  has determined that Senator Thorpe was a friend of a former president of the Rebels motor cycle club in Victoria, Dean Martin. However Thorpe was also a member of a  joint parliamentary law enforcement committee that received secret information  about bikie gangs and organised crime. Senator Thorpe’s staff learned of this friendship about 18 months ago, were concerned of a possible perception of a conflict of interest, raised the matter with Senator Thorpe, and  alerted staff of the  Greens Leader Adam Bandt. Unfortunately  he was not made aware of the matter from either Senator Thorpe or apprised staff, and was only made aware in the last week by questioning from ABC journalists. Adam Bandt insisted that she step down as Deputy Greens Leader in the Senate,  she agreed, and both stated publicly  that failure to disclose the relationship was an error in judgement [4].

Senator Thorpe defended herself by stating: “We met through Blak activism and briefly dated in early 2021. We remain friends and have collaborated on our shared interests advocating for the rights of First Nations peoples” [4].  Dean Martin was associated with  the Rebels for several decades, has no criminal convictions, and resigned  as Victorian chapter president in 2018 after his brother Shane Martin (father of brilliant Australian Rules  football star Dustin Martin) was deported to New Zealand for Rebels links and a history of crime (he was unable to see his son’s 2017 Grand Final triumph and later died in 2021). Such deportations of New Zealanders (often Indigenous Maori like the Martins) who have lived in Australia most of their lives, and have family in Australia, are gross violations of human rights and have damaged relations between Australia and its close cousin New Zealand.  The Martins have connections to the Ngāti Maru tribe on New Zealand’s north island. The bottom-of-the-barrel Coalition that introduced  this obscene, family-separating policy has been described by eminent human rights lawyer Professor Gillian Triggs as “ ideologically opposed to human rights” [5].

Thence commenced a media and politician frenzy involving  the Australian Mainstream media and politicians of the Liberal Party-National Party Opposition and the Labor Party Government (aka the Lib-Labs) who have rushed in to attack Senator Thorpe. The Coalition Leader of the Opposition  has called for censure of Senator Thorpe by Parliament, and indeed her expulsion from Parliament.

A similar hysteria was exhibited by Australia in 2017 when Yassmin Abdel-Magied, a brown, non-European, colourfully-dressed, forthright, Muslim, engineer, and Sudanese-Australian female (she ticked 8 boxes for exciting racist White Australian xenophobia) simply wrote 7 words on her personal Facebook page on the war memorial Anzac Day (that commemorates the futile invasion of Turkey on 25 April 1915 by the Australian  and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) and Anglo-French forces): “Lest we forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine)”. Savaged by public outcry, Yassmin Abdel-Magied rapidly deleted the post, and apologized. Her ABC TV  program was cancelled, and she left for London – but the post was correct, and her silencing by rabid jingoists is a stain on Australia and an attack on free speech.  For a detailed description of the horrendous realities behind those 7 words see my account [6]. In short,  “Lest we forget” is the sacred mantra for the war dead-remembering Anzac Day. “Manus” (an island in Papua New Guinea) and “Nauru”  are the Pacific island sites of concentration camps indefinitely and highly abusively holding men women and children without charge or trial for the asserted “crime” of being boat-borne refugees to Australia. “Syria” and “Palestine” refer to the WW1 onwards and ongoing Syrian Genocide and Palestine Genocide that date from the war criminal  British invasion of the Middle East for oil and imperial hegemony in 1914 [7, 8].

(B). Failure to report a friendship versus Mainstream Australia’s failure to report comprehensive subversion of Australia by Apartheid Israel and its Zionist agents.

The failure to report a friendship by Senator Lidia Thorpe and various public servants  was acknowledged by the senator and her Greens Leader as an error in judgement. Such reportage avoids any possible perception of a potential conflict of interest. There is no evidence that any harm has come to anyone  over this “error” except to Senator Lidia Thorpe who is facing a political lynching in Australia, and is now no longer Deputy Greens Leader in the Senate. However  Zionist-subverted and US -beholden Mainstream Australian journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes resolutely fail to report the massive Zionist subversion of Australians and Australian institutions that causes real harm to Australians and trashes Australia’s international reputation.

I can attest that for the last dozen years I have been largely rendered “invisible” in Australia despite publishing hundreds of carefully researched and documented  humanitarian articles, nearly all published overseas, and this has been associated with appalling false defamation  by Zionists. Indeed in a general horrible perversion,  decent anti-racist Jews and non-Jews  critical of the manifest crimes of Apartheid Israel are routinely falsely defamed as “anti-Semitic” by Zionists. Thus both the University of Melbourne and the University of Sydney (Australia’s 2 top universities) both recently falsely defamed their respective Student Unions as “anti-Semitic” for criticizing the appalling crimes of Apartheid Israel [9-11].

Similarly, the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU), representing academic and non-academic university staff,  recently issued a comprehensive  complaint about the crimes of Apartheid Israel but was immediately falsely defamed in the US Murdoch Empire’s The Australian newspaper  for being “anti-Semitic”.  My response (that was not published by The Australian) : “The article on anti-Semitism (The Australian 17/10) requires response. Anti-Semitism exists in 2 equally repugnant forms, anti-Jewish anti-Semitism against 18 million mostly culturally Semitic Jews, and anti-Arab anti-Semitism  against 15 million ethnically Semitic Indigenous Palestinians, 300 million ethnically  Semitic Arabs, and 2 billion mostly culturally Semitic Muslims.  I am an anti-racist, Jewish Holocaust-impacted, Jewish Australian humanitarian with a sole allegiance to the country of my birth, Australia. Pre-2000 I only rarely experienced anti-Jewish anti-Semitism that had largely gone underground after the exposure of the WW2 Nazi atrocities. However, in the 21st century anti-racist Australian Jews such as myself are increasingly subject to being routinely and falsely accused of being “racists”, “anti-Semites”,  “self-hating Jews” and “self-loathing Jews” for  being the very best of Jews in standing up  for the human rights of the sorely oppressed Indigenous Palestinians. This horrendous  anti-Semitism against anti-racist  Jews (and against anti-racist non-Jews, Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims for the same reason) is now commonplace in Mainstream Australia, is shamelessly applied to eminent anti-racist Jews,  and is an intolerable  stain on our nation. Book burning next”.

This crude and false defamation of anti-racist humanitarians is greatly assisted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) that has 35 member countries (including neo-Nazi, pro-Apartheid Australia and Apartheid Israel), all largely ethnically European, most being associated with nuclear terrorism, many variously associated with past genocidal colonial  racism on all inhabited continents [12], and all but one (Argentina) refusing to support the 2021 UNGA  Resolution condemning  Nazism and neo-Nazism [13]. The IHRA is anti-Arab anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming Palestinian, Arab and Muslim critics of Apartheid Israeli crimes), anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish critics of Apartheid Israeli crimes), and holocaust-denying (ignoring all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed by violence and deprivation) [12], namely the WW2 European Holocaust  (30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies killed by the Nazis ), the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons by the British with Australian complicity in 1942-1945, Australia denying food in its huge war-time grain stores from its starving ally India ), and the WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35-40 million Chinese killed under the Japanese, 1937-1945), and ignoring 60 other genocide and holocaust atrocities) [7, 8].

Over 40 anti-racist Jewish organizations have condemned the Zionist IHRA Definition of anti-Semitism that has unfortunately gained wide support in the Zionist-subverted West, including Australia [14]. Neo-Nazi is as neo-Nazi does, and all the IHRA countries (excepting Argentina) refusing to join the UNGA  condemnation of  Nazism and neo-Nazism invites the moniker neo-Nazi. Indeed Zionism is genocidal racism, and Nazism without gas chambers but with 100 nuclear weapons and delivery systems [15]. Zionist leaders from Theodor Herzl to Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu have explicitly advocated an ongoing  ethnic cleansing of Palestine, the Palestinian Genocide [16].  Indeed there is a shocking list of 52 Zionist- and Apartheid Israel-Nazi Germany comparisons [17]. For comprehensive accounts of racist Zionism and Zionist  subversion Australia see [18-23].

Antony Loewenstein (anti-racist Jewish Australian journalist, author of “My Israel Question”, and awardee of the 2019 Jerusalem Al Quds Peace Prize) has described the silence (“failure to report”) about the Zionist subversion of Australia and the West  (2014): “To have a prominent political figure challenging the power and message of the Israel lobby is almost unheard of in most western nations – which is precisely what makes the just released diaries of former Australian foreign minister Bob Carr [Bob Carr, “Diary of a Foreign Minister”, NewSouth, 2014] all the more remarkable… Carr explains, in compelling detail, how Melbourne’s Zionist lobby pressures, romances, bullies and cajoles politicians to tow the most fundamentalist position over illegal Israeli colonies, Palestinian recognition at the UN, and even the language used to describe Israeli actions. He also claims that Israel lobby financing impacted the positions of elected politicians on foreign policy. Carr reports former Kevin Rudd telling him that about one-fifth of the money he had raised in the 2007 election campaign had come from the Jewish community, and criticises Julia Gillard’s unfailing pro-Israel stance (see, for example, her effusive praise of the Jewish state after she received the [Zionist] Jerusalem Prize), pointing out that she would not even let him criticise Israeli West Bank settlements… [Bob Carr:] “It’s an appalling situation if Australia allows a group of [Jewish] businessmen [in Melbourne] to veto policy on the Middle East”” [24, 25].

However Lenore Taylor’s review in The Guardian  of Bob Carr’s book “Diary of a Foreign Minister” makes no mention of Israel, Jews or the Zionist Lobby but quotes former NSW State Premier and Australian Foreign Minister (FM)  Bob Carr on Australia’s  craven fealty to America (2014): “As foreign minister, I’d been describing the US alliance as a ‘cornerstone’. That’s our liturgy. All Australian foreign ministers say that. Simple truth is, I haven’t got a mandate to change it, or a burning conviction about doing so. No mission to tilt us to armed neutrality, which is the only alternative to a treaty relationship with the world’s, the region’s, dominant maritime power. In 18 months, moreover, I can’t do anything that generates a misunderstanding, that puts the relationship at risk. I would like to make us a little less craven, to correct the recent tilt away from China and the too-desperate embrace of the US, symbolised in last year’s announcement of a rotating marine presence in Darwin and Obama’s criticism of China in our parliament. I would like to capture some of the instincts on this of Paul Keating [former Labor PM] , Malcolm Fraser [former Coalition PM] and even Alexander Downer [former Coalition FM]; and I value the words of Gareth Evans [former Labor FM] – that we should not approach the Americans “happy to lie on our backs like puppy dogs with four paws waving and pink tummies exposed’”” [26].

Bob Carr in the chapter “Me and “the lobby”” in “Bob Carr Run For Your Life” (2018): “The hold of the Israel lobby over Australian politicians is based on two facts: first, donations to the political parties from the Jewish community leadership; second, paid trips to Israel extended to every member of parliament and  journalists. From the Australia/Israel & Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) over 700 trips alone. This political influence is particularly noticeable with the Victorian ALP [Australian Labor Party] Right and deserves some examination by journalistic sleuths, who seem reluctant to touch the subject. No other community, in my experience, treats politicians as their poodles; even when making a political case – not the Tamils, or Singhalese, the Chinese, the Macedonians, the Cypriots, the Turks, nor the Armenians. Meanwhile, on the West Bank the conditions of the occupation become, as they must, more harsh, with 12-year old Palestinians bundled off into military detention, rocks thrown by settlers at Palestinian youngsters going to school, Palestinian homes bulldozed and raided by the Israel Defense Forces on a rolling basis. The dour, sometimes fiendishly occupation is why every former head of Mossad or Shin Bet, the two Israeli security services, want Israel out of the West Bank. Five former heads of Shin Bet said in the documentary The Gatekeepers that the policies of the occupation are not working” [27].

The horrible reality is that Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australia is second only to the US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel. The US became increasingly beholden to the Zionists in the 1960s after Apartheid Israel acquired nuclear weapons and John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy failed to have Zionists declared as agents of a foreign power [28-30]. In 2011 serial war criminal Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (later invited to Australia by Coalition PM Malcolm Turnbull) humiliated President Obama over Middle East policy, and won 29 standing ovations in Congress [31, 32]. Today about one third of President Joe Biden’s Cabinet are Jewish Zionists, and the remainder are all moderate Christian Zionists, in contrast to the fervent Evangelical and Pentecostal Zionists who are Trump supporters [33] . Indeed Trump accused Democrat-voting Jews of being “very disloyal to Israel”  for not supporting Israel more strongly [34].

Apartheid Israel been variously involved in shooting, tasering, mangling, killing, kidnapping, imprisoning, robbing, deceiving, defaming, threatening, intimidating, censoring  and otherwise violating the human rights of Australians and the relatives of Australians in Palestine. Within Australia traitorous Zionist agents have been variously involved in deceiving, robbing, defaming, threatening, intimidating, blackmailing, and censoring Australians and Australian institutions [18-20, 35].  However successive cowardly, unprincipled, traitorous, Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australian Governments have all remained silent (“failure to report”). In 2010 popular PM Kevin Rudd (following the example of the UK in similar circumstances) protested the Israeli kidnapping of Australians in International waters, and the large-scale and repeated forging  of Australian passports  for deadly terrorism purposes – a month later, and despite an expensive attempt to mollify the Zionists, he was removed in a US-approved, Mining Corporation-backed and pro-Zionist-led coup [35-37].

By electing the Albanese Labor Government on 21  May 2022, Australia ended 10 years of appalling misrule by mendacious, corrupt, incompetent, anti-science and human rights-abusing Coalition governments. However after 1 month the honeymoon is over – Australia remains US- and  Zionist-subverted, and the timid new Labor government  is only making cosmetic baby steps on war, inequality, poverty, fossil fuels, climate change, Indigenous rights, and Indigenous Palestinian human rights. Indeed the cowardly  new Australian Labor Government has failed on the 3 key existential  threats to Humanity, namely nuclear weapons, poverty and climate change [38, 39]. This is real “conflict of interest” and “failure to report”  involving a cowardly and unprincipled  Labor Government subject to relentless lobbying by corporations, Zionists, Apartheid Israel and serial war criminal, and Zionist-subverted  America. These appalling realities are ignored by traitorous, racist, and mendacious Mainstream journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes in Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australia [38, 39].

Of course this over 1 century of Zionist atrocities (of which the Zionist subversion of Australia, the US and the West was the least) was utterly avoidable by rejection of neo-Nazism and lying in favour of Kindness and Truth. A clear, humane solution  to the continuing human rights catastrophe in Palestine is a unitary state (a “one state solution”) as in post-Apartheid South Africa that would involve return of all refugees, zero tolerance for racism, equal rights for all, all human rights for all, one-person-one-vote, justice, goodwill, reconciliation, airport-level security, nuclear weapons removal, internationally-guaranteed national security initially based on the present armed forces, and untrammelled access for all citizens to all of Palestine. It can and should happen tomorrow [40, 41].

Ali Kazak (Palestinian diplomatic representative  to Australia and the South Pacific): “There is nothing ASIO and the media suggest any Chinese lobby of doing that the Israeli lobby has not done for over 30 years on behalf of the Israeli government. Any Chinese lobby is child’s play in contrast to the well-established Israeli lobby. No country has more interfered, spied and forged Australian passports, recruited Australians into its army and spy agencies and endangered Australia’s security, sovereignty and the integrity of its national institutions than Israel. By their own admission, the Israeli lobby receives funds from Israeli institutions, coordinates and cooperates with the Israeli government and embassy, and has “established a long tradition of strong public advocacy on behalf of Israel” to shape the opinion of members of the Australian public, media organisations and government officials in order to advance Israel’s own political objectives. Consecutive Liberal and Labor governments have been selling Australia’s foreign policy to Israel for decades, with huge campaign donations and all-expenses-paid trips for MPs, officials, staffers, union officials and media personnel. Yet, while the media has been bombarding us with scare campaigns against China, we hardly see any reference to the danger of the Israeli lobby”[42].

Recently the Australian Labor Government found a spark of courage and reversed the previous Coalition Government’s cynical decision to recognize Jerusalem (including forcibly and illegally annexed East Jerusalem) as the capital of Apartheid Israel.  My following letter setting out the facts to The Age newspaper (Melbourne) was not published (“failure to report”) but succinctly gives the key points: “ The Australian Labor Government’s reversal of the Coalition’s  flawed, Australia-trashing decision on Jerusalem was in accord with (a) bipartisan Australian policy for 70 years (1948-2018), (b) International Law, numerous UNGA Resolutions,  and the UNSC’s 14-0 Resolution 2334, (c) Labor Party policy, and (d) respect for Indigenous  human rights. In contrast, the Coalition and Zionist  attacks on the Australian  Government over this (a) demand unprincipled violation of such accordance in the interests of a grossly human rights- and International law-violating, and nuclear-armed Apartheid Israel, and (b) violate the spirit of Section 44 of the Australian Constitution that excludes from being a Federal MP “Any person who – (i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power”. Indeed, those fervently supporting Apartheid Israel and hence the evil crime of Apartheid are surely unfit for public life in one-person-one-vote democracies like Australia”.

(C). “Failure to report” is entrenched in Zionist-subverted, US lackey, look-the-other-way Australia.

Most Australians passively accept the “official narrative” purveyed by Government, Opposition, and Mainstream media (Western Mainstream Media,  White Men’s Media or WMM) from the dominant, mendacious and US-owned Murdoch media to the taxpayer-funded but cowardly Australian Broadcasting  Corporation (the ABC, the Australian  equivalent  of the racist and mendacious UK BBC). Below is a list of 30  appalling life-and-death realities ignored in an ongoing ”failure to report” in Zionist-subverted, US lackey, look-the-other-way, politically correct racist (PC racist), Murdochracy and Corporatocracy Australia.

(1). As UK or US lackeys Australians have historically invaded and variously occupied 85 countries as compared to the British 193, France 82, the US 72, Germany 39, Japan 30, Russia 25, Canada 25, Apartheid Israel 13, China 2 (ignoring border spats), Iran 0, and North Korea (arguably 0) [43, 44].

(2). In the last 80 years Australia has variously violated all Indo-Pacific countries by armed presence, as a leading climate criminal country, or by covert regime change [21, 22, 45].

(3). Australian has participated in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation [7, 8].

(4). Anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic, pro-Apartheid Israel, pro-Apartheid, Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australia has enthusiastically participated in the post-1990 US War on Muslims that has been  associated with 32 million Muslim deaths from violence (5 million) and deprivation (27 million) in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance (40,000 in Mosul alone)[7, 8].

(5). As US lackeys Australians  were criminally involved in covert regime change in Indonesia (1960-1965), Laos (1960), Cambodia (1970), Chile (1973), Australia (1975 and 2010), and Fiji (1987 and 2000) , with Apartheid Israel being involved in the last 3 [21, 22, 46].

(6).  On 4 August 2022 was PM Albanese warned in conversation with the Israeli PM (or by Australian Intelligence) of impending massive Israeli bombing of Palestine commencing  the next day, if not why not, and were thousands of at risk Australians and their relatives  warned?  [47].

(7). Mainstream Australia has rightly protested the war criminal Russian invasion and partial of occupation of its sister country Ukraine in 2022 but has resolutely refused to protest the  74 year, war criminal Zionist occupation and ethnic cleansing of Palestine (90% of Palestine has now been ethnically cleansed of Indigenous Palestinians in an ongoing Palestinian Genocide) [47].

(8). Avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation (and mostly children) totalled  5 million (Occupied Afghanistan,  2001-2011) and about 3 million (Sanctioned and thence Occupied Iraq, 1990-2011) – evidence  of gross violation of Articles 55 and 56 of the Fourth Geneva Convention that an Occupier is inescapably obliged to provide the conquered Subjects with life-sustaining  food and medical services “to the fullest extent of the  means available to it” [7, 8].

(9). In 2020 under-5 infant deaths and avoidable deaths from deprivation totalled 76,000 and 106,000, respectively, in Occupied Afghanistan (population 38.9 million, per capita ta GDP $500) as compared to  1,100 and 1,600, respectively, in Occupier Australia (population 25.5 million, per capita GDP $60,000), evidence of horrendous violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention by the Australian Government [7, 8].

(10). Australia is properly investigating an alleged 39 unlawful killings of Afghans by Australian soldiers, but not 5 million Occupied  Afghan avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation. However before any such guilty soldiers are properly indicted the politicians who sent them there should be indicted for war crimes involving passive mass murder and gross  violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention – 5 million is 128,000 times greater than 39 [7, 8].

(11). Further, “failure to report”  and “silence is complicity” in items (7)-(10) shows that  pro-Apartheid, genocidally racist, serial war criminal and US lackey Australia has become an Orwellian perversion in which ignorance is strength, slavery is freedom, war is peace and 2 plus 2 does not equal 4 [48].

(12).  Presently about 100,000 Australians die preventably each year from life-style choice and political choice reasons [38].

(13). Deaths from violence (0.1 million) and from imposed deprivation and disease (2 million) are about the same for the WW1 onwards and ongoing Palestinian Genocide and the 1788 onwards and ongoing  Australian Aboriginal Genocide [3, 38, 49].

(14). Avoidable deaths from deprivation totalled 4,000  in 2020 for Occupied Palestinians (population of 5.1 million ) versus about 5,000 in 2018 for Indigenous Australians (population of about 0.9 million) i.e. 6 times higher per capita for Indigenous Australians than for the sorely oppressed Occupied Palestinians without human rights under brutal foreign military occupation  [38].

(15). 100,000, the number of Australians dying preventably each year (a),  is also the number of Australian military killed in overseas wars (b, and also  approximately the number of Indigenous people killed violently in both the 1788 onwards Australian Aboriginal Genocide (c) and the WW1 onwards Palestinian Genocide [38].

(16). “Covid-19 deaths per million of population” are about 600 for Australia and 4 for China [50]. 98% of Australian Covid-19 deaths have been of 60-plus people [51] and were over 99% avoidable by comparison with China – Gerocide, the intentional killing of the  elderly [38, 52]. My detailed and documented  Submission to a Senate Inquiry on Covid-19 was rejected as a Submission for whatever reason [52].

(17). Ongoing heat wave deaths per annum in Australia are currently estimated at approximately 2000 [38]. As climate change and wealth inequality worsen, heat stress deaths will increase, notably among the high risk elderly, Indigenous Australians (especially in remote and hot desert communities) [53] and the poor (3.8 million Australians now live in poverty in a country  that recently has the highest median adult income in the world) [39]. Not having air conditioning or not being able to afford the electricity will be increasingly deadly [53, 54].

(18). Air pollution from carbon fuel burning kills about 9 million people annually including 10,000 Australians, and 75,000 people overseas from pollutants from burning exported Australian coal [38, 54, 55].

(19). Australia is intimately linked with UK and US nuclear terrorism, and these policies have made Australians  prime nuclear targets – in any escalating nuclear exchange Australian cities will be destroyed before US or UK cities [39].

(20). Various experts have estimated that about 25% of adult Australians have been subject to child sexual abuse as children, this translating to 4.4 million adult Australians having suffered such abuse. An Australian$500 million Royal Commission into institutional child abuse may have been concerned with only a small part of child sexual abuse in Australia [56-58].

(21). Using world coral  as a “canary in the coal mine”,  the atmospheric 320 ppm CO2 at which coral reefs started to decline worldwide was reached in 1965, at which time the world’s population was 3.340 billion i.e. the world (present population 8 billion) is overpopulated by a factor of over 2 [59]. Yet Australia is committed to endlessly environmentally  destructive population expansion.

(22). Australia leads the world in coal exports, almost leads in Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exports, plans over 100 new coal and gas projects, and is among world leading countries in 16 areas of climate criminality [39].

(23). Australia has 0.3% of the world’s population but its Domestic plus Exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution is  5.4% of the world’s total [39].

(24). Methane (CH4) is 85% of natural gas, leaks, and has a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 105 relative to the same mass of CO2 on a 20 year time frame with aerosol impacts considered. Depending on the degree of leakage, gas use can be worse than coal use on a  greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution basis [39].

(25). The  2021 Glasgow Climate Change Conference committed to “net zero emissions by 2050”. However there is no annual decrease in global record greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution (as measured by atmospheric CO2, CH4 and N2O),  gas, oil, and coal use, tropical deforestation, or cattle, cement, steel and iron ore production – things to which to which Australia is variously a major contributor [60].

(26). Further to (25) it is evident that this inaction means that a catastrophic global plus 2C in warming is effectively inevitable. In the absence of effective action the world faces a worsening, Australia-complicit climate genocide in which 10 billion people will die this century en route to a sustainable human population of only  about 1 billion in 2100 [60-62].

(27). Many climate scientists and science-informed activists demand a return of atmospheric CO2 to about  300 ppm CO2 or less than 350 ppm CO2 for a safe and sustainable planet for all peoples and all species [63].

(28). 3.8 million Australians now live in poverty in a country that recently has the highest median adult income in the world) [39]. Poverty kills and 7.4 million people die avoidably each year on Spaceship Earth with remorseless rich countries, including a miserly and callous Australia, in charge of the flight deck [8].

(29). Every nation needs a large complement  of well-funded scientific and scholarly  experts for a variety of cultural, economic and health reasons, but why should impoverished young people have to pay for it? High quality education from pre-school to life-long learning should be free, as variously achieved by 2 dozen countries [64-68].

(30). The damage-related Carbon Price is $200 per tonne CO2-equivalent but the world average applied price is only $2 per tonne CO2-equivalent. The world has an inescapable Carbon Debt (in USD) of $200-250 trillion that is increasing at $16 trillion per year, and Australia has a Carbon Debt of $5 trillion that is increasing at $400 billion per year and at $40,000 per head per year for under-30 year old Australians [69-71].

Final comments

Outstanding Indigenous Australian Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe is a forthright advocate for the right to a decent life for Indigenous Australians and other Indigenous People, including the sorely oppressed Indigenous  Palestinians.  However Senator Thorpe is being subject to a political lynching  over the “failure to report” her friendship with a First Nations (Maori) person who has no criminal record but was formerly the president of a motorbike club. Senator Thorpe was formerly a member of a joint Parliamentary law enforcement committee. Various public servants also failed to report this to the Greens Leader Adam Bandt. The Senator and her Leader have acknowledged that this was an error of judgement, and Senator Thorpe is no longer the Deputy Leader in the Senate. Coalition Opposition MPs are calling for her to be thrown out of Parliament.

However listed above are 30 serious and indeed variously deadly matters that are resolutely ignored in Zionist-subverted, US-beholden, and look-the-other-way Australia. Australians should inform their media and political representatives about these 30 instances of serious “failure to report”, and indeed about  Zionist subversion of US lackey Australia. Please inform everyone you can, because Zionist-subverted and US-beholden Mainstream Western and Australian politicians and media certainly won’t.


[1]. Australian Law Reform Commission, “Disproportionate incarceration rate”, 9 January 2018: https://www.alrc.gov.au/publication/pathways-to-justice-inquiry-into-the-incarceration-rate-of-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-peoples-alrc-report-133/executive-summary-15/disproportionate-incarceration-rate/ .

[2]. Ash Dahlstrom, “So many Indigenous Australians are arrested and jailed, but this doesn’t solve anything”, Guardian, 1 November 2021: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/nov/01/so-many-indigenous-australians-are-arrested-and-jailed-but-this-doesnt-solve-anything .

[3]. “Aboriginal Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/aboriginalgenocide/ .

[4]. Jake Evans and Andrew Probyn, “Greens senator Lidia Thorpe admits to undisclosed relationship with ex-Rebels president Dean Martin while on law enforcement committee”, ABC News, 20 October 2022: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-10-20/lidia-thorpe-undisclosed-relationship-ex-rebel-president/101553386 .

[5]. Michael Slezak, “Gillian Triggs: Australian government ‘ideologically opposed to human rights’”, Guardian, 26 July 2017: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2017/jul/26/gillian-triggs-australian-government-ideologically-opposed-to-human-rights .

[6]. Gideon Polya, “Yassmin Abdel-Magied Censored On Anzac Day – Jingoists Trash Australian Free Speech”, Countercurrents, 28 March 2017: https://countercurrents.org/2017/04/yassmin-abdel-magied-censored-on-anzac-day-jingoists-trash-australian-free-speech/ .

[7]. Gideon Polya, “US-imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”, Korsgaard Publishing, Germany , 2020.

[8]. Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, 2nd edition, Korsgaard Publishing, Germany , 2021.

[9]. Gideon Polya, “Australia’s 2 Top Universities Anti-Arab Anti-Semitic & Anti-Jewish Anti-Semitic”, Countercurrents, 27 July 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/07/australias-2-top-universities-anti-arab-anti-semitic-anti-jewish-anti-semitic/ .

[10]. Gideon Polya, “Zionist-subverted University of Melbourne falsely defames anti-racist Jews & non-Jews”, Countercurrents, 26 June 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/06/zionist-subverted-university-of-melbourne-falsely-defames-anti-racist-jews-non-jews/ .

[11]. Gideon Polya, “Uni of Melbourne falsely defames anti-racist Jews, non-Jews critical of apartheid Israel”, Green Left, 28 June 2022: https://www.greenleft.org.au/content/uni-melbourne-falsely-defames-anti-racist-jews-non-jews-critical-apartheid-israel .

[12]. Gideon Polya, “UK racist Zionists falsely defame UK Labour Party in support of democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 10 August 2018: https://countercurrents.org/2018/08/uk-racist-zionists-falsely-defame-uk-labour-party-in-support-of-democracy-by-genocide-apartheid-israel/ .

[13]. United Nations Digital Library, “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices that contribute to fuelling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance : resolution / adopted by the General Assembly”, 2021: https://digitallibrary.un.org/record/3951466?ln=en .

[14]. Jewish Voices for Peace, “First ever: 40+ Jewish groups worldwide oppose equating antisemitism with criticism of Israel”, 17 July 2018: https://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/first-ever-40-jewish-groups-worldwide-oppose-equating-antisemitism-with-criticism-of-israel/#english .

[15]. Union of  Concerned Scientists, “Nuclear weapons worldwide”: https://www.ucsusa.org/nuclear-weapons/worldwide .

[16]. “Zionist quotes re racism and Palestinian Genocide”, Palestinian Genocide :  https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/zionist-quotes .

[17]. Gideon Polya, “A shocking list of 52 Zionist- and Apartheid Israel-Nazi Germany comparisons”, Countercurrents, 7 August 2021: https://countercurrents.org/2021/08/a-shocking-list-of-52-zionist-apartheid-israeli-nazi-germany-comparisons/ .

[18]. Gideon Polya, “Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism threats to Australia and Humanity”, Palestinian Genocide, 2010: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/racist-zionism-and-israeli .

[19]. Gideon Polya, “50 Ways Australian Intelligence Spies On Australia And The World For UK , Israeli And US State Terrorism”, Countercurrents, 11 December, 2013: https://countercurrents.org/polya111213.htm .

[20]. Gideon Polya, “US- & Zionist-subverted Australia & Sorely Oppressed Indigenous Palestinians”, Countercurrents, 22 June 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/06/us-zionist-subverted-australia-sorely-oppressed-indigenous-palestinians/ .

[21]. Gideon Polya, “AUKUS & Quad In Context: Australia Violates All Indo-Pacific countries”, Countercurrents, 9 December 2021: https://countercurrents.org/2021/12/aukus-quad-in-context-australia-violates-all-indo-pacific-countries/ .

[22]. Gideon Polya, “Australia violates all Indo-Pacific countries”, Stop state terrorism, 9 December 2021: https://sites.google.com/site/stopstateterrorism/2021-12-09-australia-violates-all-indo-pacific-countries .

[23]. Gideon Polya, “Australia must stop Zionist subversion and join the World in comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters”, Subversion of Australia, 15 April 2021: https://sites.google.com/site/subversionofaustralia/2021-04-15 .

[24]. Antony Loewenstein, “Bob Carr was right to start a debate on the influence of the Zionist Lobby”, Guardian, 15 April 2014: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/apr/15/bob-carr-was-right-to-start-a-debate-on-the-influence-of-the-zionist-lobby .

[25]. Bob Carr, “Diary of a Foreign Minister”, NewSouth, 2014.

[26]. Lenore Taylor, “Bob Carr’s diary: what we’ve learned ”, Guardian, 10 April 2014: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/10/bob-carrs-diary-what-weve-learned .

[27]. Bob Carr, “Bob Carr Run For Your Life”, Melbourne University Press, 2018.

[28]. Gideon Polya, “Dual Israeli citizenship & Zionist perversion of America, Australia, India & Humanity”, Countercurrents, 30 July 2017: https://countercurrents.org/2017/07/30/dual-israeli-citizenship-zionist-perversion-of-america-australia-india-humanity/ .

[29]. John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy”, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007.

[30]. Gideon Polya, “Zionist Subversion, Mainstream Media Censorship”, Countercurrents, 9 March 2018: https://countercurrents.org/2018/03/zionist-subversion-mainstream-media-censorship/ .

[31]. Peter Beinart ,“The Crisis of Zionism”, Melbourne University Press, 2012.

[32]. Gideon Polya , “Book Review: “The Crisis of Zionism” – Racist Zionists Ponder Substantial Or Total Palestinian Genocide”,  Countercurrents, 14 July 2012: https://countercurrents.org/polya140712.htm .

[33]. Gideon Polya, “Zionist-subverted America: Jewish Zionists are one third of the Biden cabinet”, Countercurrents, 27 January 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/01/zionist-subverted-america-jewish-zionists-are-one-third-of-the-biden-cabinet/ .

[34]. Felicia Somnez, “Trump says that Jewish people who vote for Democrats are ‘very disloyal to Israel,’ denies his remarks are anti-Semitic”, Washington Post, 21 August 2019: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-says-that-jewish-people-who-vote-for-democrats-are-very-disloyal-to-israel-denies-his-remarks-are-anti-semitic/2019/08/21/055e53bc-c42d-11e9-b5e4-54aa56d5b7ce_story.html .

[35].”Subversion of Australia”: https://sites.google.com/site/subversionofaustralia/.

[36]. Gideon Polya, “Media-Ignored US, Corporate And Zionist Subversion Of Australian Democracy In Ex-PM Rudd-PM Gillard Battle “, Countercurrents, 27 February, 2012: https://www.countercurrents.org/polya270212.htm.

[37]. Gideon Polya , “Pro-Zionist Betrayal in Australia’s 2010 Gillard Labor Coup”, Countercurrents,  27 June, 2010: https://countercurrents.org/polya270610.htm .

[38].Gideon Polya, “Rich Australia Ignores 100,000 Preventable Deaths Annually: The Cost Of Neoliberalism & Lying”, Countercurrents,  29 September 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/09/rich-australia-ignores-100000-preventable-deaths-annually-the-cost-of-neoliberalism-lying/ .

[39]. Gideon Polya, “Cowardly new Australian Labor Government fails on nuclear weapons, poverty & climate change”, Countercurrents, 6 July 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/07/cowardly-new-australian-labor-government-fails-on-nuclear-weapons-poverty-climate-change/ .

[40]. One-state solution, unitary state, bi-national state for a democratic, equal rights, post-apartheid Palestine”: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottapartheidisrael/one-state-solution  .

[41]. Gideon Polya, “Democratic One-State Solution (Unitary State, Bi-National State) For Post-Apartheid Palestine”, Countercurrents, 22 December 2018: https://countercurrents.org/2018/12/democratic-one-state-solution-unitary-state-bi-national-state-for-post-apartheid-palestine/ .

[42]. Ali Kazak, “Hong Kong and Gaza: media dance to different tunes”, Pearls & Irritations, 30 October 2019: https://johnmenadue.com/ali-kazak-hong-kong-and-gaza-media-dance-to-different-tune/ .

[43]. “Stop state terrorism”: https://sites.google.com/site/stopstateterrorism/ .

[44]. Gideon Polya, “As UK Lackeys Or US Lackeys Australians Have Invaded 85 Countries (British 193, French 80, US 70)”, Countercurrents, 9 February, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya090215.htm .

[45]. Gideon Polya, “Review: “Cambridge History of Australia” ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides”, Countercurrents, 14 October 2013: https://countercurrents.org/polya141013.htm .

[46]. Gideon Polya, “Australian PM Morrison’s Pseudo Coup By Secretly Grabbing 5 Ministerial Positions”, Countercurrents, 1 September 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/09/australian-pm-morrisons-pseudo-coup-by-secretly-grabbing-5-ministerial-positions/ .

[47]. Gideon Polya, “Racist West Ignores Palestinian Genocide & Gaza Massacres, Vocal Re Ukraine & Taiwan”, Countercurrents, 20 August 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/08/racist-west-ignores-palestinian-genocide-gaza-massacres-vocal-re-ukraine-taiwan/ .

[48]. George Orwell, “1984”, 1948.

[49]. “Palestinian Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/ .

[50]. “Worldometer”: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ .

[51]. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), “Covid deaths”, 9 June 2022: https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/life-expectancy-death/deaths-in-australia/contents/covid-19-deaths .

[52].  Gideon Polya, “Covid-19 Pandemic, Climate & Australia: Risky Ignoring Of Science-based Advice”, Countercurrents,  28 July 2020: https://countercurrents.org/2020/07/covid-19-pandemic-climate-australia-risky-ignoring-of-science-based-advice/ .

[53]. Gideon Polya, “Australian Climate Criminality, Heat Stress Deaths & Australian  Aboriginal Ethnocide” , 19 December 2019: https://countercurrents.org/2019/12/australian-climate-criminality-heat-stress-deaths-australian-aboriginal-ethnocide/ .

[54]. Gideon Polya, “Scores Of Huge Realities Resolutely Ignored By Mendacious, US Lackey Mainstream Australia”, Countercurrents, 11 August 2020: https://countercurrents.org/2020/08/scores-of-huge-realities-resolutely-ignored-by-mendacious-us-lackey-mainstream-australia/ .

[55]. “Stop air pollution deaths”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/stop-air-pollution-deaths .

[56]. Gideon Polya, “Australia’s Horrendous Abuse Of Aboriginal Children The Tip Of Massive Australian Child Abuse”, Countercurrents, 30 July 2016: https://countercurrents.org/2016/07/australias-horrendous-abuse-of-aboriginal-children-the-tip-of-massive-australian-child-abuse/ .

[57]. Gideon Polya, “Horrendous Pro-Zionist, Zionist And Apartheid Israeli Child Abuse Exposed”, Countercurrents, 21 April, 2014: https://countercurrents.org/polya210414.htm .

[58]. Gideon Polya, “Zionist-Perverted Western Mainstream Media  Ignore Horrendous US Alliance And Apartheid Israeli Child Abuse”, Countercurrents, 29 April, 2014: https://countercurrents.org/polya290414.htm .

[59]. Gideon Polya, “How Much Negative Carbon Emissions, Negative Population Growth & Negative Economic Growth Is Needed To Save Planet?”, Countercurrents, 28Novemebr 2018: https://countercurrents.org/2018/11/how-much-negative-carbon-emissions-negative-population-growth-negative-economic-growth-is-needed-to-save-planet/ .

[60]. Gideon Polya, “Planet Doomed: No Decrease In Record GHGs & Gas, Oil, Coal, Cattle, Cement & Steel Production”, Countercurrents, 16 October 2022:  https://countercurrents.org/2022/10/planet-doomed-no-decrease-in-record-ghgs-gas-oil-coal-cattle-cement-steel-production/?swcfpc=1 .

[61]. “Climate Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/climategenocide/ .

[62]. Gideon Polya, “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions”, Korsgaard Publishing, 2020.

[63}. “300.org – 300 ppm CO2”: return atmosphere CO2 to300 ppm CO2 ”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-org—return-atmosphere-co2-to-300-ppm .

[64]. “Free University Education”: https://sites.google.com/site/freeuniversityeducation/home .

[65]. Gideon Polya, “Free University Education Via Accredited Remote Learning – All Education Should Be Free For All”,   Countercurrents, 31 January, 2015: https://countercurrents.org/polya310116.htm .

[66]. “Educational Apartheid”: https://sites.google.com/site/educationalapartheid/ .

[67]. Gideon Polya, “37 Ways Of Tackling Australian Educational Apartheid And Social Inequity”,  Countercurrents, 22 May, 2013: https://countercurrents.org/polya220513.htm .

[68].Gideon Polya, “50 Reasons For Free University Education As We Bequeath The Young A Dying Planet”, Countercurrents, 19 March 2017: https://countercurrents.org/2017/03/50-reasons-for-free-university-education-as-we-bequeath-the-young-a-dying-planet/ .

[69]. Gideon Polya, “Australia Rejects  IMF Carbon Tax & Preventing  4 Million  Pollution Deaths By 2030”, Countercurrents, 15 October 2019: https://countercurrents.org/2019/10/australia-rejects-imf-carbon-tax-preventing-4-million-pollution-deaths-by-2030/ .

[70]. “Carbon Debt Carbon Credit” : https://sites.google.com/site/carbondebtcarboncredit/ .

[71]. Gideon Polya, “Inescapable $200-250 Trillion Global Carbon Debt Increasing By $16 Trillion Annually”, Countercurrents, 27 April 2019: https://countercurrents.org/2019/04/inescapable-200-250-trillion-global-carbon-debt-increasing-by-16-trillion-annually-gideon-polya/ .

Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds”. He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2022) and “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (1998, 2008). He has recently published “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), and “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020). For images of Gideon Polya’s huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: http://sites.google.com/site/artforpeaceplanetmotherchild/  .

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