LGBTQIA Community and Muslims in India Treated with Hatred by Indian Prime Minister


Both the largest minority communities – LGBTQIA members said to be 80-100 millions as per reference in Supreme Court judgement on gay sex delivered in 2018 and the Muslim community numbering 172 millions in the year 2011 – are treated with hatred by Narendra Modi. The Muslims are referred to as infiltrators and hence treated with hatred; the LGBTQIA members are born and brought-up in India and even then hated. The Muslims are alleged to be polygamous and hence hated; the LGBTQIA communities are even not allowed to marry and still hated. In fact, the Prime Minister, Home Minister, Attorney General for India and the Solicitor General actively opposed same-sex marriage in the Supreme Count of India. Also, BJP MPs in Parliament have stalled introduction of laws regarding LGBTQIA community for more than a decade. Even a debate on the LGBTQIA issues is not permitted.

It is just as well to remember that the Committee on the Status of Women in India found in 1974 that the prevalence of polygamy is:

Tribals:                  15.2%

Buddhists:              9.7%

Jains:                     6.7%

Hindus:                  5.8%

Muslims:                5.7%

The Muslims are hated by the Prime Minister because they allegedly produce more children. The LGBTQIA community is hated even though they don’t produce any children. Of course, it would be a happy situation if same-sex marriage is allowed and using modern technology such a couple could aspire to have a child.

The Prime Minister’s behavior is not logical in relation to these two communities. For diametrically opposite reasons the Prime Minister hates the Muslims and LGBTQIA members. Through deduction and logic, it can be concluded that the Prime Minister hates these two communities congenitally. The BJP does not accept a Muslim candidate for Elections on its ticket; it also does not let any member of LGBTQIA community to fight Election on its ticket. The BJP Election Manifesto has no word for the LGBTQIA community. The expression ‘sabka sath sabka vikas’ is a camouflage in relation to these two communities. If the government wants the development of the LGBTQIA community, the Prime Minister should first accept the existence of the LGBTQIA community before it can even talk of their development. Similarly, the Prime Minister should first accept Muslims in India as equal human beings rather than treat them as animals as has happened in the last 10 years e.g. the bull-dozing of Muslim properties; love-jihad; lynching of Muslims allegedly for storing cattle-flesh at home; or taking a cow for sale at the market place.

Modi will have to let go of hatred from his heart against these two communities. He should remember that if these two communities join hands, together they could form their own government on the basis of their strength electorally.

P.S. Sahni is a member of PIL Watch Group.


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