Cultural And Historical Identity Of The World Majority


My friends! We have repeatedly emphasized at our conferences that the old world order has exhausted itself, it has collapsed before our eyes, and now we are at the stage of establishing a new world order. The contours of the model of the new world order have already appeared in the adopted documents of the SCO and BRICS. The Moscow conferences that we held this year are also a modest contribution to the cause of building a fair, equal and secure world order.

However, the hegemon of the old world order also tells us about justice, equality and security, but with the only difference that all these three categories were created for Western civilization. The West applies double standards to international laws and today does not want to abandon this practice. How can we eliminate attempts at double interpretation of the fundamental principles of justice, equality and security for the World Majority? One of the reasons for the manipulation of international principles is the conflict of civilizations, the conflict of identities. Let me explain my idea. Every nation or state obtains its means of existence either from its own ecosystem or from someone else’s. Those nations and states that obtain their means of existence from their personal ecosystem are producerists, creators, workers. Those nations or states that obtain their means of existence at the expense of the ecosystem of other nations, for example, by seizing their territory and enslaving them, are aggressors and robbers. Those nations that obtain their means of existence by deception and usury, forgery and cunning, take away the property of other nations without creating any benefits – they are parasites. These three identities are antagonistic, they are irreconcilable opponents. Each of these identities perceives the categories of justice, equality and security in its own way. The essence of Western civilization is aggression and expansion. What allows them to rob others they consider fair. Equality applies only to their own kind, because

they are an “exceptional” nation. And security should only be for those who live in the “Garden of Eden”, which means in Western civilization. Robbers and colonialists have an ally, this is the world parasitic and usurious capital – the Federal Reserve System, the International Monetary Fund, and other large financial tycoons. For them, we are barbarians and live in the jungle, so it is considered fair to drag us into financial bondage and rob us. We must radically change this situation.

Dear friends! One of the goals of our round table today is to agree on common principles for the peoples of the world majority. First of all, this is the affirmation of our cultural and historical identity. We, the peoples of the World Majority, are producers, creators and workers. We must equally perceive the concepts of justice, equality and security, without double standards. The model of a new world order must be based on the philosophy of non-violent development of humanity. We must resolutely reject the policy of neocolonialism, terrorism, ethnic cleansing and genocide, including cultural genocide. Only a strong World Majority can maintain the balance of power and prevent the exploitation and robbery of the peoples of the world. Today, the line of resistance runs through the Gaza Strip, Donbass and Nagorno-Karabakh. The mission of the World Majority is not only to protect the rights of oppressed peoples, their spiritual values, but also the rights of an adequate and natural person who recognizes his human identity, without any gender diversity. In the West, this type of person is oppressed today. We must preserve and cultivate humanity in man, and make humanity humane. In this way, we will limit evil on earth and give the human mind a chance to develop not only to ensure its own security, but also for the peaceful exploration of Space and nature.

We will achieve this goal if we show a high degree of solidarity and awareness of our common cultural and historical identity!

Cultivators of all countries, unite! Thank you for your attention!

Stepanyan Arayik Oganesovich is President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, Ph.D. in Philosophy

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