Time to Take Off Those MAGA Hats

Donald Trump

To all those working stiffs or retired ones, listen to the latest interview between one mega billionaire and another ‘Wanabee’ billionaire. Working class heroes Trump and Musk took time out the other day to once again stick it to working stiffs. We know they both wish to arrest and deport the brown skins who cross the border to wash dishes, clean toilets, hammer on 100+ degree roofs, cut the grass in oppressive summer heat, and of course, the old tale of picking your dinner veggies and breakfast and lunch fruits. Their newest right wing dream is to outlaw labor demonstrations and strikes once they reassume power. One wonders how current working stiffs, the ones who wear those MAGA hats and drive with all those Trump 2024 ‘ The Revenge Tour’ bumper stickers on their ( mostly) trucks and SUVs, feel about that. How about all you retired union baby boomers? Do you have any empathy for the guys and gals who could be your children and grandkids that may be caught up in a future taste of feudalism?

OK, I can understand all you devout Christians who seem to only care about two things: Outlawing abortion and restricting gays from the same private rights you have. I cannot understand those of you MAGA  folks who still buy into the truly fake news about all the illegal undocumented brown skins that cross the border to sell your kids Fentanyl  ( in my day it was cocaine and weed) or rape your daughters and granddaughters. Is it the aforementioned brown skins who do all the, as Trump put it, Black Jobs? How much hogwash will it take to wash that pig?

Here’s a good one, and I made this pitch to a MAGA guy at my local gym a few years ago. The big issue then was the Medicaid costs that we all have to subsidize for those ‘ Lazy and shiftless’ poor. The guy, a former NYC policeman by the way ( who have the BEST benefits, including health care, that New Yorkers’ tax dollars pay for), was telling me how he needed to get his dad into a nursing home and quick. He said the costs per month for his dad would eat up all the old man’s savings within one year. I told him this was why we need a well funded Medicaid program to help his dad at least share with the family  some of his life’s savings and still get into a nursing home. Plus, seeing that he was already 70, I asked him what would happen to him in a few years when he may need to go into one. Would he be able to find the same solution as he was now searching for his dad? He chose to not deal with my question, as he was more concerned with building that border wall. At least he didn’t give a rat’s ass about abortion, though he did have some consternation about too many gays on television and in politics.

That MAGA hat should go into the closet with all the other obsolete junk.

Philip A Farruggio is a free lance columnist, host of a radio interview show and lifelong Anti War Activist. He is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, Class of ’74. He has a blog on the itstheempirestupid.com website produced by Chuck Gregory.  You can find Philip’s work on many sites such as Countercurrents, Dissident Voice, Nation of Change and Muck Rack. Philip can be reached at [email protected]

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