Arrogance : RSS and Modi

Modi Bhagwat BJP RSS

There are speculations about rifts in RSS combine. On one side between Modi and Bhagwat and on the other within BJP. There are sharp differences between Gadkari, U P chief minister Aditya Nath and home minister Amit Shah and even Narendra Modi. Gadkari recently issued a letter to the Finance minister disapproving some measures of the budget.

The rifts or criticisms have become more vivid and loud after the recent Loksabha elections.

Bhagwat and Modi

Mohan Bhagwat, RSS chief, it is said, criticised Modi, indirectly though. It was concerning Modi’s utterences during the election campaign wherein he said and called himself superman or non-biologica or God.

Criticism of Modi is because he is projecting himself as the tallest leader and also is not respecting the RSS chief. That way he is challenging the authority and hierarchy and the concept of the RSS’ Hindu Nation wherein Brahmin is above the king, ruler.

In 2014 after taking oath of prime ministership Modi said, ‘I am (Chaukidar), watchman of the country.’ Nobody criticised then as that was lenient way. Now, when he says he is big or non-biological then he is being criticised by many, including the RSS chief. There were many in BJP and RSS who said Modi is Ram or incarnation of God.

The changed attitude and reactions criticising him are because of recent election results.

RSS and Arrogance

In reality this attitude of superiority have roots in the RSS’ ideology, its Hindu Nation concept. It is more than fascism.

Ex RSS Bouddhik Pramukh of RSS Mr, M G Vaidya had written an article, ‘One culture one nation’ (Indian Express, 24th March ’16.) In it he says Hindu is not a religion but Dharma and Dharma has no equivalent term in English. This gimmick is to stress the imaginary superiority of the Hindu religion.

Mr. Vaidya, true to his mentor, late RSS chief M. S. Golwalkar, who had outlined the Hindu nation concept in his book, ‘We or our Nationhood Defined’ (1939) is being written and rewritten by RSS men like Vaidy in various ways. But the truth behind all of them is ‘ekam sat viprah bahudha vadanti’ i.e. Brahmins speak the truth in different ways, with different tongues. In fact Hindu nation is all pervading supremacy of Brahmins.

Vaidya says that Hindu law should be applied to Muslims and Christians also. By this he is playing the same game of supremacy and arrogance, that the RSS can dictate the terms to all. Golwalkar taught that RSS men should behave as if they are the masters/owners of this country. This comes through the RSS concept that it is above the government. This arrogance has been sown by Golwalkar. In a book Shri Guruji Samagra Darshan, part 1, Marathi (1971) he says, ‘Sangh is not only representative of Hindu Nation but the embodiment of Hindu Nation itself. And that is why this whole land of India should belong to the Sangh’ (i.e.RSS). Further he said, ‘We should live here with the sentiments of ownership.’ (p.108 ). At another place he says, ”this form of Hindu nation will exist till the end of the earth or till it submerges in deluge, we will be there as a Hindu nation.”(Sri Guruji Samagra Darshan part-4, p.47, 1974)

This sort of thinking has induced ownership attitude and arrogance in the brains of RSS men.

Mr. Mohan Bhagwat, RSS chief speaks through this type of mindset and is followed by ex-RSS spokespersons like M G Vaidya. He adopted the same attitude of being master of the country. He says this bypassing the constitution that Muslims and Christians should be brought under Hindu law. So is the case of compelling Muslims to say ‘Bharat mata ki jay’. The stand on cow, or calling Gita as national book, Sanskrit as mother of all languages etc. The roots of such thinking do not start from Golwalkar or Sawarkar but they are existing from the time Brahmins have formed and fortified the four Varna, caste model.

Above God?

In the Varna caste model Brahmin is at the top of the social system. Even above the king who was Kshatriya, second in rank according to chaturvarnya concept. Today also this model of Brahman at the top is what RSS wants to be maintained. Golwalkar had this in mind when he said, ‘state is secondary to the nation’ in his book ‘We or our nationhood defined’ that is king’s or ruler’s position is below the Brahmin.

Creators of Ram

Golwalkar in his book, Bunch of Thoughts, says,” Rama’s personality was crystallised by the Rishis, Vishva Mitra, Vashishtha and Agastya. (Hindi edition of Bunch of Thoughts,p.62)

*Deendayal Upadhyay asserts how Dharma is above, state and even above God. Says he,

‘ State is an institution. Nation create it .(p.147)

‘Dharma is supreme, our ideal of the state has been Dharma Rajya.’ (p.153)

‘God can do everything but cannot act contrary to Dharma. But for the risk of being missunderstood one can say that Dharma is even greater than God. The universe is sustained because he acts according to Dharma. The king was suppose to be a symbol of Vishnu in as much as he was the chief protector of Dharma Rajya.(p.153)

‘Democracy: definition of democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people, of stands for independence, by stands for democracy and for indicates Dharma. True democracy is only where there is freedom as well as Dharma rajya it compasses all these concepts.(p.157)

RSS pariwar and its spokespersons write, speak having this social model in their minds.

Nation-Rashtra concept is being adhered to by RSS combine because they have been trained like that by its ideologues.

Other political parties and organizations are only in State mode, below RSS’ nation concept. For, RSS knows that their thinking is limited to state, secondary position mens state below the nation. In other words Kshatrya is below Brahmin according to the model of chaturvarnya. RSS ideologues place state in the position of king or ruler. It is clear that other political parties do not think about the nation as RSS thinks.

Dominating political parties

M. G. Vaidya himself quoted in one of his Marathi book that Golwalkar wanted to dominate all the political parties and not only Jan Sangh – today’s BJP.

That means caste model should rule and secondly other parties be secondary to the RSS following its dictats. This hierarchical model is being observed in all left and right parties which are under Brahmin leadership. That’s why Dr. Ambedkar said,” about sacred and secular Brahmins that they are two arms of the same body. Both are kith and kin and one is bound to support the other.

None will come forward to demolish the caste system.” (See-Annihilation of caste, Dr. Ambedkar

writings & Speeches, vol. 1 p.70) This ownership attitude is dangerous and worse than even fascism.

Modi’s utterances are in keeping with the arrogance in the RSS thinking. Criticising Modi by RSS chief and RSS Brahmins is forgetting the legacy of arrogance RSS has reserved and preserved for itself.

Author is Satyashodhak Samaj activist and editor of Bahujan Sangharsh and author of many books.His latest published book, RSS, Caste System and Hindu Nation.


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