Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted and craven US lackey Australia has lying, US-dominated Mainstream media, a rightist Labor Government and an extreme right Coalition Opposition that have a commonality in support for anti-Arab anti-Semitism, US wars, Apartheid Israel and hence Apartheid, and have now joined forces to support banning most children from truth-telling on social media and to attack global free speech via threatening media. Elon Musk has responded thus: “Fascists”.
Australia is a duopoly-based pseudo-democracy in which the Rightist Labor Party (presently in government) and the Extreme Right Liberal Party-National Party Coalition (presently in opposition) are collectively known as the Lib-Labs and dominate the political scene. Australia has a compulsory and preferential voting system – for a valid vote all candidates must be scored numerically in order of preference, and if a candidate fails to get 50% of the vote second preferences are taken into account. In terms of primary vote Labor has about 30%, the Coalition 40%, the Greens (15%) and the Others (15%). Labor gets most of the Greens second preferences and about half of those of the Others (in particular the rich and economically conservative but ostensibly socially progressive but actually Progressive Excepting Palestine (PEP) Teals). Labor was roughly elected to government on that basis in May 2022 but with absurd 3-year terms, government thinking is largely about the next election and any government action is heavily constrained by corporate lobbyists.
The Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly rules in a look-the-other-way but greedy Australia in which Democracy has been replaced by Kleptocracy, Plutocracy, Murdochracy (70% of newspaper readers have been captured by the disgusting US Murdoch media empire), Dollarocracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money purchases public perception of reality, votes, more power and more private profit for the One Percenters. The Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly resembles the US Democrat-Republican Duopoly and the UK Labour-Conservative Duopoly in which gross inequity (involving increasing poverty and an ever-widening wealth gap) is bad for the economy (the poor cannot afford to buy the goods and services they produce) and bad for democracy (Big Money buys public perception of reality, votes and power).
In all 3 Duopoly systems the winners are those with good jobs, those who own the roof over their heads, and the super-rich One Percenters for whom the system is designed. The losers are the poor and increasingly the children. Annual avoidable deaths from “life-style choices”, “political choices” and “poverty” total 0.10 million (Australia, population 27 million), 0.26 million (UK, population 69 million) and 1.7 million (US, population 345 million). The existential threats facing all of Humanity are from nuclear weapons and climate change. However all 3 Duopolies are resolutely committed to nuclear terrorism (Australia doesn’t have any nuclear weapons but supports US and UK nuclear terrorism, is crucial to US nuclear strategy and will host nuclear–armed US and UK nuclear-armed submarines and nuclear-armed US B52 bombers) and grossly inadequate climate change action (atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHGs) are at a maximum level and increasing at a maximal rate). These 3 Duopolies have utterly betrayed their young and the young of the world.
Set out below are how the Australian Labor Government-Coalition Opposition Duopoly and the Australian Mainstream media are guilty of complicity in genocide in Gaza, lie to the young, plan to block most children from accessing truth-telling social media, and are attacking global free speech by trying to impose censorship on global media with the threat of draconian sanctions if they fail to submit to the false view of reality promulgated by the Zionist- and US-subverted and egregiously mendacious Labor-Coalition Duopoly.
(A). Settler colonialism- and genocide-based US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Apartheid Israel. The history of the Anglosphere is one of invasion, occupation and genocide, including in chronological order the Anglo-Saxon subjugation of Celtic England, the subsequent Norman-imposed Anglo-Saxon Genocide (the Harrying of the North after 1066 ), the conquest and attempted ethnocide of Celtic Britain (Cornwall, Scotland, Wales, Ireland), the African slave trade, colonization of the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia, New Zealand and Oceania, the 19th century Irish Famine, the Scottish Highland Clearances, the 2-century British-imposed, and starvation-based Indian Holocaust, the genocidal American invasion and devastation of 52 countries since 1950 (notably Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Syria, and Libya), the 236-year and ongoing Australian Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide, the century-long and ongoing Palestinian Genocide and specifically the horrific, ongoing Gaza Genocide by Jewish Israelis [1]. Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, German and French colonialism was variously limited by Anglosphere colonialism, and genocidal 20th century German and Japanese colonialism were defeated in WW2. For detailed compilations of about 70 genocides and holocausts and attendant horrific deaths see [2-5].
(B). As a UK or US lackey Australia has invaded 85 countries and has violated all 80 Indo-Pacific nations. A genocidally racist White Australia was a fervent British Empire loyalist until the Japanese Pearl Harbour attack in December 1941 and the fall of Singapore in February 1942, from which time it fervently supported the US [1]. As a UK or US lackey Australia has invaded 85 countries (as compared to the British 193, French 80, and US 72) with 30 of these violations being genocidal [6-10]. In the last 8 decades (i.e. within living memory) as a UK or US lackey Australia has violated all circa 80 Indo-Pacific countries variously through war, occupation, subversion, and through climate criminality (greedy and rapacious Australia is among the world leaders for climate criminality that impacts all nations and peoples). Australians were involved in 8 US-organized coups in Indo-Pacific countries, namely Laos (1960), Indonesia (1965), Cambodia (1970), Chile (1973), Australia (1975, 2010), and Fiji (1987, 2000) [9, 10]. Indeed racist and fascist Australia helped the US and Apartheid Israel expunge the Hamas victory in the 2006 Occupied Palestinian elections (by declaring it to be a terrorist organization) and very likely was involved with the US in the unprecedented departure of anti-nuclear weapons New Zealand PM David Lange in 1989. Australia was involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and imposed deprivation (the Coalition was involved in all these wars, but Labor backed all except for the Vietnam War and the Iraq War) [1]. Likewise Australia fervently backed the US War on Terror in which 32 million Muslims have died from violence (5 million) and imposed deprivation (27 million) in 20 countries invaded by US Alliance countries since the US Government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity in which 3,000 Americans died [11, 12]. As one of the world’s richest countries US lackey Australia is disproportionately complicit in the Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust in which 1.5 billion (mostly children) have died since 1950 and 7.4 million die annually on Spaceship Earth with the One Percenter-ruled America in charge of the flight deck [1].
(C ). The Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly is disgustingly complicit in the unforgivable Jewish Israeli mass murder of Gaza children. The Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government is complicit in the ongoing Gaza Genocide in 20 ways [13]. The Zionist-subverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government fervently supports Apartheid Israel by backing its egregious lying in 35 ways [14], diplomacy, key arms supply, massive military purchases, intelligence, missile targeting, and Nazi-style brain washing of Jewish children, and is thus deeply complicit in the ongoing Jewish Israeli mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza [13].The Coalition Opposition is even worse in its fervent, racist and egregiously mendacious support for Apartheid Israel. As a Jewish Holocaust-impacted, anti-racist Jewish Australian humanitarian I have a fervently held belief of “never again to anyone” and that all those supporting Apartheid Israel and hence the utterly vile crime of Apartheid are utterly unfit for decent company, public life and public office. The legal firm Birchgrove Legal (5 March 2024): “Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has been referred to the International Criminal Court as an accessory to genocide in Gaza, making him the first leader of a Western nation to be referred to the ICC under Article 15 of the Rome Statute. A team of Australian lawyers from Birchgrove Legal, led by King’s Counsel Sheryn Omeri, have spent months documenting the alleged complicity and outlining the individual criminal responsibility of Mr Albanese in respect to the situation in Palestine. The 92-page document, which has been endorsed by more than one hundred Australian lawyers and barristers, was yesterday submitted to the Office of ICC Prosecutor, Karim Khan KC” [15].
On 10 July 2024 the leading medical journal The Lancet reported the estimate of 186,000 deaths from violence and violently-imposed deprivation in the ongoing Gaza Massacre and Gaza Genocide [16]. For my 10 July 2024 onwards detailed and documented commentaries see [17-28]. Huge avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation are associated with war, occupation and hegemony with under-5 infant deaths being about 70% of such avoidable deaths in impoverished countries (see Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” [1 ]). Data from The Lancet and from Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor indicate that the 186,000 Gaza deaths include about 45,000 violent deaths (including 8,000 buried under rubble), 136,000 children, 17,000 women, 33,000 men, 500 health professionals, and 150 journalists (for detailed analysis see [19]). The Australian Labor Government is unforgivably complicit in the Gaza Genocide in 20 ways [13] and lies in the interests of Australia-violating Apartheid Israel in 35 ways [14]. Because Labor is actually in government and must be punished for its horrific Gaza Genocide complicity and for making Australia complicit in this unforgivable crime, many decent, informed Australians will put Labor last in Australia’s preferential voting system even though the Coalition is far worse but is in opposition. Those like Labor, the Coalition, most Independents and Mainstream media all supporting Apartheid Israel and hence the evil crime of Apartheid are unfit for public life in a one-person-one-vote and Domestic human rights-respecting country like Australia. Indeed out of 227 Federal MPs only 19 have supported Palestinian human rights and an immediate and permanent end to the killing (15 Greens plus ex-Green Senator Lidia Thorpe, Dr Helen Haines, Andrew Wilkie, and ex-Labor Senator Fatima Payman) [29] that in the unequivocal judgement of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) must be effected by an immediate end to the 57 year illegal Occupation by Apartheid Israel [30].
For decent people words fail in trying to describe the genocidal Jewish Israeli response to the Palestinian Breakout from the Gaza Concentration Camp on 7 October 2023 in which 1,200 Israelis died (many and quite likely most from high explosive shells from tanks and hell fire missiles from helicopters in the IDF response) [32]. However WW2 comparisons are germane (pun intended). Thus (a) the rate of killing of Palestinians in the Gaza Massacre is greater than the rate of killing of Australian Prisoners of War (POWs) by the Japanese in WW2 – indeed “People killed per day per million of relevant prisoner population” was 22.9 (Japanese killing of Australian prisoners of war in WW2 by violence and deprivation) versus for Jewish Israeli violent killing of Palestinians in the Gaza Concentration Camp 86.2 (total population), 132.3 (men), 66.7 (children), and 76.3 (women) [33]; (b) the Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio in Gaza is at least 186,000/1,200 =155 or 15.5 times greater than the Reprisals Death Ratio of 10 ordered by Nazi mass murderer Adolph Hitler and effected in the 1944 Ardeatine Cave Massacre of Italians; (c) the rate of killing of children in this Gaza Massacre is 186,000/0.75 years = 248,000 per year as compared to 1,500,000 Jewish children killed by the Nazis over 6 years i.e. 250,000 killed per year; (d) the destruction of Gaza (186,000 killed out of a pre-war population of 2.3 million or 8.1% ) is similar in order of magnitude to the % of the pre-war Jewish population killed in Italy (7.5%), (France (21.7%), Hungary (28.2%) and the Nazi-occupied Soviet Union (30.0%) [31]; (e) the rate of killing of children by Jewish Israelis in Gaza over 8 months = 136,000 children / 8 months = 17,000 children killed per month, whereas the rate of Nazi German killing of Jewish children in WW2 (74 months) = 1,500,000 children/74 months = 20,270 children killed per month) [19]; and (f) on a per capita basis Apartheid Israel in Gaza leads the world by far for the rate of killing of children and of journalists [19]. Nazi is as Nazi does. Indeed this adds to shocking list of 52 Zionist- & Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons [34], noting that an unrepentant neo-Nazi German supplied 30% of weapons to Apartheid Israel as compared to the US 69% [35]. In the last 2 decades Hamas has killed 2,000 Israelis as compared to the Israelis killing of about 200,000 Palestinians. Terrorist is as terrorist does yet the endless and false excuse of the child-killing and mendacious Zionazis for their unforgivable atrocities is asserted “terrorism”.
What must decent people do? The world united after the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre (69 Africans killed) to boycott Apartheid South Africa and eventually bring down the evil Apartheid regime. In response to the worsening Gaza Genocide (186,000 killed so far) the world must act urgently by (a) informing everyone they can, and (b) urging and applying Sanctions, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against genocidally racist and neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, companies and countries supporting this neo-Nazi rogue state in any way. Silence is complicity. Indeed anything less than comprehensive BDS against neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel and its US, US Alliance and Australian neo-Nazi pro-Apartheid supporters is complicity in genocide.
(D). The Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly fervently supports Apartheid Israel and ignores its horrific war criminality, human rights abuse, nuclear terrorism and child abuse. Nuclear armed, serial war criminal and international law-violating Apartheid Israel is a genocidally racist settler-colonialist obscenity, and ranks on a per capita basis among the world’s top militarized countries in 30 key areas of military capacity and ghastly application of military power. On a per capita basis Apartheid Israel ranks number 1 in the world in terms of military expenditure, tanks, warplanes, US military aid, killing journalists, killing children, child abuse, population expulsions, human rights abuse, denial of human rights, Apartheid, racism, and genocide. Indeed Apartheid Israel is among world leaders in 30 areas of egregious malfeasance ranging from (1) Apartheid Israel ranks as #14 out of the world’s 20 strongest militaries, to (30) Apartheid Israel is #1 in the world for intended and effected genocide [36].
(i). On a per capita basis in Gaza Apartheid Israel leads the world by far in the killing of children. Considering the estimate by Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor of 16,000 Gaza children killed by 10 July 2024, assessment as “Children killed per year per million of total territory population” reveals that Apartheid Israel in Gaza scores (16,000 children killed / 0.75 years) / 2.3 million Gaza population = 9,275 as compared to the next worse Honduras (75.7), Congo (Zaire; Ituri Province) (53.6), World (7.6), and India (Kashmir) (2.6) [36, 37]. However the estimate by The Lancet of 186,000 Gazans killed by 10 July 2024 through violence and imposed deprivation translates to 136,000 children killed by violence and imposed deprivation (importantly, in impoverished countries 70% of avoidable deaths from deprivation are of under 5 year old children [1]). Accordingly “Children killed per year per million of total territory population” in Gaza = (136,000 children killed /0.75 years)/ 2.3 million territory population = 78,841, about 1,000 times worse than for the next worse Honduras (75.7) [37]. 186,000 Gazans killed by Jewish Israeli Zionazis / 0.75 years = 248,000 killed per year as compared to 6,000,000 Jews killed by the Nazis in WW2/6 years = 1,000,000 per year (4 times more). However 136,000 Gaza children killed by Zionazis /0.75 years = 181,333 killed per year as compared to 1,500,000 Jewish children killed by Nazis/6 years = 250,000 killed per year (a similar rate of child mass murder). Thou shalt not kill children [37]. The Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly fervently supports child-killing Apartheid Israel and hence its awful crimes including child killing and Apartheid that are criminalized by the Convention on the Rights of the Child [39, 40] and the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [41], respectively, and other UN Conventions [39].
(ii). On a per capita basis in Gaza Apartheid leads the world by far in the killing of journalists reporting these Zionazi atrocities. As of 10 July 2024 about 150 journalists had been killed by Zionazis in the Gaza Concentration Camp. Accordingly “journalists killed per year per million of population” in Gaza = (150 journalists killed / 0.75 years)/2.3 million Gaza population = 87.0. journalists killed per year per million of population, as compared to 0.47 (Syria), 0.26 (Afghanistan), 0.18 (Somalia), 0.13 ( Yemen), 0.09 (Iraq), 0.08 (Mexico), 0.04 (Colombia), 0.03 (Philippines), 0.02 (Pakistan), and 0.008 (the World). In terms of “annual killing of journalists per million of territory population” Apartheid Israel in Gaza (87.0) leads the World by far, is 185 times greater than for the next worse Syria (0.47), and is about 11,000 times greater than for the World as a whole (0.008). In contrast, India (0.0027) scores 3.1 times lower than the World (0.0084) [42].
(iii). In terms of “1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation” in countries variously occupied in the post-WW2 era, serial invader Apartheid Israel ranks # 8 in the world (deaths in millions, m, in brackets): (1) UK (727 m), (2) France (142 m ), (3) US (82 m), (4) Netherlands (72 m), (5) Pakistan (51 m), (6) Russia (37 m), (7) Belgium (36 m, (8) Apartheid Israel (24 m), and (9) Portugal (23 m) [1]. Countries violated and threatened by Apartheid Israel need to divert scarce resources from health, education and infrastructure to defence, and this is reflected in this shocking avoidable mortality data. Apartheid Israel has invaded 14 countries, has occupied the territory of 5 countries, occupies the territory of 4 countries (Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon), and is presently killing people in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iran. The civilized world must use diplomatic isolation and comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) to stop this century-long, Nazi-style and continuing Zionazi killing spree.
(iv). Apartheid Israel is among the worst countries in the world for non-lethal abuse of children. About 47% of the 15 million sorely oppressed and human rights-denied Indigenous Palestinians are children and about 74% are women and children. There is massive trauma associated with 75 years of racist abuse and genocidal violence by Apartheid Israel which in Gaza on a per capita basis leads the world by far for killing children (see D(i) above). However about 50% of Israeli children are subject to psychological, physical and sexual abuse (18% of Israeli children experiencing the latter [43], as compared to 18% of children in Zionist-perverted US [43, 48] and 25% in Zionist-perverted Australia) [43, 45-48].
(E). The Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly ignores horrendous child abuse within Australia including intellectual child abuse. Indigenous under-1 year old infant mortality is 2 times that for White Australia. Zionist narcissism, bullying and mendacity has contributed to an appalling “look the other way” Australian culture which means that the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide is effectively ignored [45], as is horrendous child abuse in Australia involving continuing massive removal of Indigenous children from their mothers and disproportionate incarceration of Indigenous children [49 -56]. The former pro-Zionist Gillard Labor Government instituted a A$500 million Royal Commission into child sexual abuse that was unfortunately confined to investigating horrendous institutional child sexual abuse (notably up to 40,000 cases over the last 40 years by Catholic Church personnel). However both the Coalition and Labor continue to ignore the awful reality that 34% of Australian women and 16% of Australian men – 4.4 million Australians in all – have been subject to child sexual abuse i.e. the Coalition and Labor major parties have ignored huge non-institutional child sexual abuse [46-48]. In contrast to its declared inability to quantitate the extent of child abuse in Indigenous communities, the “Little Children are Sacred” Report (pp234-236) [47] refers to studies in America indicating that 25% of females and 10% of males experience childhood sexual abuse in the US [44] and in Australia indicating that 34% of females and 16% of males today experienced child sexual abuse [48]. About 100,000 Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their mothers leading Australian PM Kevin Rudd to publicly say “Sorry” for the so-called Stolen Generations. However the forced removal of Indigenous children in Australia continues at a record rate. There is massively disproportionate imprisonment of Indigenous Australians and of Indigenous children in particular. The new Rightist and racist Australian Northern Territory Government promises to lower the age of criminal responsibility to 10 years. There is massive Indigenous Ethnocide that continues under racist White Australian rule.
(F). The Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly egregiously lies and betrays the young and Humanity in general. The 2 key existential threats facing young Australians are nuclear weapons (a post-nuclear exchange nuclear winter will decimate Humanity and the Biosphere) [57] and climate change (the direst expert prediction is that in the absence of requisite urgent action 10 billion people will die in an ever-worsening Climate Genocide this century en route to a sustainable population by 2100 of only 1 billion people) [58, 59]. The climate criminal Coalition is effectively climate change denialist through sustained opposition to effective climate action. Climate criminal Labor is strong on rhetoric and renewable energy but criminally backs huge increases in fossil fuel extraction and export that will continue after the 2050 “deadline” of zero net emissions [60]. Under both Labor and the Coalition, Australia is among world leaders in climate criminality and with 0.3% of the world’s population has Domestic plus Exported greenhouse gas (GHG() pollution that is 5.4% of the world’s total [61].
The earlier Gillard Labor Government (2010-2013) allowed several thousand US soldiers to rotate through a base in the Northern Territory. The present US lackey Labor Government expanded this US military presence, will permit nuclear-armed B52 bombers and nuclear-armed US submarines to be based in Australia, agreed to purchase 8 nuclear-armed submarines (AI-detectable White Elephants) from the UK and US for A$400 billion (money that could have been spent on alleviating huge poverty in Australia and addressing 100,000 avoidable deaths annually from “life-style choice” and “political choice” reasons) [62], and via the Australia-UK-US (AUKUS) Agreement locks Australia into UK and US nuclear terrorism for decades. The warmongering and US lackey Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly has locked Australia into US and UK nuclear terrorism and has made Australia a prime nuclear target in any escalating nuclear exchange. The racist, mendacious, and warmongering US lackey Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly lies about US Sinophobia and nuclear terrorism.
The Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly and the Yellow Press of racist White Australia have an appalling record of lying by omission and lying by commission. Thus the Zionist-perverted Labor-Coalition Duopoly is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel and hence of Apartheid, is complicit in the Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Genocide in 20 ways [13], and disgustingly parrots 35 Zionist lies [14]. On the specious grounds of “national security” the Labor-Coalition Duopoly is massively obsessed with “secrecy”, this constituting massive lying by omission that is far, far worse than repugnant lying by commission that at least permits public refutation and public debate (subject to secret “gate-keepers” of course). Greta Thunberg has succinctly condemned the Western climate criminals with an impassioned “How dare you!”, and has responded to their massive climate criminal politician lying with “Blah, blah, blah!” Australia has a disgraceful Educational Apartheid system whereby the Federal Government lavishly funds education for the rich and religious while the secular public “state schools” serving about 65% of Australian children are grossly under-funded. The massively Federally-funded religious schools afflict their students with anti-science absurdities from “creationism” and “virgin birth” to “transubstantiation” and “rising from the dead” which most sensible students are capable of rejecting. However Federally-funded Zionist teachers brainwashing innocent Jewish Australian children into fervently believing the rightness of invading, occupying, and ethnic cleansing another country (the ancient land of Palestine) are guilty of egregious and utterly unforgivable child intellectual abuse inflicted on innocent Jewish children.
(G). The Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly wants to ban most Australian children and most children of the World from social media. The mendacious Australian Government wants to ban most Australian children under the age of 14 from accessing social media whereas the Coalition wants the ban to apply to those under 16. Not content with massive lying in support of US, UK, US Alliance and Apartheid Israeli state terrorism, nuclear terrorism and climate criminality, the Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly wants to prevent most Australian children from accessing via social media Awful Truths denied them by racist, mendacious and US-owned Mainstream media and Labor-Coalition Duopoly politicians who, as outlined above, are guilty of egregious lying by omission, lying by commission, repellent complicity in genocide in Gaza including the mass murder of children, mothers and women, and disgusting and unforgivable complicity in intellectual child abuse imposed on Australian children (silence is complicity). By bullying global social media into censorship directed at children, the child-abusing Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly wants to ban most of the world’s children from social media.
This egregious censorship to be imposed on Australian children by the Gaza genocide-complicit and hence child killing-complicit Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly is also an unforgivable attack on the culture and agency of Australia’s variously physically, psychologically and sexually abused children. Expert psychologists point out that social media provide a major and empowering social outlet for the young of the 21st century. However the genocide-complicit, child-abusing, climate criminal and children-suppressing Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly want Australian children to be out there playing sport at the expense of individually and collectively finding out how the neoliberal, warmongering, climate criminal, terracidal (planet killing), One Percenter-beholden and Truth-suppressing Duopoly psychopaths are destroying their world.
According to the IMF the average Carbon Price on global emissions is currently only US$2 per ton CO2-equivalent, whereas the damage-related Carbon Price determined independently by Professor James Hansen (Columbia) and Dr Chris Hope (Cambridge) is about US$200 per tonne CO2-equivalent. In the absence of application of a properly damage-related Carbon Price, multiplying the Carbon Pollution by the Carbon Price yields the Carbon Debt. The World has a Carbon Debt of US$200-250 trillion that is increasing at US$16 trillion per year, and Australia has a Carbon Debt of US$5 trillion (A$7 trillion) that is increasing at US$400 billion (A$570 billion) per year and at US$40,000 (A$57,000) per head per year for under-30 year old Australians. Unlike conventional debt (that can be variously evaded by defaulting, bankruptcy, running away, or printing money), Carbon Debt is an inescapable burden on future generations e.g. unless sea walls are built, cities, towns and arable land will be inundated [63]. When the young realize the magnitude of this horrific Carbon Debt imposition there will be a Revolution (hopefully peaceful) and the racist, lying and terracidal Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly (and indeed all Western neoliberal and climate criminal Duopolies) will be disempowered and consigned to the sewer of history.
The Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly for all its ferocious support for genocidal wars and the mass murder of children, mothers and women, is basically cowardly. Because Australian Governments are elected for 3 year terms, politicians are obsessed about the next election to the exclusion of most else. For this reason the cowardly Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly has decided not to proceed with foreshadowed plans to severely censor free speech for everyone in Australia, young and old, children and adults. Thus it was feared that the Zionist-subverted and Zionist-perverted Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly would tighten “hate speech” laws to make criticism of child-killing, neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel illegal as alleged “anti-Semitism”. However the cowardly, pro-Apartheid racists thought better of it.
Sensible teachers and parents recognize that social media (like society as a whole, including other media, movies, books and even schools) can have undesirable content (falsehoods, racism, sexism, pornography, fascism) but teachers and parents will sensibly educate children about bad things without the need to ban books and other media. Indeed at the age of about 60 years I was introduced by a wise American friend to J. D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye” that would have been wonderfully instructive for me as a teenager but which was banned in primitive, look-the-other-way Australia by censoring governments that opposed life-affirming literature while supporting genocidal wars and the attendant mass murder of children. One might take advice on such matters from expert child psychologists but not from the morally degenerate, genocide complicit and child killing-complicit Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly.
Imbued with instinctive dishonesty and neoliberal contempt for vulnerable Humanity, the Truth- and Kindness-violating Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly will try to impose their vile paedophobia not just on Australian children but on all children of the world by trying to make all social media bend to Australia’s will by threatening gigantic fines on global companies not following orders from the racist, war criminal and climate criminal Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly. A great contribution to human civilization was the First Amendment of the US Constitution that guarantees free speech. Unfortunately free speech is under attack in America, in particular by Trumpists, Republicans and the Religious Right. Republicans and fervently Zionist Democrats. As Kamala Harris’ running mate for Vice-President, Tim Walz, famously declared on Elon Musk’s X (formerly Twitter): “We’re notbanning books; we’re banishinghunger. It’s that simple”.
In one word Elon Musk was even more blunt in describing the Australian Labor-Coalition Duopoly that is attempting to impose censorship on most Australian children and indeed all the children of the World: “Fascists”. On 13 September 2024 I sent the following Letter to the major Australian Mainstream media (it was not published of course): “Elon Musk’s response to Labor’s media laws: “Fascists”. I agree. The core ethos of Humanity is (a) Kindness and (b) Truth but this is violated by the Labor-Coalition Duopoly. (a) Unkindness: The Zionist- and US-beholden Labor-Coalition Duopoly (i) supported all post-1950 US Asian wars (40 million deaths; Labor excepted the Vietnam War and the Iraq War), (ii) horribly and criminally persecutes refugees, (iii) ignores the huge war crimes of Australian politicians, and (iv) supports in 20 ways the genocide in Gaza of a Semitic people. (b) Untruth: The Labor-Coalition Duopoly (i) lies in support of Apartheid Israel and hence vile Apartheid in 35 ways, (ii) falsely describes Indigenous Arabs and Muslims defending their homelands from US state terrorism as “terrorists”, (iii) lies about everything from its complicity in genocide to Australia’s massive part in the existential threats to Humanity and the Biosphere from nuclear weapons and climate change, (iv) supports the anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic and holocaust-denying IHRA, (v) seeks to ban most Australian children from truth-telling on social media, and (vi) now seeks to bully social media into censoring truth and free speech. Fascist is as fascist does – Australians must kick out the fascist Labor-Coalition Duopoly” [28].
[1]. Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, 2nd edition, Korsgaard Publishing, 2021.
[2]. Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability”, 3rd edition, Korsgaard Publishing, 2022.
[3]. Gideon Polya, “US-imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”, Korsgaard Publishing, 2020.
[4]. “Report genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/reportgenocide/ .
[5]. Gideon Polya, “Racist Mainstream Ignores “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”, Countercurrents, 17 July 2020: https://countercurrents.org/2020/07/racist-mainstream-ignores-us-imposed-post-9-11-muslim-holocaust-muslim-genocide/ .
[6]. Gideon Polya, “Review: “Cambridge History of Australia” ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides”, Countercurrents, 14 October 2013: https://countercurrents.org/polya141013.htm .
[7]. Gideon Polya, “As UK Lackeys Or US Lackeys Australians Have Invaded 85 Countries (British 193, French 80, US 70)”, Countercurrents, 9 February, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya090215.htm .
[8]. “Stop state terrorism”: https://sites.google.com/site/stopstateterrorism/home .
[9]. Gideon Polya, “AUKUS & Quad In Context: Australia Violates All Indo-Pacific countries”, Countercurrents, 9 December 2021: https://countercurrents.org/2021/12/aukus-quad-in-context-australia-violates-all-indo-pacific-countries/ .
[10]. Gideon Polya, “Australia violates all Indo-Pacific countries”, Stop state terrorism, 9 December 2021: https://sites.google.com/site/stopstateterrorism/2021-12-09-australia-violates-all-indo-pacific-countries .
[11]. Gideon Polya, “Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 22 November, 2015: https://countercurrents.org/polya221115.htm .
[12]. “Experts: US did 9/11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/home .
[13]. Gideon Polya, “20 Ways Anti-Semitic Australian Labor Government Complicit In Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide”, 5 March 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/03/20-ways-anti-semitic-australian-labor-government-complicit-in-jewish-israeli-gaza-genocide/ .
[14]. Gideon Polya, “Gaza Massacre: 35 Ways Zionist-perverted US, Australia & West Lie For Child-killing, Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 23 November 2023: https://countercurrents.org/2023/11/gaza-massacre-35-ways-zionist-perverted-us-australia-west-lie-for-child-killing-neo-nazi-apartheid-israel/ .
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[18]. Gideon Polya, “186,000 Killed: Gaza Genocide Enabled by Massive Zionist & Western Lying By Omission & Lying By Commission”, Countercurrents, 12 August 2024:
[19]. Gideon Polya, “Proof: Orwellian Australian Mainstream Media & Politicians Lie For Genocidally Racist Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 31 July 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/07/proof-orwellian-australian-mainstream-media-politicians-lie-for-genocidally-racist-apartheid-israel/ .
[20]. Gideon Polya, “US Lackey Australian Labor Government Betrays Humanity Over Existential Nuclear Threat: Put Labor Last”, Countercurrents, 26 July 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/07/us-lackey-australian-labor-government-betrays-humanity-over-existential-nuclear-threat-put-labor-last/ .
[21]. Gideon Polya, “Racist & Lying Australian & Western Mainstream Disappear 186,000 Gaza Genocide Deaths”, Countercurrents, 18 July 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/07/racist-lying-australian-western-mainstream-disappear-186000-gaza-genocide-deaths/ .
[22]. Gideon Polya, “Zionist-Perverted Western Mainstream Media Ignore 186,000 Palestinian Deaths In Apartheid Israeli Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 15 July 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/07/zionist-perverted-western-mainstream-media-ignore-186000-palestinian-deaths-in-apartheid-israeli-gaza-genocide/ .
[23]. “The Lancet: 186,000 Palestinians Killed By Violence And Imposed Deprivation In Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 9 July 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/07/the-lancet-186000-palestinians-killed-by-violence-and-imposed-deprivation-in-gaza-genocide/ .
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[27]. “Gideon Polya”: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/home .
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[29]. Gideon Polya, “Payman Breakthrough: Australian Labor Senator Fatima Payman Condemns Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide, Human Rights Denial & Occupation”, Countercurrents, 17 May 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/05/breakthrough-australian-labor-senator-fatima-payman-condemns-jewish-israeli-gaza-genocide-human-rights-denial-occupation/ .
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[31]. Martin Gilbert, “Jewish History Atlas”, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1969.
[32]. Gideon Polya, “IDF Killed Israelis On 7 October Enabling 9/11-style Excuse For Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 31 December 2023: https://countercurrents.org/2023/12/idf-killed-israelis-on-7-october-enabling-9-11-style-excuse-for-gaza-genocide/ .
[33]. Gideon Polya, “Comparing Mass Murder of Prisoners By Japanese (Australians, WW2) & By Jewish Israelis (Palestinians, Gaza)”, Countercurrents, 26 May 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/05/comparing-mass-murder-of-prisoners-by-japanese-australians-ww2-by-jewish-israelis-palestinians-gaza/ .
[34]. Gideon Polya, “A shocking list of 52 Zionist- & Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons”, Countercurrents,7 August 2021: https://countercurrents.org/2021/08/a-shocking-list-of-52-zionist-apartheid-israeli-nazi-germany-comparisons/ .
[35]. Gideon Polya, “Unrepentant Neo-Nazi Germany Complicit In Palestinian Genocide & Ongoing Gaza Massacre”, Countercurrents, 11 April 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/04/unrepentant-neo-nazi-germany-complicit-in-palestinian-genocide-ongoing-gaza-massacre/ .
[36]. Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel Among World’s Leading Countries For Militarization, Violence, Abuse And Genocide”, Countercurrents, 16 May 2023: https://countercurrents.org/2023/05/apartheid-israel-among-worlds-leading-countries-for-militarization-violence-abuse-and-genocide/ .
[37]. Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel Among World Leaders For Killing Children”, Countercurrents, 15 June 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/06/apartheid-israel-among-world-leaders-for-killing-children/ .
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[39]. Gideon Polya, “Australia must stop Zionist subversion and join the World in comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters”, Subversion of Australia, 15 April 2021: https://sites.google.com/site/subversionofaustralia/2021-04-15 .
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[42]. Gideon Polya, “Remember Shireen Abu Akleh: Apartheid Israel Leads The World For Killing Journalists”, 6 June 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/06/remember-shireen-abu-akleh-apartheid-israel-leads-the-world-for-killing-journalists/ .
[43]. Gideon Polya, “ Horrendous Pro-Zionist, Zionist And Apartheid Israeli Child Abuse Exposed”, Countercurrents, 21 April 2014: https://countercurrents.org/polya210414.htm .
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[46]. Gideon Polya, “Horrendous child abuse by pro-war, pro-Zionist, climate criminal Australian Coalition Governments”, Countercurrents, 4 December 2013 : http://www.countercurrents.org/polya041213. h t m .
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[49]. Dechlan Brennan, “Children come out more harmed than when they went in”: Peak Indigenous children’s body decries NT government’s age of criminal responsibility pledge”, National Injhdigenius Times, 27 August 2024: https://nit.com.au/27-08-2024/13344/children-come-out-more-harmed-than-when-they-went-in-peak-indigenous-childrens-body-decries-nt-governments-age-of-criminal-responsibility-pledge .
[50]. Gideon Polya, “Film Review: “Utopia” By John Pilger Exposes Genocidal Maltreatment Of Indigenous Australians By Apartheid Australia”, Countercurrents, 14 March, 2014: https://countercurrents.org/polya140314.htm .
[51]. Paddy Gibson, “Stolen futures”, Overland , Spring 2013: http://overland.org.au/previous-issues/issue-212/feature-paddy-gibson/ .
[52]. Katharine Murphy, “Indigenous child removal rate risks “second stolen generation”, Kevin Rudd warns”, Guardian, 13 February 2017: https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2017/feb/13/indigenous-child-removal-rate-risks-second-stolen-generation-kevin-rudd-warns .
[53].David Shoebridge, “Stolen Generation continues – time to break the silence”, 13 February 2014: http://davidshoebridge.org.au/2014/02/13/stolen-generation-continues-time-to-break-the-silence/ . ”
[54]. Jo Caffery, Patrick McConvell, and Jane Simpson, “Gaps in Australia’s Indigenous language policy”, AIATSIS, December 2009: https://aiatsis.gov.au/publications/products/gaps-australias-indigenous-language-policy-dismantling-bilingual-education-northern-territory .
[55]. Isabella Tolhurst and Myles Houlbrook-Walk, “16 years on from Stolen Generations apology speech, advocates call for more action to close the gap on Indigenous out-of-home care”, ABC News, 13 February 2024: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-13/concerns-over-indigenous-children-out-of-home-care-statistics/103458394 .
[56]. Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel’s Palestinian Genocide & Australia’s Aboriginal Genocide Compared”, Countercurrents, 20 February 2018: https://countercurrents.org/2018/02/apartheid-israels-palestinian-genocide-australias-aboriginal-genocide-compared/ .
[57]. “Nuclear weapons ban, end poverty & reverse climate change”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/nuclear-weapons-ban .
[58]. “Climate Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/climategenocide/ .
[59]. Gideon Polya, “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions”, Korsgaard Publishing, 2020.
[60]. The Australia Institute, “Coal mine tracker”: https://australiainstitute.org.au/initiative/coal-mine-tracker/ .
[61]. Gideon Polya, “Australian National Anti-Corruption Commission Rejects Submissions Re Huge Australian War Crimes and Carbon Debt”, Countercurrents, 2 October 2023: https://countercurrents.org/2023/10/australian-national-anti-corruption-commission-rejects-submissions-re-huge-australian-war-crimes-and-carbon-debt/ .
[62]. Gideon Polya, “Rich Australia Ignores 100,000 Preventable Deaths Annually: The Cost Of Neoliberalism & Lying”, Countercurrents, 29 September 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/09/rich-australia-ignores-100000-preventable-deaths-annually-the-cost-of-neoliberalism-lying/ .
[63]. Gideon Polya, “Cowardly New Australian Labor Government Fails On Nuclear Weapons, Poverty & Climate Change”, Countercurrents, 6 July 2022: https://countercurrents.org/2022/07/cowardly-new-australian-labor-government-fails-on-nuclear-weapons-poverty-climate-change/ .
Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds” (2003). He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2021), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (1998, 2008, 2022), “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020), “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” (2024), and contributed to Soren Korsgaard (editor) “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published – Dangerous Deception Exposed!” (2020). For images of Gideon Polya’s huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: http://sites.google.com/site/artforpeaceplanetmotherchild/ .