If Good-Hearted Aliens Ever Come to Earth, They will be Shocked Out of their Wits by the Injustices and Distortions They See

Gaza Children

There has been much creative imagination regarding what kind of inter-actions human beings are likely to have with any aliens from outer space if they ever actually come to earth. One thing is for sure—if any good hearted aliens actually get to see the present day conditions of earth they will be shocked out of their wits by the extreme injustices and inequalities that exist here, and perhaps even more by its wars and the weapons of mass destruction.

In the recent widely acclaimed film from India titled PK, which attracted audiences in many countries, one reason why people found the alien from another planet played by Aamir Khan so interesting related to the questions he raised about several incongruities and absurdities of our everyday life. These are now so much interwoven into our daily life that we take these for granted, but stand aside to reflect for a while, and these are actually revealed to be not just absurd but often quite harmful.  

        PK, the movie alien, however was only commenting on the day-to-day life he saw around him on earth. Supposing some aliens from outer space also come to examine and study the most critical political, economic and environmental issues of our planet, then they are likely to be much more disturbed by the very serious distortions regarding the way in which the present day world is structured- distortions which are extremely threatening and yet most people here have got used to accepting these as a given fact of our life.

        The aliens are first likely to express their greatest surprise at the weapons of mass destruction (particularly nuclear weapons) stored in several parts of the world. The aliens are likely to say, “We just can’t understand why you are so keen to manufacture and store something which can destroy your entire planet.”

        When they see how most powerful leaders are taking the world on a path where the use of nuclear weapons become more likely, they are to cry out in anguish and anger, “Are you people mad? Are you out to destroy all the life on planet? Who gave you the right to do this”?

       When aliens see the plans for AI weapons and for space warfare, they are likely to become even more incensed and shout, “So you are taking your destructiveness even to space. This just cannot be allowed.”   

       When the study team of aliens looks up all the facts on the most destructive forms of environmental ruin, it is likely to comment, “We just cannot comprehend how the leaders of earth can endanger the life-systems of their planet to such an extent, and then behave as though they have no responsibility for this? Why are the steps needed to check these most serious environmental problems not being taken? Why have greenhouse gas emissions continued to increase after their dangers have become evident? We just cannot understand how such dangerous things are allowed to happen on your planet? Do you have no concern for the life of your children and grand children?”

        These aliens are likely to be quite upset by all the air and water pollution, “When your air pollution is so harmful, why timely steps to check this are neglected? What have you done to your rivers and oceans? Of course you know how critical are these for life-systems yet you care so little to protect them! We just can’t understand why you continue to spend billions on weapons and atom bombs, yet do so little to save life giving systems of land, rivers and oceans!!”

        The scholars from another planet are likely to shake their heads in disbelief and exclaim, “We just cannot see any sense in this. At some places a few thousand people are called a nation. In other places over a billion people or ten thousand times that number are called a nation. What is your criteria for defining a nation? Is there any criteria at all? Yet you fight such bloody wars over a few kilometres of borders? Then at the United Nations you give one vote to a nation with a few thousand people, and also one vote to a country which may have ten thousand times more people. Also at the United Nations you give veto rights to those countries which make the most destructive weapons and invade others with no concern for international law. How does your system work? Is there a system at all?”

        The aliens are likely to become quite anguished when they see hungry people, people sweltering in heat waves and shivering in cold waves under the open sky, people dying due to denial of basic medicines and health care. “Hey, what kind of people are you? You go on building atom bombs but cannot give food to the hungry. You are building such towering skyscrapers but don’t provide shelters to millions of homeless. Half of your population is obese due to overeating, half is hungry and malnourished. You spend billions on liquor and smoking, but cannot provide milk to hungry children? What kind of a world have you created on this beautiful planet?”

        The aliens are likely to remain dumb with shock for some time before they can say, “Can’t believe this, we cannot believe this at all. This data on rapes, abuse of children, domestic violence! What kind of world have you created? You call this civilization?”

        Their anger may shoot up further when they say ”You say you are the most evolved species on this earth, man, but what have you done to all other animals, birds, fish and insects? Your own books say that the extinction rate of species is now hundred times more than it was before you human beings appeared on earth. Do you think that the earth exists only for you? Why have you killed billions of other animals and birds in horribly cruel way?”

        Then the aliens may reflect for some time before saying, “How can we expect you to be kind to other forms of life when you can be so cruel to fellow human beings? Where are the original people of America and Australia? Did they not die in vast numbers because of the pursuit of greed and conquest? Why do you believe so much in conquest and domination? Why killing of other people is celebrated as bravery? Why do you always try to dominate others? Why do you discriminate so much among your own fellow human beings on the basis of colour, caste or religion? Why are you so often unjust to your own women folk?”

        Then coming close to some concerns of PK, the aliens may say, “You guys are divided so much on the basis of religion, while religion should show the path of working together for the welfare of others. This is spirituality- helping others with compassion- but in your case we daily see people being killed and injustice being done in the name of religion. How can this lead to spiritual progress?”

        It is difficult to imagine what kind of reply the leadership of our world will provide to the study team from another planet, but one can imagine that it will be extremely difficult for the world leadership to provide any satisfactory answers. One can also imagine that the world’s leaders will be most uncomfortable when faced with this barrage of comments and questions from the alien visitors.

        But at least we ordinary people should face this question honestly- isn’t there a lot of truth in these comments and questions? Even without any aliens questioning us, shouldn’t we all worry about these basic issues? How can we go on squabbling over petty things while ignoring the basic issues? After all, isn’t it true that the safety and well-being of the people of our planet is being endangered and sacrificed in very serious ways? If this is true, then it is time we all get together to challenge this and oppose this, for our own sake and for the sake of our children, for the well-being and safety of the generations to come.

Bharat Dogra is Honorary Convener, Campaign to Save Earth Now. His recent books include Planet in Peril, Protecting Earth for Children, A Day in 2071 and Man over Machine.


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