The embedded mainstream media, owned by this Military Industrial Empire, has made Socialism synonymous with Communism. That makes the ( sadly) dumbed down public think of the old Soviet Union with its totalitarianism. They are made to believe that Big Brother will run all our goods and services, with no personal hands on. Well, this writer’s choice of salvation for us all is a bit different than that. Let’s examine where I am coming from.
Imagine a nation where local communities have public mortgage banks with no profits. You need to purchase a home and flee the tentacles of a private landlord? Well, first off, under true socialism the community would own all rental property, again nonprofit. Thus, leases on residential and commercial space would cost much less… for starters. On top of that why not have the community keep perhaps 10% of each month’s rent in escrow? When the tenant wishes to buy that space the money held would go towards a down payment. Now, getting back to securing a mortgage, the community owned bank would be charging a lot less than current prices. Translated: If the private mortgage bank is charging, let us say, 5%, the public bank could charge at least HALF OF THAT, and that includes the costs of overhead. Millions of renters would now pay LESS to own rather than rent at current rates. Say bye bye to absentee landlords, the scourge of society.
Since law enforcement, the military and so many other important functions to keep us safe are actually socialist devices, why not expand things? Why do we need privately owned utilities, which are profit making? Let the local and state governments own the means of energy, again nonprofit. You want lower electrical bills? You’ll have them. When you go to the gas pump and see how much of the price per gallon goes for taxes, perhaps we need to nationalize the oil companies. Pay off those bandits and make things nonprofit, and you’ll see drastically lower prices.
So many of us never realized what eminent domain is all about. Well, here it is :
Seize private property for public use
Eminent domain is the right of governments like the United States to seize private property for public use, following fair compensation. Everything from airspace, land, and contract rights to intellectual property is subject to eminent domain if a case can be made for its public use.
Let’s go on a bit and discuss the health of our nation’s 330+ million citizens. Isn’t it time we had Complete Government Run National Healthcare? Look at the mess that these private insurers have created. Do I really need to make a legitimate argument here? We deserve Medicare for All for every damn one of us, regardless of age etc. You look at the mess that private equity companies have created by owning hospitals and medical practices. How many horror stories do we need to hear about what hospitals failed to do, or charged people into personal bankruptcy? With this new scam of Medicare Advantage Plans we get less care and more restrictions. Years ago, before this writer ‘ Knew better’ I was hoodwinked by a insurance broker to sign up for one of those plans. When my ENT doc wanted to do a procedure on my deviated septum, Humana twice, not once, but twice, refused to sanction it. When my wife, a year too young to get Medicare, was rushed by ambulance to the ER for a painful kidney stone. After three hours in the unit she was able to pass the stone… at the cost to us of over $3000 for ambulance and ER charges. And she had Blue Cross hospitalization ($ 700 a month in premiums spanning 15 years) which only covered peanuts… because technically she was NOT admitted into the hospital, only the ER.
Taxes, taxes, taxes. We all hate them but they are supposed to grease the wheels of government. How many of you out there realize that when JFK took office in ’61 the top federal income tax rate was 90%, before the accountant used his pencil? When Reagan took office the top rate was 70%, about half of what today’s top rate is. So, the top bracketed folks have it pretty damn good. Meanwhile, the Payroll tax stays the same at 7.75 % for us working stiffs on salaries or as independent contractors. Well, under The Farruggio Surtax Plan all income over $ One Million per year would see a Flat Surtax of 50%… with NO deductions of any kind. The first $ one million would be taxed as presently with the top rate of I believe 35%, before of course the accountant’s pencil. Translated: The Super Rich would be able to keep half of what they earn over the $ one million threshold, and the balance going right to our treasury. Imagine how much money that would bring in to strengthen our safety net?
Under a Socialist economy the government could really nurture small business. How about, as former Labor Sec. under Clinton Prof. Robert Reich offered, a Payroll Tax Forgiveness for workers and their employers? The caveat would be that this plan would only cover small businesses with less than 100 employees. If the 7.75% of payroll was forgiven for both the worker AND the employer, and it only covered a ceiling of earnings up to $25,000, that is a savings of over $1900 per year for both parties. If this was then made tax free, imagine what working stiffs could do with that close to $2000 per year? Their boss could conceivably use this savings to make improvements on the business or even offer bonuses for the employees. This plan would also, and this is key, discourage business owners from hiring the undocumented ‘Off the books’ as they say. A Win Win.
I think I covered some of the advantages of a Socialist economy. Bottom line: If we wish to free our nation from the selfishness and greed of this empire, socialism offers that.
Philip A Farruggio is a free lance columnist, host of a radio interview show and lifelong Anti War Activist. He is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, Class of ’74. He has a blog on the website produced by Chuck Gregory. You can find Philip’s work on many sites such as Countercurrents, Dissident Voice, Nation of Change and Muck Rack. Philip can be reached at [email protected]