Politics of bulldozer raj!

Some low-budget houses were bulldozed in a Muslim locality in Ahmedabad.

This is an inhuman and fascist act against the Dalits, Adivasis and minority communities living in India to destroy the existence of a particular community on the lines of Hitler. The same is being done by the Jews who were tortured because of the same Hitler to the Palestinian people of Gaza Strip and West Bank. While some of the survivors of Hitler’s torture are still alive and despite having suffered such atrocities themselves, the same Jews are doing the same to the Palestinian people today.

Whether it is Narendra Modi or the Chief Minister of any state of India, everyone takes oath on our Constitution at the time of assuming office and works on that post. But despite all these great men violating that oath, why is no action taken to remove them from those posts? For example, after seeing the 2002 Gujarat riots, the then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee had told Narendra Modi that “You did not follow Rajdharma!” Such a large scale riot was organized in the state, and was it enough to just say “You did not follow Rajdharma”? Why did Atal Bihari Vajpayee not immediately dismiss Narendra Modi from the post of Chief Minister? On the contrary, Narendra Modi remained Chief Minister three times in a row! And Prime Minister three times too! Was this not a violation of our country’s Constitution?

Similarly, in which law is the right to demolish the houses of people of minority community with bulldozer written after Khargone riots during the tenure of Chief Ministers Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Adityanath of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh? Was the same action taken by the then Chief Minister Narendra Modi in Gujarat after the Gujarat riots? On the contrary, both these Chief Ministers in their oath of office in front of the Governor said, “I am taking oath as the Chief Minister of this state from today! I assure that I will perform my duties as the Chief Minister without any discrimination to protect the life and finances of all the citizens living in this state.” Have Shivraj Singh Chauhan and Adityanath fulfilled their oath while being on the post of Chief Minister?

Why does our Supreme Court need to intervene in these matters? Today our Supreme Court had to take cognizance of this matter! And they had to say that no one’s house can be demolished with a bulldozer! But is just saying this enough? These people have violated the oath they took while assuming office! So why are they not being dismissed immediately?

I have heard that during the British rule, those people who had tried to rebel against their government, their houses and fields were ploughed. In a village named Ashti in Wardha district of Maharashtra, after Mahatma Gandhi’s announcement of Quit India Movement on 8 August 1942, within a week, some people in Ashti tried to hoist the tricolor flag in the courtyard of the local police station. So some people were shot dead at the same place. In which my friend Dr. Arun Malpe’s father Dr. Govind Malpe was the first martyr. And my friend was in his mother’s womb. Their property was confiscated and the crops standing in their fields were destroyed by ploughing them. That was the British government. But this act of demolishing the houses of people mainly from the minority community by running bulldozers on behalf of the governments formed by our own people is an indecent, inhuman and communal act. Which is a violation of the Constitution of our country.

The decision taken by the Supreme Court of our country against the political action of BJP’s bulldozer for religious polarization! It is a resounding slap on the face of the ruling party BJP, after taking oath on the Constitution of India! After destroying the settlements of Hindus and Muslims with bulldozers first! On the lines of Palestine’s Gaza Strip, West Bank and Jerusalem City! And now the act of dividing the two communities by erecting walls between the settlements of Hindus and Muslims! Dividing settlements within India! And that too in the name of law and order? Already the Sangh has been continuously defaming the minority community for the last hundred years! Today this situation has come! And this is the unique way to get rid of it!

Khargone is a district of Madhya Pradesh’s Nimar region located next to Barwani! And being in the region of Narmada river! It is a rich area of ​​extremely fertile land and good quality wheat and all kinds of crops! From which school did the current collector of this place study? After seeing his attitude, it seems! That he seems to have a more mischievous mind than the Sangh!

Generally, those working in the administrative sector, any officer should know this in his training, whether it is an IAS or an IPS cadet. India is a country of multi-faceted culture. And keeping in view the customs and thoughts of the people living in it, their food habits, lifestyle, marriage and other religious festivals, the administration has given due respect to the lifestyle of all. Creating an environment for all communities to live in peace and harmony is the first duty. But the collector of Khargone seems to have a deeply communal mindset. Otherwise, where does the idea of ​​carrying out such acts come from? And it is useless to expect anything from the government of Madhya Pradesh.

Our constitution also gives due respect to all religions and maintains mutual brotherhood. Any administrative step should be taken keeping this in mind. It seems that the District Magistrate of Khargone, after the Khargone riots, has committed the crime of building walls between the settlements of Hindu and Muslim communities. Not only walls between two settlements, but he has also built mental walls between the two communities forever. This step in the name of maintaining law and order is very wrong.

Already the communal elements of both the communities! To achieve their petty political gains! They keep on instigating both the communities! And because of spreading false propaganda! They keep on instigating them continuously! Instead of controlling those few mischievous elements! It is absolutely wrong to build walls! This seems like a conspiracy to destroy the possibility of both the communities living together in the future! By building walls! This District Magistrate is making a mockery of the Constitution of India! Other members of the Indian Administrative Service should immediately take cognizance of this and stop this! Otherwise, there is a possibility of communal tension increasing further in this way!

There have been many riots in the seventy-five years of India’s independence! But after that, bulldozers! That too only on the houses of people from the minority community! After running it in Khargone! Now this plan to build walls between the two communities! The local administration is going to implement the act of strengthening the Sangh’s radical Hindutva! And according to which law are they doing all this?
There was a riot in Khargone on 10th April. So after that riot, the administration of Khargone started bulldozing the houses of the Muslim community. Which was recently imitated in Allahabad. And the same Khargone administration has now started building walls between the houses of the two communities. It is not just about building a concrete wall. It is an act of strengthening the mental walls already existing between the two communities.

Mutual trust will never be built by such actions. Unless two different people meet and talk about their joys and sorrows, how will mutual understanding and brotherhood be developed? On the contrary, due to lack of exchange with each other, there is a possibility of mutual misunderstandings increasing.

Ten years ago, I saw such 25-30 feet high walls between Arabs and Jews in Gaza Strip and West Bank of Palestine and inside the city of Jerusalem. Today, after 75 years (1948), peace between Arabs and Jews is a far cry. Civil war is continuing. Rockets and mortars and now new technology drone attacks are increasing continuously on each other. And it is turning into ruins.

Doesn’t the collector of Khargone know all this? And if he doesn’t, then he has no right to remain in the post of District Magistrate even for a moment. He is committing the crime of destroying the thousands of years old tradition of living together in our country and destroying the remaining goodwill. I would like to humbly request the Chief Secretary of Madhya Pradesh to immediately remove such an officer from Khargone and warn him to refrain from such acts in future and to discharge his administrative responsibilities by truly following the rules of the Indian Administrative Service.

I would like to tell one thing to the people of the Sangh that “you people may launch a campaign of defamation against the minority communities and build physical and mental walls, but the people of the minority community who have been living here for thousands of years are going to stay in this country and are not going anywhere else and no other country is going to let them come here. This is the truth.” Even if the Sanghis do not have any disagreement with anyone, they talk of sending them to Pakistan as if Pakistan is their dumping yard. Fools should know that it has been more than seventy-five years that India and Pakistan are two different countries. And no one has left Pakistan and come to India. And no one who left India has gone to Pakistan. On the contrary, in seventy-five years, due to the continuous promotion of communal politics by Hindutvaists and Islamists, no person can easily go to both the countries. This is the truth. Once you have been to Europe or America, you can easily go there. But it is difficult to travel between India and Pakistan! I am writing this based on my personal experiences as the Vice President of India Pakistan and Bangladesh Forum!

Today, for more than fifty years, more than 10-15 lakh Bihari Muslims are stuck in Bangladesh! Pakistan is not accepting them! Neither is Bangladesh! Similarly, I have seen Palestinian refugees living in camps! Beirut, Damascus, Cairo, Istanbul, Diyarbakir and the ghettos of other Islamic countries! Seeing them in a condition worse than that of Kashmiri Pandits, I did not feel like eating or drinking anything there!
The same situation was seen with the Bihari Muslims living in Dhaka’s Geneva camp! Open drainage, huge garbage and due to that, flies infestation! And even today they are forced to live a homeless life! It has been more than fifty years since Bangladesh became independent! And that too despite all of them being Sunni Muslims! Because the Bangladesh government is not giving them citizenship! Today all of them are living a helpless life! Neither can they get any job! And they are not allowed to do any proper business! Imagine their children born in the last fifty years are speaking the Bengali language! And have become absorbed in the culture of Bengal! Now there is no justification left in calling them Pakistani agents!
But the partition of 75 years ago forced the Muslims of India to go to Pakistan and Bangladesh too. Bihari Muslims migrated from Bhagalpur, Munger, Sahebganj, Godda, Muzaffarpur, Khagaria, Purnia, Kishanganj and other areas of Bihar with great hopes on the appeal of General Ayub Khan.

And due to the formation of independent Bangladesh in 1971, these people were left in limbo. Pakistan is not accepting them. And India is already out of luck. Then Bangladesh is left. But today, for more than fifty years, Bangladesh has been delaying giving them citizenship of their country. And that too despite them being from the Sunni Muslim community.

This is said in the Sangh branch! “Islam is in danger!” By saying this, all the Muslim countries come together! And for the people of the Muslim community, there are Muslim countries all over the world! For the people of Hindu religion, which other country is there except India? (Some of the people who have gone out of India are becoming the heads of those foreign countries!)

The Indian Muslims who went to Pakistan in 1946-47 are called Muhajirs. And even today Pakistan looks at them with suspicion. Which Islamic countries are you talking about? Some of my Muslim acquaintances had to return to India even after living in Saudi Arabia for more than thirty years because they were not given citizenship there. India has the second largest population of Muslims in the world. And will continue to do so in the future.

No matter how many riots you carry out in Bhagalpur, Gujarat, Muzaffarnagar, Khargone! How many people can you kill in these riots? Today, the population of Muslims in India is around 30 to 40 crores! And after all the war exercises in the world! The number of people killed in any war is not so much! It does not go beyond a few lakhs! So the Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains, Lingayats, Mahanubhav, Kabir Panthi, and Seculars living in India! And the tribals have no religion at all! They are nature worshippers!

Inventing a unanimous way to live life with everyone! This can be the only way to live in peace! Twelve months and seventeen days! While glaring at each other! How long can we live? And now, after seventy-five years of independence, on the occasion of the next twenty-five years! Amrit Kaal has been announced!

So we really have to move towards Amrit Kaal! Then without an atmosphere of true peace and goodwill in the country, this journey is likely to be a poisonous one! The Sangh believes in fascist ideas! But what happened to Italy and Germany ninety years ago? This history is present! Now even uttering the word fascist is prohibited there! So the Sangh Parivar should learn a lesson from history! There is a need to think about its so-called Hindutva ideas!

Otherwise, the undivided India was on the verge of disintegration 77 years ago. Similarly, by chanting Hindutva, this country is likely to be broken into pieces like an amoeba. Khalistan slogans have started being raised again in Punjab. So, there will be no moral right to stop them from talking about Hindutva and Khalistan or Dalitsthan or Adivasistan or Dravidsthan.

That is why the constitution makers of our country have created the constitution of our country after almost three years of hard work. Therefore, respecting it, running the government honestly according to it! This could be the right solution. Just taking oath as Prime Minister or Chief Minister by placing hand on the constitution will not work. To really follow that oath honestly! And not to spread poisonous propaganda against minority communities in Sangh branches! Or to use language to teach them a lesson while being the Chief Minister! It is a violation of Raj Dharma!

But this act of the Khargone administration is to draw a line of division within India! I condemn this act of destroying the multifaceted culture of India! And posing a threat to the unity and integrity of our country! And I would like to humbly request the Chief Secretary of Madhya Pradesh! “To immediately take a decision to remove such a mischievous District Magistrate and take a decision to send a good administrative officer to Khargone!”

Dr. Suresh Khairnar is Ex. President of Rashtra Sewa Dal

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