The Rise of Er Rashid And Beyond

Er Rashid

The emergence of political leaders is determined by many factors. Social, political, cultural and economic factors are among the most important dynamics which give emergence to of leaders.

In modern history of Kashmir the emergence of political leaders has been largely determined by the political context and factors. The leaders in Kashmir history have not been able to stand by the expectations of the general masses and deliver what was expected from them.

 Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah emerged a tall political figure in the backdrop of Dogra Rule over Kashmir, liberation of Indian continent from long British rule followed by partition of the country. The invasion of Pakistan in Kashmir.  He was perhaps the only political leader of modern Kashmir who carried many reformative policies and measures in Kashmir history. However, he is largely being accused of selling out Kashmir. His instrument of accession with India and other accords especially Indira-Abdullah accord in 1975 with New Delhi are considered historical blunders of Abdullah no matter what were social, economic conditions at that moment of time.

The emergence of militancy in late 1980’s in Kashmir put Kashmir upside down. The government and administration were paralyzed. The law and order, civil and criminal disputes were taken up by insurgents. There was chaos and anarchy everywhere. This political situation gave birth to many leaders but Syed Ali Shah Geelani emerged a new face of political leaders in Kashmir. Although Geelani’s thought and speeches were centric to Islam but common masses were moved by his lexical, deep sentiments and hidden anger against Abdullahs.

Although the successor of Sheikh Abdullah became his son but he could not emerge as a political figure among masses. He was generally looked as stooge of Delhi or installed Chief Minister.  Due to armed conflict the successor of Sheikh Abdullah, Dr Farooq Abdullah could not reach to the hearts of people. Although during this period Geelani emerged as a popular political leader but his affiliation to separatist camp left a void of political leadership in mainstream politics and parties. A space of a leader who people longed to take up their daily issues, (sadak, pani and bijli) speak of their sufferings.  Mufti Mohammad Syed founder of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) exploited this opportunity very well and emerged as a new leader in mainstream politics. He filled the void in mainstream politics and became Chief Minister of erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir. His collaboration with Bhartiya Janta Party (BJP) and continuous sufferings of people due to armed struggle could not take him to the stature which otherwise would have been possible. Whatever good he and  his government had done in his tenure was all in vain due to his failure to stand by the expectations of the people.

His successor Mehbooba Mufti badly failed to get recognized and emerge as a leader of people. Her policies and justification of killing of youth not only created a great vacuum for a leader in mainstream politics but almost wiped out PDP.

It was in this backdrop Sheikh Abdul Rashid popularly known as Er. Rashid came in to lime light. His theatric politics, use of common lexical, simplicity, darnas, and open criticism to policies of government made him popular. There was no one even within the separatists’ camps who could parallel Geelani. He was the only leader in separatist camps who had mass appeal and influence. Geelani left no scope for any person to emerge as a political leader rather a political figure with separatist lexical, methodology and approach.

 It was only possible with political context of Kashmir that Er. Rashid emerged as a political leader. The need for a political leader was created by the decision of Indian government to scrap special status of Jammu and Kashmir by abrogation of article 370 of Indian Constitution. 

Interactions and observations reveal that the incarceration of Er. Rashid in Tihar Jail helped him to great extent to emerge as a leader. It was only possible in the absence of Syed Ali Shah Geelani who died in 2021.   There have been many political factors which helped Er. Rashid to defeat former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Omer Abdullah with huge margin of 2,04142 votes in Parliamentary elections. The absence of Geelani, his election boycott politics, tight noose on people with separatist approach created huge lacuna in separatist camps and Er. Rashid was deemed an alternative by people.

Emergence and beyond

The victory of Er. Rashid over former Chief Minister in Parliamentary elections catapulted him to a  political leader of the masses. This victory with huge margin of votes was beyond the expectations of his supporters and sponsors. Immediately after the victory of Er. Rashid many people started to have close ties with the family of Er. Rashid. Most of them looked him as a new rising sun in Kashmir politics. Looking at upcoming assembly elections in Kashmir many people started to eye a ticket of AIP (Party founded by Er. Rashid) to contest in assembly elections. This kind of response and approach gave confidence to Er. Rashid’s family who have earlier contented people that they have nothing with politics and want just their family member out of jail by the vote of people. Looking at changing political environment the brother of Er. Rashid resigned from regular government services which otherwise is rare in Indian context especially in conflict zones.

The jumping of family members in active politics and distribution of tickets to different candidates by AIP has fired back. Interactions and observations reveal that many people interpret it as a betrayal by Er. Rashid. Although AIP seems to have great impact in electoral process in Kashmir the graph of popularity seems on decline.

A young student of globally renowned Central University, Jamia Millia Isalmia New Delhi said, “Er. tries to be a new Sheikh Abdullah but he forgot it is a new world with new political order and mindset. His theatrics are no more hidden. What does he think bowing at airport at Srinagar, to show emotions, befool people? Not so.Things are different. Why he (Er.) bowed in full public glare at airport? Had it been out of emotions, love he would have bowed immediately after de-boarding the plane”, he sighed.

A person in thirties said, “I am shameful of myself for casting vote and forcing my family, friend and relatives to caste vote in favour of Er. Rashid. I was fooled rather cheated by Abrar (son of Er. Rashid). He said I have nothing with politics this vote he begged for his father. Why is not he shameful of dancing video clipping with iphone in elections campaign”.

Many nietizens roasted Abrar for displaying and clicking with iphone 14. They question their source of income and affordability to such sophisticated and elite gadgets.

A 45 years old person while expressing his opinion, narrated me a story from Masnavi of Jalal U din Rumi to relate present situation. He said:

History of Ksashmir is history of cheat and fraud there have been leaders who deceived naïve people and consider them sheep and goats.

A famous Sufi poet Rumi, narrates the story of a Jewish King his Vazir and Chritians. Listen it carefully and understand the things.

Once there was a cruel Jewish King who used to persecute the Christians. He adopted every method to exterminate their faith but all in vain. He was frustrated and tired but desperate to exterminate their faith. One day he called his Vazir and discussed the matter with him. Vazir persuaded the king to try a stratagem, namely, to mutilate the Vazir himself, and expel him from his court for having Christian faith. With this I might take refuge with the Christains, gain their sympathy, and stir up mutual dissensions amongst them. The king adopted the idea proposed by the Vazir and executed the plan. Vazir fled to the Christians, and found no difficulty in persuading them that he had been punished so brutally on account of his attachment to Jesus and Christian faith. The Vazir soon gained complete influence over Christians and accepted as a saintly martyr and a divine noble teacher sent by Jesus as a savior.   Only a few discerning people divined his treachery; the majority were all deluded by him.

Er. Rashid is today’s Jewish Vazir who has set the plan and asked his masters to execute it.  He is the one who used to criticize Geelani, write against him and today presenting him as a hero. Saying that Kashmir people have to resolve Kashmir Issue. An issue which International Organizations and institutions failed to resolve. Which mighty China could not? Over which Pakistan and India fought many wars. 

It has been a big challenge for India to engage people of Kashmir in electoral process. They used many methods and techniques but failed. It is Er. who is on mission like Vazir but he does not know. Even so he is able to gain sympathy of people especially youth and stir up mutual dissensions amongst them. He (Er.) must know his malicious scheme will not succeed.

This is lesson for you if you can understand, the person told the writer.

Dr Fayaz Ahmad Bhat is a prominent scholar in the field of sociology, with notable contributions to areas such as social theory, cultural studies, and the sociology of knowledge. His research often delves into the nuances of social structures, inequality, and the role of culture in shaping societal norms. Dr. Bhat is also known for his focus on contemporary social issues, particularly in the context of South Asia. His work in sociology is likely interdisciplinary, bridging areas such as politics, economics, and philosophy to offer a comprehensive understanding of societal transformations and challenges.

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