They Trick Us And Move On

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Sitting here watching, for the umpteenth time, the Jonathan  Demme directed remake of The Manchurian Candidate. Early on in the film the Denzel Washington character says to his troubled former infantry mate ” It’s over. It’s done. Ya gotta move on.” So it is with those of my fellow Americans who have been given an amnesia pill about September 11th, 2001. For the fraction of our populace who have read the multitude of independent investigations of that day, I say No, you cannot move on! How can we move on when 9/11 may have been THE MOST clearest example of this empire’s successful ( to some extent) route to further hegemony?

Here we are 23 years later and look at what **** our empire’s leaders have gotten us into. First off, the illegal and immoral invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. It was bad enough to do the deed, but to then stay in those places for up to 20 years … Oh man! From those invasions we then destroyed Libya and are helping to do the same with Syria. Meanwhile, back at the ranch ( as in Crawford, Texas) the masters of empire seem to have gotten away with the attack on the Twin Towers. Check out any or all of these books on 9/11 from dedicated researchers: Inside Job by Jim Marrs, Declassifying 9/11 by Aidan Monaghan, and The Awful Truth by William W. Veale. An interesting aside was when Bush Jr. had Andrew Card whisper in his ear, as he read to the kids, that the SECOND TOWER was hit by a jet. If you watch any films about presidents being vulnerable to terrorist attacks when out in public, you will note that the Secret Service grabs him and rushes him out and into safety. Well, the group with Jr. Bush let him continue to read to the kids for at least seven minutes before they rushed him out. Why? Well, perhaps those of his inner circle knew that he was NOT in any danger. You fill in the dots. I can recall seeing a video of three NYC Firemen watching one of the towers going down like a pancake ( less than 9 seconds) from a live television report. These were veteran firemen and one of them says ” Did you see that, boom boom boom?” One of the others answers ” Controlled demolition.”

They say time heals all wounds. Well, if orchestrated properly, time can hide all lies. From rushing to get all the debris shipped out from the site ( which was a legal ‘ Crime scene’) and out to sea, to immediately pushing for an attack on Afghanistan , followed the next year with the illegal and immoral attack and occupation of Iraq, the Bush/ Cheney Cabal pulled it off. This turned out to be not what they sold many of us as a ‘ War on terror’. This became a legitimacy for continuing to drain our treasure away from the needs of the hundreds of millions of us and into the rabbit hole of this Military Industrial Empire. We now have two political parties who do the bidding of the few to the detriment of the many. Sadly, so many of my friends and neighbors could not give a rat’s ass for what really transpired on 9/11. After all, the government found and killed Osama. They killed Saddam and Gaddafi.

As the old Mafioso said when he found out one of his men was assassinated  by the bosses : ” It’s done. There is nothing we can do, and that’s that.”

In Memory of all the pawns. 

Philip A Farruggio is a free lance columnist, host of a radio interview show and lifelong Anti War Activist. He is son and grandson of Brooklyn, NYC longshoremen and a graduate of Brooklyn College, Class of ’74. He has a blog on the website produced by Chuck Gregory.  You can find Philip’s work on many sites such as Countercurrents, Dissident Voice, Nation of Change and Muck Rack. Philip can be reached at [email protected]


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