Condemn the detention of nearly 200 peaceful climate marchers from Ladakh to Delhi

by Vikalp Sangam General Assembly* & The Western Himalayan Vikalp Sangam

Ladadkh Protest
People protesting against detention of Sonam Wangchuk in Leh on Tuesday. Source: Daily Excelsior

We, over 85 organisations and movements across India, condemn the detention of nearly 200 peaceful climate marchers from Ladakh to Delhi who are raising valid demands of climate justice and 6th schedule status for Ladakh to the Government of India. Walking with principles of Mahatma Gandhi, padyatris (marchers) wanted to peacefully reach Rajghat to pay respect to Bapu on his jayanti and remind the government of their promise for re-opening dialogue. It is highly condemnable that after such a strenuous walk for many days through some rugged terrains of Himalayas, instead of welcoming them, the government chose to detain them like criminals. This is doubly shocking given that some of these steps were promised to them during the elections in 2019, like the granting of Sixth Schedule status to Ladakh, and secure jobs for local youth. 

The primary demands by the citizens of Ladakh are inclusion in the Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution, statehood, separate Parliamentary seats for Kargil and Leh, and a public service commission for Ladakh enabling its youth to get jobs. Such steps are crucial to safeguard Ladakh’s ecologically and culturally unique and fragile status, especially against unrestricted and inappropriate land use, commercialisation, and excessive tourism. Protecting Ladakh’s ecological integrity is also vital for the climatic and water security of South Asia as a whole. 

Please see our previous statement on the Ladakh March and demands in detail here.

Instead of opening a receptive dialogue with the Ladakh marchers and their supporters from all across the Himalayas and the nation, the union government chose to act in a dictatorial manner by imposing prohibitory orders across Delhi and illegally detain the peaceful climate marchers.

Vikalp Sangam and all the supporters of this democratic movement demand immediate release of all marchers, withdrawal of prohibitory orders and opening up of a genuinely sensitive dialogue with the Ladakh climate marchers.

Several fraternal groups to VS and many others across the country will observe a 12 hours fast on 2nd October, in solidarity with the climate marchers. 

Vikalp Sangam General Assembly & The Western Himalayan Vikalp Sangam


*The Vikalp Sangam General Assembly (VSGA) is the coordinating mechanism for the Vikalp Sangam process (, which aims to network movements, organisations and individuals working on alternatives to unsustainable, iniquitous development. It contains about 85 organisations and networks across India, listed below. 

Contact persons on behalf of the VSGA: 

[email protected] 

Vikalp Sangam General Assembly Members 

Action for Community Organisation, Rehabilitation and Development (ACCORD)


Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture (ASHA)

Alternative Law Forum (ALF)

Amhi Amchya Arogyasathi

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)

Bhoomi College

Blue Ribbon Movement (BRM)

Canopy Collective

Centre for Education and Documentation (CED)

Centre for Environment Education (CEE)

Centre for Financial Accountability (CFA)

Centre for Pastoralism


CGnet Swara

Dakshin Foundation 

Deccan Development Society (DDS)

Deer Park

Development Alternatives (DA)

Desert Resource Centre (DRC)

Dhaatri Trust



Equitable Tourism Options (EQUATIONS)

Forest Rights Coalition – JK 

Fridays for Future – India 

Gene Campaign


Greenpeace India

Ideosync Media Combine

Inner Climate Academy (ICA)

Margshala Foundation

Jagori Rural

Kagad Kach Patra Kashtakari Panchayat (KKPKP)


Khudai Khidmatgar

Kriti Team

Ladakh Arts and Media Organisation (LAMO)

Let India Breathe (LIB)

Local Futures Ladakh 



Mahila Kisan Adhikar Manch (MAKAAM)

Mahalir Association for Literacy Awareness and Rights (MALAR)

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan (MKSS)

Movement for Advancing Understanding of Sustainability and Mutuality (MAUSAM)

National Alliance of Peoples’ Movements (NAPM)

National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR)

National Coalition for Natural Farming (NCNF)

National Federation of Dalit Women (NFDW)

Nirangal Charitable Trust

Non-timber Forest Products Exchange Programme India (NTFP-EP India)

North East Network (NEN)

Organic Farmers Market (OFM)

People’s Resource Centre (PRC)

Peoples’ Science Institute (PSI)

Pipal Tree

Regenerative Bihar Collective


Revitalising Rainfed Agriculture Network (RRA)

Rythu Swarajya Vedika


Foundation for Economic and Ecological Development (FEED)


Sahodaya Trust 


School for Rural Development and Environment (SRDE)


Snow Leopard Conservancy India Trust (SLC-IT)

Sikkim Indigenous Lepcha Tribal Association 

Social Entrepreneurship Association (SEA)

Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM)

South Asian Dialogue on Ecological Democracy (SADED)/ Harit Swaraaj Samvaad 

The Himalaya Collective

Titli Trust

TN Women’s Collective

Travellers’ University

Tribal Health Initiative (THI)

URMUL Seemant Samiti 

Watershed Support Services and Activities Network (WASSAN)

Women’s Collective

Youth Alliance

Yugma Collective

Yuva Ekta Foundation 

Individuals (Bablu Ganguly, Dinesh Abrol, Mohan Hirabai Hiralal, Ovais Sultan Khan, Sehjo Singh, SP Ravi)

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