A time of fear and panic
Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses which cause disease in mammals and birds. The SARS-CoV-2 virus manifests as Covid-19 disease in humans. It is highly contagious and spreads very fast.
Covid-19 became a global public health emergency in 2020. Today, over five years later, it doesn’t really matter whether the virus was released into the environment from Wuhan (China) or Fort Detrick (USA), and whether carelessly or motivatedly. But at that time, global media went into overdrive with accusations and counter-accusations, and more importantly, into stoking public fear of contracting Covid-19, as disease occurrence counts became front-page headlines, and breaking news on TV, accompanied by heated debates.
Public fear of Covid-19 spread perhaps even faster than the Corona virus itself. Governments swung into action to deal with public demands from their respective constituencies, for protection. Advised by the scientific-medical community, governments prescribed preventive “social distancing”, wearing of approved masks, 20-seconds soap-and-water handwashing, and cleaning door handles and knobs with hand-sanitizers, etc. It is another matter that the bulk of India’s population could not observe most of these preventive measures, but a whole new line of businesses sprung up to cater to these requirements.
Governments created hospitals dedicated for treating Covid patients, and priority for Covid patients in hospitals caused patients of non-Covid-19 diseases to be effectively downgraded for treatment. Production of medical oxygen and medicines (e.g., Remdesivir) to treat Covid-19, were ramped up. And, most importantly, the pharmaceutical industry swung into action to produce vaccines against Covid-19.
In India, at 8:00 PM on March 24, 2020, PM Modi announced a 21-days national lockdown, starting midnight 24-25 March, to break the chain of Covid infection. This had the unintended consequence of daily wage workers losing income, and migrant workers trekking back to their homes, even hundreds of kilometers distant. The national economy was seriously hit by the combination of Covid incidence and the 4-hours-notice lockdown. Some states even amended laws seeking to prevent workers from migrating.
Public demand, support of the scientific-medical fraternity and WHO, the advice of Dr.Anthony Fauci (then lead member of the White House Corona Virus Task Force), and national public health officials, together led national governments across the world to begin and fast-track manufacture of anti-Covid vaccines. Budgets were re-arranged to cater for manufacture, purchase, refrigerated storage, administering vaccines and protective clothing for medical and paramedical staff, who worked tirelessly and heroically non-stop for days on end. Laboratories sprung up to conduct rapid tests for Covid detection, and newspapers and TV channels provided Covid incidence and deaths due to Covid. Governments arranged logistics to reach and administer vaccines even to people living in remote places. All in all, it was a huge logistical challenge to governments.
A tragic spin-off of all this was that fear of infection spreading and public health rules, denied people access to the dead bodies of their dear ones who had succumbed to Covid, and for conducting last rites. Corpses were hurriedly cremated or buried in shallow graves, often with the use of JCBs. Following heavy rainfall in some places, Covid shallow graves got exposed, and pictures in the media shocked and angered some sections of the public, and further heightened the fear factor.
The Covid pandemic was a global time of fear, death, uncertainty and economic loss for millions of people, and a downturn for national economies. But the pandemic also brought out the noble and selfless work of the medical and paramedical fraternity and anonymous individuals and voluntary bodies, to provide Covid relief measures especially where government measures were inadequate or failed.
Was world response to Covid a fear-induced over-reaction?
On January 30, 2020, almost at the start of the pandemic, when the official death toll was a mere 171, Covid-19 was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) [Ref.1].
Today, based on data compiled from reports, tables and spreadsheets of WHO, the worldwide Covid deaths reported were 7,070,115, as updated to 20 October 2024 [Ref.2]. According to another source [Ref.3] worldwide total deaths due to Covid were 7,010,681, as updated to April 13, 2024. Hence the figure of total worldwide deaths due to Covid-19 starting January 2020 to the present nearly five years later, may be safely assumed as 7-million.
Without at all trivializing the seriousness of the Covid-19 pandemic, it may not be out of place to mention that hunger annually kills around 9-million people, and those who don’t die of hunger fall prey to other diseases, living to suffer those diseases. Also, WHO figures show that, of worldwide annual 56.9-million deaths, 54% are due to Ischaemic heart disease (IHD), Stroke, COPD, Lower respiratory infections, Alzheimer & other dementia, Cancers, Diabetes, Road injury, Diahorreal diseases and Tuberculosis, in that order. These do not account for war-and-conflict related disease and starvation deaths, apart from bullet-and-bomb deaths. [Ref.4]
It therefore appears that the pervasive fear of Covid created by global media, caused millions of people and governments worldwide, to over-react to the threat and occurrence of Covid. Collaterally, due to the fear factor focussed on Covid-19, the global reaction to the pandemic resulted in almost complete neglect of the factors that caused deaths from other known killers mentioned in the previous paragraph.
However, the fear-factor regarding Covid-19 may not have been the sole factor driving people and governments to panic. Other connected matters are discussed in succeeding paragraphs.
Vaccines and trials
A vaccine is a biological preparation designed to provide active immunity against harmful viruses, by causing the body’s immune system to recognize and combat specific virus(es). Most traditional vaccines contain a weakened or inactivated form of a virus. Since a virus is a protein, modern biotechnology (recombinant genetic modification of the virus) can produce industrial-scale quantities of vaccines.
Vaccine production in large quantities is preceded by strictly monitored and scientifically regulated clinical trials in four phases, according to established protocols. These trials are primarily to assess the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, and may take several years in normal circumstances.
Trials include monitoring, collecting, and collating data concerning possible harmful effects of the vaccine itself, across large sections of the immunised population. Naturally, such activity involves close cooperation between national public health institutions and the researcher/producer of the vaccine.
It is well understood and accepted that a vaccine can have harmful effects. But so long as harmful effects are experienced and observed among a statistically insignificant proportion of the population, as confirmed by credible trial data, the vaccine is approved by national public health institutions.
Covid-19 vaccine production fast-tracked
Urgent demands for vaccines galvanised the medical-scientific-academic community into creating a vaccine for the already identified Corona virus. Multi-millions-scale production of vaccine for human populations needed initiative from the pharmaceutical industry, which rose to the occasion in several countries. Administering any vaccine to the population calls for rigorous scientific clinical trials mandated by national/governmental public health institutions.
However, the extreme urgency for producing Covid-19 vaccine demanded accelerated clinical trials, which could generate sufficient credible scientific data, to demonstrate that the vaccine is safe and effective for most people who receive it, so as to satisfy national/governmental public health institutions to authorize Covid-19 vaccine marketing and administering.
Covid vaccines were produced in record time, by accelerating processes which, in normal circumstances would have taken about 10-years, to government-approved roll-out in a few months. Countries which could not produce vaccines purchased them from producers. All this was possible because the emergency production and sale-purchase of hundreds of millions of vaccine doses, and the connected finance and logistics from procurement to refrigerated transportation and storage, to administering to populations, and data capture, were facilitated by the political leadership of every country.
Public vaccination or other immunisation requires permission (termed “full market authorisation”) from the Central Drugs Standards Control Organisation (CDSCO) under Directorate General of Health Services, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
Bharat Biotech International Ltd (BBIL) with ICMR and National Institute of Virology manufactured ‘Covaxin’, and Serum Institute of India Pvt Ltd (SIIL) manufactured the Oxford-AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine under the brand name ‘Covishield’. BBIL and SIIL separately applied to CDSCO, to seek full market authorisation, stating that more than a billion vaccine doses have been administered to beneficiaries under the national Covid-19 immunisation programme [Ref.5]. It appears that fast-tracking of production and population-wide administration of Covaxin and Covishield had not received CDSCO’s prior clearance, and that SIIL and BBIL were seeking post-facto full market authorisation.
UK and USA
In UK, AstraZeneca, a global science-led biopharmaceutical business corporation in collaboration with Oxford University, produced the ‘AstraZeneca’ vaccine, which is reportedly based upon ChAdOx1nCoV-19 recombinant mRNA technology.
In USA, Moderna in collaboration with the US National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases and the Biomedical Advanced Research & Development Authority, produced ‘Spikevax’ mRNA technology vaccine.
Also in USA, Pfizer-BioNTech produced ‘Comirnaty’ mRNA vaccine. With a manufacturing network and supply chain across four continents and over 165 countries, Pfizer was arguably the world’s largest Covid-19 vaccine producer.
Research concerning Covid-19 vaccine
Founded in 1849, today Pfizer is a global pharmaceutical and biotechnology corporation with headquarters in New York, USA. On its Pfizer India homepage, Pfizer assures “a system of vigilant quality control operating through the entire gamut of production to ensure the safety, efficacy and dependability of every Pfizer product”, and that Pfizer is “a collaboration that is based on a singular belief that everyone has a right to good health”.
Accordingly, Pfizer’s scientific research and testing facilities for its products, are state-of-the-art, befitting its enviable international stature. The qualifications and ability of specialty scientists on Pfizer’s payrolls, are impeccable. Understandably, Pfizer corporation has reach to apex persons in the political, economic and scientific hierarchy of all countries.
However, data reveals [Ref.6] that the integrity of the scientific and administrative processes and procedures that Pfizer and the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) adopted, in rolling out Covid-19 vaccines, are questionable.
Summary of the revelations
Based on the primary source of Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order, and related medical literature, ‘The Pfizer Papers’ features stunning new reports written by WarRoom/DailyClout research volunteers. These expose the facts that Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed; that Pfizer knew by November 2020 that its vaccine was neither safe nor effective; Pfizer knew by February 2021 that the injection was linked to a myriad of serious, even fatal, adverse events, and knew by April 2021 that the injections damaged the hearts of young people.
‘The Pfizer Papers’ reveals that the U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – which asked the court to suppress these documents for 75 years – also knew about the shortfalls of Pfizer’s clinical trial and about the harms caused by the company’s mRNA Covid vaccine product. The FDA’s failure to fulfill its mission to “[protect] the public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, and medical devices”, allowed catastrophic damage to be inflicted on the US and global public [Ref.7].
A conspiracy theory?
A carefully referenced paper published [Ref.8] in a 2023 issue of the International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, presents “evidence” that the Covid-19 vaccines were designed for depopulation. However, it is not clear how depopulation by administering vaccines to whole populations, would benefit any entity – person, institution, government or non-State actor.
Although the depopulation angle may well be a conspiracy theory, the author, John D. Wyndham, explains the central role of the U.S Department of Defense (DoD) [Ref.8], quoting evidence revealed from a lawsuit filed by Brook Jackson, [Ref.9] a Clinical Research Auditor and Certified Clinical Research Professional, against Ventavia Research Group LLC, Pfizer Inc., and Icon PLC. Jackson proceeded against the firms for producing a fraudulently-tested pharmaceutical drug, namely a Covid-19 vaccine. The legal response from Pfizer was hidden for over a year, but when eventually made public, revealed that DoD was the prime mover in the Covid-19 vaccine response to the pandemic.
Wyndham alleges that DoD agreed to pay $1.95-billion, or $19.50/dose, for Pfizer‘s vaccine, provided Pfizer first secured FDA approval or Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), for the product.
Wyndham also writes: “Given the DoD‘s worldwide influence and connections, this can explain why so many countries and government agencies adopted the DoD‘s approach requiring vaccinations and lockdowns”.
The obvious question that comes to mind is why vaccine development and production should be funded from a U.S defense budget, instead of a U.S Administration department concerned with public health.
Law courts in the United States ordered public release of such startling data in the public interest. The truths revealed in the documents which were released into the public domain, were obviously heavily loaded against the U.S Administration, Pfizer Inc., and Moderna, which reportedly sought to suppress the information.
The U.S courts’ adherence to the rule of law and to the desperate need for the truth to be revealed to the public in the face of opposition from the U.S Administration and powerful corporations, is testimony to the courage and integrity of the respective judges.
The courage and perseverance of public-spirited individuals – persons like Naomi Wolf, Amy Kelly, Brook Jackson (notably, all women) – working against huge odds and risk to their lives and careers, in the interest of humanity and the truth, deserve special thanks from every thinking person. That they were successful is evidence of a functioning democracy in USA.
Reportedly, there are three ongoing lawsuits in USA against Pfizer, for what the Pfizer Papers describe as “this massive crime against humanity”.
Whatever the outcome of the ongoing lawsuits, the exposures comcerning Covid-19 are a turning point for humanity.
S.G.Vombatkere retired in 1996 from service in the Indian Army, in the rank of Major General.
References hyperlinked in the text
1. World Health Organisation; <https://www.who.int/data/stories/the-true-death-toll-of-covid-19-estimating-global-excess-mortality>.
2. Wikipedia; <https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_pandemic_deaths>; Accessed 23.10.2024.
3. Worldometer; <https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/>; Accessed 23.10.2024.
4. S.G.Vombatkere; “Beyond Covid-19 Coronavirus: An alternative model; <https://www.deccanherald.com/opinion/comment/coronavirus-an-alternative-model-836444.html> May 12, 2020, Deccan Herald, quoting the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, Washington State University, USA.
5. Rhythma Kaul; “Govt seeks more data for full market clearance to Covishield, Covaxin”; <https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/govt-seeks-more-data-for-full-market-clearance-to-covishield-covaxin-101642183992690.html>; Hindustan Times; January 15, 2022.
6. Naomi Wolf; Introduction to ‘The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity’; Ed: Naomi Wolf with Amy Kelly; Pub: 2024; Foreword by Stephen K. Bannon; <https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/the-pfizer-papers-prizers-crimes>; October 17, 2024.
7. Summary of “The Pfizer papers: Pfizer’s crimes against humanity”; <https://catalog.lexpublib.org/?section=resource&resourceid=1096037767>; Lexington Public Library; Accessed on 25.10.2024.
8. John D Wyndham; “Are COVID-19 Vaccines Designed for Depopulation?”; International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE); Volume 10, Issue 7, July 2023, PP 82-88; <https://www.researchgate.net/publication/372867645_Are_COVID-19_Vaccines_Designed_for_Depopulation>.
9. Case No.1:21-CV-00008-MJT; United States District Court, for the Eastern District of Texas, BeaumontDivision;<https://www.iambrookjackson.com/_files/ugd/9df0bc_b7e94cf398e74b35a9182f27e685348b.pdf>.