Trees are marvelous creations of the creator. The trees are not merely a structure with roots, stems, branches, leaves and canopy. These are more than that. Trees symbolize balance and harmony, strength and immortality, wisdom and love, gratitude, protection and happiness. They represent spirituality and have led many to spiritual ascendance. By acting as biodiversity hubs, nutrient and energy cycle regulators, and micro-climate controllers, and by fostering symbiotic connections, trees form a ‘small world in itself’. Apart from their philosophical significance, trees are a vital part of nature. They exhale for us and enable us to inhale. They serve as food factories, nourish us, and add to the years of our survival. They constitute an important part of our green economy and underpin our existence. These beautiful creatures make this planet different from others. The spring, summer, and splendid autumnal hues express much about their aesthetic aspect. Trees are ‘miniature laboratories’ and form a foundation for the vast discipline of science called Phytology.
There are innumerable reasons to cherish these natural monuments. However the increasing anthropogenic intervention clamors for their protection. To combat any threat to trees, government, and non-government organizations, environmentalists, and others are volunteering to create mass awareness about them. However, some conscientious intellectuals beatified with leadership qualities have taken this campaign to the next level. They don’t believe in lectures, or symposiums only but they ‘breathe trees and talk trees’. A senior Indian forest officer and Sahitya Akademi awardee Mr. Om Prakash Vidyarthi is one such legendary figure that is pioneering TREE TALK Campaign since 2010. As a passionate naturalist, eco-conscious individual, and acclaimed field taxonomist equipped with in-depth knowledge, eloquence, and creative writing abilities, he goes to the ends of the earth to sensitize the public. He has reached to nooks and corners of the Kashmir valley to engage great minds — Involving intellectuals, scholars, students, and common masses in comprehension of biodiversity, its importance, and an urgency to spread the word about it. Tree Talk signifies talking about trees. However, it is not centered on a talk only but has expanded its domain profoundly. It emphasizes the dissemination of information about the life history of trees, tree nomenclature, their vernacular names, identification, distribution, utilization, and their traditional and modern methods of conservation among the common masses. This campaign – accurately an extensive program has extended and diversified its operations. It has emerged as an excellent platform where people from all walks of life share their knowledge, expertise, and wisdom to increase consciousness not only about flora but also about fauna.
Om Prakash Vidyarthi is not an individual but a movement unto himself, who embodies self-contained dynamism, sets his own path, and invigorates others to follow same. He has well-defined goals and is vehemently committed to achieving them. He envisions inculcating the spirit of outdoor walk and environmental education. Reviving age-old local names of plants, trees, and animals is a core element of his mission. His deep-rooted interest in understanding alien species, how they impinge upon biodiversity, and its timely conservation and preservation is indicative of his scientific temperament. His enthusiasm to stimulate interest in scholars and students about plant and animal taxonomy is a testament to his sagacity and love for nature. His concern for documenting new taxa, and promoting knowledge about the cultivation of rare, endemic, and threatened species makes him a ‘true environmentalist’.
Vidyarthi’s visionary mission has several accomplishments to its credit. It has received commendation from every part of the state. Started from Jammu University’s campus on 19th December 2010, it has domineeringly and indomitably continued to excel and has enjoyed overwhelming support throughout its journey. In point of fact, it is the sincerity, determination, and unflinching resolve of Vidyarthi that has kept it growing.
One can gauge even from a perfunctory look at the list of its achievements how successful this mission has been. Students of colleges, universities, and educational institutions have been its focal point. It has efficaciously contributed to their education regarding biodiversity. The awareness drive in remote and inaccessible areas of the state is one of its remarkable achievements.
Furthermore, planting lesser-known tree taxa viz; Pajja Padmaka, Rhododendron arboreum, Tinbru, Kamrah Himalayan Taxas controta, Staphyla emodi, Catamaxis bachharoides, and Pittosporum eriocarpum at various centers of Jammu and Kashmir is another outstanding feat of this mission.
An army of biophiles, dendrophiles, and environmentalists has sprung up due to the fascinating operations of the Tree-talk program. The creation of Bird watcher groups, Botanical gardens, and other relevant organizations and units are indicators of its favorable outcome.
Discovering variety of new plants like Daphniphyllum Himalense, Chionanthus ramiflorus, Cordia Vestita, Ilex excelsa, Mashilus dutheii is one more striking endeavor, this program is proud of. Popularizing field taxonomy, medicinal plant nutritional usage, and revival of forgotten forest foods are few more additions to its exceptional exploits. The Tree Talk program is developing itself as an institution and time is not far when it will evolve into a kind of think-tank for eco-concerned government and non-government agencies. It has demonstrated its value and justified its existence by working in association with multiple institutions like SKAUST Kashmir and Jammu, Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Regional Ayurveda Institute Jammu, Department of Botany and Environmental Science, etc., and is persistently conspicuously executing its plan.
The continued efforts of this dynamic and progressive green activist (Om Prakash Vidyarthi Sir) merit the support and backing of every responsible citizen to preserve nature. We ought to be a part of this program to realize the dream of preserving nature, which begins with small actions that ripple through the fabric of our planet.
I congratulate esteemed Om Prakash Vidyarthi Sir on 14th work anniversary.
Sir ! Cheers to your accomplishments and heartfelt congratulations on reaching this grand milestone. Your commitment and professionalism are truly commendable. I wish you best for your future endeavours.
Eyram Hamid Khan is an independent writer