An Appeal to All: Reclaiming India’s Democracy and Sovereignty


Marxist circle generally accepts the definition of fascism as “Open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chaunistic and most imperialist elements of finance capital.”

Now it is also accepted fact that neo-fascist political tendencies are emerging all over the world. The emergence of these tendencies is due to the crisis of the globalized finance capital in its current phase of the neo-liberal global order.

In Indian context the term ‘Corporate-Hindutva Axis’ is now popular in the progressive political analysis. The point is that Hindutva has this long standing anti modern, anti-democratic historical orientation which is not necessarily present in all fascistic political tendencies emerging in contemporary global politics. It is known fact that in Indian politics not Hinduism but Hindutva was first put forward by Savarkar as the essence of Indian version of the modern European Nationalism that is the post Westphalia treaty, modern European Nationalism based on defined territorial expanse, unity of sectarian identity and a common language.

Inherent in Hindutva was also the idealised logic of hierarchical, discriminatory, misogynous, patriarchal social order which has been bane of orthodox Hindu social system.

Consequently the Indian struggle against the neo-fascist politics pursued by the Corporate-Hindutva axis should be targeted against the economic misery and retrograde poisonous Hindutva intending to retain graded inequality and cultural social slavery. India needs to fight for justice and pluralism.

World is changing fast. We have to connect to the broad masses of the people, so we need new vocabulary, a new way of presentation. We have to cooperate and contend with the major political formation of the opposition in the fight against the divisive, fascist politics of RSS-BJP combine. To say that we should build militant grassroot movement is not sufficient. A dynamic politics encompassing broad mass of people is needed. That can be done targeting present Political Economy of the ruling clique. The issues that can be placed before the people for the national dialogue are right to food, right to free school education, right to universal health care, right to old age and disability pension, right to gainful employment, living wages, homestead, MSP, formation of cooperatives, implementation of Worship Act 1991, allocation of proper fund for SC-ST and depressed class of society, reclaiming sovereignty and democracy, protection of environment and rights of ethnic, linguistic and religious minorities etc. We can raise the issue of appropriate tax on the wealth and state duty on the super rich to meet financial needs of these demands.

A holistic alternative socio-economic picture against prevailing political economy should emerge. Our emphasis should be to have a critique of the existing economic model that heavily relies on service based industries and external dependencies. The focus should be on shaping policies that foster eco-friendly self-reliant, equitable growth ensuring that the benefits of national wealth and economic progress reaches all section of the society. India instead of being technological service provider be self dependent on technology and capital.

There should be conducive environment for dialogue and understanding. Instead of having a sectarian outfit a broader coalition of democratic forces is the need of the hour to meet the contemporary challenges of the politics.

Akhilendra Pratap Singh , AIPF – All India Peoples Front.

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