The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for child-, mother- and women-killing Jewish Israeli monsters Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant over their key roles in the ongoing Gaza Genocide associated with over 300,000 Palestinians killed by violence and imposed deprivation, hundreds of thousands injured and 2.3 million displaced, traumatized, and criminally deprived of life-sustaining water, food, shelter, clothing, sanitation, electricity, medicine and medical care.
Serial war criminal America and Apartheid Israel do not accept the authority of the ICC and immediately rejected the ICC decision, as did neo-fascist Hungary and new Vichy France. Some other US Alliance members, notably fervently pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid nations racist White Australia and neo-Nazi Germany equivocated over their legal obligation to act on the arrest warrants. The pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid UK reluctantly conceded that it must arrest Netanyahu if he enters UK territory but will continue to talk to Netanyahu. Action on the ICC arrest warrants was of course accepted by all law-abiding parties to the Rome Statute and the ICC.
Professor Janina Dill (International Law, University of Oxford): “It’s quite important to stress that Benjamin Netanyahu makes decisions about how the war in Gaza unfolds, about humanitarian access, about the use of weapons there, that the conduct at the heart of the arrest warrant is persisting. That means that currently any state that diplomatically or materially supports Israel’s war in Gaza risks supporting crimes against humanity and war crimes. It’s really quite clear to me that third states should take this as a really relevant piece of information in deciding whether they put themselves in legal jeopardy in supporting Israel’s war” [1].
It is useful to (A) sketch the background and illegality of genocidal Zionazi crimes in Palestine before (B) analyzing UN, ICC and ICJ actions and global responses to the ICC arrest warrants.
(A). Background and illegality of genocidal Zionazi crimes in Palestine.
(a). Zionism is genocidal racism in horrible theory and in intentional, genocidal practice. Zionists from Hungarian founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, to war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu have shamelessly advocated ethnic cleansing Palestine of its Indigenous Palestinian inhabitants (for an alphabetical compendium of these appalling genocidal Zionist opinions see [2]). Thus, for example, racist psychopath Theodor Herzl (1895): “We shall try to spirit the penniless population across the border by procuring employment for it in the transit countries, while denying it employment in our country. The property owners will come over to our side. Both the process of expropriation and the removal of the poor must be carried out discretely and circumspectly”, and serial war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu (1989): “Israel should have exploited the repression of the demonstrations in China, when world attention focused on that country, to carry out mass expulsions among the Arabs of the territories” [2].
(b). Zionism is genocidal racism and Nazism without gas chambers but with 90 nuclear weapons, delivery systems (including neo-Nazi Germany-supplied submarines), one of the world’s biggest high technology militaries, world-leading arms and surveillance industries [3-5], and a Nazi-style record of gross human rights abuse, criminality, rejection of International Law, and war criminal invasion and occupation of other countries [6-8]. The terms “fascist” and “Nazi” have precise meanings but “neo-Nazi” and “fascist” are commonly but loosely applied to violent young neo-Nazi extremists in the streets of America, France, Germany, Australia and the UK, and to extreme right-wing and human rights-violating leaders such as Benjamin Netanyahu (Apartheid Israel), Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil), Donald Trump (US), and Victor Orbán (Hungary). A precise descriptive for genocidal Jewish Israeli extremism would be the neologism Zionazism. Indeed there is a shocking list of 52 Zionist- and Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons [6], and shocking comparisons have been made between the Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Genocide and with Nazi German atrocities [7].
(c). Palestine has a 4,000-year history as part of the Fertile Crescent that made a huge contribution to civilization in terms writing, literature, philosophy, mathematics, music, art, astronomy, agriculture, architecture, hydrology, plant breeding, animal breeding, and medicine [8-12]. In 1880 Palestine contained about 500,000 Indigenous Palestinians (90% Muslim and 10% Christian) and 25,000 Jews (half of these being immigrants) [13-16]. The discovery of strategically vital oil in Iran (1908) prompted the British to invade Iraq (1914), divide the Ottoman Empire’s Arab Middle East on paper between the UK and France (Sykes-Picot Agreement, 1916), conquer Palestine (1917), grant Palestine as a homeland for Jews via the Balfour Declaration (2 November 1917), open the flood gates to Jewish immigration (mainly non-Semitic, Turkic Khazar-origin Ashkenazi Jews), and suppress the subsequent Arab revolt (by British forces and British-trained and British-armed Zionists). In the 1948 Nakba (Catastrophe) the Zionazis seized 78% of Palestine, expelling 800,000 Palestinians, killing 15,000, emptying 530 villages, and destroying 100 mosques. In the 1967 Naksa (Setback) the Zionazis seized all of Palestine (plus other Arab lands) and expelled a further 400,000 Arabs. The 57 year Occupation by settler-colonialist Zionazis led to brutal Zionazi suppression of successive Palestinian revolts (Intifadas) in the Gaza Concentration Camp with an Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio of about 20 and imposition of a deadly blockade of Gaza for 16 years that permitted only bare survival [8, 17-21].
(d). Before the Palestinian Breakout from the Gaza Concentration Camp on 7 October 2023, the 15 million mostly impoverished, dispossessed and grossly violated Indigenous Palestinians included 7 million Exiled Palestinians (substantially state-less refugees and excluded on pain of death from the land continuously inhabited by their forebears for over 4,000 years), 5.6 million Occupied Palestinians (excluded from all human rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, utterly dispossessed by genocidally racist and thieving Zionazis, excluded from voting for the government ruling them, subject to highly abusive military rule and confined to ever-diminishing mini-Bantustans, specifically the 3.3 million in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and 2.3 million in the Gaza Concentration Camp that has been bombed and blockaded for 16 years), and 2.1 million Israeli Palestinians (the only Indigenous Palestinian Subjects of Apartheid Israel allowed to vote for the government ruling them, albeit only for approved candidates and as Third Class citizens under 65 Nazi-style, race-based and discriminatory laws) [8, 22-24]. Before 7 October 2023, the GDP per capita was $55,500 (Apartheid Israel), $3,500 (Occupied Palestine) and a deadly $1,000 (the Gaza Concentration Camp). Before the Breakout Indigenous Palestinians represented 51% of Apartheid Israeli Subjects (Jewish Israelis 47%) [8].
(e). Gaza Genocide, Palestinian Genocide and Palestinian Holocaust: the Awful Truth versus Zionazi lies propagated by Apartheid Israel, the US and the US Alliance. Zionist-perverted and egregiously mendacious Western Mainstream media plug the false Zionazi “official story” of a surprise Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October 2023 with 1,139 Israelis killed in a “terrorist Hamas massacre”, 250 Israelis seized as hostages, and an Israeli bombing and siege response on the basis that “Israel has the right to defend itself”. Prize-winning Western journalists have provided a quite contrary, evidence-based version of the now 14 month Gaza Massacre and Gaza Genocide:
(1). The US and Apartheid Israel were aware of the planned Breakout for a year before it happened;
(2). 2 Israeli battalions were withdrawn from near Gaza prior to the Breakout;
(3). the Breakout was evidently devised to capture hostages to swap for then over 5,000 (now over 10,000) Palestinian hostages highly abusively confined in Israeli military prisons (not to mention the 5.6 million Occupied Palestinians Israeli Subjects highly abusively confined under Apartheid Israeli military rule to the West Bank (3.3 million) and the Gaza Concentration Camp (2.3 million);
(4). 1,139 Israelis and 1,500 Palestinians were killed in the fighting in Israel on or about 7 October 2023;
(5). 97.5% of the Israeli dead were adults (and hence because of military conscription mostly past or present Jewish Israeli members of the war criminal Occupying IDF) and 2.5% were innocent children;
(6). The Occupied Palestinians have a right to resist Occupation (as set out in the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in Article 51 of the UN Charter) but the war criminal Occupier Apartheid Israel does not have the right to defend itself in a belligerently and war criminally occupied territory;
(7). The Gaza Concentration Camp – the world’s biggest open air prison – was hermetically sealed by a double layer incarceration and surveillance system (Apartheid Israel being the world leader in these technologies [4, 5]) but was allowed by the IDF to be readily penetrated;
(8). The Apartheid Israeli authorities deliberately ignored pre-Breakout warnings and desperate post-Breakout reports by IDF monitoring personnel;
(9). The IDF response was delayed for hours and when it came involved high explosive IDF tank shelling and helicopter-launched Hellfire missiles that killed many Israelis under the IDF “Hannibal Directive” (designed to prevent hostage taking even if it means killing Israelis);
(10). Deaths in a fire zone are directly proportional to the firepower used and it is accordingly likely that the high explosive IDF response rather than Palestinian light arms was responsible for most of the Israeli deaths as evidenced by hundreds of mangled and incinerated cars and bodies and burned and bombed houses;
(11). It is glaringly obvious that the Zionazis permitted the Breakout followed by the subsequent bloody IDF response to provide a 9/11-style excuse for atrocities (see [25-29]) – the subsequent Gaza Massacre and Gaza Genocide, bombing of the West Bank, likely annexation of Gaza and the West Bank, confinement of all Occupied Palestinians in Gaza-like concentration camps, and possible total expulsion of all Occupied Palestinians (see former US Ambassador to the UN and Israel, Tom Pickering [2]) ;
(12). Before 7 October 2023 the Indigenous Palestinians represented about 51% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel but after the killing of 335,500 Gazans by 5 September 2024 [30] this had shrunk to 50%. Apartheid Israel is a democracy by genocide.
(13). Gaza deaths from violence reportedly totalled 44,249 not counting dead under rubble as of 27 November 2024 [31]. However global health expert Professor Devi Sridhar (University of Edinburgh) estimated 335,500 deaths from violence and imposed deprivation in 11 months (7 September 2024 [30]). Noting that under-5 infant deaths are 70% of deaths from deprivation in impoverished countries (“Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” [17]) this translates to about 366,000 deaths in the first year of the Gaza Massacre, including 267,000 children, 31,000 women and 71,000 men [32, 33], horrific mass murder ignored by Zionist-subverted, genocide-complicit and mendacious Western Mainstream media [32-39].
(14). The century-long Palestinian Genocide and Palestinian Holocaust are now associated with about 2.5 million deaths from violence (100,000) and imposed deprivation (2.4 million) i.e. similar in magnitude to Jewish deaths in the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million deaths from violence and imposed deprivation) [40-42]. For shocking comparisons of the Gaza Genocide and the Palestinian Genocide in general with Nazi atrocities see [6, 7].
(15). The ancient, culturally important and huge city of Gaza has been reduced to uninhabitable rubble and its inhabitants have been subject to massive bombing (75,000 tons of US-supplied bombs) and deadly substantial exclusion from water, food, shelter, winter clothing, sanitation, electricity, medicine and medical care, with 16% of the pre-war population killed in the first year. The Occupied Palestinian /Occupier Israeli Reprisals Death Ratio was 6,407/308 = 21 in the period 2008-6 October 2023) [43,44 ] but in the first year since 7 October 2023 has been 366,000/1,139 = 321 (ignoring the huge IDF killing of Israelis on 7 October 2023, and 32 times greater than the Reprisals Death Ratio of 10 ordered by Nazi leader Hitler and effected in the 1944 Ardeatine Cave Massacre in Rome) [45]. And lest we forget Zionazi-devastated Lebanon with an Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio in the latest Zionazi invasion of 3,823/70 = 55 [46, 47]. Nazi is as Nazi does. Terrorist is as terrorist does. Zionism is Zionazism, Apartheid Israeli Nazism without gas chambers but with mass murder of children, mothers, women and men.
(16). Before and after 7 October 2023 serial war criminal and Zionazi Apartheid Israel has been grossly violating 15 international laws and conventions [8], notably the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (“acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” ) [48] and “Articles 55 and 56 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (the Fourth Geneva Convention) that unequivocally state that an Occupier must provide its conquered Subjects with life-sustaining food and medical requisites “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” [49].
(B). International Law, ICC and ICJ referrals and genocide-complicit countries not prepared to act on the ICC arrest warrants.
Wonderful exponent of human rights and peaceful action, Mahatma Gandhi, stated what is obvious to all decent human beings (1938): “Why should they [the Jewish Zionists] not, like other peoples of the earth, make that country their home where they are born and where they earn their livelihood? Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct” [50].
10 years later the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted in 1948 by the UN General Assembly (UNGA) [51]. However the settler colonialist invader Zionazis, having seized and substantially ethnically cleansed 78% of Palestine in 1948 seized all of Palestine in 1967 and removed Occupied Palestinians from all the Human Rights set out in the 30 Articles of the UDHR. Of particular note in the present context are Article 1 (All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood), Article 2 (Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty), Article 3 (Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person), Article 13 ((1). Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state, (2). Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country), and Article 14 ((1). Everyone has the right to a nationality. (2). No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality nor denied the right to change his nationality) [51].
In 1947 the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 181 ( the “Partition Plan”, November 29, 1947) called for the partition of Palestine into two states, one for 630,00 Jews (630,000) and one for Indigenous Palestinians (1,324,000), but this was rejected by the genocidally racist, egregiously mendacious and endlessly thieving Zionazis who seized 78% of the land and expelled 800,000 Palestinians or 60% of the Indigenous Palestinian population. Now about 90% of Palestine has been ethnically cleansed by the Zionazis who, with continuing violent ethnic cleansing in Gaza and to a much lesser extent in the West Bank, are heading towards 95% ethnic cleansing (see US ambassador to Israel and the UN, Tom Pickering [2]).
In 2016 Resolution 2334 of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) (13 December 2016; unanimously supported except for the Obama-instructed US abstention) ruled that that Israel’s establishment of settlements in Occupied Palestinian territory since 1967, including East Jerusalem, had no legal validity, constituting a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle to a 2-state solution. Racist White Australia, a non-member of the UNSC and a craven US lackey, opposed Resolution 2334 [53-55].
In December 2022 the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) requested the ICJ to give an advisory opinion relating to the legality of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories. This was opposed by the US and its racist lackeys, including racist White Australia. The ICJ advisory opinion (19 July 2024) was that the Palestinian territories constitute one political unit and that Israel’s occupation since 1967, and the subsequent creation of Israeli settlements and exploitation of natural resources, are illegal under international law. The court also ruled that Israel should pay full reparations to the Palestinian people for the damage the occupation has caused and determined that its policies violate the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination [56].
On 17 November 2023 South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros and Djibouti sent a war crimes referral of Israel to the ICC [57]. A year later the ICC issued arrest warrants for Benjamin Netanyahu, Yoav Gallant and for 3 Hamas officials (however the Hamas officials had all been killed in the ongoing Gaza Massacre) [58]. Amnesty International: “One month after the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered “immediate and effective measures” to protect Palestinians in the occupied Gaza Strip from the risk of genocide by ensuring sufficient humanitarian assistance and enabling basic services, Israel has failed to take even the bare minimum steps to comply” [59]. The horrific killing, maiming and traumatizing of Gazans by violence and egregiously imposed deprivation continues while the world looks on.
125 countries signed up to the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court (ICC). Wikipedia: “The Rome Statute established four core international crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression. Those crimes shall not be subject to any statute of limitations. Under the Rome Statute, the ICC can only investigate and prosecute the four core international crimes in situations where states are “unable” or “unwilling” to do so themselves. The jurisdiction of the court is complementary to jurisdictions of domestic courts. The court has jurisdiction over crimes only if they are committed in the territory of a state party or if they are committed by a national of a state party. An exception to this rule is that the ICC may also have jurisdiction over crimes if its jurisdiction is authorized by the United Nations Security Council” [60]. States Parties to the ICC are accordingly obliged to arrest these child-, women- and mother- killing Zionazis.
The 125 countries that have signed up to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) are all obliged to act on the ICC arrest warrants [60]. The ICC said it had found ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe that the Israeli officials were responsible for starvation in Gaza. Countries refusing to act on the ICC-issued arrest warrants for the Zionazi war criminals Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant include (a) serial war criminal countries that reject the authority of the ICC (Apartheid Israel and the US ) and (b) ICC signatory countries already rejecting the ICC arrest warrants (neo-fascist Hungary and new Vichy France). Countries not unequivocally stating that they will act on the ICC arrest warrants include genocide-complicit neo-Nazi Germany, and genocide-complicit, and genocide-denying neo-Nazi and pro-Apartheid Australia [61].
International Law expert Francesca Albanese is unequivocal:”The International Criminal Court should have acted much earlier… We should have seen these people before the International Criminal Court … This is what justice is about. Instead, they [3 Hamas officials proposed for arrest warrants] were killed…There should be more in the dock, in my view. And it’s taking ages. This is because the political pressure on the international justice system is extreme…And we see pressure on the prosecutor, pressure on the judges. Israel is trying to obstruct it by moving exceptions against the independence of the judges. And the US is making pressure through open threats…We might lose what we have, what we have built. Multilateralism is on the edge, and international law is on a knife’s edge. It’s about us, all of us students, doctors, professors, journalists, ordinary people in the street to protect it if our elected government officials don’t do that” [62].
Professor Janina Dill (a professor of International Law at the University of Oxford): “Currently any state that diplomatically or materially supports Israel’s war in Gaza risks supporting crimes against humanity and war crimes. It’s really quite clear to me that third states should take this as a really relevant piece of information in deciding whether they put themselves in legal jeopardy in supporting Israel’s war” [1]. The ICC in issuing arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant declared in particular that “[They] bear criminal responsibility for the war crime of starvation as a method of warfare… The Chamber considered that there are reasonable grounds to believe both individuals intentionally and knowingly deprived the civilian population in Gaza of objects indispensable to their survival, including food, water, and medicine and medical supplies, as well as fuel and electricity, from at least 8 October, 2023, to 20 May, 2024″ [63].
As sketched below, the Gaza Genocide-complicit and ICC-rejecting neo-Nazi countries have an appalling record of invading other countries and war crimes within living memory. Provided for each country is a Genocide Score given for most perpetrators as “The occupation-related 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation in nations variously occupied in the post-WW2 era by the specified invading country” (for details see [17]).
(1). Apartheid Israel. Exceptionalist, genocidally racist, egregiously mendacious and serial war criminal Zionazi Apartheid Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute, rejects the authority of the ICC and has viciously attacked the ICC. Apartheid Israel has invaded the territory of 13 countries (Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Uganda, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and America), presently occupies the territory of 4 countries (Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria), subverts all countries through traitorous Zionists, sells high technology arms and surveillance systems to dictatorships and democracies alike around the world [4, 5], contributes to coups (Australia 2010, Fiji 1987 and 2000) [64, 65] and contributes arms to genocidal atrocities and civil wars (Guatemala, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Sudan, Syria) [66]. Genocide Score: 23.9 million [17].
(2). United States of America. The US won’t act on the ICC arrest warrants – it is not a signatory to the Rome Statute and rejects the authority of the ICC. The US is a horrendous serial invader of other countries and has invaded 72 countries (52 since WW2 and many repeatedly), has committed 469 invasions from 1798 onwards, has committed 251 invasions since 1991, and has 800 military bases in over 70 countries [17, 18, 67- 75]. In the 21century alone 32 million Muslims have died from violence (5 million) and imposed deprivation (27 million) in 20 countries invaded by the US and the US Alliance since the US Government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity that killed 3,000 Americans [27, 28, 76-83]. However 1.7 million Americans die avoidably each year from “life-style choice” and ‘political choice” reasons and about 40 million Americans have died thus since 9/11 [72]. The long-term accrual cost of the 21st century US wars has been about $6 trillion [18, 81]. Thus since 9/11 the US has spent $6 trillion on killing over 30 million Muslims abroad (mostly children) instead of trying to keep 40 million Americans alive [81-83]. America, Apartheid Israel and Hungary were among 14 countries that voted No to a 27 October 2023 UNGA resolution for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. Germany, Australia, Ukraine and the UK were among a further 45 countries who abstained. As of 3 November 2023, reported Palestinian deaths in the latest and most dreadful Gaza Massacre totalled about 11,000 killed in Gaza or buried in rubble, and 1,500 Palestinian fighters killed in Israel, this carnage as reprisals for 1,139 Israelis killed on 7 October 2023 (most probably killed by the IDF [25, 26]) for an Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio of 12,500/1,139 = 11 at this early stage of the Gaza Genocide [84]. The geriatric child-killer Genocide Joe Biden/Kid-Killing Kamala (KKK) Harris Administration unforgivably supplied 75,000 tons of bombs to the genocidal Zionazis [85-87]. Genocide Score: 82 million [17].
(3). France. France is a signatory to the Rome Statute and the ICC but despicably rejected acting on the ICC arrest warrants on the bizarre grounds that Israel is not a signatory and that the matter is “a legally complex issue” [89].This is like saying that serial killers should not be arraigned if they don’t think that what they are doing is wrong. When asked whether he thought that Australian PM had lied to France over abrupt cancellation of a huge, ongoing submarine deal, French president Emmanuel Macron famously replied “I don’t think, I know” [90]. Decent Humanity if asked if it thinks France has made itself complicit in the Gaza Genocide would surely likewise reply “I don’t think, I know”. France has invaded 80 countries since 800CE [68, 91]. France devastated the Americas, Africa, South Asia, South East Asia and Oceania with slavery, subjugation, exploitation, and racist settler colonialism [17]. Indeed France contributed to the Palestinian Genocide by joining Britain in the 1916 Sykes-Picot Agreement that carved up the Arab and largely Muslim Middle East between non-Arab and non-Muslim Britain and France and disastrously permitted the genocidally racist UK to give the ancient country of Palestine to proto-Nazi Ashkenazi Jewish Zionists in 1917. During WW2 Vichy France collaborated with the Nazis with 22 % of the pre-WW2 French Jewish population being killed [40, 92]. After WW2, violent French resistance to decolonization and Indigenous self-determination devastated Algeria and Vietnam in particular [17]. France, the home of Liberty via the French Revolution has denied freedom, justice and human rights to the sorely oppressed Palestinians in 76 years of fervently supporting Apartheid Israel and hence the vile crime of Apartheid. France joined a neo-Nazi club of 50 countries including Australia, Germany, Hungary, the UK, Ukraine, and the US that disgracefully and unforgivably voted No to the annual UNGA Anti-Nazism Resolution – even Zionazi Apartheid Israel voted Yes for 6 million obvious reasons [93]. The new Vichy France stinks of complicity in the mass murder of Palestinians in Gaza (mostly children) – ergo, don’t buy French perfume. Genocide Score: 142 million [17].
(4). Hungary. The authoritarian, pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, has declared that he would invite Netanyahu to visit and defy the ICC arrest warrant [61]. The racist and neo-fascist President Javier Milei of Argentina has likewise rejected the ICC arrest warrants [61], noting that both Hungary and Argentina have appalling records of genocide in the 20th and 19th century, respectively [17], and both belong to the 35 member, all European, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic and holocaust-ignoring International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) that has been condemned by over 40 anti-racist Jewish organizations. Hungary sided with Nazi Germany in WW2 [17]. In 1944-1945 German and Hungarian Nazis attempted to exterminate the Jewish Hungarian population with 28% of the pre-war Jewish population being murdered [40, 92](I come from a very famous Jewish Hungarian family but our property in Buda and Pest has not been returned). Hungary was among 14 countries that voted No to a 27 October 2023 UNGA resolution for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza. Hungary also voted No to the annual UNGA Anti-Nazism Resolution in 2022 [93]. Genocide Score: 0.2 million Jewish Hungarians killed by German and Hungarian Nazis in WW2.
(5). Germany. Neo-Nazi Germany has fervently supported Apartheid Israel from 1948 onwards. German reparations for Nazi war crimes were committed to Zionazis doing to the Indigenous Palestinians what the Nazi Germans had done to Jews, Gypsies and Slavs (30 million killed in the WW2 European Holocaust, 23 million in the WW2 Soviet Holocaust). An evidently unrepentant neo-Nazi Germany has supplied 30% of the weapon imported by Apartheid Israel [62] and has an ugly record of persecuting Palestinians and their supporters. Zionism is genocidal racism and Nazism without gas chambers but with killing, expulsion and highly abusive confinement of unwanted Indigenous people in concentration camps like the Gaza Concentration Camp and West Bank ghettoes. Indeed I have carefully documented a shocking list of 52 Zionist- and Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons [95]. Prior to 7 October 2023 neo-Nazi Germany supported genocidally racist neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel in 12 ways was subsequently complicit in the Gaza Genocide in 11 ways [96]. Germany has supplied 30% of Apartheid Israeli arms imports, the US 69%. In particular Germany supplied 5 submarines to carry Apartheid Israeli nuclear-armed missiles [96]. Together with Australia, the UK, France and a total of 49 countries, neo-Nazi Germany abstained from the annual UNGA anti-Nazism Resolution in 2021 (the US and Ukraine voted No) [94] but with 51 other US Alliance countries (including Australia, France, Hungary, the US, the UK and Ukraine) actually voted No to the resolution in 2022 [93]. Neo-Nazi Germany fervently supports Apartheid Israel and denial of human rights to Indigenous Palestinians. Anti-racist Jewish American scholar Professor Bertell Ollman (NYU): “An all out struggle against Zionism by Jews, therefore, is also the most effective way to fight against real anti-Semitism. Furthermore, if Zionism is indeed a particularly virulent form of nationalism and, increasingly, of racism and if Israel is acting toward its captive minority in ways that resemble more and more how the Nazis treated their Jews, then we must also say so. For obvious reasons, the Zionists are very sensitive about being compared to the Nazis (not so sensitive that it has restrained them in their actions but enough to bellow “unfair” and to charge “anti-Semitism” when it happens). Yet, the facts on the ground, when not obscured by one or another Zionist rationalization, show that the Zionists are the worst anti-Semites in the world today, oppressing a Semitic people as no nation has done since the Nazis” [97]. The neo-Nazi German Government obscenely persecutes those supporting Palestinians human rights but fervently supports Apartheid Israel and hence the vile crime of Apartheid. The Nazi-style Right is resurgent in present day neo-Nazi Germany. Germany won’t say what it will do over the ICC warrants. Thus Matthias Goldmann, (professor of International Law at EBS University of Business and Law in Wiesbaden and Oestrich-Winkel): “Germany is in a dilemma here. On the one hand, it wants to support the ICC, but on the other hand, it has very close historical and political ties with Israel. And the German government is now somehow trying to get itself out of this situation,” [98]. Genocide Score: 30 million Slavs, Jews and Roma killed in WW2 by Nazi Germany.
(6). Australia. Racist White Australia is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of Apartheid and hence for the utterly vile crime of Apartheid. The cowardly, Zionist-perverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government will not say whether it will act on the ICC arrest warrants. However the far-right Coalition opposition rejects acting on the ICC warrants. Thus Susan Ley (Deputy Liberal leader of the Liberal Party-National Party Coalition Opposition): “Australia agrees with the US that the ICC does not have jurisdiction over these matters. It’s a position that we all used to hold, it’s a position I expect the government to adhere to. I know that Australians would be troubled today to see this targeting of a democratically elected leader who is trying to protect his country from terrorists”[99].
Conversely, the Australian Palestinian Advocacy Network (APAN): “Despite the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the Australian government has persistently refused to take a definitive stance, failing to either condemn the atrocities by Israel or uphold its obligations to prevent genocide, under international law. While we welcome Foreign Minister Penny Wong taking a different approach to the US, and saying that Australia respects the ICC and international law – in response to news of the arrest warrants – we urge the government to go further and commit to enforcing them. While calling for a ceasefire and humanitarian relief without naming the perpetrators and the victims, Wong’s statement sidesteps Australia’s responsibility to uphold international law and hold war criminals accountable. Australia’s inaction and complicity has gone on for far too long in the face of stark evidence of Israel’s unrelenting violence against Palestinians. Australia must publicly and urgently declare that it will honour its commitments under the Rome Statute, comply with the ICC’s arrest warrants, and support all international justice mechanisms” [100]. The anti-racist Jewish Council of Australia: “The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, and the country’s former defence minister Yoav Gallant for alleged war crimes relating to the Gaza war. In light of these developments, and the worsening conditions imposed on Palestinians in Gaza, and the West Bank, the Jewish Council of Australia calls on the Government to immediately cut all military ties and place sanctions on Israel. The Albanese Government must also place travel bans on those suspected of war crimes and clarify that it will arrest Netanyahu and Gallant if they enter Australia. These actions would be in line with Australia’s obligations under international law”[101].
However a 2002 Australian law gives the power to the attorney general (presently a Jewish Zionist) to veto any action on the ICC warrants. David Hurst: “Legal experts say a ‘carve-out’ clause in the law relating to extraditions [June 2002] could let the attorney general decline to enforce arrest warrants issued under international law” [102]. Don Rothwell ( international law, Australian National University) commenting on a provision allowing the Australian Attorney general to refuse an ICC arrest warrant: “[The provision is] sufficiently broad that the attorney general could exercise such a discretion to ensure that an ICC arrest warrant is not acted upon in the case of certain persons where the Australian government of the day took the view that the arrest warrant had no merit.. It was sufficient for the Howard government to win over doubters in the party room and Australia became an original party to the Rome Statute on its entry into force on 1 July 2002”. Douglas Guilfoyle, (professor of law and international security at the University of New South Wales Canberra): “[Australia] has an obligation under international law to execute any ICC warrant it receives and surrender suspects to the court. Obviously, failure to comply in practice would usually breach international law. But there may be cases where the attorney general has a genuine need for discretion, including cases where Australia may be faced with competing extradition requests from another state or states for the same suspect”[102]. As of 2 November 2024 the 2-party preferred vote in Australia’s excellent compulsory and preferential voting system is 52.1% Coalition) versus 47.9% for Labor. In the May 2022 elections Labor won government with 52.1% versus 47.9% for the Coalition [103]. If the election results in May 2025 reflect the present polling then child-, mother- and women –killing war criminals Netanyahu and Gallant will be very safe to visit fervently pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid Australia. Genocide Score: 2 million [17].
(7). United Kingdom (UK). The racist UK enabled the genocidal settler colonialism that wrecked Palestine and is now remorselessly heading to total genocide in Gaza [1, 5, 104] and to completely obliterating the physical testament to the remarkable and important 4,000 year history of Gaza and Palestine [9-12]. In a bloody 1,000 year history the British have invaded 193 countries (nearly every country in the world) in a deadly, greed-driven rampage of invasion, occupation, slavery, genocide and settler colonialism [68, 104]. The UK abstained from the UNGA Anti-Nazism Resolution in 2021 but voted No in 2022 – Nazi is as Nazi does and Neo-Nazi is as neo-Nazi does [93, 94]. The UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy has stated that he would continue to talk and meet with Benjamin Netanyahu after the ICC issued the arrest warrant, but that he would comply with the ICC’s request to arrest Netanyahu if he entered the UK [105]. Genocide Score: 727 million [17].
It must be noted that Apartheid Israel, the US, France, Germany, Hungary, Argentina, Australia and the UK are all members of the all-European International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) that is anti-Arab anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Jews, Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims as assertedly “anti-Semitic”), holocaust denying (by ignoring all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust) and pro-Apartheid (by fervently supporting Zionazi Apartheid Israel) [106].
Final comments.
The subtitle of my 2024 book “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” [107] lists 6 key things that must happen to free Palestine. However the simplest vital thing that could happen immediately and without negotiation is restoration to all Palestinians of all the human rights set out in the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [51]. Full human rights for all is an utterly unexceptional proposition for decent human beings who are guided by the core Kindness and Truth ethos of Humanity but is utterly rejected by the genocidally racist, egregiously mendacious and endlessly thieving Zionazis.
Rejection of full human rights for all by neo-Nazi Apartheiders led the world to unite in ultimately successful sanctions that brought down the Apartheid regime in South Africa with establishment of a secular, democratic state. The genocidal neo-Nazi Apartheid Israeli regime must be removed and immediately replaced by a unitary, secular, and democratic state with all human rights for all, equal opportunity for all, respect, justice, economic justice, truth-telling, reconciliation, return of refugees, zero tolerance for racism, internationally guaranteed security (initially with existing armed forces and foreign peace keepers), removal of nuclear weapons, recompense, reparations, and the unhindered freedom of all citizens to go anywhere in Palestine from the river to the sea [108].
Whether the serial war criminals Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant actually face the ICC or not, their war crimes trials (if necessary conducted in absentia) will document the shocking truths of the Gaza Genocide and the century-long, Jewish Israeli-imposed Palestinian Genocide and Palestinian Holocaust (2.5 million Palestinians killed by violence, 0.1 million, and imposed deprivation, 2.4 million). Meanwhile the appalling US- and US Alliance-backed killing continues through US-supplied bullets and bombs and deadly Jewish Israeli-imposed deprivation. All decent people around the world must resolutely act (a) by informing everyone they can, and (b) by urging, applying and enforcing rigorous Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against genocidally racist Apartheid Israel and all people, politicians, parties, collectives, corporations and countries supporting this Zionazi abomination.
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[4]. Antony Loewenstein, “The Palestine Laboratory. How Israel exports the technology of occupation to the world”, Scribe 2023.
[5]. Gideon Polya, “Review: “The Palestine Laboratory” By Antony Loewenstein – Apartheid Israel Exports Surveillance Nightmare”, 29 August 2023: .
[6]. Gideon Polya, “A shocking list of 52 Zionist- & Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons”, Countercurrents, 7 August 2021: .
[7]. Gideon Polya, “Stop The Killing & Occupation: Comparisons Of Jewish Israeli-Imposed Gaza Genocide Deaths With Nazi Atrocities”, Countercurrents, 12 November 2024: .
[8]. Gideon Polya, “Australia must stop Zionist subversion and join the World in comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters”, Subversion of Australia, 15 April 2021: .
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[95]. Gideon Polya, “A Shocking List of 52 Zionist- & Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany Comparisons”, Countercurrents, 7 August 2021: .
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[107]. “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide”, Korsgaard Publishing, 2024.
[108].Secular, democratic, one state Palestine: .
Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds” (2003). He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2021), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (1998, 2008, 2022), “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020), “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” (2024), and contributed to Soren Korsgaard (editor) “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published – Dangerous Deception Exposed!” (2020). For images of Gideon Polya’s huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: .