The utterly unforgivable Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Genocide continues remorselessly. By the end of 2024 Gaza Genocide deaths from violence and imposed deprivation are estimated as follows: 340,000 deaths (total), 243,000 (children), 67,000 (men) and 31,000 (women). The World is moving to stop this carnage. To that end and for ultimate justice and reparations it is important to estimate the complicity of the citizens of key countries involved as exampled below.
(A). Polling, electoral and other assessment of Jewish Israeli, US, UK, and Australian public complicity in the horrific, unforgivable and continuing Gaza Genocide.
(1). Apartheid Israel.
A pro-Palestinian human rights Israeli friend repeatedly tells me that fewer than 1% of Jewish Israelis are opposed to the war on Gaza. A new Pew Research Center survey (March –April 2024) finds that 39% of Israelis say Israel’s military response against Hamas in Gaza has been about right, while 34% say it has not gone far enough , 19% think it has gone too far, and 7% don’t know. Israeli Arabs (21% of the Israeli population) are much more likely than Jews to say the country’s military response has gone too far (74% versus. 4%). Thus only 4% of Jewish Israelis think it has gone too far but of these it seems likely that most would nevertheless support the war per se [1]. My Israeli friend appears to be correct – about 99% of Jewish Israelis support the killing, including those who want a temporary humanitarian cessation of the killing in exchange for 100 remaining Israeli hostages (noting that there are over 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli military prisons and that before 7 October 2023 there were 5.6 million Occupied Palestinians held hostage without human rights under Zionazi military rule [2]).
(2). America.
Well before the present Gaza Massacre, in 2021 a survey commissioned by the Jewish Electorate Institute found that 25% of Jewish American voters agreed that Israel is an apartheid state (38% among those under age 40) and that 22% agreed that Israel is committing genocide against Palestinian (33% of the under 40s) [3]. Polling in 2024 by the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs found that 30% of US Jews thought that Israel was committing genocide in Gaza, with younger respondents more likely to agree with the genocide accusation (38% of those under 44 versus 22% of those over 44) [4]. Over 60% supported a 2-state solution but mostly with conditions (e.g. a de-militarized Palestinian state) [4].
Of course correct perception of reality is based on evidence and not on polling. Thus we know from the astronauts that the Moon is not made of green cheese. Likewise we know that genocide is defined by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide as “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” [5] and that is exactly what has been happening in Gaza – an estimated 335,500 deaths (mostly children) from violence and imposed deprivation or 15% of the pre-war population killed by the end of 2024 [6]. Similarly, Apartheid involves suppression of one group by another and in Palestine while Indigenous Palestinians represented 51% of the Subjects of Apartheid Israel (before the Gaza Massacre) and the ruling Jewish Israelis only 47%, 73% of these Indigenous Palestinian Subjects (the Occupied Palestinians) are excluded from voting for the government ruling them, and the Israeli Palestinian 27% of the Indigenous Palestinian Subjects can vote but only for approved candidates and as Third Class citizens under 65 Nazi-style, race-based, discriminatory laws [7-9]. The 70-75% of US Jews denying the patent realities of Jewish Israeli-imposed genocide and apartheid are simply complicit in these awful crimes by lying – complicity in genocidal racism and egregious lying in gross violation of the core Kindness and Truth ethos of civilized Humanity.
Similarly one can measure American voter attitudes in the recent US Presidential election by the de facto outcome as a % of the popular vote: Donald Trump (Republican,49.7%), Kamala Harris (Democrat, 48.3%), Dr Jill Stein (Greens, 0.6%), Robert F. Kennedy Jr (Independent 0.5%), Chase Oliver (anti-war but pro-Israel Libertarian, 0.4%), and Others (notably anti-war African American academic Dr Cornel West, 0.5%) [10].
Kid Killing Kamala (KKK) Harris was part of the Genocide Joe Biden/ Kid Killing Kamala (KKK) Harris Administration that fervently backed genocidally racist Apartheid Israel and hence Apartheid, supplied 75,000 tons of bombs to the child-killing Jewish Israelis, and supported Apartheid Israel diplomatically at the UN and elsewhere . Trump is even more pro-Israel than the Democrats, and is fanatically supported by anti-science Biblical literalist Christian Zionist fanatics.
Trump stated in the Trump-Biden debate (June 2024, by which time 40,000 Gazans had been killed according to Gaza authorities):”As far as Israel and Hamas, Israel’s the one that wants to go – he said the only one who wants to keep going is Hamas. Actually, Israel is the one. And you should [let] them go and let them finish the job. He [Biden] doesn’t want to do it. He’s become like a Palestinian. But they don’t like him, because he’s a very bad Palestinian. He’s a weak one”[11].
In the Trump-Harris debate (September 2024) Trump stated: “But when she mentions about Israel all of a sudden — she hates Israel. She wouldn’t even meet with Netanyahu when he went to Congress to make a very important speech… She hates Israel. If she’s president, I believe that Israel will not exist within two years from now. And I’ve been pretty good at predictions. And I hope I’m wrong about that one. She hates Israel. At the same time in her own way she hates the Arab population because the whole place is going to get blown up, Arabs, Jewish people, Israel. Israel will be gone… Look at what’s going on in the Middle East. This would have never happened. I will get that settled and fast” [12]. Child-killing Harris unequivocally supported Apartheid Israel (“I have my entire career and life supported Israel and the Israeli people”) but made dishonest noises in a vain attempt to regain the Arab and Muslim vote: “And so absolutely, I said then, I say now, Israel has a right to defend itself. We would. And how it does so matters. Because it is also true far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Children, mothers. What we know is that this war must end. It must when, end immediately, and the way it will end is we need a cease-fire deal and we need the hostages out” [12]. Child-killing Harris is damned by her own words because “far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed” clearly implies that “many innocent Palestinians” should have been killed.
(3). United Kingdom.
While Apartheid Israel is a Zionazi-run democracy-by-genocide (democratic Nazism), the US, UK and Australia are corporatocracies and lobbyocracies in which Big Money buys public perception of reality, votes and hence more political power [13-15]. The US is ruled by a Democrat/Republican Duopoly, the UK by a Labour/Conservative Duopoly, Australia by a Labor/Liberal-National Party Coalition Duopoly and in all cases there is rule by the rich for the super-rich Establishment. The Western Establishments are dominated by genocidally racist Christian Zionist and Jewish Zionist billionaires who presently fervently support Apartheid Israel and hence the utterly evil crimes of Apartheid and genocide that are condemned by the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [16] and Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide [17], respectively.
While Australia has a world-leading and exquisitely fair compulsory and preferential voting system, the US and UK have non-compulsory voting and first-past-the-post electoral systems. Thus in the recent UK elections Labour won a landslide victory with 411 seats from 33.7% of the vote as compared to the Conservatives (121 seats with 23.7% of the vote) and the Liberal Democrats (72 seats from 12.2% of the vote) [18].
However the major UK parties are united in their support for genocidally racist, Zionazi-run, child-, mother- and women-killing Apartheid Israel and hence for the utterly vile crime of Apartheid. Those supporting Apartheid Israel and hence neo-Nazi Apartheid (most members of the UK House of Commons) are utterly unfit for decent company, public life and public office in an internally human rights-observant and one-person-one-vote democracy like the US, UK and Australia.
Of course the UK has had over a century to develop its utterly disgusting fervent support for genocidal Zionism (Zionazism) and anti-Arab anti-Semitism (Islamophobia). Oil was discovered in Iran in 1908, the London-based Anglo-Persian Oil Company (APOC) was formed in 1909, the British confected war with Turkey by seizing a British-built battleship ordered by Turkey, and invaded Iraq in 1914. In 1916 the Sykes-Picot Agreement divided the Ottoman Turkey-ruled Arab world between British and France. 2 days after the 31 October 1917 Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) victory over the Turks at Beersheba (Palestine), on 2 November 1917 the British issued the Balfour Declaration that granted Palestine as a Homeland for Jews [19-21]. Over a century later, in 2024 Zionists occupy all of Palestine plus big parts of Lebanon and Syria, have been saturation bombing Gaza, Lebanon and Syria, and are conducting a merciless Gaza Genocide in which the US has supplied 75,000 tons of bombs, the UK is complicit (aerial surveillance for Apartheid Israel) [22], and US lackey and Zionist-subverted Australia is complicit in 20 ways [23] and lies for Apartheid Israel in 35 ways [24]. The UK-initiated and century-long Palestinian Genocide has been associated with 3 major ethnic cleansing atrocities (0.8 million Palestinians expelled from their homes in 1948, 0.4 million in 1967 and 2.3 million in 2024), and 2.5 million Palestinian deaths from violence (0.1 million) and imposed deprivation (2.4 million) [21], a Palestinian Holocaust similar in magnitude to the Nazi-imposed WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by violence and imposed deprivation) and the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine; 6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons in Bengal, Bihar, Assam and Odisha by the British with food denying Australian complicity)
The UK, like the US, Australia and US Alliance countries, has been thoroughly subverted and perverted by virulent, mendacious and genocidally racist Zionists. Rational and humane opposition to this obscenity whether from anti-racist Jews or anti-racist non-Jews is falsely reviled by Zionist psychopaths as “antisemitism”, “hate speech”, “blood libel” etc. Notable courageous opponents of genocidal Zionism (Zionazism) in the UK include many anti-racist Labour activists such as Tony Greenstein, outstanding former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and George Galloway. Like many others around the world, including many former colonial subjects of the UK, I love and admire British culture, innovation, social progress, literature, poetry, theatre, art, language, music, science, scenery, scholarship, sports and, of course, British eccentricity and humor. However the Zionists and their traitorous acolytes have soiled that appreciation just as genocidally racist Zionism by false conflation has soiled the wonderful 3 millennium Jewish humanitarian tradition from the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ “love thy neighbor as thyself” to wonderful present era Jewish humanitarian scholars from Hannah Arendt to Howard Zinn (see “Jews Against Racism Zionism” [25]).
Of course the real purpose of the UK creation of Apartheid Israel was as a Western Crusader fortress in the heart of the Arab world as revealed by the British, French and Apartheid Israeli invasion of Egypt in 1956. The US put an end to that vile imperialist adventure but with Apartheid Israeli acquisition of nuclear weapons by the mid-1960s and the conquest of all of Palestine and parts of its neighbors in 1967, the US became increasingly beholden to Apartheid Israel and the traitorous Zionist Lobby. As a dirty tricks surrogate of the US, Zionazi Apartheid Israel was very likely directly involved in the 9/11 atrocity, an event that required the resources of a major nation state. 32 million Muslims died from violence (5 million) and imposed deprivation (27 million) in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since the US Government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity that killed 3,000 innocent Americans [26, 27]. The UK was variously involved in the War on Terror (in actuality a War on Muslims) that devastated the Muslim world from West, North and East Africa and through the Middle East to Central, South and South East Asia [28]. UK Labour PM Tony Blair played a dirty role in supporting US lies that enabled the devastating Iraq War (2.7 million dead from violence and deprivation) [28] and the Afghan War (6.8 million dead from violence and deprivation) [29-38].
While UK Establishment power, Zionist perversion, US subversion and mendacious Mainstream media mean that UK MPs overwhelmingly support genocidally racist and Zionazi Apartheid Israel, a small rump of decent Labour MPs (and a much greater proportion of Labour Party members) support Palestinian human rights. UK polling indicates that 60% of Brits think that the Israeli military response to 7 October 2023 has gone “too far” [39]. However, this is rather like Kid-Killing Kamala (KKK) Harris (with Genocide Joe Biden the supplier of 75,000 tons of bombs to the genocidal Jewish Israelis) saying in the Trump-Harris Debate that “far too many innocent Palestinians have been killed” (obscenely implying that “many innocent Palestinians” should have been killed) [12, 40-42].
(4). Australia.
In the 19th and early 20th century Australia became one of the first countries in the world to have one-person-one-vote parliamentary democracy, ballot papers, free, compulsory and secular education, free trade unions, female suffrage, public access universities, basic human rights and the rule of law for ordinary citizens, and the 8 hour working day – for White people. Thus Indigenous Australians were subject to merciless genocide for over 2 centuries, the last massacres occurring in about 1930 in Central Australia. Indigenous Australians were only counted as citizens after a Referendum in 1967 (being previously counted under a Flora and Fauna Act). In the first century of colonization the Indigenous population fell from about 1 million to 0.1 million through violence, dispossession, deprivation and introduced disease. The death toll in the Aboriginal Genocide was 2 million involving 0.1 million killed through violence and the remainder killed through imposed deprivation and disease. In one of history’s biggest ethnocides, the pre-Invasion 700 unique Indigenous languages and dialects in 1788 was reduced to about 100 today with all but 25 severely endangered. Assimilatory ethnocide was significantly promoted by the Stolen Generations obscenity in which about 0.1 million Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their mothers – it was the subject of an official Australian Government “Sorry” by PM Kevin Rudd in 2008 but continues today with continuing removal of Indigenous children from their impoverished mothers and communities at record rates on the basis of “child protection”. Indigenous Ethnocide is also being encouraged through opposition to bilingual teaching and imposed harsh living conditions in remote Indigenous communities. Today Indigenous Australians suffer a continuing and deadly “Gap” compared to non-Indigenous Australians in relation to health, housing, education, employment, income, incarceration, smoking, drinking, domestic violence, infant mortality, health and life expectancy [43-59].
Whether a child is killed violently ( by bashing, bullets or bombs) or dies from imposed deprivation, the death is just as final and the perpetrator just as guilty. Violent deaths in Gaza now reportedly total about 50,000 [60] but Professor Devi Sridhar (chair, global health, University of Edinburgh) has estimated that 335,500 people would be killed by violence and imposed deprivation in Gaza by the end of 2024 (i.e. in the15 months since the Palestinian Breakout from the Gaza Concentration Camp on 7 October 2023) [6]. Under-5 infant deaths are about 70% of total avoidable deaths from deprivation [32]. Using this information it is estimated that violent and non-violent Gaza deaths in the first year of the Gaza Massacre then total 194,499 (children), 24,588 (women) and 53,861 (men) for a total of 272,948 deaths [61]. By the end of 2024 one can proportionally estimate the following Gaza deaths: 340,000 deaths (total), 243,000 (children), 67,000 (men) and 31,000 (women).
This horrifying death toll of children in particular in the Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Genocide demands some comment about the Jewish Israeli perpetrators and those complicit through supporting genocidal Apartheid Israel or through Silence. My endlessly repeated mantra is “Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity”. Indeed on 19 December 2024 I sent the following strong Letter to major Mainstream Australian media (it is extremely unlikely to be published in Zionist-perverted Australia):
LETTER. “About 2,000 years ago Jewish King Herod allegedly massacred all under-2 male Palestinian children in and about Bethlehem in the hopefully fictional Massacre of the Innocents (Holy Bible, Matthew 2.16). It is expertly estimated that by New Year’s Day 2025 about 340,000 Gazans (15% of the pre-war population and mostly children) will have been killed by Jewish Israeli-imposed violence and deprivation (eminent Professor Devi Sridhar, chair, global health, University of Edinburgh). The perpetrators and those complicit in this unforgivable atrocity through support of genocidal Apartheid Israel or through Silence have departed from decent Humanity and have utterly cursed themselves, their self-imposed curse being endlessly renewed every time they see their reflection and at the going down of the sun and in the morning”.END LETTER.
Those engaged in “support of genocidal Apartheid Israel” include 99% of Jewish Israelis, many citizens of the US, UK and Australia (as analysed here) and many citizens of the 35 member countries of the anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic, holocaust ignoring and all-European IHRA (International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance) that fervently supports pro-Apartheid neo-Nazi Israel and indeed includes the US, UK and Australia [62-74]. In addition to the horrendous mass murder of children by genocidal Jewish Israelis (the genocidal ultimate in child abuse) there is the horrific traumatizing abuse of all Gaza children [75-80]. Thus Amira Mohamed Taha and colleagues (2024): “Since Oct 7, 2023, escalating violence in Gaza has intensified a mental health crisis among its 2.1 million residents, of whom 67% are refugees and 65% are younger than 25 years. Constant bombardment and displacement and the loss of family members are predisposing many children to anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other adverse mental health conditions. In fact, a 2020 study showed that 53·5% of Gazan children had PTSD even before this conflict” [76].
The Guardian: “A new study of children living through the war in Gaza has found that 96% of them feel that their death is imminent and almost half want to die as a result of the trauma they have been through. A needs assessment, carried out by a Gaza-based NGO sponsored by the War Child Alliance charity, also found that 92% of the children in the survey were “not accepting of reality”, 79% suffer from nightmares and 73% exhibit symptoms of aggression” [77]. War Child on its latest report (2024): “The findings in this study are stark. Caregivers report that 96% of children feel death is imminent, and nearly half believe they will die because of the war. Many children exhibit symptoms of aggression, fear, withdrawal, and severe anxiety, alongside a pervasive sense of hopelessness. Years of displacement, loss, and relentless bombing have left children psychologically scarred and their families in dire circumstances” [78]. The War Child report summary (2024): “The needs assessment study – which interviewed over 500 children, parents and caregivers, from families where at least one child is disabled, injured or unaccompanied – shows that over a year of displacement, loss, and relentless bombing have left the most vulnerable children in Gaza seriously psychologically traumatised, with their families on the brink of survival. For the most vulnerable children in Gaza, caregivers report that: 96% of children feel death is imminent, 92% of children are not accepting of reality, 87% display severe fear, 79% suffer from nightmares, 77% of children avoid talking about traumatic events, 73% of children exhibit symptoms of aggression, 49% of children wish to die because of the war, and many more show signs of withdrawal and severe anxiety, alongside a pervasive sense of hopelessness” [79].
Australia has appalling record of ongoing child abuse through removal of Indigenous children from their mothers, and de facto slavery of Indigenous children as well as of Indigenous adults lasting into the 1970s. About 25% of Australians are sexually abused as children, as compared to 18% of Israeli children and 18% of American children [81-90].
As a UK or US lackey Australia has invaded 85 countries as compared to Britain 193, France 82, the US 72 (52 after WW2), Germany 39, Japan 30, Russia 25, Canada 25, Apartheid Israel 13, China 2 and North Korea 1 [91-95]. Indeed in living memory Australia has violated all 80 Indo-Pacific countries variously through war, military presence, assistance in US-backed covert coups (8), and as a leading climate criminal country that existentially threatens Humanity and the Biosphere [96, 97]. Between 1901 and 1974 White Australia insulted the 80% of the world who are not European by its racist White Australian Policy. However old habits die hard. White Australia was involved in all 1950 onwards US Asian Wars (atrocities associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation) [32]. The Right-Far Right Liberal Party-National Party Coalition (presently in Opposition) supported all of these wars but the Centre-Right Labor Party (presently in government) supported all except for the Iraq War and the Afghan War [32]. Australia treats adult and child boat-borne non-European refugees appallingly (highly abusive indefinite detention in remote, offshore prisons without charge or trial) and has helped the US devastate Asia since WW2. While Whites and non-Whites are now 76% and 24%, respectively, of the Australian population, they represent 94.9% and 5.1%, respectively of the senior leadership of major Australian organizations and institutions (e.g. corporations, parliament, and universities). Australia is currently being rocked by huge scandals in the 4 Big Banks in which Whites and non-Whites average 89.7% and 10.3%, respectively, of Board members. Lack of cultural diversity evidently facilitates corporate malfeasance [98, 99].
Australia as a US lackey has committed immense war crimes in utterly impoverished Occupied Iraq and utterly impoverished Occupied Afghanistan in gross violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention that demands that an Occupier must provide life-sustaining food and medical services to its conquered Subjects “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” [100, 101]. However US lackey and Zionist-subverted racist White Australia simply looks the other way, and apart from the Left to progressive Centre Alternative media has an entrenched culture of lying by omission, especially concerning genocidal Apartheid Israel and Zionist-perverted America. For a website documenting a huge number of things that Australian Mainstream media do not want Australian to see, know about or think about see “Australian Mainstream media lying & censorship”[102] (see also [103-106]).
One can readily understand that a genocidal racism-based and British settler-colonialism-based Australia would find common cause with similarly genocidal racism- and settler-colonialism-based America and Apartheid Israel. Thus Australia under either a Labor Government or a Coalition Government is second only to the US as a fervent supporter of Apartheid Israel, is complicit in the Gaza Genocide in 20 ways [23], lies for Apartheid Israel in 35 ways [24], and is committed to this utterly disgusting course despite the fact that Australia is violated by traitorous Zionists and Zionazi Apartheid Israel in about 50 ways [107].
For about 14 months the Australian Labor Government (together with the even worse pro-coal, Right- Far Right Coalition aka the COALition) has opposed an immediate and permanent Ceasefire in Gaza, a disgusting position adopted by all Federal MPs except for 15 Greens and 4 decent Independents, ex-Green Senator Lidia Thorpe, ex-Labor Senator Fatima Payman, Dr Helen Haines and Andrew Wilkie, a mere 19 out of a total of 227 Federal MPs (76 Senators and 151 Members of the House of Representatives) [108-110].
However there is a mounting backlash from anti-racist Jewish, non-Jewish, young, Palestinian, Arab and Muslim Australians who naturally enough are distressed by the Jewish Israeli mass murder of children, mothers and women. Australia has a world’s best compulsory and preferential voting system. For a valid vote the voter must numerically indicate the order of preference for all candidates. If a candidate fails to get 50% of the vote then second preferences are taken into account. Thus in the 2022 Federal Elections Center-Right Labor got 77seats with 32.6% of the first preference vote, the Right-Far Right Coalition got 58 seats with 35.7% of the vote and the Left-Centre Greens got 4 seats with 12.3% of the vote – however Labor won because it got most of the second preferences of the Green voters [111], Labor getting a winning “Two-Party Preferred Vote” (TPV) of 52.1% and the Coalition losing with only 47.9% . The latest opinion polls suggest a reversal of this position with the Coalition getting a TPV of 51% and Labor only 49% [112].
As summarized below, the cowardly, unprincipled, Zionist perverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government after 14 months of blindly supporting Apartheid Israel has finally voted for “an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire” (item #12 below) and “Israel to] end to its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” (item #14 in the detailed analysis below) [113]. Labor clearly wants to try to appease Palestinian, Arab and Muslim voters in working class suburbs of Sydney and Melbourne. However as the carnage mounts in Gaza and Apartheid Israel bombs and invades Lebanon and Syria the anger is not going away. Young people recognize genocide when they see it – thus the famed Oxford Union voted overwhelmingly for the proposition that “This house believes Israel is an apartheid state responsible for genocide” [114]. The utterly appalling Coalition has declared that it won’t arrest ICC-sought war criminal Netanyahu under the ICC-issued arrest warrants and cowardly and dishonest Labor is too scared to explicitly say yea or nay [115] . For this new position Labor has been condemned by the Coalition, Zionists and ICC-sought war criminal Netanyahu as “anti-Israel” and “antisemitic” for voting for International Law and Palestinian human rights. Pathological liar, genocidal racist, thief and child killer Netanyahu absurdly accused fervently pro-Israel Labor of being “anti-Israel” and thence asserted that “anti-Israel sentiment is antisemitism” [116]. However after an utterly deplorable Melbourne synagogue arson in Melbourne and arson of cars and anti-Israel graffiti in Sydney (all by persons unknown), Labor joined the Zionist chorus of “antisemitism”, “terrorism” , “hate speech” and “damage to social cohesion” and is moving to further constrain free speech and weekly Sunday Rallies for Palestinian human rights [116].
While Labor’s belated support for the UNGA Resolutions for “an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire” and “[Israel to] end to its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” is welcome, many decent Australians will vote 1 Green or Socialist and put the awful, climate criminal and anti-Palestinian human rights Liberal Party –National Party Coalition last and Labor second last in Australia’s compulsory and preferential voting system. Indeed The Age (the leadingqualityMelbourne newspaper) published a colour photo of one of the weekly Sunday Rallies (12 noon, Victorian State Library, every Sunday since the beginning of the Gaza Genocide on 7 October 2023) showing me holding a huge 2-sided placard saying “BOYCOTT APARTHEID ISRAEL, LABOR, LIBS”(the other side saying “WORLD: STOP PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE, ZIONISM”) [117].
(B). Set out below are details of how Apartheid Israel, the UK, the US and pro-Apartheid Australia voted on 16 Palestine-related Resolutions at the UN General Assembly in 2024 [113]. Item #13 about “Assistance to the Palestinian People” was passed by consensus. In relation to the other 15 Resolutions (at Plenary Sessions or at pre-Plenary Committee, Israel voted No to all 15, and) the US voted No to all except for #3 (“Assistance to refugees”) on which it Abstained. The UK and Australia importantly mostly voted Yes, and in particular voted Yes to “an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire” (item #12 below) and “[Israel to] end to its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” (item #14, but nevertheless showed their continuing loyalty to genocidal and International Law-violating Zionazi Apartheid Israel by variously voting No or Abstaining for some other Palestine-related Resolutions upholding International Law (Australia 5 and the UK 6) [113].
Marked with an asterisk (*) below are votes in which my country Australia departed from civilized Humanity and voted No or Abstained. You can use this compilation [113] to see how your country voted.
*(1). “The occupied Syrian Golan” [A/C.4/79/L.15] (“Determines that all legislative and administrative measures and actions taken or to be taken by Israel, the occupying Power, that purport to alter the character and legal status of the occupied Syrian Golan are null and void…”), Plenary vote: Australia Abstained, UK Yes, Israel No, US No (152 Yes (including UK and all of the EU), 5 No (United States, Israel, Argentina, Tonga, Papua New Guinea), 23 Abstained).
(2). “Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and the occupied Syrian Golan” [A/C.4/79/L.16] (“Reaffirms that the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan are illegal and an obstacle to peace and economic and social development…Recalling the advisory opinion rendered on 19 July 2024 by the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and from the illegality of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”), Plenary vote: Australia Yes, UK Yes, Israel No, US No (152 Yes (Including UK, Canada, & most of EU), 9 No (including US, Israel, Argentina, Hungary), 19 Abstained).
(3). “Assistance to Palestine refugees” [A/C.4/77/L.13] (“Expressing grave concern at the especially dire situation of the Palestine refugees under occupation, including with regard to their safety, well-being and socioeconomic living conditions”), Plenary vote: Australia Yes, UK Yes, Israel No, US Abstained (171 Yes (including UK, Canada, & all of EU), 3 No (Israel, Argentina, Papua New Guinea), 9 Abstained (including US, Cameroon, Panama, Paraguay).
(4). “Palestine refugees’ properties and their revenues” [A/C.4/79/L.14] (“Reaffirms that the Palestine refugees are entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom, in conformity with the principles of equity and justice…”), Plenary vote: Australia Yes, UK Yes, Israel No, US No (164 Yes (including UK, Canada, & all of EU), 6 No (including US, Israel, Argentina), 9 Abstained).
*(5). “The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East” [A/C.1/79/L.2] (“Recalling that Israel remains the only State in the Middle East that has not yet become a party to the Treaty”. Israel is the only Middles Eastern country which has nuclear weapons and is a non-signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty), Plenary vote: Australia Abstained, UK Abstained, Israel No, US No (153 Yes, 5 No (Israel, US, Argentina, Palau, Micronesia), 27 Abstained).
(6). “Oil slick on Lebanese shores” [A/C.2/79/L.9] (“Reiterates, for the nineteenth consecutive year, its deep concern about the adverse implications of the destruction by the Israeli Air Force of the oil storage tanks in the direct vicinity of the Lebanese Jiyeh electric power plant for the achievement of sustainable development in Lebanon…”), Pre-Plenary Committee vote: Australia Yes, UK Yes, Israel No, US No (161 Yes, 7 No (including United States, Canada, Israel, Argentina), 9 Abstained).
(7). “Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources” [A/C.2/ 79/L.40] (“Expressing its grave concern also about the widespread destruction caused by Israel, the occupying Power, to vital infrastructure, including water pipelines, sewage networks and electricity networks, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”), Pre-Plenary Committee vote: Australia Yes, UK Yes, Israel No, US No (159 Yes, 7 No (including US, Canada, Israel, Argentina), 11 Abstained).
(8). “The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination” [A/C.3/79/L.49] (“Recalling the advisory opinion rendered on 19 July 2024 by the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and from the illegality of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory”, Pre-Plenary Committee vote: Australia Yes, UK Yes, Israel No, US No (170 Yes (Including UK, Canada, & all of EU), 6 No (Israel, US, Argentina, Paraguay, Micronesia, Nauru), 9 Abstained).
(9). “Admission of new Members to the United Nations” [A/RES/ES-10/23] (“Reaffirming its resolutions 43/176 of 15 December 1988 and 77/25 of 30 November 2022 and all relevant resolutions regarding the peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine, which, inter alia, stress the need for the withdrawal of Israel from the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem…Calls for renewed and coordinated efforts by the international community aimed at achieving without delay an end to the Israeli occupation that began in 1967”), Plenary vote: Australia Yes, UK Abstained, Israel No, US No (143 Yes, 9 No (including US, Israel, Argentina, Hungary, Czechia), 25 Abstained).
*(10). “Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory” [A/RES/ES-10/24] (“Demands that Israel brings to an end without delay its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, which constitutes a wrongful act of a continuing character entailing its international responsibility, and do so no later than 12 months from the adoption of the present resolution…Demands that Israel comply without delay with all its legal obligations
under international law, including… withdrawing all its military forces from the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including its airspace and maritime space”), Plenary vote: Australia Abstained, UK Abstained , Israel No, US No (124 Yes, 14 No (including US, Israel, Argentina, Hungary),43 Abstained).
(11). “Support for the mandate of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East” [A/ES-10/L.32] (“Deplores the legislation adopted by the Israeli Knesset on 28 October
2024…Deeply concerned also about attempts to discredit the Agency, as well as attempts to undermine and terminate its operations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem…Underscores the imperative of reparations, in accordance with international law, for all losses, damage and destruction sustained by the Agency in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and calls upon the Secretary-General to undertake the necessary assessments to this end”), Plenary vote: Australia Yes, UK Yes, Israel No, US No (159 Yes (including UK, Canada, & most of EU), 9 No (including US, Israel, Argentina, Paraguay), 11 Abstain (Including Austria, Netherlands, Hungary, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Czechia)).
(12). “Demand for ceasefire in Gaza” [A/ES-10/L.33] (“Recalling the orders of provisional measures of the International Court of Justice in the case concerning the application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip… given its determination that there is a real and imminent risk that irreparable prejudice will be caused to the rights found by the Court to be plausible, namely the right of the Palestinians in Gaza to be protected from acts of genocide… recalling also the advisory opinion rendered on 19 July 2024 by the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and from the illegality of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory…Demands an immediate, unconditional and permanent ceasefire, to be respected by all parties, and further reiterates its demand for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages”), Plenary vote: Australia Yes, UK Yes, Israel No, US No (158 Yes (including UK, Canada, & most of EU), 9 No (including United States, Israel, Argentina, Hungary, Czechia), 13 Abstained (Including Ukraine, Slovakia, Cameroon, Georgia, Albania).
(13). “Assistance to the Palestinian people” [A/79/L.41] (“Aware that development is difficult under occupation and is best promoted in circumstances of peace and stability. Noting the great economic and social challenges facing the Palestinian people and their leadership”), no plenary vote and a consensus decision i.e. Australia Yes, UK Yes, Israel Yes, US Yes (but (gross hypocrisy for the US that delivered 75,000 tons of bombs to Israel that were then dropped on Gaza).
(14). “Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine” [A/79/L.23] (“Reaffirming the illegality of Israeli settlement activities and all other unilateral measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the City of Jerusalem and of the Occupied Palestinian Territory as a whole, including the wall and its associated regime, and demanding their immediate cessation, and condemning any use of force against Palestinian civilians in violation of international law, notably children… Demands that Israel, the occupying Power, comply strictly with its obligations under international law, including as reflected in the advisory opinion of the International Court of 19 July 2024, including to bring an end to its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory… 15. Calls for: (a) The withdrawal of Israel from the Palestinian territory occupied since1967, including East Jerusalem; (b) The realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, primarily the right to self-determination and the right to their independent State; (c) A just resolution of the problem of Palestine refugees in conformity with its resolution 194 (III) of 11 December 1948;”), Plenary vote: Australia Yes, UK Yes, Israel No, US No (157 Yes (Including UK, Canada, & most of EU), 8 No (Including United States, Israel, Argentina, Hungary) and 7 Abstained).
* (15). “The Syrian Golan” [A/79/L.19] (“Deeply concerned that Israel has not withdrawn from the Syrian Golan, which has been under occupation since 1967”), Plenary vote: Australia No, UK No, Israel No, US No (97 Yes, 8 No (including US, UK, Canada, Australia, Israel), 64 Abstained including anti-nuclear weapons, 5-eyes member New Zealand ).
*(16). “Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat” [A/79/L.24] (“Considers that, by providing substantive support to the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People in the implementation of its mandate, the Division for Palestinian Rights of the Secretariat continues to make a constructive and positive contribution…” “Requests the Division… to organize international meetings and activities in support of the Committee’s mandate … to liaise and cooperate with civil society and parliamentarians, including through the Working Group of the Committee, to develop and expand the ‘Question of Palestine’ website”), Plenary vote: Australia Abstained, UK No, Israel No, US No (101 Yes, 27 No (including US, Germany, UK, Canada, Italy, Israel, Austria, Switzerland), 42 Abstained).
Final comments and conclusions.
The Gaza Genocide must be halted and the Jewish Israeli perpetrators made to immediately leave Gaza and all Occupied Territories to permit entry of (a) life-sustaining water, food, winter clothing, shelter, electricity, fuel, medicine, and medical care teams, (b) UN peacekeepers to keep order and protect the surviving population and service providers, (c) reconstruction teams and materials for vital housing and infrastructure reconstruction, and (d) forensic teams to determine all who have died and how they died.
The World must apply rigorous and comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters – all the people, politicians, parties, collectives, companies and countries complicit in this horrific atrocity.
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[99]. Gideon Polya, “Review: “Leading for Change” – corporate cultural diversity deficiency & Australian financial scandals”, Countercurrents, 3 May 2018: https://countercurrents.org/2018/05/review-leading-for-change-corporate-cultural-diversity-deficiency-australian-financial-scandals .
[100]. Gideon Polya, “Australian National Anti-Corruption Commission Rejects Submissions Re Huge Australian War Crimes and Carbon Debt”, Countercurrents, 2 October 2023: https://countercurrents.org/2023/10/australian-national-anti-corruption-commission-rejects-submissions-re-huge-australian-war-crimes-and-carbon-debt/ .
[101]. Fourth Geneva Convention (The Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.33_GC-IV-EN.pdf .
[102]. “Australian Mainstream media lying & censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/australian-mainstream-media-lying-censorshp .
[103]. “Gideon Polya”: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/home .
[104]. “Racist & lying Australian Mainstream ignores awful truths”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/racist-lying-australian-mainstream-ignores-awful-truths .
[105]. “Gideon Polya Countercurrents articles”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestinegenocideessays/gideon-polya-countercurrents-articles .
[106]. “Countercurrents articles by Gideon Polya”: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/countercurrents-articles .
[107]. Gideon Polya, “Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism threats to Australia and Humanity”, Palestinian Genocide, 2010: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/racist-zionism-and-israeli .
[108]. Australian House of Representatives, “Middle East”, Hansard, 7 February 2024: https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Hansard/Hansard_Display?bid=chamber/hansardr/27585/&sid=0061 .
[109]. Gideon Polya, “Put Labor Last: Traitorous Australian Labor Government Deceives Australians For US & Genocidal Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 21 May 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/05/put-labor-last-traitorous-australian-labor-government-deceives-australians-for-us-genocidal-apartheid-israel/ .
[110]. Gideon Polya, “Breakthrough: Australian Labor Senator Fatima Payman Condemns Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide, Human Rights Denial & Occupation”, Countercurrents, 17 May 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/05/breakthrough-australian-labor-senator-fatima-payman-condemns-jewish-israeli-gaza-genocide-human-rights-denial-occupation/ .
[111]. “2022 Australian federal election”, Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Australian_federal_election .
[112]. Adrian Beaumont, “Labor and Albanese end 2024 in worst poll position this term”, The Conversation, 18 December 2024: https://theconversation.com/labor-and-albanese-end-2024-in-worst-poll-position-this-term-245846 .
[113]. “2024 UNGA Resolutions on Israel [16] vs. Rest of the World [6]”: https://unwatch.org/2024-unga-resolutions-on-israel-vs-rest-of-the-world/ .
[114]. Gideon Polya, “Estimated 273,000 Gazans Killed In the First Year Of Oxford Union-Perceived Gaza Genocide By Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 6 December 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/12/estimated-273000-gazans-killed-in-the-first-year-of-oxford-union-perceived-gaza-genocide-by-apartheid-israel/ .
[115]. Gideon Polya, “Genocide-complicit US & US Allies Reject ICC Arrest Warrants For Genocidal Zionazis Netanyahu & Gallant”, Countercurrents, 1 December 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/12/genocide-complicit-us-us-allies-reject-icc-arrest-warrants-for-genocidal-zionazis-netanyahu-gallant/ .
[116]. Gideon Polya , “Melbourne Synagogue Arson By Unknown Agents Fans Zionist Lies, Hysteria, Islamophobia & Human Rights Abuse “, Countercurrents, 13 December 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/12/melbourne-synagogue-arson-by-unknown-agents-fans-zionist-lies-hysteria-islamophobia-human-rights-abuse/ .
[117]. Michael Bachelard and Carla Jaeger, “Protests to go on ‘until liberation’, say pro-Palestinian rally organisers”, The Age, 8 December 2024: https://www.theage.com.au/politics/victoria/protests-to-go-on-until-liberation-say-pro-palestinian-organisers-20241208-p5kwqj.html .
Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds” (2003). He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2021), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (1998, 2008, 2022), “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020), “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” (2024), and contributed to Soren Korsgaard (editor) “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published – Dangerous Deception Exposed!” (2020). For images of Gideon Polya’s huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: http://sites.google.com/site/artforpeaceplanetmotherchild/ .