Dear Readers,
As a loyal reader of (CC) I am writing this letter to you all to espouse support for this website. In today’s world, Independent journalism should be ensured with the help of the readers, and well-wishers of CC. As a reader, I feel that ignoring the appeal for fundraising is not ethical. Earlier in December, the call from CC’s editor Binu Mathew was noticed by some and not by others. This AD free website was established twenty-two years ago and it is still going strong. The fundraising is only done once a year in December as many of you know. Some of you may have noticed that I am also a contributor to CC. I have stated in the opening remark that I am writing to you all as a reader.
What compelled me to write this open letter, you may ask. Well, few days ago, a very personal appeal by the editor to the entire Countercurrents community came to my attention. He sounded very frustrated by the lack of response from the CC readers. He waited a few days after the initial request to the CC readers and subscribers went through its newsletter. He saw that it is the same groups of people (readers) are donating to the annual fund drive. We must not think that since others are giving it absolves us from doing our due diligence. This kind of attitude is very selfish and unprincipled. All of us should open our wallets and pitch in according to our means. Extending your hand to an altruistic cause is the decent thing to do. After all, you all are CC readers, and supporting it should come naturally. is neither dying nor shrinking; it is just facing some financial challenges like any other Independent news agencies that do not rely on corporate sponsors.
Now, I will tell you why I prefer reading the Countercurrents over other news journals. As I open my email in the morning, usually the CC newsletter is there in my inbox unless there is some technical glitch which results in no delivery. Usually, it is there and I tend to open it first by overlooking all the other emails from friends, family, and other publications. Looking through the CC newsletter first thing has become part of my daily routine and it feels great to see what my editor has put together for the day.
CC newsletter is a window to the world as things are happening in the subcontinent and beyond. It is an abridged version of the CC website so to speak. With the newsletter, I can get caught up on the developments on the worldwide events. CC editors do a fine job in synthesizing that day’s events around the globe. As a result, I do not have to log into any other news outlets to find the latest news. Morning to noon is a busy time for me and the newsletter provides a synopsis of the latest news around the globe and keeps me updated.
Globally, independent journalism’s primary duty is to follow the news and report everything without any bias, and favoring any political party. They just report the truth. Countercurrents in all its articles highlight from the perspectives of the disadvantaged, or those who are persecuted, or being treated unfairly. is not in the habit of bending the truth to please anyone. Twisting facts or relying on speculations will be considered yellow journalism. CC prides itself for its quality and excellence. As a reader, I respect that very much.
I sort of made a decision not to mention any contributor by name in this letter. The reason being, I am a fan of many writers here. Therefore, the list will be very long! I do not want to pick and choose. But I will make an exception here in mentioning CC’s long time contributor Bharat Dogra. His commitment to the marginalized communities in India is very praiseworthy. Reading his pieces on how unfairly India’s Dalit Community is treated often brings tears to my eyes. He is a huge supporter for change of minority community’s girls/women. India’s farmers who grow food to feed the nation are another topic he writes about without fail. Though the situation on the ground is often grim his end message is always hopeful that one can overcome societal division if someone champions for the cause of the disadvantaged and the needy. Seeing his article on the man who was burnt badly haunts me, and I wonder how he is doing. These are real life people like you and I who are enduring pain in the hands of others. I feel honored that I share the space with him here. My articles are varied in theme as I do not want to be predictable. But if someone has one goal to write about one topic, or a group of people, I very much respect that person. We all are different in our thinking.
I think as CC writers, we all complement one another. If I have time I would read a couple of articles in the morning, and bookmark the rest to read later. I always make sure to read those as they cover important issues that are happening in the subcontinent and beyond. It is a perfect balance. As if we are working in solidarity by taking a stand against all the injustices of this world. We all are strong voices for the voiceless.
The way CC has been persistently highlighting the War on Gaza and the plight of the Palestinians can be termed as journalism at its best. If there was a category for international media reporting – CC without a doubt would have gotten a Pulitzer Prize for its aggressive coverage on the war on Gaza.
Because of the CC newsletter, we get a quick glance at many new articles that were uploaded. Since the newsletter is a mini part of Countercurrents (an internationally famous progressive left leaning journal) it also sheds light to other important stuff like world hunger (in Sudan for example, where thousands are starving to death), climate change, environment, politics, and patriarchy.
With the reading of the CC newsletter we also see the poignant pieces in the Arts and literature section (my personal favorite).
CC newsletter gives a reader an impression and clear understanding that those who contribute to CC are “cultural products of progressive minded people” of this millennium. I was reading something late last night along that line in John Updike’s short story collection titled “My Father’s Tears and other stories.”
I personally believe the CC newsletter is a wonderful addition to the CC website for the convenience of the readers. My humble suggestion to the editor in enhancing the newsletter will be that at the end of each week, he selects a few articles that he felt were important reads to him and make a few comments. This comment section can be called the “Editor’s Notes.” It will be a nice way to end the week. More importantly, all the CC readers will get to know its editor better and get them familiarized with his way of thinking. has been consistent in its reporting. My encounter with CC is from 2017 onwards. After writing for traditional media for ten years, I got exasperated by the way a lot of the media houses treat their female contributors. I have found some of the male section editors have something against women writers. Therefore, they do not give them a prominent placement nor do they run their pieces as a lead article. Frustrated by such ill treatment I bid goodbye to those mainstream newspapers/journals and came to CC. Here I am respected as this journal is gender- blind.
FYI, has ranked at the very top as a left leaning progressive journal in 2024.
As a well-regarded and self-respecting journalist/editor, Binu Mathew does not run reports to help or favor any politician. He does not accept or ask for corporate sponsorship or donations. His demand to the CC readers is very simple. As we read CC, justifiably he thinks it is the readers who should come forward to protect this journal by supporting it financially. CC plays a dominant role to inform its readers who otherwise will be overwhelmed by fake news and yellow journalism. Those news agencies are always distorting facts and damaging peoples’ perception in recognizing what the truth is. As a result, a lot of the readers are losing grip to realize what really is going on in this chaotic world. We now live in a complex world of social media where things often seem misleading and crazy.
On the flip side of the coin is playing a vital role in keeping the truth alive.
We have two duties here. 1) As readers we can continue reading CC, and 2) as writers we can keep on writing on the topics (about injustice, the disadvantaged, minorities, helpless, destitute, and the sick) that are usually ignored by the traditional newspapers. Therefore, as a member of the CC community, I urge all of you readers out there to chip in and support this journal. Maybe for this once you can wait a little longer to get that Apple watch or upgrade your iPhone. Some of you female readers can hold off getting the new designer sari that you want to wear at a New Year’s Eve party. Instead, you can offer that money to CC. Your little sacrifice will help CC to secure itself financially for the upcoming year in 2025.
As readers of CC, it is important for us to join its editor and his small team to provide financial support. Without money no journal can survive. Therefore, please join the CC annual fundraising drive.
Thank you.
Zeenat Khan
Maryland, USA