AIPF expresses grave concern at the deteriorating health of farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal, sitting on fast for more than 40 days. AIPF demands government of India to immediately start negotiation with him.
AIPF has also expressed deep anguish at President Draupdi Murmu’s rejection to meet the SKM delegation.
AIPF appeals to all political parties and concerned organisations to come forward and pressurise the central government to accept his genuine demands and fulfill its promise of guaranteeing legal MSP.
It is noteworthy that today is the 42nd day of his fast and there is serious deterioration in his health.
His demands like legal guarantee of MSP and India quitting WTO are genuine demands. It is in no way just to ignore them.
People have not forgotten that Prof GD Agrawal fasted for 111 days for enacting Ganga Protection Management Act and stopping construction of hydroelectric project on Ganga. The central government didn’t bother about his life and rejected his demands. Finally, he succumbed to death while sitting on fast.
Lest the same tragedy is repeated, all political parties, civil society and concerned organisations must exert pressure at national level , so that Dallewal Ji’s life is saved.
AIPF appeals to SKM also, to convene a meeting of all parties, groups and organisations to save Dallewal ji’s life, so that effective pressure may be mounted on the central government.
On behalf of national committee of AIPF
S. R. Darapuri
National President
Raghavendra kushtagi
Vice President