An Answer

Yes, it does feel like we’re on the verge of something big and historical. A showdown between good and evil around the world and in your heart. 

“It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood.”

An old tale with abandoned lessons haunting the twenty-first century. Modern times provide An Answer to stage a coup without bloodshed. Decide for yourself if it’s something worth building upon. 

In a nutshell: many people from a variety of backgrounds gather on common ground under some direction and House Rules to co-create a new rulebook for society via the democratic development of money with morals which, if all goes well, would be publicly owned and operated several years from now in nations around the world abiding by The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

“Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.”

Respecting that postwar wish is the primary requirement for participation in this civil revolution where the security of race, sex, complexion, nationality, language, religion, education, political views, social origin or other status would have precedence over opinion that assaults those traits in others.

We must strive to guard liberty while guarding against tyranny. It’s a very fine line.

For the development of money with morals, opinions that challenge others are acceptable. Opinions that threaten others with death, rape, violence, misfortune, or false accusations are unacceptable. (Hence, a refinement to the UN’s 1947 Protocol)

Of course, people would still have the freedom to express any kind or unkind opinion they wish away from the jobsite. As always, your public views could bring repercussions, good, bad, or humorous.

Sorry libertarians and anarchists, like any large organization it will be necessary for further workplace regulations which would be determined by a fair and balanced international committee. These occupational standards would need to be reasonable enough for the majority of members of this worldwide endeavor.

Just about everything financial in nature could change into something more humane. A smarter, sweeter operation thanks to super ideas from people like you in a bulletless rebellion with the ability to slow down or stop a lot of vile things money empowers.

The details of how to realistically achieve this non-violent uprising can be found in the draft of The Project which answers many questions one may have about this possible global transformation. 

Under God.

Or not. 

That’s up to you.

We’re lucky to be alive during an incredible period of civilization with great power in the hands of the individual. A miraculous era where we can convey ideas across the planet almost immediately, quickly translating language differences. Be a shame to let this amazing opportunity in human history go to waste. 

The clock is ticking. We still have the time and freedom to act. Spread the word. Hope exists.

Please share An Answer when family, friends, or fellow workers worry about their finances and future. 

Please share An Answer during talk of rampant corruption, government dysfunction, and corporate crimes. 

Please share An Answer on social media posts (from the left + the right) calling for systematic change. 

Please share An Answer with reports about the raging climate, species extinctions, dying farmlands, and when it hurts to breathe. 

Please share An Answer on posts denying the biosphere is fery vucked up. 

Please share An Answer during a tsunami of disinformation and contamination of communication; the manipulation. 

Please share An Answer over declarations about war and domination in its many guises. 

Please share An Answer if you believe hate and ignorance can be overcome with love and intelligence.

Thanks for your time.

Light the good fight.

Mark Kirkwood Callingham is a semi-retired dad who works full-time for a faith-based homeless shelter in downtown Ottawa. He’s also the founder of Project for a New Economic Century.


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