Birth Centenary Celebrations of Com.Vuppuluri Subbarao,  Renowned Revolutionary Communist And Ideal Working-class leader 

Vuppuluri Subbarao
 Com.Vuppuluri Subbarao, 1924-1998, Renowned Revolutionary Communist And Ideal Working-class leader of Andhra Pradesh

Birth Centenary of Com. Vuppuluri Subbarao (VSR, born on 26-11-1924 and passed away on 08-09-1998), a renowned Revolutionary Communist and veteran working-class leader of Andhra Pradesh (AP), founder of Federation of Independent Trade Unions, FITU, was celebrated  in an inspiring and educative manner. Workers, employees, teachers, rural poor, tribal poor, and leaders and activists of various mass organisations  participated in hundreds in those activities, that went on from 26-11-2023 till late 2024. The significance of Com VSR’s work, in around 20 trade unions of industries of various sectors, he led, was vividly brought out through various activities. This report briefly brings out some aspects of VSR,  useful for those working in revolutionary working-class, democratic  and communist movements across the country in these trying times. Such was his legacy that workers of Pithapuram Sugar factory  (of AP) recently realized Rs 10 cr as statutory dues, a rare victory realized almost 20 years after the factory was closed, through an exemplary struggle led by the FITU he had founded, and by a leadership he nurtured.  

( has been a platform that published several related articles, as cited in this report. We thank the editor for the same.) 

The Centenary Celebrations were marked by four inspiring meetings that were conducted by FITU. The UCCRI-ML founded by coms DV Rao and T.Nagi Reddy, paying revolutionary tributes to Com.VSR,  extended all support and guidance in making these activities meaningful, and useful to future movements.

They commenced  on 26-11-2023 at Pithapuram, the native town of Com.VSR where militant anti-feudal peasant struggles were led by him decades ago,  and where an exemplary trade union struggle of sugar factory workers that he had initiated was carried on for 25 years after his death by his successors.

There was a meeting on 29-08-2024 at Kakinada, a Port town in Godavari Districts where militant and significant working-class struggles were led by Com.VSR, and where his successors continued to play a leading role in the Coramandel (earlier Godavari) Fertilizers. 

 Tadepalligudem, (of West Godavari dt),  hosted the third meeting on 14-10-2024. It is a place where FITU , and late com KS Bose, a comrade-in-arms of VSR, played a leading role continuously for the last 40 years, in the food processing industries like 3F (earlier called as Foods Fats and Fertilizers   Ltd) and Rice mills. 

(for more on FITU work here, read article on..,KS Bose, A Committed And Respected Working-class Leader And Communist Revolutionary

The celebrations culminated in a memorable meeting on 25-11-2024 at Rajahmundry, a historic town on the shores of river Godavari, and a centre of militant working-class struggles led by Com.VSR, notably in AP Paper Mills. It was marked by an attendance from across various classes and sections of people, including activists of revolutionary movements of peasants and adivasis, and of teachers and democratic Rights.

Family members of Com.VSR including his wife Mrs Rani Kumari, aged 90+ years, actively joined and participated in these celebrations at Rajahmundry and Pithapuram, and cherished the way workers not only remembered him a quarter century after his death, but pledged to carry on the work he had initiated. Sri. V.Kameswara Rao, son of Com.VSR, Dr.P.S.Nagu, son-in-law of Com.VSR, apart from two daughters of VSR, also joined in meetings bringing out aspects of his life.

Several informal and interactive sessions/ meetings were also held with leaders and activists of FITU to properly recollect and correctly place on record the invaluable contributions made by Com.VSR, over the decades.

Com.Ch.S.N.Murthy, state General Secretary of FITU, led and co-ordinated the celebrations in a manner that was purposeful, and not a mere ritual. Com.JVVSN Raju, state president of FITU presided over all the meetings.

The other participants and speakers included: Com.Dr.S. Jatin Kumar, a leader of OPDR-Telangana, and an all-India leader of India China Friendship Association(ICFA), familiar to as a contributor. And Com. K.Subba Reddy, senior leader of teachers’ movement (former President of AP Teachers’ Federation) who is also the state secretary of Organisation for Protection of Democratic Rights (OPDR-AP);  Com. K.Venkatesawara Rao, AP state secretary of Grameena Pedala Sangham (GPS) and a leader of UCCRI-ML;  leaders and activists of Rural poor movement of Telangana and AP, including Com.Thrinatha, senior leader of Srikakulam Girijan Sangham; Com.K. Rambabu, AP state secretary of Democratic Students Organisation(DSO),and leaders of various trade unions affiliated to FITU.  

Those who could not attend the meetings for unavoidable reasons had sent their written messages paying revolutionary tributes to Com.VSR,  recollecting their unforgettable association with him and explaining the revolutionary significance of his ideals and practice. Prominent among them are Com.B.V.N.Patnaik, well known senior leader of Srikakulam Girijan Movement and AP state President of GPS; and Com.Dr.K.S.Sharma, a professor of law renowned as a veteran working class leader (for 60 years) and founder of IRTUC  (from Karnataka state). He like VSR was committed to impart revolutionary politics to working class. Com Sharma’s message is published separately, as a companion peace.

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VSR’s life and work in brief

VSR birth Centenary

Com.Dr.S.Jatin Kumar, All-India leader of ICFA, addressing  Com.VSR’s  birth Centenary meet at Rajahmundry on 25-11-2024. The venue was named after communist revolutionary veteran com DV Rao. Mrs Rani Kumari, wife of Com.VSR, aged 90+ years, is seen in a red shawl, left to the garlanded portrait. Pictures of Marx Engels Lenin Stalin and Mao, whom VSR followed, can be seen on the far left side of the stage. Com Murthy is first from Left.   

Com.VSR was born in a middle-level land lord Brahmin family, but all his life he integrated himself with and served the cause of poor workers and peasantry. He joined the then undivided Communist Party of India (CPI) at a very young age and participated in anti-feudal peasant movements led by the party during 1940s in and around his native village  Pithapuram, braving the worst repression unleashed by the then rulers. At a time hundreds of communists were caught and shot dead, he led underground life and extended leadership to the anti-feudal movements. He once narrowly escaped from being caught and shot by the police as a conscious peasant woman of the house, in which he was taking shelter, suspected her husband’s behaviour and warned Com.VSR about the possibility of his turning into an informer. Such was the revolutionary spirit developed even among the illiterate poor peasant women by the then communist party, in which Com.VSR was groomed.

Com.VSR did not hesitate for a minute when he was instructed by the party to go and directly participate in the historic Telangana People’s Armed Struggle in 1951 and simply left his home to Hyderabad’s princely state. Such was his revolutionary spirit. However, it was learnt enroute that the said revolutionary struggle was withdrawn and therefore he returned.

VSR de-classed himself, and shunned caste all his life

Though born in an orthodox Brahmin family, Com.VSR, very soon after joining the party, de-classed himself, and shunned caste; he identified with the municipal scavenging workers,  including those of Paki or Bhangi caste untouchable even to dalits, and extended leadership to their struggles.  He even took those scavenging workers straight into his house in the Brahmin street in his town, defying his father and the caste restrictions and traditions followed by his family.

He was thus inspired and enlightened by the communist party and its ideology, which took to higher and progressive levels the social renaissance movement heralded in the then Andhra region of Madras Province by some prominent social reformers, like  Gurajada Apparao, and Kandukoori Veeresalingam, who in 1907 founded schools in Rajahmundry town for girls, and open to dalits, at a time even Christian Missionary schools were not ready for that. Many of these reformers were born Brahmins, who defied their communities and were attacked, even physically, by them, like Phules were.  VSR was a product of  such milieu who took to the path of Marxism.

Com.VSR had practised the revolutionary proletarian ideology of living above caste and religion all along his life. He nurtured this enlightenment among the leaders and activists of the trade unions he led and he encouraged, trained and developed several workers belonging to various castes including SCs and BCs as able and good leaders. He supported the inter-caste marriage of his elder daughter and helped the couple to withstand the difficulties that followed that marriage.  

(For more on this socio-historical background, see a series of articles, including…

Kandukuri, A Great Reformer, Remembered On His Death Centenary

Vuppuluri,  Renowned Working Class Leader )

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VSR had conviction in the concept of “leadership of working-class”

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Maxim Gorky’s Mother, amma in Telugu, published in 1932. Perhaps that was one influence that later turned VSR into a working class leader.

Teenager VSR was reading out, in his ancestral home in the Brahmin street of Pithapuram, Maxim Gorky’s classic Mother to the women who gathered as if to listen to a sacred purana in installments. It was translated into Telugu in 1932 by Krovvidi Linga Raju, and was banned by the British, VSR told us. The translator himself was imprisoned for his writings and work as a freedom fighter. Incidentally, that book, Pavel’s speech in it, influenced this writer (Murthy) to become a communist.  

The life and work of Com.VSR were inseparable from the communist and working-class revolutionary movement in India. Though Com.VSR was well known as an extraordinary and expert trade union leader, he had indeed built several militant struggles of workers, not just for mere economic benefits to them, but as part of the communist movement and with a clear intention to develop working-class as an independent and revolutionary political force following Marxism-Leninism and Mao’s Thought.

He stood by revolutionary mass line strongly opposing right and left opportunist and class-collaborationist tendencies in the Indian communist movement. When the party split in 1964, he sided with CPI-M, opposing the revisionist line of CPI. As he understood that CPI-M too had jettisoned revolutionary politics and immersed in parliamentary politics practising rank class-collaboration, he came out of that also. He opposed the left adventurist line professed by Charu Mazumdar and had not joined CPI- ML and Maoist parties. He remained independent and founded Federation of Independent Trade Unions-FITU in 1983 and developed the same.

 Com.VSR took up it as his mission to realise the concept of “leadership of working-class” in people’s democratic revolution in India. This concept is part of programmes of almost  all communist parties in India but was seldom clearly defined/ explained and correctly practised. Com.VSR could not get any satisfying answer to the question what is meant by “leadership of working-class” and the difference between it and the leadership of communist party in the specific conditions of India from any CPI-ML group. He decided to carry out his own experiments in this regard. He could get a right answer, later in 1990s, from the writings of the great communist revolutionary leader, Com.DV Rao who indicated a clear road map for the same in the Indian context. Com.VSR, after discussions with UCCRI-ML, fully agreed with the line and road map suggested by Com.DV Rao.

During 1989-92, he had joined and worked with CPI-ML (Liberation) led by Vinod Mishra, with some agreements and disagreements. He functioned as All India President of  the Indian People’s Front (IPF) and of the central trade-union organisation led by them, the All India Coordination Committee of Trade Unions (AICCTU) for a brief period and earned much respect of many leaders and activists. As ideological-political disagreements could not be sorted out, Com.VSR parted with that party and organisations without any rancour and in a disciplined manner, worthy of emulation. He made use of this association to closely observe and study the politics and people’s movements in several other states.

Com.VSR at age 65 in1990s, had studied with intense enthusiasm the political and ideological documents authored by the great communist revolutionary leaders Com.Devulapalli Venkateswararao and Com.Tarimela Nagireddy, expounding the mass-revolutionary line developed by them and refuting several Right and Left opportunist theories and practices. Along with a few of his followers, he had joined, with exemplary comradely spirit and commendable assiduity, in extensive and meaningful discussions with the leaders of UCCRI-ML. He supported the mass-revolutionary line developed by Coms.D.V and TN and made best efforts and laid strong foundations towards greater unity with UCCRI-ML. He worked day in and day out, even ignoring serious health problems, together with the leaders of UCCRI-ML, to develop revolutionary political consciousness among workers and union activists in later 1990s and till he breathed his last in 1998.

Supported “self-determination” to all nationalities

VSR addressing a conference of Telugu Jateeya Mahasbha

Com.VSR addressing a conference of Telugu Jateeya Mahasbha , a platform he founded to pursue  the idea  of self-determination to nationalities in India. He had supported struggles including those of Kashmiris.

Com.VSR regarded the Indian parliamentary system as “constitutional autocracy.” He consistently and vehemently pointed out the historical fact that India is a country of several developed and developing nationalities like Telugu, Tamil, Malayalee, Bengali, Panjabi.., and proposed that the communist revolutionaries should also lead national liberation movements to achieve self-determination to all these nationalities. He visualized to see multi-national India (as USSR) as a voluntary federation of linguistic national republics as part of People’s Democratic Revolution. In order to take necessary steps towards building a mass movement to achieve the same, he founded in 1993 a united mass front named Telugu Jateeya Mahasabha with activists and leaders of working-class movement led by him (It could not however be worked due to his pre-occupations). Thus he tried his best to make significant and independent contributions to the revolutionary democratic movement in our country, by not confining his life and work merely to economic struggles of workers. All this elevated him as an ideal working-class leader and a much respected revolutionary communist.

Militant struggles and trade union democracy

Com.VSR led several militant struggles of workers of private and state transport sector (APSRTC). When passenger transport was nationalised in Andhra Pradesh, the rulers denied continuation of employment to thousands of workers of the erstwhile private buses, on one or other pretext such as lack of educational qualification etc. This exposed the anti-worker and anti-people class character of the rulers. Whether “Nationalisation” or “Privatisation”, the immediate impact  was workers’  unemployment and loss of livelihood. Com.VSR mobilised all these workers and led militant struggles forcing the government to take all these workers into RTC. He played a very important role in building and developing an independent and fighting union, named NMU, as against the bureaucratic and capitulationist policies of the Employees Union in APSRTC, affiliated to AITUC.

He worked as the state Vice-President of NMU, led several militant struggles of RTC workers against unlawful and unbearable work loads, and the anti-worker despotism of the management in Rajahmundry region. These were followed state-wide  by the workers, achieving numerous rights and benefits for them. He closely studied the policies of central and state governments in transport sector and was the first ever in identifying, in 1988 itself, that the governments were going to encourage private passenger transport to the detriment of the State Road Transport Corporations. He called upon the workers and unions in APSRTC to unitedly fight against those policies, leaving aside their trade union rivalries, and to mobilise the support of the people who would badly be affected by the privatisation policies. After he left NMU due to differences, he founded a smaller local organisation called United Workers Union with a political thrust, specifically for the purpose of enlightening workers in APSRTC to fight against privatisation. Com.VSR had also organised and led unions of City Bus workers in Rajahmundry and Kakinada and of workers of BMPS and secured many rights and benefits to them through unforgettable struggles. Thus Com.VSR became the most respected and the unparalleled leader of  struggles of workers of transport industry in Andhra Pradesh.

The independent, united and militant struggles of the workers of Andhra Paper Mills, Rajahmundry, managed by big business houses like Bangurs at Rajahmundry led by Com.VSR during 1980s were unparalleled and remained as the most valuable lessons for the revolutionary working-class and communists. With the concept of Joint Negotiating Committess – JNCs- he united all workers across several unions functioning in the mills being led by various ruling class and communist parties into one fighting platform. Basing on this formidable unity of workers he led several militant struggles where workers resisted armed police and took the mills into their possession to defeat the anti-worker and despotic designs of management to lock-out the mills and thus achieved several rights and benefits to workers including regularisation of casual and contract workers. All the leaders of other unions, whether corrupt or honest, had to follow his united front at the instance of the General Bodies of their own unions. Even management staff of the mills upto the cadre of Managers also fought against the unlawful and unjustified policies of the management having been inspired and guided by Com.VSR.

He combined militancy, timely tactics and legal acumen

Com.VSR led such remarkable and exemplary struggles also in several other industries in the region like Horlicks Factory, Spinning Mills, and pesticide unit SPEC near Rajahmundry, in FFF (now 3F) Ltd at Tadepalligudem, in Godavari (now Coromandel) Fertilisers  at Kakinada and in  private sugar mills at Pithapuram and Samalkot.

 The notable common features of the working-class movement he built and led in all these industries are:

– Developing honest, transparent and true democratic leadership methods, as against corrupt and bureaucratic leadership practices.

– uniting workers of all categories and castes into a fighting front, striving with special attention for the rights and benefits of casual, badli and contract workers. The Contract Workers’ Union he built in GFCL had waged militant struggles, and even after his death, scored landmark achievements. In Pithapuram Sugars too, he established the concept of “seasonal permanent” workers, as the mills are run only in part of the year.   

– Building genuine and necessary militant struggles, correctly understanding the political economy of each particular industry in which the union  is working and devising industry specific policies of unions.

– He was for protecting the small, medium and national industries, and was sympathetic to their problems. He wanted the workers to learn management of production and economics of industry. 

– He exposed the anti-worker and anti-people reactionary policies and politics of the ruling classes and their parties, and also exposed the Right and Left opportunist and class-collaborationist policies and practices of various communist parties. He was making efforts for developing proper mass revolutionary political consciousness among workers and educating the workers to strive to develop unity between workers and people, particularly with the peasantry.

– With such a goal, he developed unity with UCCRI-ML, and that eminently served his goals, through regular political education and campaigns on  political issues, national and international. Working class politics and party are a must, he told workers.    

– The workers of the Kirlampudi Sugar Mills at Pithapuram, which was illegally closed in 2004, relentlessly fought for about 20 years for realising their statutory dues like retrenchment compensation etc., in and outside the courts, even taking possession of the lands of the mills to stop alienation of the same by land grabbers, and at last, recently in 2024, received Rs.10 crores (for about 400 workers) towards those dues marking a rare  victory that earned appreciation of many. This protracted and patient struggle was conducted on the very strong foundations laid by Com.VSR and led by those honest and skilled leadership of FITU, groomed and trained by him.

– Apart from being a militant leader, Com.VSR was an outstanding expert of labour laws and had a brilliant legal acumen much appreciated and respected by senior Labor advocates, Labour commissioners and management experts as well. He was always keenly following the judgments of Supreme Court and various High Courts and updating his legal knowledge and skills. There was no leader parallel to him in Andhra Pradesh during his times who not only  possessed such an astounding legal acumen but also successfully used the same for building victorious struggles of workers facing repressive actions of managements and governments.

– He led thousands of workers to break the fetters of repressive laws and rules prohibiting exercising of democratic right to strike. He led many successful strikes, combining militancy, tact, timing and appropriate compromises and was highly regarded to have developed that form of struggle as an art. He outwitted the nexus of managements, government officials, ruling class politicians and of corrupt and collaborating union leaders who worked to suppress the right to strike of the workers.

Opposed to hegemonism, chauvinism and jingoism

VSR was a keen student of world politics, situated the workers’ movement in an anti-imperialist context and suitably educated workers on the subject. Many of the speakers in the memorial meetings outlined the contours of present political and economic developments in the country and the world as well. Explaining about the anti-imperialist ideology of Com.VSR, they elaborated on how the US super power is presently hell bent on retaining its world hegemony and is stoking devastating wars, including those in Palestine and the Gulf, and between Russia and Ukraine. And how this hegemonism and imperialism are getting weakened by the multi-polar geopolitical situation that emerged with the peaceful and novel development of foreign policies being pursued by People’s Republic of China. With a spirit of proletarian internationalism upheld by VSR, they countered anti-China politics of disinformation by imperialists and compradors, and explained how China achieved unprecedented successes in building a people-oriented, socialist economic and political system at home and became the second biggest economy in the world, proving that socialism alone is the way to solve all problems of the world people.

They reminded the audience his staunch opposition to pseudo-patriotism and national chauvinism and his sincere participation as the state Vice-President of India China Friendship Association (ICFA) and called upon the workers and people to emulate Com.VSR in this regard. The speakers explained about the commonness of pro-US, pro-imperialist and pro-land lord reactionary policies among all ruling-class political parties, as Com.VSR often and rightly said that “all ruling class parties are differently coloured pieces of one and the same cloth”.  That is all the more clear and further intensified in the Modi/BJP/NDA regime with its own specific brand of fascist policies and communal politics.

Exposing the shallowness of the claims of ruling-classes about the so-called “development”, the speakers drew the attention of the audience to the historical and urgent need to uplift the rural poor, who constitute 70% of the country’s population through an agrarian revolution with the key slogans of “land to the tiller and abolition of landlord system”. Com.VSR envisioned greater revolutionary unity between workers and peasants and realising the same would be the best tribute to that great leader, the speakers said.

VSR’s family always  stood by him, despite hardships

The inspiring tributes paid by the family members of Com.VSR, i.e., by his wife, his son and son-in-law in the said meetings depicted the imprint made by Com.VSR on them. It is a contrast to those leaders whose families were alien to their ideals. 

His wife, Smt.Rani Kumari,  who deeply loved and respected him, stood by him in all his communist/ political/ trade union activities by extending exemplary cooperation despite she being an orthodox and deeply religious Brahmin woman. At age  90 plus, she travelled 700 kms by train defying difficulties of ill health, attended the meeting and delivered an exciting speech. She said, “ Com.VSR is not any ordinary person. He was an Ocean. He dedicated his entire life to the workers movement ignoring serious threats to his health and life and thus earned great fame. Though he is no more physically, I am seeing him in all of you workers and comrades which gives immense happiness to me” . She also sang an old Telugu movie song which explains that “the blood that flows in all humans is one and the same”.

Son of Com.VSR, Sri Kameswara Rao, a retired senior executive of a reputed pharmaceutical company, said that the first and real family of his father was the workers and poor people; we the family, wife and children, come the next. He expressed confidence that the ideology for which his father devoted all his life was safe in the hands of the present leadership of FITU. Younger Son-in-law of Com.VSR, Dr.P.S.Nagu, a retired principal of a Government Polytechnic College, said that Com.VSR was not just his father-in-law but in fact he was his guide, teacher and mentor. He said that the experiments made by Com.VSR in working-class movement are worth a thesis for Ph.D. students of the relevant field. The family members of Com.VSR have been extending their good cooperation to the workers movement ever.

A politically conscious, revolutionary working class movement

Living up to the expectations VSR expressed in one of his last meetings, a few months before his death in Sep 1998, with worker leaders of all the unions he had led, FITU avoided sheer economism, and has been leading a politically conscious working class movement, for over 25 years after his death. Efforts were made to see that workers do not tail ruling class parties, by concretely exposing their policies. Speakers reminded this aspect.

FITU played an active role in all the all India and local political strikes and Bharat Bandhs. May Day activities were held like  classes in revolutionary politics, rather than for routine demands. Concepts and experiences of People’s Democratic and Socialist Revolutions, and of war and peace, solidarity with agrarian revolutionary, democratic and students’  movements, opposition to imperialism, chauvinism, (anti-China) jingoism, casteism and fascism, support to movements of self-determination including those of Kashmir, were made familiar to workers through periodic political classes, meetings and activities.   

Revolutionary propaganda work during General elections 

In addition to the above activities, politically conscious leaders and activists of FITU always played a role in revolutionary political , as they took up also during the General Elections of 2024, putting forth special efforts to carry on that work despite several difficulties. VSR did not uphold parliamentary path, which only facilitated ruling classes.

Accordingly, in every General Election over the decades, FITU leaders and activists actively participated in the political work carried out by UCCRI-ML tactically fielding candidates (this author Murthy was himself one for Loksabha earlier, and for Assembly recently), so as to expose the system, in a number of Parliament and Assembly constituencies in the state and conducting a revolutionary propaganda work educating and enlightening the people: They explained the ruling class policies – economic, political, foreign and defence policies – how they were detrimental to the country and to the people.

FITU faced several organisational and practical difficulties in conducting this activity in 2024, when elections became most corrupt and costly than ever; at one point of time, they even thought to skip the same this time. However, as the elections came this time during the Birth Centenary Year of Com.VSR, they saw the illusions and wrong notions among worker masses, and thought that they must continue it and made strenuous preparatory efforts.  They conducted group meetings involving about 200 activists and ensured their participation in the revolutionary political work.

Working class candidates on behalf of UCCRI-ML were fielded from Kakinada Rural and Tadepalligudem Assembly constituencies in East and West Godavari Districts in AP. Nearly 60 activists participated in the election related work for 10 to 15 days. Canvassing was done in a frugal manner, in nearly 65 villages and 45 urban residential colonies in both constituencies. UCCRI-ML has conducted such an independent and revolutionary political work, having fielded candidates in several Parliament and Assembly constituencies in both Telugu states whilst most of the so-called left parties were immersed in class-collaborationist alliances and activities during this General Elections as usual.

Com.VSR stood independent and supported mass revolutionary path throughout his life and was always striving his best to wean away the workers from ruling class politics and develop revolutionary political consciousness among them. Thus activists and leaders of FITU offered fitting, meaningful, revolutionary and glorious tributes to the great leader on the occasion of his Birth centenary.

 The occasion was thus utilized to educate and rejuvenate the workers for larger causes.

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My Association with Com VSR, a message by Com K S Sharma,  Founder-President, IRTUC, and KSGDWEF Karnataka, is published as a companion piece.

Author of this Report, Ch.S.N.Murthy is a Trade Union Leader, General Secretary of Federation of Independent Trade Unions, FITU from Andhra Pradesh. He is a functionary of UCCRI-ML founded by veteran communist revolutionaries D.V.Rao and T.Nagi Reddy.

He was a welder, and a workers’ leader  of Godavari Fertilizers, later renamed as Coramandel International, based at Kakinada, the coastal town of AP. He left his job in 1999 and has been a full-time activist as a communist revolutionary. He worked in several  trade unions of food processing industries like sugar, edible oils, rice mills, as also in transport sector, both PSU-APSRTC and private goods carriers, paper mills, ceramics, quarries. He has been associated with democratic rights movement, rural poor movement, India China Friendship Association  etc. His detailed article on Quit India was published in of 2018 August 7. In fact, it was a keynote speech he made in Thrissur, Kerala, in August 2017. He also delivered a speech there (2019, Oct 26)  on Telangana and Punnapra Vayalar Struggles; an Intro  about it  was published on Oct 21 by

 He can be reached by mail: [email protected]

Or by WhatsApp number: 773 000 3545. 

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Also by the author:

Quit India Movement: Some Aspects of History and Lessons (07/08/2018)

New  “Code On Industrial Relations, 2020” United Struggles-   The  Only  Way For Working-Class  To Exercise And Protect Its Right

(For more on the worker movements in Pithapuram Sugars and AP paper Mills, Rajahmundry, see the above article.)  

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