Jewish Israeli Gaza Urbicide Erasing The Physical Record Of 4,000 Year Gaza History

Jabalia refugee camp in Northern Gaza
A view of the Jabalia refugee camp in Northern Gaza before and after the ongoing Israeli ethnic cleansing campaign

Genocidally racist Apartheid Israel has been engaged for 15 months in a Gaza Massacre that has transmuted into what is generally recognized outside the US Alliance as a Gaza Genocide. However in northern Gaza in particular the invading Jewish Israelis  have  embarked on total ethnic cleansing and total reduction of an ancient city to rubble – an urbicide that destroys the physical record of a civilization and which can be compared to other horrific urbicides.   

Mahatma Gandhi famously stated (1938): “Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English and France belongs to the French” [1]. Just imagine if the genocidally racist German Nazis having defeated the French decided not only to ethnically cleanse France but to also reduce Paris to rubble, destroying icons of French civilization such as  the Basilica of Sacré Cœur de Montmartre, Notre Dame, the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower in a Paris Urbicide . Unthinkable – but today in the ancient land of Palestine [2, 3] the Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Urbicide is proceeding apace while the World looks on.

Sketched  below by way of comparison with the Gaza Urbicide  are some horrific examples of urbicide in which cities have been largely destroyed by barbarian conquerors.

Carthage (146 BCE): destroyed  by the Romans [4, 5].

Jerusalem (70 CE):  destroyed by the Romans and replaced by the Roman colony of Aelia Capitolina [6].

Gurganj (1221): the capital of Persian Khwarazm, destroyed by the Mongols led by Genghis Khan in  one of the worst massacres in human history [7].

Merv (1221): a major centre of Persian culture and one of the world’s biggest cities at the time, Merv was destroyed by the Mongols led by Genghis Khan [8]. 

Baghdad (1258):  Baghdad, brilliant capital of the Abbasid Caliphate, was destroyed by the barbaric Mongols who had an evident hatred of cities [9].

Tenochtitlan (1519): the Aztec Mexican capital, Tenochtitlan  was one of the world’s largest  cities until destroyed by the Spanish invaders under Hernan Cortés [10].

Moscow (1812): burned by the  retreating Russians to deny resources to the  French invaders under Napoleon  [11].

Ypres (1914-1917): destroyed by shelling as a key battle ground in WW1 [12].

World War 2 (WW2).

Stalingrad (1942-1943): now Volgograd, Stalingrad was 99% destroyed in the world’s biggest battle in which the Soviet Red Army ultimately defeated Nazi Germany in WW2 [13].

Caen (1944): a key strategic city in Normandy (France) that was mostly destroyed in the Allied battle to defeat the occupying German forces in WW2 [14].

Wielun (1939): Polish town mostly destroyed by German bombing early in WW2 [15].

Frampol (1939): Polish town mostly destroyed by German bombing early in WW2 [16].

Warsaw Ghetto (1940-1943): the Jewish Warsaw Ghetto (Poland) was subject to enclosure, starvation, killing and mass deportation, and after the Jewish uprising was defeated the Germans levelled the Warsaw Ghetto [17].

Warsaw (1944-1945): 85% of Warsaw was destroyed in the Warsaw uprising and by vengeful systematic destruction by the Germans after defeat of the uprising in the Polish capital [18].

Allied strategic bombing of German cities in WW2 (1940-1945): The US dropped 1.6 million tons of bombs in the European theatre of WW2. The Allies bombed 25 German cities in WW2 with the destruction ranging from 20% (Leipzig) to 80% (Mainz), and the major cities targeted  including Berlin (33% destroyed), Cologne (61%), Dortmund (54%), Dresden (59%), Dusseldorf (64%), Essen (50%), Frankfurt (52%), Hamburg (75%), Leipzig (20%) and Munich (42%). Particularly horrifying were the firebombing of Hamburg and Dresden in which the deliberately created firestorms sucked oxygen out of the air, suffocating those survivors hiding in basements [19].

In the German 9-month Blitz against the UK , the targeted cities included London, Plymouth, Swansea, Birmingham, Sheffield, Liverpool, Southampton, Manchester, Bristol, Belfast, Cardiff, Clydeban, Kingston upon Hull and Coventry [19]. One-third of London was destroyed and 19,000 Londoners were killed. 20,000 tons of bombs were dropped on London in WW2. 45,000 tons of bombs were dropped on Britain during the Blitz,  and about 40,000 civilians died [19-23].

The US dropped 500,000 tons of bombs in the Pacific theatre during all of WW2 including 160,000 on Japan [23]. US bombed 67 Japanese cities in WW2 with the % destroyed ranging from 11.9% (Nishinomiya) to 99% (Toyama). Major targets included Yokohama (58% destroyed), Tokyo (51%), Toyama (99%), Nagoya (30%), and Osaka (35.1%). The firebombing of Tokyo on 9-10 March 1945 destroyed 41 km2 of the city,  killed over 100,000 people, and was the most destructive and deadliest conventional bombing raid in history [23]. In August 1945 the US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima (90,000- 160,000 killed) [24, 25] and thence on Nagasaki (60,000 – 80,000 killed) [25].

Post-WW2 .

North Korea (June 1950-July 1953): During the Korean War campaign, conventional weapons such as explosives, incendiary bombs, and napalm destroyed nearly all of the country’s cities and towns, including an estimated 85% of its buildings. A total of 635,000 tons of bombs, including 32,557 tons of napalm, were dropped on Korea [23]. The USAF Far East Air Force (FEAF) targeted 78 villages and also destroyed  22 major North Korean cities with no substantial structures left standing. 75% of the capital Pyongyang was destroyed [23]. A whole nation had to hide underground. About 28% of the population was killed [26].

Indo-China War (1945-1975): The US backed the French attempt in 1945-1955 to retain Vietnam as a colony and US forces became increasingly involved from 1962 onwards. The US dropped  500,000 tons of bombs on Cambodia, 2 million tons on Laos and 4 million tons on Vietnam, as compared to  dropping 1.6 million tons in the European theatre of WW2 and 500,000 tons in the Pacific theatre of WW2 [23]. The US dropped 150,000 tons of bombs on North Vietnam, notably on Hanoi and Haiphong [27]. In the 1968 Tet Offensive the ancient city of Hue  was levelled – after a 26-day battle, some 6,000 civilians were dead and 110,000 homes out of 130,000 were destroyed [28]. Ben Tre was also destroyed in the battle and a US general was reported to have said, “We had to destroy the city in order to save it” [29]. US serial war criminal Henry Kissinger [30] said of the Vietnam War: “We fought a military war—our opponents fought a political one. In the process we lost sight of one of the cardinal maxims of guerrilla war—the guerrilla wins if he does not lose, the conventional army loses if it does not win” [29]. The US employed saturation bombing, napalm and massive use of defoliant to destroy tree cover. Hundreds of villages were  erased but the image of a napalm-burned girl fleeing a napalm attack on her village had a huge impact on domestic American opinion and hastened an end to the war [31].  In 1955-1975 avoidable mortality from war-imposed deprivation in Vietnamese villages, towns and cities  totalled 11.9 million [3].

Iraq War (1990 onwards): US, UK and Israeli bombing of Iraq in the Gulf War and Sanctions period (1990-2003) devastated Iraq  and was associated with 0.2 million violent deaths and 1.7 million deaths from imposed deprivation. The occupation of Iraq (2003-2011) was associated with 1.5 million violent deaths and a further 1.2 million Iraqi avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation [32-37]. Some US forces remain in Iraq and are still involved in suppression of ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The ancient and populous city of Fallujah (the City of Mosques, pre-war population 425,000) in Iraq’s Anbar province suffered 13 years of US-enforced sanctions, and then 3 bloody sieges and 2 substantial demolitions by the Americans, first in 2004 during the Iraq War (2003-2011) and then again in 2014-2016 during the US Coalition’s ongoing War on ISIS  in Syria and Iraq (2012 onwards). One can estimate 84,000 Fallujan avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation over 30 years of  sanctions and thence invasion and occupation [38-40]. The ancient and populous city of Mosul (pre-war population of about 1.4 million, third biggest Iraqi city, and the famed ancient Assyrian capital of Nineveh) was seized by ISIS in 2012 but the eastern part (on the eastern bank of the Tigris River)  was thence retaken by the US Alliance. The western part of Mosul (on the western bank of the Tigris River ) was totally destroyed by US Alliance bombing  and remains largely uninhabitable because of 8 million tonnes of debris, unexploded bombs and deadly hidden explosive devices. 130,000 homes were destroyed and about 40,000 Iraqis were killed in the demolition of Mosul [41-43]. 

The post-9/11 US War on Terror ( US War on Muslims): About 32 million Muslims died from violence (5 million) and deprivation (27 million) in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since the US Government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity that killed 3,000 innocent Americans [44, 45]. According to UNHCR: “By May 2024, more than 120 million people were forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, violence or human rights violations. This includes:43.4 million refugees, 63.3 million internally displaced people, 6.9 million asylum seekers, and 5.8 million people in need of international protection, a majority from Venezuela” [46]. Refugees flee because their homes have been destroyed or circumstances are otherwise unliveable. There are 5 million Ukrainian refugees, 5 million Venezuelan refugees and 1 million refugees from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras – a substantial proportion of the other refugees are Muslims [46] and variously victims of  the War on Muslims conducted by Zionist-subverted America, the Zionist-perverted US Alliance and Zionazi-ruled Apartheid Israel [3, 47,48]. For tabulated estimated deaths from violence and imposed deprivation in about 70 genocides  including those inflicted on Muslims see [48-51]. 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation in countries variously occupied by the following US Alliance countries in the post-WW2 era are as follows: Apartheid Israel (24 million), France (142 million), UK (727 million) and the US (82 million) [3]. One notes that Apartheid Israel has invaded the territory of 13 countries and occupies the territory  of 4 countries [3]. The US has invaded 72 countries (52 since WW2), has committed 469 invasions from 1798 onwards, committed 251 invasions since 1991, has 800 military bases in over 70 countries, and actively spies on and subverts all countries [52-59]. By way of example, in US Alliance-ravaged Syria, civil war damage totals $350 billion,  UNESCO estimates that 60 percent of the old city of Aleppo has been severely damaged and 30 percent destroyed [60], and Raqqa was destroyed by US, UK and French bombing and shelling [61].  

Gaza Massacre, Gaza Genocide and Gaza Urbicide.

Yousif Al-Daffaie (Lecturer and Researcher, School of Architecture, Design, and the Built Environment, Nottingham Trent University) (February 2024): “Gaza has long been cherished as a sanctuary for creative experimentation, and as a place where resilient people strive to defy the violence of colonisation… However, this continuous cycle of destruction and hopeful reconstruction has now come to an abrupt halt. Since October 7 2023, the bombardment of Gaza is reported to have damaged more than 100 historic sites and destroyed 69,700 homes. At the time of writing, 1.9 million Palestinians have been displaced. This ongoing urbicide – the destruction of cultural hubs in the built environment – also threatens that triangle connecting people to their homes, land and heritage” [62].

According to Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor ( 24 February 2024, Day  141 of the latest Jewish Israeli Gaza Massacre): “The  total number of Palestinians, killed by Israeli missiles and shells, including those buried under the rubble is about 38,066, including 14,350 children, 8,620 women,  41 Civil Defence workers, and 326 healthcare workers, in addition to 71,220 injured Palestinians, 134 Civil Defence workers…Israeli has displaced 2,000,000 Palestinians of Gaza’s 2.2 Million, destroyed 99,600 homes, partially damaged 241.400 homes, destroyed or damaged 173 press headquarters, damaged 406 schools, destroyed 1,920 industrial facilities, 613 mosques…28 hospitals, 65 clinics and 163 ambulances, and 199 heritage sites” [63, 64].

The United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT) (September 2024; after 11 months of bombing): “This analysis, based on very high-resolution satellite imagery collected on 3 and 6 September 2024, shows that two thirds of the total structures in the Gaza Strip have sustained damage. UNOSAT compared imagery captured on 3 and 6 September 2024 with previous data, providing a comprehensive view of the evolution of the destructions. Those 66% of damaged buildings in the Gaza Strip account for 163,778 structures in total. This includes 52,564 structures that have been destroyed, 18,913 severely damaged,  35,591 possibly damaged structures and 56,710 moderately affected. The most impacted region overall is the Gaza governorate, with 46,370 structures impacted. Gaza City has been notably affected, with 36,611 structures damaged, of which 8,578 are totally destroyed. The United Nations Satellite Centre (UNOSAT), in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), has also released an update on the health and density of cropland in the Gaza Strip. Approximately 68% of the permanent crop fields in the Gaza Strip exhibited a significant decline in health and density in September 2024” [65]. Indeed when the World has forced then child-killing  Zionazis out, the same technology could be used on a clear day to determine how many people have been killed by getting all the survivors  to  locate to the nearest street or space.

Al Jazeera has published a detailed quantitative account of the deaths, damage, and deprivation  associated with the first year of the Gaza Massacre, Gaza Genocide and Gaza Urbicide [66]:

41,909 Gazans killed; 16,756 children killed; 11,346 women killed; 13,807 men killed; 10,000 missing ; 97,303 injured; over 17,000 children have one or both parents;

114 hospitals and clinics inoperative; 80 health centres inoperative; 34 hospitals inoperative; 131 ambulances damaged or destroyed; 162 health institutions targeted; 85 civil defence workers killed; 986 health workers killed (including 165 doctors, 260 nurses, 184 other health associates, 76 pharmacists, and 300 other administrative and support staff);

520 bodies from Jewish Israeli-dug mass graves; 1.7 million (75% of the 2.3 million pre-war population) infected with contagious disease due to sanitation collapse and lack of medicine; 350,000 endangered chronically ill needing treatment; 15,000 injured needing evacuation; 1,000 untreated cancer patients;

2.1 million (91% of the 2.3 million pre-war population) facing high food insecurity; 495,000 facing starvation; 2.2 million (96% of the  pre-war population) lack access to clean water; 700 wells destroyed; 1.5-1.6 litres of water per person per day (WHO recommendation: 100 litres per person per day);

over 10,000 held in highly abusive  military prisons (including 250 children, 80 women); 3,332 held without charge or trial;

75,000 tons of bombs dropped; $33 billion of damage [pre-war GDP per Gazan $1,000, pre-war annual GDP $2.3 billion]; 150,000 homes destroyed; 3,130 km of electricity  network destroyed;  42 billion tons of rubble (that is rife with unexploded bombs); 60% of residential homes and 80% of all commercial facilities damaged or destroyed;  

123 schools and universities destroyed; 87% of schools damaged; 750 teachers and teaching staff killed; 11,500 students killed; schools for homeless means over 625,000 of Gaza’s children are without education; 206 archaeological and heritage sites destroyed; 611 mosques destroyed; 214 mosques partially destroyed; 3 churches destroyed; 34 sports facilities destroyed; 410 athletes and support staff killed (including 297 footballers in total and 84 child footballers) [66]. 

To obtain an approximation to the numbers as of 7 January 2025 ( i.e. after 1.3 years of bombing) simply multiply the above numbers by 1.3.

Note that this carnage was in response to the Palestinian Breakout from the Gaza Concentration Camp on 7 October 2023 and seizure of 240 Israeli hostages. 1,139 Israelis were killed (97.5% adults and accordingly mostly past or present Jewish Israeli soldiers involved in the illegal and war criminal 57-year Occupation and highly abusive imprisonment of Gazans (47% children).  Deaths in a fire zone are proportional to the firepower  and one accordingly supposes that most Israeli deaths on 7 October 2023 were due to the high explosive tank shelling and helicopter-launched missiles of the IDF operating under the “Hannibal Directive” (prevent hostage taking even if it means killing hostages). It is becoming increasingly obvious that the 7 October events were planned and permitted to provide a 9/11-style  excuse for the subsequent horrendous Gaza Massacre, the invasion and bombing of Lebanon and Syria, massacres in the West Bank, bombing of impoverished Yemen and violation of Iran [67-70].

Generously assuming that the IDF only killed half of the 1,139 Israelis killed on 7 October  2023 (i.e. 540 out of 1,139), and adding 10,000 missing under the rubble  to the 41,909 estimate killed, then the Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio after 1 year was 51,909/540 = 96 or about 10 times greater than the  Reprisals Death Ratio of 10 ordered by Nazi leader  Adolph Hitler  and immediately effected in the 1944 Ardeatine Cave Massacre in Rome [71, 72]. Nazi is as Nazi does.

However the widely quoted estimate of about 40,000 Gazans killed by the IDF [66] is a gross under-estimate because it only considers violent deaths and does not take into account a huge number of non-violent avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation [3], a matter I have been researching and publishing about for 3 decades  but which is resolutely ignored by Western Mainstream media and politicians [3, 34, 48, 51, 73-89].

Taking deaths from imposed deprivation into account it has been expertly estimated that 273,000 Gazans died from violence and imposed deprivation in the first year of the Gaza Massacre. However this has been resolutely ignored by Zionist-perverted Mainstream Western journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes [78-88]. Because under-5 infant deaths are about 70% of deaths from imposed deprivation [3] one can then further estimate that Gaza deaths from violence and imposed deprivation  in the first  year since 7 October 2023 total 194,000 (children), 25,000 (women) and 54,000 (men) for a total of 273,000 Gaza deaths [78].

Using this upwardly revised estimate one can calculate an Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio of 273,000/540 = 506 for the for the first year of the Gaza Massacre – over 50 times greater than the Reprisals Death Ratio of 10 ordered by the genocidally racist Nazi leader Hitler in 1944 [72]. Nazi is as Nazi does, and accordingly Zionazi is a quite appropriate descriptive for a genocidally racist Apartheid Israel engaged in the merciless mass murder of children, mothers and women.

The  “tonnage  of bombs dropped per year” is 75,000 tons (on defenceless Gaza in 1 year) [66] versus 1.6-2.7 million tons dropped by the Allies over the 6 years of WW2 (i.e. 450,000 tons per year) and 20,000 tons on London [19, 90, 91]. The  “tons of bombs dropped per year per million of population” is 32,609 (dropped by Apartheid Israel on Gaza) versus 3,659 (dropped by Nazi Germany on London in the WW2 Blitz, 7/9/1940-11/5/1941) [19, 90, 91]. This adds to over 50  Apartheid Israel –Nazi Germany comparisons [92-98]. 

Genocide,  ethnocide and cultural obliteration in Gaza and Palestine.

Not content with genocide and ethnic cleansing of Indigenous Palestinians from 90% of Palestine, the genocidal Zionazis have been eradicating the physical evidence of the over 4,000 years of Palestinian history [2, 3, 99-108]. Gaza was formerly one of the oldest and most important cities of the Arab World and dates back over 4,000 years to the Semitic Fertile Crescent that brought the alphabet, literature, mathematics, astronomy, agronomy and philosophy to the World [2,3, 99-107]. Indeed the first Egyptian record of Gaza was by Thutmose III in  the 15th century BCE [101, 102] whereas there is zero non-Biblical reference to the asserted “Exodus from Egypt”, “the empire of David and Solomon” or the “total Exile from Palestine under the Romans” [104]. The port of Gaza was used by the famed Nabataeans for transhipment of Arabian perfumes to the Roman Empire  and its imperial successors [105]. As described by William Dalrymple, Gaza had a key role in the game-changing 11th -15th century transmission to Europe of Indian-Arab wisdom, especially and crucially in mathematics (2024): “Gerard and Ghalib  were the most prolific and productive stars of the new translation movement, but they were not alone, nor were they the first. Other translations from the Arabic at this period were being made in many other places where Arab rule had given way to that of Crusading Christians: south Italy, Sicily and the various Crusader states of the Outremer that by the late eleventh century were now lining the Mediterranean coast from Antioch (now in south-east Turley) to Gaza (in Palestine). Together, these filled European libraries with a richness of learning impossible to even imagine a century earlier” (pages 232 and 270 [103]).

About 50% of about 900 archaeological sites in Gaza have been destroyed or damaged so far by Jewish Israeli bombing [109-111]. The northern third of Gaza is now being totally ethnically cleansed of Indigenous inhabitants and reduced to rubble in a blatant act of genocide and urbicide as the World looks on.

Conversely the racist Zionists, while criminally eradicating the physical evidence of 4,000 year history of the Semitic Palestinians in Palestine, fervently deny the non-Semitic Turkic Khazar origin of Eastern European Ashkenazi Jews (the major group of Jews globally). Molecular biological, linguistic, anthropological and cultural research has shown that Ashkenazi Jews  descend from Khazar converts to Judaism in about the 8th century CE. The important Khazarian Empire (located astride the Silk Road) collapsed after the Kievan Rus lead by Svyatoslav I sacked the Khazar capital Atil (Itil; located in the Volga delta) in 968 or 969 CE and as a result of this Khazar Urbicide the Jewish Khazars ultimately became the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe [112-122]. Eran Elhaik: “The “Rhineland hypothesis” depicts Eastern European Jews as a “population isolate” that emerged from a small group of German Jews who migrated eastward and expanded rapidly. Alternatively, the “Khazarian hypothesis” suggests that Eastern European Jews descended from the Khazars, an amalgam of Turkic clans that settled the Caucasus in the early centuries CE and converted to Judaism in the 8th century…  We applied a wide range of population genetic analyses to compare these two hypotheses. Our findings support the Khazarian hypothesis and portray the European Jewish genome as a mosaic of Near Eastern-Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries, thereby consolidating previous contradictory reports of Jewish ancestry… Our findings thus reject the Rhineland hypothesis and uphold the thesis that Eastern European Jews are Judeo–Khazars in origin” [113]. On a personal note, I come from a very famous Ashkenazi Jewish Hungarian family (ask any surgeon or mathematician) and have had my DNA analyzed – I am 57% Ashkenazi Jewish and 24% British Celtic but with zero (0) Middle Eastern (Semitic) contribution (other relatives yield a similar result that is in accord with several centuries of recorded  family history). The Palestinians descend from the pre-Christian Jewish and non-Jewish Palestinians whereas Jewish Israelis largely descend from non-Semitic Khazar converts to Judaism as well as from Berber and Yemeni converts to Judaism.

Final comments and conclusions.

The ongoing Gaza Massacre is a Gaza Genocide involving “intent to destroy in whole or in part” the Indigenous Palestinians [123]. That destruction is occurring through the horrific violence of bombing and the imposition of  deadly deprivation of water, food, shelter, sanitation, electricity, fuel, clothing, medicine and medical services that grossly violates the Fourth Geneva Convention that demands that an Occupier must endeavour to keep its conquered Subjects alive and well “to the fullest extent of the means available to it” [124]. On 19 July 2024 the International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that Israel’s continuing presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories was unlawful, and that that Israel must end the  occupation, cease all settlement activities,  evacuate settlers, and make reparations to the Indigenous owners. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for  Ashkenazi Jewish Israeli war criminals Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant. Unfortunately genocidally racist Apartheid Israel, Zionist-perverted America and various other Zionist-perverted members of the US Alliance refuse to uphold International Law on these matters [125].

Put simply Zionazi-ruled Apartheid Israel wants the Land of Palestine plus other Arab land between the Nile and the Euphrates supposedly “promised” to the Israelites by their God  3,000 years ago – but it does not want the Indigenous inhabitants. In 2024 I published a huge book entitled “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” [99]. Genocidally racist America and Apartheid Israel reject all of these 6 key steps to restoring Indigenous Palestinian human rights cruelly denied by the genocidally racist Zionazis for 76 years.  The Zionazi invaders and occupiers simply reject the very existence of Palestinians as summarized by former Israeli PM and utterly evil Zionazi Golda Meir (1969):“There is no such thing as a Palestinian people… It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn’t exist” [126]. The appalling and ongoing Gaza Urbicide is aimed at eliminating not only the Indigenous Palestinian inhabitants but also the very physical evidence of  the 4,000 year old  history of Gaza.   

The World must act to exclude genocidally racist Apartheid Israel from all trade, cultural, scholarly and sporting links and apply rigorous Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) not only against  Apartheid Israel but against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, companies and countries supporting this genocidally racist Zionazi pariah state.  Indeed all those complicit in the Gaza Genocide and Gaza Urbicide – the perpetrators, supporters of Apartheid Israel, and the Silent – have cursed themselves, this self-imposed curse being endlessly renewed every time they see their reflection, and at the going down of the sun and in the morning.


[1]. Mahatma Gandhi, “ The Jews In Palestine”,published in the Harijan 26-11-1938; Countercurrents: .

[2]. Nur Masalha, “Palestine. A four thousand year history”, I.B. Taurus. 

[3]. Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, 2nd edition, Korsgaard Publishing, 2021.

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[33]. Gideon Polya, “Iraq Invasion 20th Anniversary: 5 Million Dead In Iraqi Holocaust”, Countercurrents, 19 March 2023: .

[34]. Gideon Polya, “US-imposed, Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide”, Korsgaard Publishing, Germany, 2020.

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[61]. Amnesty International, “Syria: Raqqa in ruins and civilians devastated after US-led ‘war of annihilation’”, 5 June 2018: .

[62]. Yousif Al-Daffaie “The destruction of Gazaʼs historic buildings is an act of ‘urbicide’”, The Conversation, 21 February 2024: .  

[63]. Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, “Day 141: Massive Bombing In Gaza, 104 Killed”, International Middle East Media Center, 24 February 2024: .

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[78]. Gideon Polya, “Estimated 273,000 Gazans Killed In the First Year Of Oxford Union-Perceived Gaza Genocide By Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 6 December 2024: .

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[88]. Julia Conley, “UN Expert Fears ‘Almost the Entire Population’ of Gaza Exterminated If Israel Not Stopped”, Common Dreams, 6 September 2024: .

[89]. Gideon Polya, “335,500 Gaza Dead Estimate: Voting For Kid-Killing Kamala (KKK) Harris Means Complicity in Genocide”, Countercurrents, 25 October 2024:

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[94]. Gideon Polya, “A Shocking List of 52 Zionist- & Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany Comparisons”, Countercurrents, 7 August 2021: .

[95]. Gideon Polya, “Zionist IHRA & US Alliance rejected UNGA Anti-Nazi Resolution”, Countercurrents, 28 October 2022: .

[96]. Gideon Polya, “Swastika Ban Exposes Pro-Apartheid Israel, Pro-Apartheid, Zionist & Neo-Nazi Australian Labor Government”, Countercurrents, 20 June 2023: .

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[98]. Gideon Polya, “Cowardly US Lackey Australian Labor Government Betrays Promises, Australia, Palestine, and Humanity”, Countercurrents, 20 November 2022: .

[99]. Gideon Polya, “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide”, Korsgaard Publishing, 2024.

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[106]. Gideon Polya, “Australia must stop Zionist subversion and join the World in comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters”, Subversion of Australia, 15 April 2021: .

[107]. Gideon Polya, “335,500 Gaza Dead Ignored By Western Mainstream Media: Input To Special Rapporteur Report To Human Rights Council”, Countercurrents, 17 October 2024: .

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[116]. Gideon Polya, “Refutation Of Mainstream –Accepted Racist Zionist Lies Behind Israel ‘s Gaza Massacres And Palestinian Genocide”, Countercurrents,  26 July 2014: .

[117]. Eran Elhaik,”Ashkenazic Jews’ mysterious origins unravelled by scientists  thanks to ancient DNA”,  The Conversation, 5 September 2018: .

[118]. Eran Elhaik, “Uncovering ancient Ashkenaz – the birthplace of Yiddish speakers”,  The Conversation, 6 May 2016: .

[119]. Arthur  Koestler, “The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage”, Hutchinson, 1976.

[120]. Shlomo Sand, “The Invention of the Jewish People”, Verso, London, 2009.

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[125]. Gideon Polya, “Sanction Zionazism: 99% Of US-, UK-  & Australia-backed Jewish Israelis Support Gaza Genocide & Mass Murder Of Children”, Countercurrents, 20 December 2024: .

[126]. “Zionist quotes re racism and Palestinian Genocide”, Palestinian Genocide : .

Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds” (2003). He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2021), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (1998, 2008, 2022), “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020), “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” (2024), and contributed to Soren Korsgaard (editor) “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published – Dangerous Deception Exposed!” (2020). For images of Gideon Polya’s huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see:  .

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