The story of Rise and Fall of Labour Movement of Mumbai from 1853 to 2017. It’s a historical portrayal of Movement, it’s Birth, Growth, its achievements, the significant Milestones it crossed, the unsurmountable hurdells it encountered and its conquests and retardations it faced since 1990’s till 2017 when fire, heat and warmth of the movement reached its sad and heartbreaking end when the it found itself helpless. Author of this Book , Mr. Ajit Sawant covers the Historical Period of Mumbai’s labor Movement from 1853- 2017. He says, “The Mumbai labor movement which inspired the workers of the world to fight continuously for their rights is in a state of dispair and struggle for survival. Why is such state of affair of the great militant labor movement of Mumbai? A journey from historic struggles to present desperation’ is the story of Mumbai’s labor movement”.

The Book ends on a hopeful positive note when he says, “ When all boundries of Labour- working class exploitation are crossedand when the Ruling Perties and the Opponents are enguaged in showering promises on them with sight on Elections their failure to fulfill them will pave the ways for working class struggles. At this hour Mumbai working class movment will rise and fly into the sky from the ashes like Phinix”. The rebirth of the movement is certain.
The Book has very absorbing Introduction by renowned Journalist and NEWS PAPER EDITOR, Ex- Rajyasabha Member, Shree KUMAR KETKAR. Author Ajit Sawant and Kumar Ketkar were close associates and friends. Both of them being leftists were enguaged as Loyalists to the Political Cause. Ajit throughout his life faught his leftist Political battle with same determination as with Cancer with which he was struggling and which led to end of his life on 7th March 1919. Kumar Ketkar’s Introduction to the Book- “A Revolutionary History of Gratitude” appropriately describes his Work.
The struggles of first historical segment of Mumbai working class is spanned from 1853 to 1882. Mumbai working masses laid the foundation stone for Indian working class. They inspired the Working on machines with many others under one umbrella, the workers were transformed into working class identity and became wage earning class. Later and before eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, railways came to India along with the laborers who laid the railway lines.Thousands of laborers were required to build the railway network, thus the modern working class was born in India. They called the movement of class consciousness of the organization, with the help of co-workers, they made the workers aware of their rights and brought to light the injustice against them.

This is one of the rarest Book on Historical Workers Movement in Mumbai. Mumbai’s working class laid the foundations of the struggle of the Indian working people and remained the guiding lantern for them till 1990s and still have retained their reputation. Mumbai’s workers struggles did not remain confined to their economic gains but while enguaging in struggles for their own rights, inspired the mass of repressed and enslaved working population in India to unite, fight and express their own aspirations for freedom of expression and for collective life. The cotton texile industry had formed the backbone of Bombay’s and India’s industrial economy since the late 19th century. Up to the 1980s, around 2,50,000 workers were employed in the textile industry in the Central Mumbai area known as Girangaon. The majority of the workforce was made up of migrants from outlying districts of Maharashtra, including Satara, Sangli, Kolhapur, Ratnagiri, and the Konkan coast, with a smaller number migrating from United Provinces (now Uttar Pradesh) and Bihar.
First Textile Mill was established and opened in 1854 by Mr. Kavasji Davar. In course of time Total number of Textile Mills count rose to 69 and work force grew upto 2,00,000. The working conditions were terrible. No slab on daily working hours which on an average were 14-14 Hours, no provisions for Lunch hours, resting time, time for Natural / Statutary rituals, provisions for Drinking water etc. The Mill owners were totally irresponsive and negligent.Females were made to overwork and 8to 9 years children were made to work hard. Salaries were not provided timely. The workers had to stand up to Famines, draughts and floods at their villages. The Factory Act which came into existence was being pushed under the carpet by Mill Owners.The Mill workers awakening for the Income and existence were joined hands by Slaughterhouse workers under Municipal Corporation in 1866 and the strike continued for ten days. It was repeated ten times from 1866 to 1898. The Auther provides details of strike by compositors of Government Printing Press in 1875. In 1860 first Labour Act was implemented. The increase in Labour Unrest laid the foundations of struggle against enslavement. Mr. Narayan Meghaji Lokhande, Raghoba Sakharam and Balaji Phakde began to organize Worker’s awakening for their rights.

Narayan Meghaji Lokhane laid the foundations of ‘working class’ Movement in India. Narayan Lokhande was Follower and Disciple of great Social Revolutionary’ Jyotiba Phule”the ‘Inspiraration’ behind Lokhande. He soon took over as Editor of Marathi Magezine- Deenbandhu’- (Brother of the Oppressed), ‘
Din bandhu’ with his commitment to carry out onslaught against the apitalist’ and to work as Voice of the oppressed working people. British Government’s attempt to make applicable the Facyory Act and to establish Mulock Commission’, to prepare Report, Mr. Lokhande on 23rd and 26th Septembe 1984 organized Meetings at Bhyykala and Parel, of Textile and other Factory Workers in order to put forward their demands such as Half an hour’s for Lunch, Sunday as Holiday, restrixcting work after 6:30evening, Salary Payment before 15th of every month, adequate compensation for Accident treatments, etc were submitted to Mulock commission. However Mulock Commision totally ignored and rejected the Demands.
Lokhande protested for this demand of the workers and held a big public meeting on 24 April 1890. More than ten thousand workers were present. Women workers were present in large numbers and as a result of this meeting of the workers, the employers declared Sunday as a day of rest. Emboldened by the success of this protest movement, Narayan Meghaji Lokhande, a follower of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule, founded the ‘Bombay Millhand Association’, the country’s first labor union, and became its president, and hence today he is known as the father of labor movement in India. Lokhande continued the Labour protests and represented them before Voiceroy. As a counter strategy Textile Mill Owners established their own “Mill Owners Association”.
British Govt. took note of these events and finally announced Sunday as Holiday for workers, restricted Age limit of 14 years for employing children with Six hours and forty five minutes as working day. Factory commission also conferred “Factory Act 1991’ . It was great victory of the labour movement and for Mr. Lokhande’s unrelented efforts.
1901- 1925
Author provides facts about number of Strikes and protests by Textile workers in Mumbai during 1900 to 1905but most impactful event was working class protest and six day strike against Lokmanya Tilak’s arrest and six years duration rigorous imprisonment by British Govt. charged for sedition and extremism announced by Judiciary on June 6-7 1908. It is well known as “kalya Pnyachi Shiksha’for his Article in Kesari- “Deshache Durdaiv” on 22nd July 1908.

The article was treated as Mutiny, Insurgency and provocation for masses for rebellion against British State. It was a Unique and spontaneous upheaval by the Mumbai Textile and other Industry workers in defiance against Lokmanya Tilak’s arrest by Britishers and continued for Six days. It was simultaneously the expression of intense exploitation of the working masses. The prolonged strike attracted the attention of the leaders of the working classes internationally and more specifically of Revolutionary Leader Com. Vladimir Lenin. Lenin hailed this heroic assertion of Bombay workers as an inflammable material in world politics: Excrupts of Vladimir Lenin’s Article as below.

First world War started on 28th July 1914 only ended on 21st November 2018. As a result of war, the exports jumped up and led to considerably and increase in profitability. As a result demad of of work force increased. Shivdi, Delail Road, Naygaon, Worli, Agripada, Bhaikhala located Chawls built for Prisoners were slowly allotted to workersby establishing “Bombay Development Department’. The Chawls soon became wellknown as ‘BDD” Chawls. The workers from Villages migrated to these locations and were provided the accommodation by Textile Mill Owners to ensure availability of cheap labour. The entire expanded area became the well known’Girangaon”. The entire period is marked by phenomenal rise in workers strike and upheavals of discontent against British State in favor of political Independence.
In 1917, there was a revolution in Russia and in February 1917 the Petrograd workers in Russia went on strike. The Working class welcomed it and Lokmanya Tilak congratulated the workers who made the Russian revolution Lokmanya was known as the leader of the common people of the country. The articles he wrote about the Russian revolution in ‘KESARI’, made the workers curious about the revolution. Comrade Dange and their young friends were discussing about the Russian Revolution in Mumbai. Tilak’s in his Meetings after explained the background of Russian revolution in simple terms. Tilak’s speeches explained the reasons for Revolutionin Russia and gave the workers the belief that a new social order can be created which will bring justice to the workers. This is why many strikes started to succeed in India and also raised the morale of the workers.
Author reports Mumbai’s first Genaral strike of Txtile workers which started on 9th Jan. 1919 in which more than One and Half Lacs workers participated but was instigated by few ruthless actions by oners of Century Mill owners against workers who plummeted into strike with Bonus demand on 27th December 1918. Similar was rhe case with several other units. It was spontaneous strikes against the grievances and without the involvement of leaders! This event was peculiarly marked by adamant attitude by Textile owners who were not prepared to provide coinscent for any demnd for Salary increase or one month Bonus. The strike action received support and sympathy from Socially conscious Intelectuals and social reformers like N.M. Joshi. He walked on the footsteps of lala Lajpat Roy, the founder of AITUC. He was the general secretary of AITUC from 1925 to 1929 and from 1940 to 1948. Finally it was Police Commissioner Mr. Vincent initiated the dialogue with both the opposing classes and with the Arbitration by Governer Mr. George Ambrose Lloyd, the Mill Owners accepted most of the demands like Dearness Allowance etc.
1920 HAS BEEN IDENTIFIED BY Author as years of strikes. Jacob Sasoon Mill strike spread like conflagration and blaze. It was marked by intense state repression and police firings in which workers lost their lives. Military onslaugnts on striking workers. Lokmanya Tilak played major role by addressing workers rallies and welcoming Russian Revolution. Textile workers received support from Oil and Gas company, Best and Railway workers also. Workers also suffered due to loss of employments. Also were supported by Bombay Port Trust workers. 1920 was followed by 1921 and 1922 also which made workers to suffer. 1924 also converted Mumbai into battlefield.
1925 year also was marked by working class protests against threat received from the Textile Mill owners to cut down ‘dearness aalowance’ (mahagai bhatta) by 12 % inspite of high level of price increases impacting profusely the living conditions of workers.In July 1925, The fall in cotton cloth export demand, increased costof production, increase in excise duties and Bundles of cloth and yarn lying around were the reasons provided. One Mr. A,A. Alve, a worker leader from weaving department campaigned against the owners descision which resulted into enormous support from workers. He was compelled to form Union titled “Girnikamgar Mahamandal” to fight for justice . It was lead by one Mr. Baptista , Mr. S.M. Joshi and F.J. Jinwala. The efforts by Governor failed and workers had no option other than to go ahead with General Strike. On 26th September One Lack and Sixty thousand workers went on strike. The Strike prolonged and 60% of the workers had to return to their villages. Finally the Gopvt. Was compelled tocancel the Excise duty on 1st December. Unfortunately workers took very long to return to work and year 1925 ended in disaster for working class.
1926- 1941
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1920-25 was period of rapid formation of Unionization and rapid spread of Unrest. It covered Railways, Trams, Oil companies, Docks, Shipping companies and like Textile work force and they also showed their striking strength. Also Large sections of working class from Mumbai realized that ‘Sarvatrik Samp” was the strong weapon in the hands of working people. Bombay Municipal workers Union was formed in 1927. It was followed by offredo union of all peons and staff. 1926- 28 Dock Workers Union and Textile workers Union strength reached upto 60,000!
In 1928 Textile strike demonstrated their alligance to Red Flag. Shripad Amrut Dange emerged as the leader and 1927 depression compelled working class to show their Anger. 26th April agitations led to Genaral strikewhich spread across from Lalbagto Dadar. Vom. Dange, Mirajkar, Nimkar, joglekar led this strike.
The 1929 workers strike provided opportunity for the owners to slash at the collective strength. All efforts and attempts to break the strike failed one after another.Two lacs workers nullified all attempts by owners. The strike was marked by unsurmountable participation by Female workers. Russian workers financially helped the striking workers during crucial period. The owners had to enter into compromise and resulted into partial victory. The victory led to rise of ‘Red Flag’ and even the British Govt. scared. Com. Alwe, Lalji Pendse and others rose to leadersip levels. But most importantly theBritish Govt. chaged the Communist led by Com. S.A. Dange and others as plotting to overthrow the British Govt.
Com. S. A. Dange, was tried under the famous Meerat TrialAlong with Com. Joglekar and Mujaffar Ahemad who received 12 years and Lifelong imprisonment. Two agitating activists workers were charged for killing of English manager and were hanged in THANE JAIL. Also the action led to destruction and collapse of Collective strength of working class. Another factor which desimated their strength was the Hindu Muslim riots instigated by the Mill owners.

Communist Party led by Working class leader Com. D. B. Kulkarni carried out Anti British- Anti Capitalist Reolution in 1930 and was supported by Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Mahatma Gandhi’s call to agitate for boycotting Foreign Goods received huge response. The unprecedented agitation resulted into bloodied outcome and without mentioning life sacrifice of Babu Genu Said a ordinary worker from Phinix Mill. He was part of several agitations steared by Congress. Polece Officer drove his vehicle over his body. Mumbai’s working class put up strong protest agitation against his killing. The agitation against foreign goods continued for yars. 1937 recession impacted the working class. But 1938 onwards when clouds of Second World War appeared on International and national Political scene and atmosphere DURING VACCUM created by S.A. Dange’s absence his wife took over the working class leadership.She prevented the breaking up of strikes through her brave behavior. 1938 also was marked by establishment of Dr. Babasdaheb Ambedkar’s staunch opposition to Parlamentary Bill meant to ban the Rights of workers to strike. He addressed huge gathering of workers in “Kamgar Maidan”
1939 again marked the revival of workers agitations. Witia Mill workers agitation, when one female worker was retrenched and lage crods had gathered and Female workers formed sizable portion. Suddenly the two hundred female workers entered the Mill premises and Gheraoed the Mill Managers, Mr. Modi and Mr. Gokhale to press for demands. After immense negotiations the Managers were released by Lady workers. This stike the “Birth of Gherao ‘ as tool for agitating workers. On 1st November 1939 all retrenched female workers were reinstated.

1941 was a year marked by defeats of striking workers at times and victory as well.
1942- 1947
It was 1942, when Final phase of struggle for Indian Independence began. At Gwalier Tank, Ground, Mumbai, where the Session was in progress, British Rulers were given the altimatum to “Quit India” (Chale Jav). On 9th August Aruna Asafali unfurreled the tricolor Flag and the Police Authorities arrested all leaders and this News flared up the anger everywhere. Police countered the agitations with Gun Firing w hich resulted into death of Eighty people on 9th August. Working Class led the agitation right from Kapadbazar to Kalbadevi. All Textile Mills and manufacturing Units were completely closed and so also the Tram services.The Satyagrah by workers, invited counterattack from the Stooges of Govt, te Police
On 9th August 1942, M.G.D. Ambekar, who along with others had formed, “Hindusthan Mazdoor Zsevak Sangh’ an outreach og Gandhi Sevak Sangh gave speech at the entrance Gate of “Jam Mill’ with an appeal to working class to focus on Liberation of India from British Rule. With Mr. Ambekar’s appeal to ‘Do or Die” was arrested by police and was in jail for eleven months. Police raided his office to arrest all activists and workers and confiscicated all files and documents.
Eleventh February 1945, was the day on which Strikes and demonstrations surged all over india on the occasion of protests for release of arrested Millitary officers of Azad Hind Sena. It led to arrest of Trade Union Leaders, Communist Party and Leftist leaders from Congress. This rebellion led to insurrectionry mood and atmosphere within Indian Armed forces and Indian Naval Force . The insulting treatment of Indian Naval Force by British commanders finally led to mutiny and outburst of anger of the members of Navy on 17th February 1946. Neval Members of ship I.N.S. TALWAR began to defy the orders outright and unfurruled the flag of defiance. Members of twenty two Naval Ships countered the threats of British officers to Indian Naval members to sink the ships with counter threats to Bambard British governor’s house and Port offices and the British Naval Officers.They downed British Flags and instead unfurreled tricolor Flags, Red Flags of communists. and tricolor flag of congress. They were inspired to overthrow the Brutal British Regime. Com. Randive and Com. S.A. Dange finally decided to rally around the Sailers’ the support of lacs of textile mill workers through General Strike on 22nd February 1946 and successfully closed Mumbai. Govt. made all round efforts including firing on masses and leaders . In the firing Com. Kamal Donde was killed and Com. Kusum Randive & Kusum Jaykar were severly injured. This Naval Mutiny is marked by unsurmountable support by Textile and Factory workers and the role played by Communist Party. The leader of Naval Mutiny Mr. Datta thanked the working Class.

The 1946, Rebellion of Navy was withdrawn. However it gave ultimatum to the Imperialist Rulers that end of their Regime is close by. After 9th August 1942 agitation, the Brave rebellion strongly supported by resplendent struggle of the gallant working class proved to be the feather in the Cap of working masses which reminds us of 1917 Russian Revolution which was the last straw in ruining of Imperialism. It was the Peak of Union of masses with Rebellious Army. The Author lists out formation of INTUC as All India Unio, Bombay Mill Mazdoor Union etc but most significant fact was that total strength of working class in Mumbai reached to more than three lacs.
After independence came 1948, Samajwadi left the Congress. Due to the manoevres of S. K. Patil, the Socialists had to leave the Rashtriya Mill Mazdoor Sangh. They formed their own independent trade union called Mill Mazdoor Sabha. In 1948, Hind Mazdoor Sangh, a central labor organization was formed, among the office-bearers of these positions, Com. Rambhau Ruikar was elected as the president and Maniben Kara was elected as the vice-president. The Working comitee included Jay Prakash Narayan, Aruna AsafaliV. B. Karnik, Peter Alwaris. In 1948 the labor union of the Communist, succeeded in getting four and a half months bonus to the mill workers. But in 1950, the owners were not willing to give more than two months Bonus.
Workers united under “Mill Mazdoor Sabha’ of Socialist Party went on strike under the leadership of Mr. Ashok Mehta. The entire Nation was curiously watching the strike to see how the Govt. after Independanc reacts. But Govt. acted fully as puppet of the Capitalist to break the strike by hook or crook , banned the meetings and marches, illicitly attempted to break strike, firing and lathicharge on workers was resorted. After two months the strike collapsed but exposed the Govt. as run and administered by Capitalist class only. The intentions were clear- to make and turn the Aggressive workers movement into lifeless entity! The Union run by Congress Party, :Rashtriy Mill Mazdoor Sangh”which supported BIR Law. Com. Dange’s six Hours duration speech against the BIR Act was suppressed by Congress. The Act became infamous as Black Act. Again in 1954, areas surrounding Mumbai Docks,” THE BOMBAY DOCK WORKERS UNION” and other Four Unions organized Nationwide Strike in 1956 which succeeded. In 1956 again swtruggle against “Port trudt Administration’ acquaired the attention from International and National Press and critiques. Unfortunately on 20th March1959 the leader of Dock Workers Union P. Demelo died at his Age of 39 years died of Heart Attack which gave severe jolt to Dock Workers. Alternative Upcoming leadership of Mr. Kulkarni and others took over the responsibility to stear through the resistance given by Govt. and the Villan and most regressive Congress leader and the Transport Minister Mr. S.K. Patil. All efforts to suppress demands including Salary increase, Graduaity and other concessions were made by himwho intended to break the strike hook or crook by making it prestigious issue. Govt. resorted to Lathi charge and police firing in which seven workers died. However the union leader Mr. S.R. Kulkarni directly contacted Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. S.K. Patil’s propaganda that the Port leaders are Communist thinkers and are trying to create Anarchy in the country was completely ignored with open heart by Jawaharlal Nehru. He considered the demands of Port Workers as justified and carried forward the process of agreement and the Strike ended on victorious note and assumed National Dimenssions. The Port contract workers had faught unde the leadership of P. Demelo and George Fernandese in 1954-55and againin December 1957. This marks the rise of George Fernandese as Labour leader.

This period is wellknown in History due to Samyukta Maherashtra Movement agitation largely faught by Textile Workers of Mumbai. The struggle can be identified as Spontanious Mass upheaval of the working class against State and Capitalism. The agitation brought the burning issue as the prime issue on the agenda for “State Reorganization Board”. It had outrightly rejected the demand and recommended Maharashtra and Gujrat as one Bilinguial State’. The unrest against such descision began to flare up rapidly. On 18th Nov. 1955 it was decided to take out March on Assembly. It was led by most popular leaders Achara Atre and Senapati Bapat. On 21st November 1955, the huge protest March by workers was ransacked by police with Lathi Charge and mass arrests. Again to protest against such repressive measures Mumbai Workers carried out Strike and stopped work at all Textile UnitsRailway workshops and Mumbai Port. The march was led by Acharya Atre, Mirajkar and Lalji Pendse and all of them were arrested. Police firing resulted into death of 15 workers. Finally Central; Govt. on 15th Jan. announced bifurcation of Gujrath and Maharashtra as two states and Mumbai was formed as “centrally governed” Metropolice. All leaders, of ‘ Sanyukta Maharashtra Comitee’, Prabodhankar Thakre, Lalji Pendse, Ganacharya Gulab, Randive, Godavari Parulekar were arrested. On Javaharlal Nehru’s announcement that Mumbai will remain Centrally Govt. City, created havoc and resulted into uncontrollable popular anger. Police with repressive onslaught on the movement, resulted into Uncontrollable anger. It was tit for tat from working masses and particularly from women who challenged Police atrocitie. Females announced that they are prepared for death. On experiencing fearsome incarnation by women activists and mass movement forced the Police to ran away! s In 1958, ‘premier automobiles’strike, Indian Express’ workers agitation strike compelled the Central Govt. to form “WageBoard’ provided power and strength to News Paper workers across India.
The politically volatile atmosphere created waves of unrest, surge and upsurge amongst the Unions and finally compelled the Central Govt. to budge and give up resistance to “United Maharashtra along with Mumbai’ and led to unparallel triumph of the Workers.
As result of intense agitation over years led by Working masses finally Central Govt. had to acknowledge the Complee dissatisfaction of Marathi Speaking Population and to accept the Demand for ‘United Maharashtra’ on 1st April. Mr. S.A. Dange met Jawaharlal Nehru in person to highlight it as victory of Working class and Peasants and Nehru accepted to change the date to 1st Of May 1960, the Labour day. As a tribule to 105 Martyas who laid down their Lives for ‘Sanyukta Maharashtra Movement’, a Monumental sculpture of the image of the labor struggle Memorial was erected at Fountain, Mumbai. Thus the Triumph of working class remains memorable.
Beginning of New Chapter- Rise of Dr. Datta Samant and Fascismto split Working class
1st May 1960 was turning point in History. Mumbai’s expansion began at much rapid rate. By crossing its own boundries it began spreading it’s wings in Suburbs with industrialization. Apart frommGiant companies in City, Suburbs wewre getting crowded with several Large Scale manufacturing Units like Crompton Greaves, Godrej, Me and Baker etc. It led to increase in demand for skilled and unskilled labour force. It attracted labour force from across India with better salaries. To accommodate the large flow of labour force from other states such as Tamilnadu, UP, Bihar, Orissa, Kerala slums creation also increased tremendously and so also their Trade Unionization!
Panshet River Dam tragedy in July 1961, in which people in thousands were displaced, lost their lives and devastation of very large number of families. However the tragic event tested humanism of laboring population of Mumbai. One lack workers from Textile units and Factories responded to appeal from Mr. Ambekar and contributed ine Day Salary. Chief Minister Yeshwant rao Chavan appreciated the humanism and sacrifice made by workers.
For three consecutive years, 1959, 60 and 61 Textile workers were not paid for Bonus and Red Flag Union’ called for protest strike. The response to demonstration call made the Govt. to shiver and Chief Minister appealed to Mill Owners and Agreement to pay the Bonus. Textile Mill Workers Union took the lead Protest strike and Red Flagswere unfurreled with loud slogans of “Lal Bavte Ki Jay”.The Victory can be credited to Textile Mill Workers led by Communists.
1965 saw the rise of Dr. Datta Samant’s leadership amongst Mumbai Workers Movement. Dr. Samant who was attentive to the miserable conditions of Mine Workers and used to visit work places, homes to listen to their sorrows. On one afternoon Dr. Samant touched and moved by agonies of poor workers went on his own to see the Owner in his office to express the agonies of workers. The owner closed the door of the Office and after some time the workers gathered outside office saw Dr. Datta Samant in bloodied conditions, with forehead covered with blood, all clothes wet and soaked with Blood. The Mine workers got angry and wanted to shower stones on Owner but Dr. Samant prevented them and was aditted to Shivdi Hospital. He came out of Hospital with determination to organize the Mining workers for justice. This was the Birth of Leader who fought for and finally died also for Working Class!.
Dr. Datta Samant addressed the Mining workers. In 1965 under Samant’s leadership workers carried out sitting strike in Mines for more tha 45 days. Mining owners buckled under the pressure and acceptedthe Salar y Increase Agreement. The triumph led to founding of the New Union- namly,”Maharashtra Kamgar Union”
1966 was the year when Shiv Sena came into existence with agenda to fight for the employment of Marathi speaking population and carry out struggle against flow of intruding labourers from other (Foreign) states. Driving away of people from other states, particularly the south Indians. To target South Indians new most obscene and vulgur slogan “Hatav Lungi Bajav Pungi’ was coined, to target south Indian state population residing in Mumbai. This marks the beginning of New Fascist Version of Hatred. The aim was to split the working population and evoke most hatred against South Indians under the guise of providing Employment to Marathi Population. But the Ultirior Motive was to split the strength of the Trade Union Movement, devide the working population and to work as the stooge of the Capitalist Ruling class. The main focus was to target communists & Dr. Datta Samant at Latter stage to to work for the ruin of Trade Union Movement.
Bal Thakre propogated through all his speeches to drive out the “Paraprantiyas’ (The laboring population from other states residing in Mumbai and Maharashtra as migrants from other States who have migrated to Mumbai- Maharashta in search of Jobs). Communists were branded as Anti Nationals and anti working class. On 9th August 1968 Shiv Sena established its “Bharatiy Kamgar Sena” with Dattaji Salvi as its head. It worked with blessings from Owners and Managements with the purpose of retaliating communists and supporting the owners wanting to smash resistance. Smashing Communist organizations and cooperation with Mill owners were the focal points of Shiv Sena Agenda. For ruling Congress and apitalists birth of Shiv Sena was shot in the Arms. It provided Multi faceted weapon for both of them, to split and destroy.
In Mumbai Port trust Annasaheb Patil came forward to organize Mathadi Kamgar (those carry loads n their head and shoulders in Port. Fortunately Yeshwant rao Chavan supported the demands for Pension, Gratuity, Accidents compensation and Bill (Vidheyak) was approved on 1st April 1969. Annasaheb Patil became the God of Mathadi Kamgar. In 1967 Elections , both S.K. Patil and Harish Mahindr of Congress were defeated by George Fernandeze and Com. Dange respectively. It should be celebrated as victory of Mumbai’s working class.

It was Vikroli, Ghatkopar and in Mumbai’s Eastern Subtowns, saw repid spread of Dr. Datta Samant’s leadership. Godrej workers were fed up with pro- management Union and Shiv Sena attempted to take advantage to establish itself in Godrez. The attempt did not succeed . Workers in large approached Dr. Samant. He took over the rains of Union. Dr. Samant worked with workers for their multiple problems and opposed management. Reg Flag Unions also supported him. Demonstrations were carried out against Godrej owner who insulted Dr. Samant on 20th June. For next few days Godrej owner used gangstersto to terrorise the workers. Workers had to continue their strike fot three weeks since owner refused to have talks with Doctor. Premier Automobile Workers and Mining workers stood solidly behind Dr. Samant and Godrej workers. Despite efforts of Godrej owner to crush Dr. Datta Samant’s Union by hook or crook. Godrej owner’s efforts to crush Samant Union were supported by Premier and A.P. I. Management. This conflict on such magnified scale made Dr. Samant to emerge as Symbol of struggle against Capitalism from 1960s. Shocked Owners took help from Shiv Sena, other owners, Govt and Military and Dr. Samant’s Union began its fight against this powerful combination.
Shiv Sena raised the Slogans of “Death to and Down with Dr. Samant” (Dr. Samant Murdabad). Capitalists, Media and Govt. took advantage of Godrej riots to create image of Dr. Samant as terrorist and promoter of Violance, the impact on mass population was exactly opposite. The propaganda turmed him into ‘Fighting leader’ and Fighter for repressed and exploted masses.
The industrial belts in Mumbai and Around was marked by atmosphere of struggle in which Textile workers announced General Strike on 30th December 1973. The strikebecame well known and Historic. The strike prolonged for 42 days and Textile industry utilized Shiv Sena to break it with all means. In La lag, Parel etc. became tense. Grorth in Strength of Shiv Sena and was major regressive factor. Despite it the strike received support from Unions associated with Jansangh. Central Govt’s and PM Indira Gandhi’s reluctance to offer solution the strike continued During Strike period Lok Sabha Elections were held on 13th Jan 1974 and Com. Dange’s daughter Rosa Deshpande trounced Congress candidate Mr. Ramrav Adik supported by Shiv Sena. Textile workers proved their strength. 17th and 18th Jan 1974 looked like war situation in Girangaon and strike breakers were made to run away by Female Activists.
Aftercompletion of one month, Striking workers took out Morcha on 5th Feb. 1974. On 6th Feb 1974, proposal for negotiations were put forward After some duration,Com. Dange accepted the proposals amounting to partial victory, after realization that workers are getting exhausted. The The strike was still considered as victory of mass of wokers by defeating RMMS, SHIVSENA AND GOVT’S combined effots to crush it.
Another most horrendous event took place on 5th June 1970, when Shiv Sena assassins stabbed Textile Working Class Leader and CPI MLA Krishna Desai to death. On a dark rainy evening around 70-80 people armed with knives and sticks stabbed him and one of his associates, Prakash Patkar, in his home at Tawrepara. Shiv Sena refused to take responsibility but the culprits have been identified by Marathi Daily ‘Maratha’. It is historical truth and important moment in rise of Nazi-Style Fascism and Rightwing Polarization.

Author covers three events of Mumbai class struggle. First is Mumbai Municipal Corporation strike by employees for Bonus in 1972 which was repressed ,however the employees succeeded in 1973 and first time Bonus was provided. In 1973 Port Trust Mumbai, marked 100 years of its establishment. Selected Union representative Mr. S.R. Kulkarni was impowered to negotiate with Govt. which resulted into multiple minor gains but facilitated stronger Unionization of BMC.
Major and magnificent event of National and Ingternagtinal impact was the All India Railway strike. George raised popular Slogan”What will happen on 8th May 1974,- rail ka Chakka Jaam Hoga’. In the meanwhile Srimati Indikra Gandhi. All Govt. Employees were 1,212,882 With 29,719 km (18,467 mi) of the lines having two or more tracks, total running track length was 106,493 km. On 2nd May 1974, George Fernandeze was arrested. In view of lack of sufficient support from Mumbai residence, the Strike was finally withdrawn on 28th May 1975. In view of financial ramifications central Govt. showed total contempt for the striking employees. He was accused of destroying the economic foundations with this strike, After defeat of congress govt. and Janata Party came to power Mr. Madhu Dandavte took initiative to enter applicable agreement and reinstated Thosands of Empoyees which were retrenched and during Strike..
The major takedowns of this period were, Rise of De. Datta Samant as a mass leader with tooth and nail fighting spirit , establishment of ‘Mathadi kamgar Union & Rise of Shiv Sena sponsored ‘Workers Union and its Anti Communist outrage.
1976- 1985.
Here we are entering into most critical period of history of working class movements in Mumbai.Mumbai was getting studded with Modern Industry, right from Pharma, Chemicals, Automobiles, Paintings and Engineering Industry as addition to large textile industry. It invited work force from across and there was large queue of labourers seeking and thirsty of employment. Foreign companies paid better salaries to employees than the Indian and hence growing desire to improve life conditions. Hence after collusion with Godrej and Premier Autmobiles flow of workers to Dr. Datta Samant Union increased manifold. Even Owners began to bow down before Dr. Datta Samant Union demans to a certain extent. During this period Bharatiy Kamgar Sena also began gaing ground. During the same period, CITU, hmas, aituc and Sarv Shramik Sangh (Lal Nishan Group) organized long march on 14th Sept. 1979, for RAILAY, BEST, DOCKS, BANKS, TEXTILE MILLS. All renowned Leaders spoke at the culmination point and announced . The participation of more than Two Lacks workers in it proved to be a breakthrough.
1980 earmarks the beging of elevation of workers struggles in Textile Industry.Empire dying Textile processin mill struggle marks the entry of Dr. Datta Samant’s Union. Agreement reached between owners of the Mill and Praja Socialist Party led union was rejected by workers and they walked over to Dr. Samant’s Union. The striking workers under Dr. Samant continued the strike for two months and made the owner to surrender to the demands after making intensified efforts to break it. Victory of Dr. Samant’s union became intensified issue of debates and discussions amongst Textile workersthroughout textile belts. Here they were convinced that R.M.M. S. IS UNION SOLD OUT TO OWNERS. Workers had discovered the reply to their own querries about the Leadership and all round support for Dr. Samant was around the corner.
Beginning of 1981the discontent amongst workers began to erupt spontaniouly. Bonus issue was on the hot plate since most profitable Textile units were providing less Bonus and ditching by Rashtriy Mill Mazdoor Sang aggravated the anger. Shivsena sponsored ‘ Girni Kamgar Sena jumped into fray with SS CHIEF Bal ThakreSUPPORTING IT. On 1st November Shivsena sponsored Union called for Token Strike of entire Textile Industry. Workers made full determination and in support of Textile workers on 16th Nov. 1981 Shiv Sena affiliated Textile Union’, announced indefinite strike against repressive strategies of Textile owners. Also was announced that Shiv Sena Chief Bal Thakre will officially announce this in a huge Rally. As response Workersmade full preparation for it and were eagerly awiting for such thrilling announcement from Bal Thakre. The Jam Packed rally on the ground was mustered and focused to hear such announcement to fight till end. Instead Balasaheb gave heavy hammering blow to such expectations and instead announced indefinite postponement of strike. Such disheartening blow made workers to desert the Ground infew minutes with intensified protest slogans against Sena’s horrendous surrender to Mill owners and ditching the workers. This treachery, betrayal and surrender made the entire mass of workimg people were waiting for Birth of vallient and brave leadership wewre aghast and switched over to leadership of Empire Dying, Dr. Datta Samant overnight. They fully disregarded Shiv Sena leadership and stood with Dr. Samant’s leadership with full determination.
Standard Mill, Crown Mill, Hindustan Mill workers followed each other to support Dr. Samant’s Union. Dr. Samant who knew well about BARC LAW AND WITH huge organizational work load was not at all prepared to accept Textile leadership. But workers stood outside Samant’s Residence overnight without budging a bit. Dr. Datta Samant had no option other than to accept the leadership. Workers raised ‘Pro Dr. Samant” slogans with tremendous rejoice. Instantaniously WORKERS belonging to R.M.M.S, Shivsena affiliated to Kamgar Sena, ‘Lal Bawta Mill union who had deeply rooted in working Classrapidly began to switch over to Dr. Samant ‘s Union. Dr. Samant announced one day token strike on 1st Jan 1982 and from 18th Jan 1982, indefinite strike. Even Lal Nishan Party cadre also came out with Dr. Samant’s Flag on their shoulders. It was descision by entire working Class to put up piercing fight against Mill owners. Workers knew that it is going to be long lasting battle. On 18th Jan 1982 it was triumph for 100 % successful strike. As requested by Dr. Datta Samant, majority of wokers left for their home towns for six months duration as per Dr. Samant’s advice. The Strike prolonged for Nine months. Striking employess who preferred to stay in Mumbai had everyday sitin strikes and semonstrations on all major grounds like Kamgar Maidan, Nare Park etc. Strike continued for Nine Months. Now it began to worry the striking workers but their determination was unflinching.
The strike attracted the attention of workers not across India but Internationally. NEWS PAPER REPORTERS FROM various countries such as SWEEDEN, SWITZERLAND, FRANCE were attracted towards it. Even leader representatives from many parts of the world began visiting Mumbai to take stock of of the strike. The solidarity and determination of the striking workers was awesome and magnificent. The workers were determined to overthrow the Ghost of RASHTRIY MILL MAJDOOR SANGH AND BIR ACTS BY ALL MEANS.
One year of the strike passed. The financial noose around their neck was sickening. With no salaries for complete year, Workers began facing bankruptcy, shop owners stopped providing goods, Children’s shool fees unpaid, house rents unpaid. 11th March, workers went on long march, 22nd April Maharashtra Bandh, 11th May-demonstrations was all ignored by owners amd workers soon became restless an began visiting Mills. After one year and three months workers faced lathi charge at several locations, police and Govt, began arresting workers on large scale. Opression was the order of the day and TEXTILE MILL OWNERS ASSOCIATION” put up a notice warning the textile workers that those who will not resume their work on or before 1st May 1983 will be permanently terminated. Shiv Sena affiliated workers along with stooge SANGH affiliated workers immediatey joined. GOONS WERE DEPLOYED TO TERRORIZE workers . After passing through such prolonged period with all adverse conditions workers had lost strength and flow of return to work increased.
Such prolonged strike fought with all strength finally failed. Thousands of workers lost their jobs. Appr. One lakh six thousand workers lost teir jobs. Working Class was fully entangled in vicious circle of Destruction. Workers lost the will to struggle and fight for the rights. Seeds were sown to promote the owners find the situation ripe enough to close the Mills, divert investments and take possessioin -ownership of lands. This strike proved to be historically the highest turning point. The working class shown its unpresidented- phenomenal Unity to fight with empty stomach. The entire world took note of this fight and struggle. Many trade unionist critiques held Dr. Samant to be responsible for complete failure for the Tactics he adopted. Failure of strike led to destruction of textile working class. It severely Impacted the Industrial work force dependent on textile Industry. It made the beginning towards destruction of moral and confidance of working class and tumbling of its social dominance.
1986- 2000
1985 began to role with complete end to strike and seventy thousand workers had to join Mills after accepting all conditions laid down by owners. Influence of the Communist- Red flag dwindled considerably. Hooligans occupied the scene. Shiv Sena affiliated unins began to spread their wings. Tata Oil Mills, Crompton Greaves and several other units were targeted with violence. In Textile and other industry, the owners were enguaged in trowing out employees by using hooligans. Saling out lands at very high cost and earning profits was the sole agenda. Permanent workers were removed under the guise of ‘Volentary Retirement’ ’ and Contract labourers had no strength and will to organize and fight. Under liberalization in world economy.

It was the period when CPI leadership’s, Com. Dange, Com. Prabhakar Sasnzgiri, B.S. Dhume etc. started loosing their hold over Trade Unions Employees. Shiv Sena’s Labour Union led by Ramesh and Ramakant More rapidly and aggressively began to spread their wings over various Industrial Units. To push the workers into valley of unemployment was the moto of Mill Owners and devised “Pension Scheme (1995)’ as means to promote wave of resignation amongst Permanent Workers”. Employing cheap unprotected contract labourers was used by employers every where.
Such strategy and move was opposed by Dr. Datta Samant’s Union, CITU, AITUC, ‘Sarv Shramik Sangh’, ITU, ALL INDIA CHEMICALS- PHARMASUTICALS MAHASANGH’ BEST KAMGAR UNION, AND UNIONS OF SEVERALMULTI-NATIONAL UNITS. They carried out huge demonstrations, met the Commissionerof FUTURE SUBSISTANCE PENSION SCHEME TO PRESS FOR deletion of Anti Working Class clauses with stern warning. On 11th December 1995 they carried out totl strike in Maharashtra and All India basis to Protest . BEST EMPLOYEES also joined. The strike resulted in to rejunuvation of working class strength. In 1996 organised demonstrations of more than one lack workers on Assembly. Despite this the textile Mill owners were determined to end supremacy of Trade Unioons. Owners pressurized the Govt. to allow them to sale the extra lands. Closure of mills acquired speed. In 1987, Modern Mill, New great Eatern Mill and number of Mills were closed down.
In 2000, all Trade Unions came together to launch “BHARAT BAND”ON 11TH May 2000. Subsequently THE MILL LANDS were used to erect tall buildings, Five Star Hotels, Malls. Earlier to this one shivering NEWS began spreading, that of Dr. Datta Samant’s murder on 16th Jan. 1997. It was said that this was the retaliation from rulers against Dr. Samant’s intensified struggle against his opposition to Sale of Lands and “Pension Scheme (1995)’. His murder and his loss for all times to come was second vicious blow to working class movement. First was Com. Krushna Desai’s killing on on 5th June 1970.The Mumbai Redevelopment drive resulted into pushing out working class from central Metropolitan City to far out outskirts to VIRAR, VASAI, NALASOPARA and soon Mumbai was slowly transformed into City of CAPITALISTS, TRADERS AND Top ranking officers.
2001- 2017

Despite the migrations , GOVT and Public sector workers, Semi Govt. workers unions organized hughe rally at Shivaji Park on 15th Feb. 2001. CITU, AITUC, HIND MILL MAZDOOR SABHA, HIND MAZDOOR PANCHAYAT, School and College teachers Association, Bank and Insurance workers, Municipal workers, Railway unions participated. Their participation pumped new life into labour movement. However the period is marked by helplessness. In 2006, All india Workers strike, against pro- capitalit measures by Govt. 25th Sept. 2013’s Maharashtra State and Central Govt. labour unions was of immense success. These successes however have not been match . The Autor terms this period of working class movement in Mumbai as,”A journey from Historical struggle to present Day Desperation”. It’s worn out and Exhausted state and its struggle for restoration makes us to ask , is it the same worker’s movement instilled with Fighting spirit? Today all limits of exploitation by Capitalism are being crossed and it has left no alternative to working class to fight and take rebirth like Phoeninix”.
Anil Pundlik Gokhale is an Engineer by profession. As a non regular writer on political literature I have always been attempting to integrate Psychology and Marxism. I have recently published books ‘Condensation And Condescension In Dreams And History: Essay – From Sigmund Freud To E P Thompson’ by Author House London. Psychoanalysis & A- Historical Story of GENGHIS KHAN, Author House- London.