Mental health concerns of online education among children

Mental Health Depression

Online education to the school children is a new phenomenon which was started during the COVID period. Since the Novel Corona Virus was highly contagious and would spread fast in the crowded places, the schools were closed to avoid students mixing in groups.  

However to avoid the loss of studies, the online education method was adopted. Several applications for online education were also developed during that period.  This helped a section of the students to continue the learning process. Albeit students from lower socio-economic group were not benefited as they were unable to purchase smartphone, laptop or the PC to join the online teaching. 

Now since the COVID is over, the online teaching should be very selective for various reasons. It is astonishing however that several schools are still continuing with this practice of the online education even for the students from primary and middle classes. This is a real cause of concern from many facets. 

The process of education has to be seen in the context of holistic development of the student during the growing age. It has been accepted globally that the development of the child in the early age depends on parenting, schooling and the environment around. It is therefore important that the parents should be educated to inculcate the ideas of good citizenship in the child through simple methods like playing with them, telling them stories about nature, about the persons who have contributed for the development of the society and also preach them respect, love and brotherhood/sisterhood for others  without any prejudice. As the child attains the school going age she/he is prepared at home to learn to mix with the fellow students. In the early formative years at school children should be encouraged to interact among themselves and not the shy of mixing with others. They should also develop confidence to speak to the teacher with respect. They should be encouraged to address the gathering of their peer group. This makes the child inquisitive and develops habit of reasoning and questioning.

All this can happen only if the child is attending regular classes. It would be naïve to expect from a primary level school child to be attentive on the screen during the online class. In the regular class with a direct contact with the teacher he/she is much more likely to be attentive and receptive to what is being told. Sitting at home on the screen he is bound to be coaxed by the parents. This will feel him over protected and over possessive. 

Education is not just books and numbers but a process of learning to make a good citizen who can bear all ups and down in life and who can accept victory or defeat gracefully. After losing he learns to develop the habit of attempting to work hard to achieve more in a healthy manner.

School is a place of social gathering of the children where they make friends and learn the capability of interaction which adds to their confidence building. They play together, argue, quarrel but again they become friends. This is a normal behaviour of a child. They also learn in the sports to accept both victory and defeat happily. But if the child spends more time in the online class and is away from his classmates for a long period, this normal behaviour is affected. The child may become more possessive, introvert or sometimes may develop aggressive behaviour. 

Sitting for long period in front of the screen leads to the medical issues like stress and strain on the eyes. Because the children have the habit of sitting very close to the screen they are likely to develop visual problems like Myopia and need glasses for its correction. They do not blink during those moments and so develop dry eyes.    

Online education is also going to create disparities among students. Many students from the low socio-economic groups will be devoid of education if there is more stress on online system of learning. The existing education system is already creating disparities which would increase.

Online education is a virtual interaction. World is not a virtual thing. Life is a real space and time relationship which our body lives through. There is a persistent effort by the educationists that education should not be seen as a stressful thing by the children but a joyous learning.

Every student has different aptitude and perception of life which should be extracted, encouraged and advanced. A good teacher can do this. Online education and coaching centres have become centres for rattling instead of means of real learning.

Dr Arun Mitra is a Practicing ENT Surgeon in Ludhiana, Punjab. He is also the President of Indian Doctors for Peace and Development (IDPD) 

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