Today, in the Hindi newspaper Bhaskar, in the news briefing, there is a small news that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has asked people for their opinion on India’s progress in various fields in the last ten years. Last month, a survey was started on NamoApp. Opinions were also sought about the government and MPs in this. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that “Those who think about the country’s progress should share their opinion directly through the Jan-Man Survey on NamoApp.” So I thought, why not, I too am a common worker who has been thinking about the progress of my country ever since I became conscious. So, I have sent open letters to the Prime Minister dozens of times before this. So, today, before trying the possibility of him going on NamoApp, let me write this open letter.
Because the condition of media in our country has been created by them in the last ten years! That too without declaring emergency! And without declaring censorship! Meaning that the mistakes which Indira Gandhi had committed with fear! Narendra Modiji is doing them openly and boldly! Instead of forcing media organizations to crawl on their knees, the more correct word would be crawling! (Meaning walking on the elbows!)
Similarly, even after seventy-five years of India’s independence, the highest institutions like ED, IB, CBI, NCLT, SEBI, Income Tax, Press Council, Editors Guild, Election Commission, Courts and Parliament cannot do anything against the wishes of the present government. Such a situation has been created. And it has forced all the institutions to do whatever it likes.
The most surprising thing is that all this is going on wearing the mask of democracy! And the process of using all the institutions for the capitalist class has been going on since long! But the way it is going on openly now! For a recent example of this! Today I am writing this on the pretext of NamoApp!
Eight years ago, Narendra Modi’s government had started making new amendments regarding bankrupt companies. To recover the loan that these bankrupt companies have taken from the government banks of our country, which is taken out from the small fixed deposits of common people like us, by investing in banks, to recover the loan, by auctioning the property of these companies. This new amendment has been made only to recover the money.
And it was highly praised in the media organizations of our country! But during the last eight years, in the name of taking action against any company, how is the government helping them! The latest example of this happened yesterday, in the last month of 2023, during the Christmas holidays of December, on 19-22 December, in our country’s National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), which includes the most senior judicial experienced people of our country!
This NCLT has one of the famous industrial houses! Anil Ambani’s younger son of Ambani family, ‘Reliance Communication Infrastructure Limited Company’, the bankrupt company of Rs. 47,251, worth Rs. 455 crores offered to be taken over by elder brother Mukesh Ambani’s company, ‘Reliance Project and Property Management’! And NCLT gave the green signal!
In which this decision has been taken to waive off the loan amount of more than Rs. 46,500 taken by the public sector banks! And the most surprising thing is that after taking a loan from the bank for his household needs, if a common man delays paying back the loan by a week or two, how the same bank officials behave humiliatingly! All our loan takers know this very well! And there are examples of some even committing suicide, fed up with the humiliation!
And has the government banks ever tried to take any action to recover the thousands of crores of rupees of loans taken by big industrial houses? Because that money is the money of the taxpayers of our country and the money invested by the people who have deposited money in banks in small savings for their future!
Despite wasting it in the illegal activities of the capitalists, no government of India has taken any strict action till now. I do not know of even a single such example. The transaction that took place between Anil Ambani and Mukesh Ambani ten to twelve days ago, what could be the reason for not trying to recover even a single rupee in it? The spectrum allocation that Anil Ambani’s Reliance Communication Infrastructure Limited company had taken for its company, the government could have seized it and sold it. And by recovering some money from it, and by seizing some of his property, some money could have been recovered. And without touching other properties, easily the company of elder brother Mukesh Ambani, for only Rs 455 crores. It seems like a vendor on the footpath sells goods worth hundred rupees for one rupee.
What new method has our country’s current government invented for bankrupt companies eight years ago? Not to recover money from a single company in eight years! And to what extent is it beneficial for the country’s progress to waste thousands of crores of rupees of government banks? The banks are reducing the interest rates on fixed deposits of common people day by day! And here, to what extent is the act of waiving off thousands of crores of rupees of all the rich people’s loans taken from the banks suitable for the country’s progress?
There is not a single such example in the developed countries of the world! Despite the Enron company being related to the family of the then US President George W. Bush! How the banking sector of America recovered its money from the Enron company! This is enough of an example! But squandering the hard-earned money of ordinary people of a poor country like ours for the capitalists! What kind of economic system is this? And how will the country progress with this?
The tribunal took Rs. 50,000 crores in the name of loan from government banks, such a huge amount! And the decision to siphon off that money in a minute! On what basis has this been taken? And what was the need to take similar decisions for other companies? This is forcing our country’s government banks to go bankrupt! Why is that? Will our country progress at a faster pace this way or will it sink?
I have heard that Rahul Gandhi even lost his Lok Sabha membership because of naming some fugitive debtors living abroad. From him and other rich people, who own property worth lakhs and crores of rupees in India, from factories to high-rise buildings, why is the money they have borrowed from the banks not being recovered? I am not a student of economics. I am just one of the common people. And according to that, in an editorial in the Marathi newspaper Loksatta a few days ago, I had made an offer to buy Anil Ambani and Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Communication Infrastructure Limited Company, his younger brother Anil Ambani’s company running in a loss of Rs. 47,251 crores, for just Rs. 455 crores. And our country’s National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) heard the case on 19 December 2023, during the Christmas holidays! And the final order was passed three days later, on 22 December! What happened to the amount of Rs 46,500 crore of government banks? The money of taxpayers like you and me, and the small amount of fixed deposits made in banks with great difficulty for savings, despite the interest rates on which are decreasing day by day! People’s hard earned money, thus wasting thousands of crores of rupees! Given the economic condition of a poor country like India! How will our country progress? Will the Honorable Prime Minister take the trouble of telling this on Namo App, by sharing it directly with the Jan-Man Survey!
Anil Ambani’s company going into loss, no, there would not have been any difference in Anil Ambani’s house, lifestyle, or his daily life. His other companies would also be running smoothly. And this loss of Rs 47,251 crores! In which more than Rs 46,500 crore is taken as loan from our government banks! It has been decided to pay Mukesh Ambani only Rs 455 crores! This means that seeing the fraud going on in the industrial and economic world of our country, a common citizen like me has a very simple question in his mind! “Is this the path of progress for our country?”
The current Prime Minister of our country, before becoming the Prime Minister, had declared in his election campaign speeches that “I will neither eat nor let anyone eat.” By reviewing your work for the last ten years, it is visible that despite ED and CBI raiding the houses of leaders of opposition parties, the person was arrested in the case of illegally accumulating property worth thousands of crores. And later he joined your party or shared power with your party, so all his cases are being ignored. Is this also happening for the progress of our country? Despite the anti-defection law!
And in your own party, it seems that only the descendants of Shri Ram are included! Who never lie! And no one is involved in corruption! Everyone is as innocent as ever! Because looking at the actions taken by ED or any other agencies in the last ten years, it seems that no one in BJP is corrupt! Whereas looking at their lifestyle and the expensive programs held in their homes during marriages, it seems that from where did they get so much money to organize such a big event? And this while some of these people have scandals against their names!
It has been published in today’s newspapers that since last month, he has started a survey on a ‘NaMo App’ in which opinions have been sought about the government and MPs. Narendra Modi ji said that those who think about the progress of the country should evaluate it according to their own understanding. Opinions have been sought on ‘NaMo App’ about India’s progress in various fields within ten years, after he became the Prime Minister. I see very little possibility of accessing that app.
Because looking at their track record, these apps are all about building their own image and nothing else. Because they are not used to tolerating even the slightest criticism.
So, after the Gujarat riots, to improve its image, in 2007, by first hiring a private social media company from Thailand, it started setting up its Saffron Digital Army to spread things like 56 inch chest, ‘Hindu Hriday Samrat’, tea seller, I am from backward caste, to replace the damage done to its image. Today, lakhs of people are working round the clock. And on Namo App, talking about MPs, trying to directly defame the members of opposition parties, the Saffron Digital Army has already started a 24 hour defamation campaign. Swati Chaturvedi has shed light on this subject in detail in her book titled ‘I am a Troll’. And some of these selected trollers who make very objectionable comments against the opponents are followed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself. And the most surprising thing is that he invites them to his official residence and honours them! In her book, Swati Chaturvedi has also provided photographs as proof!
100% through NamoApp, this saffron digital army, which was initially a few thousand in number, is now in lakhs. And 24 hours a day, 12 months a year, trolling people who write and speak only about the mistakes of the government. They try to defame them by entering their personal lives, threatening them in very vulgar language about their mother, sister, wife, daughter. The Sangh calls itself a cultural organization. But after reading Swati Chaturvedi’s I am a Troll, looking at the cultural identity of all these volunteers, it seems that if this is their culture, then O Ram, save us from such a cultural organization.
Dr Suresh Khairnar is Ex. President of Rashtra Sewa Dal