Shri Rajiv Kumar
Chief Election Commissioner
Shri A C Pandey
Election Commissioner
Shri A Goel
Election Commissioner
Dear S/Shri Rajiv Kumar/ Pandey and Goel,
Please refer to the deeply distressing disclosures made four days ago by Shri Sanjay Singh, Member Of Parliament (AAP) of possible falsification of entries in the Electoral Rolls of Delhi at the instance of several persons holding responsible positions in public life and others, all of them belonging to one political party, namely, the BJP (https://youtu.be/Sa1FxRDXA8U)
If any of the facts disclosed by Shri Sanjay Singh is found to be true, those responsible for committing such a fraud deserve to be proceeded against, both under the relevant provisions of the election laws and the relevant provisions of Bharatiya Nyaya Samhita.
If the alleged fraud is established, it represents a much deeper rot that seems to have set in our electoral system, which reflects poorly on the credibility of all those responsible for conducting elections.
I find that one of you, Shri Rajiv Kumar, the CEC would demit office shortly. I read somewhere (https://www.business-standard.com/india-news/will-detox-go-to-himalayas-cec-rajiv-kumar-on-post-retirement-plans-125010700888_1.html) that he intended to “detoxify” himself and spend several months in solitude in the Himalayas post his retirement next month. While he is welcome to do so and I am sure that he would be replaced by a worthy successor, considering that Shri Sanjay Singh had made the above referred disclosures four days ago, I would expect that the ECI has already got the same thoroughly investigated and initiated action. If not, it diminishes the credibility of the Election Commission and all those who hold senior positions in that office.A party seeking to win elections at any cost, including through falsification of electoral rolls, cannot be trusted with the onerous responsibility of taking part in elections.
For anyone to tolerate such a fraud in itself amounts to a serious breach of the trust reposed by the public in the institution of the Election Commission.
Yours sincerely,
E A S Sarma
Former Secretary to Government of India