The Lancet: 64,260 Gaza Violent Deaths Indicating 257,000 Indirect Deaths In 9 Months

North Gaza 1
Bodies are seen outside the Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza, after an Israeli strike on the town of Beit Lahiya killed scores of Palestinians in October 2024. (Screengrab/X)

On 9 January 2025 epidemiologists published  a paper in the leading medical journal The Lancet in which they estimated 64,260 Gaza deaths from traumatic injury in the 9 months since 7 October 2023 but applying an expert estimate of 4 indirect deaths per 1 direct death (Rashid et al, The Lancet, 10 July 2024) indicates  4 x 64,260 = 257,040 further deaths from imposed deprivation and a total of 321,300 Gaza deaths from violence and deprivation in the first 9 months.

The Lancet (9 January 2025) estimate of 64,260 violent Gaza deaths in the first 9 months [1] corresponds to 64,260 x 12/9 = 85,680 violent deaths in the first year of the Gaza Massacre. However as carefully estimated  below, this indicates  5 x 85,680 = 429,300  deaths from violence and imposed deprivation in the first year of the Gaza Massacre, this including deaths of 302,743 children,  39,668 women and 86,891 men.  

In  this detailed and important paper in The Lancet the authors have stated (9 January 2025):“Accurate mortality estimates help quantify and memorialise the impact of war. We used multiple data sources to estimate deaths due to traumatic injury in the Gaza Strip between Oct 7, 2023, and June 30, 2024… We used a three-list capture–recapture analysis using data from Palestinian Ministry of Health (MoH) hospital lists, an MoH online survey, and social media obituaries. After imputing missing values, we fitted alternative generalised linear models to the three lists’ overlap structure, with each model representing different possible dependencies among lists and including covariates predictive of the probability of being listed; we averaged the models to estimate the true number of deaths in the analysis period (Oct 7, 2023, to June 30, 2024)… We estimated 64,260 deaths (95% CI 55,298–78,525) due to traumatic injury during the study period, suggesting the Palestinian MoH under-reported mortality by 41%… The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor tallied 45,223 deaths as of June 12, 2024, including those under the rubble, but with an unclear method. The Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) had counted 39,276 deaths from media, civil society, and government sources as of June 30, 2024… while Israel’s Prime Minister claimed that around 30,000 people had been killed in the Gaza Strip as of May, 2024. Although these numbers are understood to refer to deaths due to traumatic injury, others have speculated that the indirect effects of the military operations against Gaza could push all-cause excess mortality to 186,000” [1].

Whether a child is killed by bashing, bullets or bombs or by imposed deprivation the death is just as final and the perpetrators just as guilty [2]. Immediately after  the Occupied Palestinian Breakout from the 57-year-old Gaza Concentration Camp on 7 October 2023, Apartheid Israel applied  a deadly siege on Gaza that together with massive bombing quickly and substantially deprived  2.3 million Gazans (47% children) of the life-sustaining requisites of  water, food, shelter, sanitation, winter clothing, fuel, electricity, medicine and medical care. Some humanitarian analysts have sought to estimate Gaza deaths from violence and imposed deprivation as sketched below.

(1). Famed writer Susan Abulhawa in a detailed analysis using available  data (27 June 2024): “Math proves that Israel’s stated goals are an epic lie… The actual number of dead is closer to 194,768-511,824 people, with 221,760 injured. And counting” [3].

(2). Epidemiologists Rasha Khatib, Martin McKee  and Salim Yusuf in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet (10 July 2024): “Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37,396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186,000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Using the 2022 Gaza Strip population estimate of 2,375,259, this would translate to 7·9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip” [4], noting that their assessment of direct and indirect deaths = 37,396 x 5 = 186,980.

(3). Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor assessing the number of violent deaths in 1 year, including the proportion of deaths of children, women and men  (6 October 2024): “Since the start of the genocide in Gaza, more than 50,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli army, including around 42,000 recorded by the Gaza Ministry of Health, the majority being women and children. In addition, approximately 100,000 have been injured, with thousands of bodies still lying under the rubble and in the streets, unreachable by rescue and medical teams. An estimated 10 per cent of Gaza’s population has been killed, injured, reported missing, or detained as a result of Israeli military assaults. Of the 50,292 Palestinians killed—including those still buried under the debris—33 per cent were children [16,596 children], and 21 per cent were women [10,561 women and hence 23,134  or 46% men]. Thousands more have been forcibly detained, with 3,600 still languishing in various Israeli prisons and detention centres” [5].

(4). Professor Devi Sridhar (an eminent American public health researcher and chair of global public health at the University of Edinburgh [6]) (5 September 2024): “The Lancet medical journal recently published an estimate of deaths in Gaza from several respected scientists, who outline their process of estimation (comparison with similar conflicts) and final numbers. They estimate that about 186,000 total deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza, which is roughly 7.9% of its population, by mid-June 2024. This high number is despite various ceasefire agreements over the past six months. If deaths continue at this rate – about 23,000 a month – there would be an additional 149,500 deaths by the end of the year, some six and half months from the initial mid-June estimate. Using the method, the total deaths since the conflict began would be estimated at about 335,500 in total [i.e. by the end of 2024 and 14.75 months since 7 October 2023 ]” [7].

(5). As detailed in Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable  mortality since 1950” under-5 infant deaths  are about 70% of avoidable deaths from deprivation in impoverished countries [2]. Gideon Polya (6 December 2024):

“335,500 deaths in 14.75 months implies 335,500 x 12/ 14.75 = 272,949 deaths in the first year. We can assume that 50,292 Gazans were killed violently in the first year [5],  this yielding  272,949 -50,292 = 222, 657 non-violent deaths from imposed deprivation. Of the 222,657 non-violent deaths, 70%  (155,860) were of under-5 year old infants [70% of avoidable deaths from deprivation 15], with the remaining 66,797 being non-infant non-violent deaths.

We can assume the proportions of  children, women and men deaths among the 66,797 non-infant non-violent deaths to be those set out in [5] i.e. 33% children (22,043), 21% women ( 14,027) and 46% men (30,727).

Total non-violent  deaths  include 22,043 (non-infant children) + 155,860 (infant children) = 177,903 children, plus 14,047 women and 30,727 men.

We can assume (in the absence of other data) that the proportions of  children, women and men deaths among the 50,292 violent deaths are those estimated in [5] i.e. 33% children (16,596) , 21% women (10,561) and 46% men (23,134).

Violent and non-violent Gaza deaths in the first  year then total 194,499 (children), 24,588 (women) and 53,861 (men) for a total of 272,948 deaths in the first year” [8].

(6) Updated estimation of 428,399 Gaza deaths in the first year from violence and deprivation after the latest expert report in The Lancet (9 January 2025):

The estimate of 273,000 Gaza deaths from violence and imposed deprivation in the first year of the carnage (7 October 2023-7 October 2024) as estimated by Professor Devi Sridhar [7] was ultimately based on Rasha Khatib and colleagues assuming  37,396 direct deaths reported for the first year [4]. However if we assume the latest estimate in The Lancet (2025) of “[64,260] deaths due to traumatic injury in the Gaza Strip between Oct 7, 2023, and June 30, 2024 [9 months] ” [1], then violent deaths in the first year would total 64,260 deaths x 12 months/9 months = 85,680 violent deaths.

“Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death” (Rasha Khatib et al [4]) yields deaths in the first year from violence and imposed deprivation  totalling 5 x  85,680 = 428,400.

428,400 (total  deaths in the first year) –  minus 85,680 (violent deaths in the first year) = 342,720 Gazan deaths from imposed deprivation in the first year.

Of the 342,720  non-violent deaths, 70%  (239,904) were of under-5 year old infants [2], with the remaining 102,816 being non-infant non-violent deaths.

We can assume (in the absence of other data) that the proportions of  non-infant children, women and men deaths among the 102,816 non-infant non-violent deaths are those estimated in [5] i.e. 33% children (33,929) , 21% women (21,591) and 46% men (47,295), noting that under-5 infant non-violent deaths totalled 239,904.

We can assume (in the absence of other data) that the proportions of  children, women and men deaths among the 85,680 violent deaths are those estimated in [34] i.e. 33% children (28,274) , 21% women (17,993) and 46% men (39,413).

As of 7 October 2024 violent and non-violent Gaza deaths in the first  year then total 302,107 (children), 39,584 (women) and 86,708 (men) for a total of 428,399 deaths in the first year.

(7). As of 7 January 2025 (i.e. after 1.5 months of the Gaza Massacre)  one can multiply the 1 year results by 1.5 to estimate the violent and non-violent deaths of 453,161 children, 59,376 women and 130,062 men for a total of 642,599 Gaza deaths in the first 1.5 years.

Using the above estimates as of 7 January 2025 one can quantitatively  compare Zionazi Jewish Israeli atrocities, particularly in the present Gaza Massacre, with Nazi German and Japanese atrocities in WW2 [9]: 

(1). Rate of killing of children:  453,000 per year (Gaza) versus 250,000 per year (Jewish children killed by Nazis in WW2) [10].

(2). % of pre-war population killed: 27.9%  (Gaza) versus 21.7% (French Jews) and 28.2% (Hungarian Jews) [11-13].

(3). Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio: 642,599 Gazans/1,139 Israelis= 564 (Gaza) versus 10 (ordered by Hitler for  the 1944 Ardeatine Massacre in Rome) [14].

(4). If 50% of the Israeli dead on 7 October 2023 were killed by the overwhelming fire-power of the IDF under its “Hannibal Directive” (stop hostage taking even if it means killing the hostages), the Occupied/Occupier Reprisals Death Ratio is 642,599/570= 1,127 (Gaza) versus 10 (ordered by Hitler) [15- 17].  

(5). “Prisoners killed per day per million of imprisoned population”: 510 (Gaza) versus 24 (Australian POWs of the Japanese) [18-21], noting that Gazans (pre-war population 2.3 million) were incarcerated in the Gaza Concentration Camp for 57 years [2].

(6). “Children killed as a percentage of those killed”: 70.5% (Gaza) versus 25-30% (Jews killed by Nazis) [22-24].

(7). 24 million 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from imposed deprivation in countries variously occupied by Apartheid Israel versus 30 million killed by Nazi Germany in Nazi-occupied Europe in WW2 [2].

(8). Apartheid  Israel and 34 European countries belong to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) that is anti-Arab anti-Semitic and anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish, Palestinian, Arab and Muslim critics of the genocidal crimes of Apartheid Israel) [25-29] and holocaust denying by ignoring all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by violence and deprivation), namely (deaths from violence and imposed deprivation in brackets) the WW2 Polish Holocaust (6 million), WW2 Soviet Holocaust (23 million, WW2 European Holocaust (30 million), WW2 Roma and Sinti Holocaust (1 million), WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35-40 million killed under the Japanese, 1937-1945), the WW2 Bengali Holocaust  (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine; 6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death for strategic reasons in Bengal, Bihar, Assam and Odisha by the British with food-denying Australian complicity) and indeed some 70 genocide and holocaust atrocities [2, 30-33].

(9). Although 7.7 million Indigenous Palestinians were 51% of the subjects of Apartheid Israel before the 7  October Breakout, 2.1 million Israeli Palestinians are the only Palestinian Subjects of Apartheid Israel permitted to vote for the government ruling them, albeit only for Zionist-approved candidates and as Third Class citizens subject to Nazi Nuremberg-style, race-based discriminatory laws [35-38].

(10). The Nazis wanted to completely exterminate the Jews of Europe. Francesca Albanese, the UN Special Rapporteur for Palestine has expressed fear that almost the entire population of Gaza might be exterminated if Israel is not stopped [39]. Indeed for 130 years Zionist leaders have been openly expressing their desire to get rid of the Indigenous Palestinians [40].

(11). A hallmark of Nazism was egregious lying and this has been adopted by Apartheid Israel and its fanatical supporters [40-46]. Thus Australia is second only to the US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel and hence of the evil crime of Apartheid. Australia supports the Gaza Genocide in 20 ways [44] and lies for Apartheid Israel in 35 ways [45, 46] as does Zionist-perverted America and the US Alliance [41-46].

(12). There is a shocking list of 52 Zionist- and  Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons [41]. However while Apartheid Israel voted Yes to the annual UNGA Anti-Nazism Resolutions for 6 million obvious reasons, Zionist-perverted America and most of the US Alliance voted No for the resolution [47].

Nazi is as Nazi does. Neo-Nazi is as neo-Nazi does. Zionazi-ruled Apartheid Israel and all countries supporting it (notably the US, UK , Australia and the US Alliance) urgently require de-Nazification and de-Zionazification.

Final comments and conclusions.

The shocking death toll in the Jewish Israeli-imposed Gaza Genocide demands  immediate and rigorous World  action. As of 7 January 2025, the estimated 642,600  Gaza deaths since 7 October 2023 from violence and imposed deprivation represent 28% of the pre-war Gaza population. The World can and must immediately stop the Gaza Massacre, Gaza Genocide and looming total Gaza Urbicide (physical destruction of Gaza) [48]by:

 (a) preventing weapons deliveries to Apartheid Israel,

(b) excluding genocidally racist Apartheid Israel from all commercial, cultural, scholarly and sporting links,

(c) as ordered by the ICJ, demanding payment of a reparations bill (possibly about $7 trillion for (i) stolen resources and home, business and infrastructure damage, (ii) lives lost, (iii) long-term specialist medical care for injury and trauma, and (iv) restoration of heritage cultural sites), and

(d) applying rigorous Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) not only against  Apartheid Israel but against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, companies and countries supporting this genocidally racist Zionazi pariah state. Indeed all those complicit in the Gaza Genocide and Gaza Urbicide – the Zionazi perpetrators, Zionists and pro-Zionist supporters of Apartheid Israel and hence of Apartheid, and the Silent – have cursed themselves, this self-imposed curse being endlessly renewed every time they see their reflection, and at the going down of the sun and in the morning.


[1]. Zeina Jamaluddine, Hanan Abukmail, Sarah Aly, Oona M R Campbell, and Francesco Checchi, “Traumatic injury mortality in the Gaza Strip from Oct 7, 2023, to June 30, 2024: a capture–recapture analysis”, The Lancet, 9 January 2025: .

[2]. Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, 2nd edition, Korsgaard Publishing, 2021.

[3]. Susan Abulhawa, “Math proves that Israel’s stated goals are an epic lie”, The Electronic Intifada, 27 June 2024: .  

[4]. Rasha Khatib, Martin McKee  and  Salim Yusuf, “Counting the dead in Gaza: difficult but essential”, The Lancet, Volume 404, Issue 10449, p237-238, 10 July, 2024: .

[5]. Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor,  “New report.. De-Gaza: A Year of Israel’s Genocide and the Collapse of World Order”, 6 October 2024: .

[6]. “Devi Sridhar”, Wikipedia: .

[7]. Devi Sridhar, “Scientists are closing in on the true, horrifying scale of death and disease in Gaza”, The Guardian, 5 September 2024:

[8]. Gideon Polya, “Estimated 273,000 Gazans Killed In the First Year Of Oxford Union-Perceived Gaza Genocide By Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 6 December 2024: .

[9]. Gideon Polya, “Stop The Killing & Occupation: Comparisons Of Jewish Israeli-Imposed Gaza Genocide Deaths With Nazi Atrocities”, Countercurrents, 12 November 2024: .

[10]. Holocaust Encyclopedia, “Children during the Holocaust”: .

[11]. Gideon Polya, “Holocaust Denial Exposed: US, Western & Australian Mainstream Media Lying By Omission Over Gaza Genocide”, 20 October 2024: .

[12]. Gideon Polya, “335,500 Gaza Dead Ignored By Western Mainstream Media: Input To Special Rapporteur Report To Human Rights Council”, 17 October 2024: .

[13]. Martin Gilbert, “Jewish History Atlas”, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1969.

[14]. “Ardeatine massacre”, W8ikipedia: .

[15]. Gideon Polya , “IDF Killed Israelis On 7 October Enabling 9/11-style Excuse For Gaza Genocide”, Countercurrents, 31 December 2023: .

[16]. John Hankey, “October 7 Was An Inside Job – documentary (2024) by John Hankey #RealHistoryChannel ”, March 2024, Rumble: .

[17]. Eric Tlozek, Orly Halpern and Allyson Horn, “Hannibal directive” Israeli forces accused of killing their own citizens under the ‘Hannibal Directive’ during October 7 chaos”, ABC News, 7 September 2024: .

[18]. Anzac Portal, Australian prisoners of war 1940-1945”: ,

[19]. Gideon Polya, “Comparing Mass Murder of Prisoners By Japanese (Australians, WW2) & By Jewish Israelis (Palestinians, Gaza)”, 26 May 2024: .

[20]. Matthew Higgins, “Australians at war”, ABS, 1 January 1988:[email protected]/featurearticlesbytitle/00753BC276CCB154CA2570FF000075A8?OpenDocument .

[21]. Australian War Memorial, “General information about Australian prisoners of the Japanese”: .

[22]. Martin Gilbert, “Jewish History Atlas”, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1969.

[23]. Gideon Polya,  “UK Zionist Historian Sir Martin Gilbert (1936-2015) Variously Ignored Or Minimized WW2 Bengali Holocaust”, Countercurrents,19 February 2015:

[24]. Martin Gilbert “Atlas of the Holocaust”, Michael Joseph, London, 1982.

[25].“Working definition of antisemitism”, IHRA, 19 July 2016: .

[26]. Gideon Polya, “Melbourne University Adopts Anti-Semitic & Holocaust-Ignoring IHRA Definition Of Anti-Semitism”, Countercurrents, 5 February 2023: .

[27]. Gideon Polya, “UK racist Zionists falsely defame UK Labour Party in support of democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 10 August 2018: .

[28]. Gideon Polya, “US-backed IHRA Definition Of Antisemitism Is Anti-Arab Anti-Semitic & Anti-Jewish Anti-Semitic”, Boycott Apartheid Israel, 9 March 2021: .

[29]. Jewish Voices for Peace, “First ever: 40+ Jewish groups worldwide oppose equating antisemitism with criticism of Israel”, 17 July 2018: .

[30]. Gideon Polya, “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”, Korsgaard Publishing, 2021.

[31]. “Report genocide”: .

[32]. Gideon Polya, “Racist Mainstream Ignores “US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide”, Countercurrents, 17 July 2020: .

[33]. Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History. Colonial rapacity, holocaust denial and the crisis in biological sustainability”, 3rd edition, Korsgaard Publishing, 2022. 

[34]. Gideon Polya, “Australia must stop Zionist subversion and join the World in comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters”, Subversion of Australia, 15 April 2021: .

[35]. Gideon Polya, “Apartheid Israel Excludes Occupied Palestinians From All Provisions Of The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights”, Countercurrents, 20 May 2012: .

[36]. Susan Abulhawa, “Israel’s “nation-state law” parallels the Nazi Nuremburg Laws”, Al Jazeera, 27 July 2018: .

[37]. “Discriminatory laws in Israel:, Adalah, .

[38]. Gideon Polya, “Israeli Jewish Nation-State Law enshrines Apartheid and genocidal racism”, Countercurrents, 24 July 2018: .

[39]. Julia Conley, “UN Expert Fears ‘Almost the Entire Population’ of Gaza Exterminated If Israel Not Stopped”, Common Dreams, 6 September 2024: .

[40]. “Zionist quotes re racism and Palestinian Genocide”:

[41]. Gideon Polya, “A shocking list of 52 Zionist- & Apartheid Israeli-Nazi Germany comparisons”, Countercurrents, 7 August 2021: .

[42]. Gideon Polya, “Gaza Massacre: 35 Ways Zionist-perverted US, Australia & West Lie For Child-killing, Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 23 November 2023: .

[43]. Gideon Polya, “335,500 Gaza Dead Estimate: Voting For Kid-Killing Kamala (KKK) Harris Means Complicity in Genocide”, Countercurrents, 25 October 2024:

[44].  Gideon Polya, “20 Ways Anti-Semitic Australian Labor Government Complicit In Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide”, 5 March 2024: .

[45]. Gideon Polya, “Gaza Massacre: 35 Ways Zionist-perverted US, Australia & West Lie For Child-killing, Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel”, Countercurrents, 23 November 2023: .

[46]. Gideon Polya, “35 Zionist Media Lies, the Killing of Children, Neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel”, Global Research, 24 November 2023: .

[47]. “Why France and 51 other countries voted against UN resolution condemning Nazism”, Le Monde, 9 Novemebr 2022: .

[48]. Gideon Polya, “Jewish Israeli Gaza Urbicide Erasing The Physical Record Of 4,000 Year Gaza History”, Countercurrents, 8 January 2025: .

Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds” (2003). He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2021), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (1998, 2008, 2022), “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020), “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” (2024), and contributed to Soren Korsgaard (editor) “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published – Dangerous Deception Exposed!” (2020). For images of Gideon Polya’s huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see:  .


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