The murderous and morbid reality show by RSS & BJP in India

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Whether you watch it or not, almost everyone has heard of Big Boss, the reality TV show. It is pure, unfiltered entertainment, built on manufactured and scripted fights to keep viewers glued to their television sets. Using this analogy, when you look at what is happening in India today, under this BJP regime, you will notice troubling similarities, only the fights aren’t scripted, nor are the ramifications in real life.

BJP, RSS and their allied sangh Parivar have unleashed an unprecedented amount of persecution of minorities, Dalits, STs and OBCs in India ever since PM Narendra Modi came into office in 2014. Year on year, instances of hate-based crimes have been increasing, most of which goes unreported, since many a time the government machinery refuses to take any action against Hindutva groups for their crimes, whether perpetrated through speech or action.

Several states have witnessed systematic pogroms or persecutions being carried out against minorities, whether it is against Muslims in Uttar Pradesh, Christians in Manipur or Dalits all over the country, specifically in states that are under a BJP government. News of such instances keeps reaching us via the mainstream media, that plays its part faithfully in being a co-perpetrator in these crimes. They not only spread information about these situations, but also most disgustingly justify them as cheerleaders, toeing the line with this regime like a pet would obey its master. Never in the history of Independent India has the Media stooped to such low levels, losing all its ethics in their pursuit of being a pliant mouthpiece for PM Narendra Modi, his government and party.

So why so much hatred? Why this constant persecution of so many? The reply to this lies not only in the ideology of RSS, whose founding leaders Savarkar and Golwalkar propagated an India free of Muslims and Christians, but also another aspect that is not easily understood by most citizens. The BJP and RSS, along with their allied saffron outfits, have created a grotesque reality show in India, where the country, its citizens, are always kept on boil. Why you may ask. Because it serves the purpose of diverting attention from their massive looting and plundering of our resources, and the handing over of it to a few cronies of this regime. Our collective wealth, prosperity and opportunities for advancement are being handed over in wholesale quantity to people who have no allegiance to India, nor to our welfare and advancement.

Having been born into a Hindu family, and as a practicing Hindu, I cannot help but notice that this regime has also tapped into an underlying hatred among Hindus for the minorities, other castes, and against the diversity that makes us who we are. Secularism has been a thin mask worn by many Hindus over decades, just to appear civil in public, while they spewed absolute venom behind closed doors. What Narendra Modi has legitimized with his abject silence on these mounting attacks, is the right to express this venom in public without fear of being viewed as crazy (which they all inevitably are). Most Hindus may not be comfortable with what is being done, but at some level they sickeningly enjoy this persecution of those “different” than them. It is the uncomfortable truth, but truth, nevertheless.

Most of those who do not like what is being done at all, are too scared to speak up for fear of retribution and/or trolling. Those who do speak up face persecution without fail.

The venom of “Hindu Pride” I daresay is nothing but a cult manufacture of RSS, that bases itself in the persecution of others. Notice how suddenly under this regime, all Hindu festivals are now being celebrated either in front of Mosques or Churches, with full display of bigotry in the name of “Hindu Pride”; these “proud” Hindus seem to have forgotten about their own temples and holy places in this inane pursuit. This reality show orchestrated to keep the populace busy, is a sick and utterly evil creation, one that threatens the very integrity of our nation and has all too real ramifications of human beings being tortured and/or killed. It dehumanizes Hindus and takes away anything remotely spiritual or transcendental about the religion, basically their humaneness.

How terribly broken must one be to revel in the misery and suffering of others?

Does this align with Hindu values, our Upanishads and Vedas?

Is this what our way of life should be reduced to?

What are we becoming in the process of hating our fellow citizens and human beings?

These are serious questions the Hindu community must ask of itself. As a Hindu myself, I have seen this hatred firsthand around me, but I chose to not give in, because as a discerning and spiritual person I know that if my thoughts and actions are venomous, of what use is my puja to any God? Not only our Nation, but this entire creation belongs to all living beings equally, then why this differentiation.

To all the discerning, sane and spiritual Hindus, it is a humble appeal: stop and think about why this morbid reality show is being carried out. We all have lost a lot and have a whole lot more to lose if we allow this regime to carry out its agenda of divide and rule. The sole beneficiaries of this phenomenon are the few vested interests. It will serve us well to remember that the Britishers divided us and ruled over us for 200+ years, and now this regime wants to divide us to do the same. Our differences and diversity have always been our strength, and we must not let it become our weakness at any cost, for the decision lies with us as the majority in India. It is our responsibility to lead efforts to de-escalate situations around us and take on those who seek to destroy the secular fabric of our nation head on.

Our country and its citizens are not a joke. While those in the Hindu community keep silent and sit idly by, enjoying this reality show, it is Modi and his cohort that are laughing their way to the bank, at the cost of what is owed to us as citizens.

The joke, ultimately, is on us.

Devsurabhee Yaduvanshi is a Marketing Professional, Political Activist and Lead Coordinator of Organisation Engagement Work with All India Professionals’ Congress (INC). She is also the Founder and host of Democratic Dialogues, a YouTube channel that holds important conversations on pressing political and social issues of the day (Link:

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