Important occasions like birthdays, a new year, mark momentous moments when one introspects, looks at where they are in life and where they want to go. The same happened with me when I turned 33 recently. I looked at what I have done and achieved and wanted to renew the vows I have taken before, wanting to add to them too.
For over half a decade, I have been actively involved in politics and in ensuring our country remains a Democratic, Sovereign, Socialist Republic, in whatever humble capacity possible. The constant attacks by the BJP regime on the integrity of our Nation, the Constitution, coupled with the systematic undermining of it via compromising of our institutions, the mainstream media and almost every arm of our government has only made my resolve that much stronger to not only fight, but also continuously engage with people to wake them up to the grim reality we face today.
The current situation is far worse than most people can fathom. This regime believes in constantly stirring the pot using religious, caste and region-based polarization to keep everyone’s attention diverted from the core issue that matters; that this regime is unravelling and destroying the very fundamental structure of India by obliterating the Constitution every chance they get in their pursuit to establish a totalitarian fascist regime, that controls and enslaves its citizens for the benefit of the few vested interests.
This unabated and unchecked attack on India is made possible because BJP finds fault lines aka differences among us and hammers on them till those cracks become gaping holes. Every legislation that has come from this regime’s side has been an attack on the very idea of a diverse India, a direct attack on its federal structure which preserves diversity, the fundamental Constitutional rights of Indian citizens, its ethos and pluralistic culture. Even the very process of steamrolling legislation through Parliament in undemocratic ways, without proper debate or due process, mass suspensions of MPs from the opposition is indicative of the insidious, destructive and anti-national intentions of BJP.
Therefore, this is a big fight, a fight of enormous proportions.
It is nothing short of a second freedom struggle, and perhaps even more difficult at so many levels because we are fighting our fellow Indian citizens and not those who don’t belong to our country. This is a group of Indians who have stubbornly decided that cult-based Fascism and furthering of neo-colonial agendas is the way to run a diverse, rich, pluralistic and multi-cultural country such as our own. Their highly problematic vision of one identity, one religion, one culture, “one” everything goes against the very fundamental character and ethos of what makes India special. The India that we hold dear in our hearts is the India that equally belongs to each of its Citizens, no matter what their religion, caste, creed, gender, background or region is. That this regime is firmly in the pockets of Chinese and other vested interests that are intent on exploiting India for their benefit is no longer a hidden agenda.
We must ask ourselves the essential question, who benefits from a non-diverse, cookie-cutter type one identity and uniform India? Who benefits from an enslaved and controlled Indian populace?
Over time what we seem to have forgotten is that we as a Nation are that diverse, beautiful bouquet of flowers that fills this world with the most unique fragrance, a unique identity that hasn’t been and cannot be replicated anywhere else. Our strength is this very diversity and pluralistic identity we have, and it has been the engine behind our meteoric rise on the world stage through time. This is perhaps what scares the neo-colonial axes of power in the world, that for such a vibrant and diverse nation to succeed would mean the spectacular destabilization of geo-political calculations and strategic exploitations laid out by them.
In the face of such an immense and seemingly insurmountable situation, I share an anecdote about my own political journey, I have faced persecution, been threatened to be killed by RSS, been underestimated and discriminated against as a woman, yet I have not given up despite a multitude of setbacks. I know within my soul that I will not stay quiet and will not give up this fight for our country and identity, because our Nation, its unique pluralistic identity is far too important to be allowed to be destroyed. Being threatened or persecuted for wanting to protect our Nation in the process is an almost welcome happenstance, since it tells you that you are doing something right to be the recipient of such massive blowback. It should also tell you that fighting for India above all other pursuits matters, given the situation we find ourselves in. What work or endeavor would matter if we’re not truly free in doing what we do as Citizens? Even if you seemingly have some privilege that protects you, are you truly free when so many others in India are not?
Knowing what I know from first-hand experience, I have vowed once again to do everything in my capacity, and even beyond, to ensure our Constitution remains the law of the land, in both letter and spirit. Through my vow, I will continue to fight in my most humble capacity, till the last breath remains in my body, to ensure that we have a just, equitable, united and harmonious environment in India. The poignant words from Shri. Rabindranath Tagore’s poem comes to mind and reflect the country we all deserve to live in:
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.
In dedication to the innumerable sacrifices, loss of life that led to an Independent India, I hope many more will join in this fight to preserve the Idea of India that aligns with humaneness, inclusivity, love and empathy for all beings. Too much blood has been spilt, too much pain has been endured for our present and future to let it all go to waste.
The India that has made us what we are today, I dedicate my life to you.
Satyamev Jayate. Jai Bhim. Inquilab Zindabad!
Devsurabhee Yaduvanshi is member of the All India Professionals Congress, Political activist, and Marketing professional