They Lie To US About All Of The Wars!

Our leaders lied to us about Korea.

They lied about Vietnam.

They lied about Kosovo.

Professor Jeffrey Sachs: “In 1999, we bombed Belgrade for 78 days. The point of that was to break Serbia in two, to create a new state, Kosovo, where we have the largest NATO military base in southeast Europe.” 

They lied about Afghanistan.

They lied about Iraq.

They lied about Libya.

They lied about Syria.

They’re lying about Gaza.

They’re lying about the need for war with China.

They’re lying about Ukraine.

Professor John Mearsheimer: “Putin did not want this war. He went to great lengths before February 24, 2022, when the war started, to head it off at the pass. He wanted to come up with a diplomatic solution. And then shortly after the war broke out in February, he was negotiating with the Ukrainians to work out a deal. All he really cared about, it’s quite clear from all of the reports of the people who were involved in the discussions, was he wanted a neutral Ukraine. And if he’d gotten a neutral Ukraine, this is right after the war started, I believe there’s a good chance the war could have been shut down. But it was the Americans and the British who moved in and basically told Zelensky that he had to walk away from the negotiations. Because we believed that we could win the war.”

Why should we believe them, when they say we have to spend so much money on the military?

When they say … that we can’t afford a decent life here in America, for Americans.

When they say … that you and I don’t deserve our fair share of our nation’s vast wealth.

When they say … that we can’t have affordable, high-quality, health care.

When they say … that we can’t afford free education, from kindergarten through college.

When they say … that we can’t have good paying jobs, and affordable housing.

We’re supposed to be the greatest country in the world, but just look around you.

War is making us poor!

John Rachel has a B. A. in Philosophy, has traveled extensively, is a songwriter, novelist, music producer, and an evolutionary humanist. He has written ten novels and four political non-fiction books. His most recent political works are “The US and Perpetual War” and “War Is Making Us Poor: Militarism is Destroying the US”. His political essays have appeared at OpEdNews, Greanville Post, Nation of Change, Dissident Voice, Truthdig, Russia Insider, Counterpunch, Popular Resistance, and other alternative media outlets. 

Author Rachel has lived in or explored thirty-five countries since leaving America in August of 2006. He now lives in a quiet, traditional, rural Japanese community.

You can follow his adventures and developing world view at:


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