Zionist-subverted, US lackey Australia Hides Gaza Genocide By False, Weaponized Antisemitism Hysteria

Gaza 3
Relatives of Palestinians, who died after the Israeli strike hit the Nuseirat refugee camp, mourns over the dead body of a beloved one after being brought to the morgue of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital in Deir Al Balah, Gaza on June 18, 2024. (Photo by Ashraf Amra/Anadolu via Getty Images)

Zionism (Zionazism) is genocidal racism and Nazism without gas chambers and  huge mass killing atrocities but with Apartheid Israel having 90 nuclear weapons, a leading high technology military and arms industry, and engaged for 77 years in the genocide of Indigenous Palestinians. The Zionist-perverted and US lackey Australian Labor Government and Coalition Opposition back genocidal Apartheid Israel and seek to hide the Gaza Genocide with free speech-threatening antisemitism hysteria.

At the outset it is important to succinctly set out the horrific magnitude of the Gaza Genocide (553,350 Gazans killed through violence and imposed deprivation as of 20 January 2025) and the century-long Indigenous Palestinian Genocide (2.5 million Indigenous Palestinians killed by violence, 0.1 million, and the remaining 2.4 million by imposed deprivation) [1].

In a Letter I sent to the editors of 9 major Mainstream Australian media on 23 January 2025 I succinctly described how the Australian Mainstream ignores 553,350 Gaza dead (24% of the 2.3 million pre-war Gaza population) including 393,000 children, 51,000 women and 113,000 men:  “According to epidemiological experts in the leading medical journal The Lancet, in the first 9 months of the Jewish Israeli massacre of Semitic Indigenous Palestinians in Gaza violent deaths totalled 64,260 and non-violent deaths from deprivation were 4 times that (257,040) for a total of 321,300 deaths. After 15.5 months Gazan deaths from violence and imposed deprivation total 553,350. In the impoverished Global South under-5 infant deaths are about 70% of avoidable deaths from deprivation and it is estimated that the present 553,350 Gaza dead (24% of the 2.3 million pre-war Gaza population) include 393,000 children, 51,000 women and 113,000 men. While Australian Mainstream media and shamefully nearly all non-Green politicians ignore the magnitude of the Gaza Genocide they are instead overwhelming concerned with allegedly antisemitic graffiti and alleged “hate speech”, with Labor, Coalition and Zionist extremists calling for such alleged acts being dealt with as “terrorism”,  with draconian mandatory sentencing, and an end to the peaceful and inclusive weekly Sunday Rallies protesting the Gaza Genocide that notably involve anti-racist Jewish Australians such as myself. George Bernard Shaw: “Newspapers are unable, seemingly, to discriminate between a bicycle accident and the collapse of civilisation”. Silence is complicity.” My Letter was not published but has been published elsewhere to illustrate what Australian Mainstream media don’t want their readers to see, know about or think about [1, 2].

Fuelled by a limited arson attack on an anti-Zionist Orthodox Jewish Melbourne synagogue, an arson attack near a Sydney synagogue, the torching of some cars in Sydney (a regular criminal activity), discovery of a caravan in Sydney containing mining explosives (and some paper referencing Jews but no detonators) and allegedly “antisemitic” graffiti – and with nearly all the perpetrators  as yet unknown –  the Zionists, the Zionist perverted Federal Labor Government, the Coalition Opposition, and the Zionist-perverted New South Wales and Victoria Labor State Governments have waxed hysterical about  asserted “antisemitism” to the point of crying “terrorism” and demanding further draconian constraints on free speech in Zionist-subverted, Zionist-perverted and US lackey Australia, including constraining the weekly Sunday Rallies for Gaza in Sydney and Melbourne.

Already ordinary Australians (but not super-rich Australians) are subject to crippling defamation laws and are prohibited on pain of huge fines and custodial punishment  from expressing  any sympathy for scores of organizations deemed to be “terrorists” (like the African National Congress of Nobel Laureate world hero Nelson Mandela until 2008 by the US [3]), flying prohibited flags, displaying Nazi symbols and making the Nazi salute (Elon Musk would face imprisonment in what he described as “fascist” Australia for his notorious full-stretch right arm salute [4]). Now the Zionists backed by the fervently pro-Zionist Labor and Coalition want to expand these laws and severely punish what they deem to be “hate speech” and “antisemtism”.

Eminent Australian  barrister Paul Heywood-Smith KC: “Antisemitism: a vehicle for engendering anti-Palestinian racism… The promotion of antisemitism as a diversion from what is happening in Palestine is a deliberate activity which must be understood by all Australians, particularly voting age Australians… And if the public might think that one of the perpetrators was a pro-Palestinian activist, it was incumbent on the politicians or mass media to point out that being pro-Palestinian is not per se antisemitic” [5].

As observed by Paul Heywood-Smith KC the unknown perpetrators of these recent victim-less events could be (1) neo-Nazis and their ilk, (2) people upset about the Jewish Israeli mass murder of 553,000 Gazans, or (3) Australian or Jewish Israeli Zionists acting to support their genocidal cause by hiding the Palestinian Genocide and exciting anti-Palestinian sentiment [5]. Indeed  the Zionists, Jewish Israelis,  Americans and British have a long record of exactly such dirty tricks and false flag operations) [6-23].

The core ethos of Humanity is Kindness and Truth but this is grossly violated by the genocidally racist and egregiously mendacious Zionists and their morally degenerate supporters for whom lying by omission and lying by commission are de rigeur. Indeed lying by omission is far, far worse than repugnant lying by commission because  the latter can at least permit public refutation and public debate (subject, of course to gate-keeping by Mainstream intelligence, media mogul, journalist, editor, politician, academic and commentariat presstitutes). 

Thus the International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for Jewish Israeli serial war criminals and mass murderers of children, mothers and women,  Benjamin Netanyahu and Yoav Gallant, but Netanyahu has labelled this ICC action as “an unprecedented antisemitic hate crime” [24]. The Australian Labor Government and the Coalition Opposition are complicit in the Jewish Israeli Gaza Genocide in 20 ways [25] and lie for genocidally racist Zionazi Apartheid Israel in 35 ways [26, 27]. The difference  between supposedly altruistic Labor and the savagely neoliberal Coalition is that most Labor MPs know that the Gaza Genocide  is wrong, while most Coalition MPs don’t. Indeed eminent Australian law academic Professor Gillian Triggs declared that the Coalition was “ideologically opposed to human rights” [28].

Under either Labor or the Coalition Australia is second only to the US as a supporter of Apartheid Israel and hence of the vile crime of Apartheid that is condemned as a crime against Humanity by the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid [29]. It must be endlessly repeated that those supporting Apartheid in a one-vote-one-person democracy like Australia  are unfit for decent company, public life and public office. War is the penultimate in racism and genocide the ultimate. 

Professor  Jurgen Mackert: “Germany’s unqualified support for the Zionist genocide has accelerated its transformation from an already hollowed-out neoliberal democracy into an authoritarian society. After 15 months of inhumane crimes against the Palestinians, Germany’s political elite are more intent than ever on suppressing any criticism of this heinous slaughter. Every effort is being made to prevent the Zionist genocide from being described as such, and every solidarity support for the victims of one of the worst crimes against humanity in modern history is being criminalised” [30]. Zionist-perverted, Zionist-beholden  and US lackey Australia is going down the same authoritarian path as an evidently unrepentant  and neo-Nazi Germany [31]. Both Gaza Genocide-complicit  neo-Nazi Germany and Gaza Genocide-complicit Australia are in violation of Article 3 of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide that sets out punishable violations [32]. Both of these  genocide-complicit states need de-Nazification or to be more precise, de-Zionazification.

Matteo Vergani in The Conversation (2024): “The rise in antisemitic incidents is supported by data from the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ). It recorded 495 incidents from October 2022 to September 2023. An alarming increase is projected this year, with more than 1,800 incidents expected between October 2023 and October 2024” [33].

The ECAJ Report (2024): “Data on anti-Jewish incidents in Australia. During the twelve-month period, from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024, there were 2,062 anti-Jewish incidents logged by volunteer Community Security Groups (CSGs), official Jewish state roof bodies, and the ECAJ. In the previous 12-month period, ending 30 September 2023, these same bodies logged 495 incidents. Accordingly, there was an increase of 316% in the overall number of reported anti-Jewish incidents compared to the previous year… In addition, any public acts (chants, placards, posters, stickers, graffiti etc) calling for violence against or the persecution of Jewish people or denial of their rights, are categorised as anti-Jewish incidents. Examples can include public calls for the elimination of Israel such as “Intifada”, “Globalise the Intifada”, “Khaybar, Khaybar” [the site of an early Muslim-Jewish battle], among others, and analogies between the State of Israel and Nazi Germany, or between Zionism and Nazism. Finally, it is evident from previous studies that many anti-Jewish incidents go unreported, for a variety of reasons. The incidents counted in this Report are therefore only a proportion of the total number of incidents that have occurred during the year” (pages 1-3 [34]).

Table 1 of the ECAJ Report gives the following breakdown of the anti-Semitic incidents:  physical assault (65), vandalism (29), verbal abuse (622), message (283), graffiti (393), posters, stickers etc (670) (page 4  [34]).

The report gives scores of examples of asserted anti-semitism. However of 75 examples given of assertedly “antisemitic” graffiti, posters and stickers , I adjudge 58 or 77% to be simply “fair comment”.  Extrapolating from this large  sample, of 1,063 instances of asserted antisemitic graffiti, posters and stickers, 0.77 x 1,063 = 822 are not valid and comments that could be reasonably made by anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish folk protesting the ongoing Gaza Genocide – and indeed morally obliged to do so.  Thus the 1.063 instances of allegedly “antisemitic” graffiti, posters and stickers reduces to 1063-822 = 241 offensively anti-Jewish and hence anti-Jewish anti-Semitic graffiti, posters and stickers.

Fortunately no Jews were seriously injured or killed in these deplorable attacks (mainly by people unknown). Physical assault, vandalism, verbal abuse, and abusive messages are utterly wrong, utterly deplorable and variously illegal when imposed on anyone, whether Jewish or non-Jewish. However the exceptionalist Zionists and their variously cowardly, stupid, ignorant, racist and traitorous pro-Zionist supporters (notably Labor and the Coalition) offensively restrict their indignation to such abuses applied to Jews, ignoring  abuse of other groups in society, notably women, as well as Arabs, Palestinians, Muslims, non-European Australians, Indigenous Australians, other minorities, Jewish children and children in general.

Set out below are shocking comparisons between huge impositions on Australians and Palestinians and the deplorable but vastly smaller impositions on Australian Jews as reported in the 2024 ECAJ Report on Antisemitim: In the year 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024 Australian Jews were disgracefully subject to physical assault (65), vandalism (29), verbal abuse (622), abusive messaging (283) and (revised down estimate) 241 offensively anti-Jewish and hence anti-Jewish anti-Semitic graffiti, posters and stickers.    

 (1). Physical assault of 96,000 Australian women annually and killing of 46 each year (versus 65 Jews assaulted and none killed).

While in the year 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2024 Jews were disgracefully subject to physical assault (65), vandalism (29), verbal abuse (622), and abusive messaging (283), no Jews were seriously injured or killed. However in stark contrast an estimated 96,000 Australian women,  many of them sacrosanct mothers, are  subject to physical violence each year and about 46 are actually killed annually in what has been described as an epidemic of violence against women in Australia.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW): “There were 46 female domestic homicide victims and 38 male victims in 2022–23” [35]. The AIHW estimated that 0.9% of Australian women experienced partner violence in 2021-2022: “ Experiences of partner violence in the 12 months before the survey (last 12 months) remained relatively stable for both men and women between 2005 and 2016. However, between 2016 and 2021–22 the proportion of women who experienced partner violence decreased from 1.7% in 2016 to 0.9% in 2021–22. There was also a decrease in the proportion of women who had experienced violence by any intimate partner (also includes current or previous boyfriend, girlfriend and date) between 2016 and 2021–22, from 2.3% in 2016 to 1.5% in 2021–22 (ABS 2023c)” [36]. The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimated an Australian population of 27,204,809 of whom 50.7% were female [37]. Statista data indicates  21.03 million adult Australians in 2024 [38] of whom 50.7% (i.e. 10.662 million) were adult females  [37]. Accordingly one estimates that  0.009 x 10,662,000 = 95,958 i.e. about 96,000 Australian women are presently suffering partner violence each year.

(2). 275,000 Australian women suffered physical and/or sexual violence from their current partner (2016) (versus Jews subject annually to physical assault (65), vandalism (29), verbal abuse (622), and abusive messaging (283)).

Homelessness Australia (2024): “The risks, housing insecurity and poverty women experience after leaving violence often result in them returning to a violent partner. These risks and pressures were highlighted in the 2016 Personal Safety Survey, which revealed that an estimated 275,000 Australian women suffered physical and/or sexual violence from their current partner”  [39].

(3).  Homelessness: 18,700 Australians – mostly women and children – became homeless due to domestic violence in 2024 (no Jews were made homeless due to violence, abuse or graffiti).

Homelessness Australia (2024): “The risks, housing insecurity and poverty women experience after leaving violence often result in them returning to a violent partner. These risks and pressures were highlighted in the 2016 Personal Safety Survey, which revealed that an estimated 275,000 Australian women suffered physical and/or sexual violence from their current partner. Of those experiencing violence, 90,000 women wanted to separate but were unable to do so, with more than 20,000 saying the lack of money or financial support was the main reason they were unable to leave their violent partner. Over 81,000 women did leave but then returned, with more than 13,000 saying a lack of money or having nowhere to go was the reason they returned, and a further 8,300 saying that they returned because of concern for their own or children’s safety or well-being” [39]. 73,287 women or 45% of women seeking homelessness assistance were doing so because of family and domestic violence [39, 40]. Leonie Thorne (ABC News):“Consultancy firm Equity Economics estimates 18,700 people — mostly women and children — became homeless due to domestic violencein 2024,more than double its2021 estimate of 9,120”[41].

(4). Australia commits $88 per person per year to protect Australian women (275,000 physically or sexually assaulted and  46 killed each year) versus $784  per person per year  to protect Jewish Australians (65 assaulted and none killed each year).  

Australian PM and Attorney General of Australia (2024): “The attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue was an atrocious act. Antisemitism has no place in Australia and we unequivocally condemn it. Today the Albanese Government committed $32.5 million to the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) to further enhance security at Jewish community sites including synagogues and schools. This significant funding increase comes in addition to the $25 million grant to the ECAJ announced in October 2023, and funding for Jewish community sites under the Albanese Government’s $50 million Securing Faith-Based Places grant program. These additional funds will support the ECAJ, in collaboration with Community Security Groups and the National Council for Jewish Community Security, to address risks faced by the Jewish community in light of the increase in antisemitism in Australia”[42].

Australian PM (2024): “National Cabinet met in Canberra today to agree practical next steps to accelerate action to end gender-based violence in a generation and deliver on the National Plan to End Violence against Women and Children 2022-2032. First Ministers agreed that ending the national crisis of gender-based violence, including violence against children and young people, will remain an ongoing priority for National Cabinet… National Cabinet is committed to maintaining a central focus on missing and murdered First Nations women and children and agreed that all government commitments on gender-based violence must explicitly consider the needs and experiences of First Nations people, and be delivered in genuine partnership with First Nations communities… Today, National Cabinet agreed a comprehensive $4.7 billion package that harnesses important opportunities to work together to prevent violence and support legal services… Today, National Cabinet signed the Heads of Agreement for a new National Access to Justice Partnership, including a critical $800 million increase in funding to the legal assistance sector over five years, with a focus on uplifting legal services responding to gender-based violence. Under this agreement, the Commonwealth will invest $3.9 billion over five years from 1 July 2025 and for the first time will provide ongoing funding beyond the five year agreement so that the sector has long-term funding certainty. National Cabinet agreed to negotiate a renewed, five year National Partnership Agreement on Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence Responses, to commence on 1 July 2025 and deliver over $700 million in new matched investments from the Commonwealth and states and territories” [43, 44].

Wikipedia: “In the 2021 census there were 99,956 people who identified Judaism as their religious affiliation and 29,113 Australians who identified as Jewish by ancestry” [45]. i.e. there were 129,000 Jewish Australians in 2021. The Australian population was in 25.7 million in 2021 and in 27.2 million in 2024 and hence we could estimate the 2024 Australian Jewish population as (27.2 million /25.7 million) x 129,000 = 136,500. Assuming that the extra funding is for Jews and for only 1 year, then the annual funding is $107 million/ 0.1365 million Jews = $784 per person per year. However the funding for protection of Australian women (10.662 million) is ($4,700 million/5 years)/10.7 million = $88 per person per year.

(5). Ignored by the ECAJ Report and Zionist-perverted Mainstream Australia,  anti-Semitism  includes horrifically genocidal anti-Arab anti-Semitism (over 30 million killed in the 21st century) and anti-Jewish anti-Semitism (minimal and overwhelmingly non-violent in the West, including Australia).

Anti-Semitism occurs in 2 equally repugnant forms, anti-Arab anti-Semitism (against 300 million ethnically Semitic Arabs and 2,000 million mainly culturally Semitic Muslims) and anti-Jewish anti-Semitism (against mainly culturally Semitic Jews). Indeed most Jews are Central European and East European Ashkenazi Jews  who derive from non-Semitic Turkic Khazar converts to Judaism in about the 9th century CE [46-53]. Indeed I come from a very famous Ashkenazi Jewish Hungarian family (ask any mathematician or surgeon)  but DNA testing has revealed my 57% Ashkenazi Jewish contribution and zero (0) Middle Eastern (i.e. Semitic) contribution. Eminent anti-racist Jewish American  scholar Professor Bertell Ollman: “Zionists are the worst anti-Semites in the world today, oppressing a Semitic people as no nation has done since the Nazis” [53].

(6). Gaza Genocide:  By 20 January 2025 about 553,350 Gaza dead (24% of the 2.3 million pre-war Gaza population) including 393,000 children, 51,000 women and 113,000 men (65 Australian Jews assaulted and none killed in the last year).

Zionists and the  Zionist-perverted Australian Mainstream ignore the Jewish Israeli destruction of the ancient, populous, important and 11-university city of Gaza (Gaza Urbicide) [54, 55]  and the 7 October 2023 onwards Gaza Massacre and Gaza Genocide: 553,350 Gaza dead (24% of the 2.3 million pre-war Gaza population) including 393,000 children, 51,000 women and 113,000 men [1, 2]. The comprehensive ECAJ Report 2024 lists 65 assaults on Australian  Jews in a year and no fatalities.

(7). Under the Zionist-subverted Labor and Coalition  Australia is a member of the fervently Zionist, all-European,  anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic and holocaust-ignoring International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).

Australia is a member of the all-European, 35-member International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) that espouses a “Definition of Anti-Semitism” that is anti-Arab anti-Semitic and  anti-Jewish anti-Semitic (by falsely defaming anti-racist Jewish, Palestinian, Arab and Muslim critics of Apartheid Israeli crimes as assertedly anti-Semitic), is holocaust-ignoring (by ignoring all WW2 holocausts other than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust  in which 5-6 million Jews were killed by violence and imposed deprivation [56-58]), and has been condemned by over 40 anti-racist Jewish organizations [59, 60]. The WW2 holocaust ignored by the IHRA include (people killed by violence and deprivation in brackets) the WW2  European Holocaust (30 million Slavs, Jews and Roma killed), the WW2 Soviet Holocaust (25 million killed), the WW2 Chinese Holocaust (35-40 million Chinese killed under the Japanese, 1937-1945), the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Indian Holocaust, WW2 Bengal Famine; 6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death in Bengal, Bihar, Odisha and Assam for strategic reasons by the British with food-denying Australian complicity), the WW2 Roma and Sinti Holocaust (1 million) and the WW2 Polish Holocaust (6 million Poles killed by Nazi Germany) [15, 61-63].

 (8). The $400 billion nuclear-powered submarine deal of the fervently Zionist Australia-UK-US (AUKUS) Alliance  means diverting $20 billion annually for 20 years from trying to keep alive  the 100,000 Australians who die preventably each year  from “life-style choice” and “political choice” reasons (65 Jewish  Australians assaulted and none killed each year). 

The UK “gave” Palestine to the genocidally racist Zionists on 2 November 1917 this being enabled in practice by the European powers giving the Mandate over Palestine to the genocidally racist British. Post-WW2  the UK and US were key backers of  genocidally racist Apartheid Israel and its ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The war criminal UK, France and Apartheid Israeli invasion of Egypt in 1956 was “proof of principle” of Apartheid Israel as a violent  Crusader fortress serving Anglo-American military interests for oil and hegemony in the heart of the Arab and Muslim world [61]. As a UK or US lackey Australia has invaded 85 countries (30 of these invasions being genocidal) and in the last 90 years has variously violated all 80 Indo-Pacific  countries [64-68]. 32 million Muslims have died from violence, 5 million, and deprivation, 27 million, in 20 countries invaded by the US Alliance since the US Government’s 9/11 false flag atrocity that killed 3,000 Americans [69-78]. In 1950-2005 avoidable deaths from deprivation  totalled as follows for in countries variously occupied by Apartheid Israel (24 million), the US (82 million), France (142 million) and the UK (727 million) [61]. With UK, US and French assistance Apartheid Israel acquired nuclear weapons by the mid-1960s and existentially threatens Humanity. Australia was involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars that were associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation [61] .For all that Australia is a cravenly loyal US lackey  it never alludes to the 1.5 million Americans who die preventably each year in part because of the fiscal perversion of spending trillions of dollars on Zionist-backed wars [79-81]. Similarly 100,000 Australians die preventably each year due to “life-style choice” and “political choice” reasons, including  26,000 dying from poverty [82] – the $400 billion committed to nuclear-powered submarines will contribute to thishidden carnage (ECAJ Report: 65 Australian Jews assaulted and none killed in the last year ).  

(9). Horrendous Occupied Palestinian /Jewish Israeli Occupier Reprisals  Death Ratio 100 times greater than the Reprisals  Death Ratio of 10 ordered by Nazi dictator Hitler in 1944 – Nazi is as Nazi does, terrorist as terrorist does (65 Australian Jews assaulted in 1 year and none killed). 

Between 7 October 2023 and 20 January 2025 about 553,350 Gazans have been killed by violence and imposed deprivation [1]. Generously assuming that half  of the 1,139 Israelis killed on 7 October (i.e. 570 ) were killed by the overwhelmingly high explosive fire-power of the responding  IDF tanks and helicopters following its “Hannibal Directive” (kill Israelis if necessary to prevent hostage taking) the Occupied Palestinian /Jewish Israeli Occupier Reprisals  Death Ratio is 553,350/570 = 971 or nearly 100 times greater than the Reprisals  Death Ratio of 10 ordered by Nazi leader Adolph Hitler and effected immediately in the 1944 Ardeatine Cave Massacre in Rome [83]. Nazi is as Nazi does. Zionazi is as Zionazi does.  Indeed 52 Zionist- and Apartheid Israeli-Nazi German comparisons have been made [84].   

(10). 35 Zionist lies and false and deadly “hate speech” e.g. “Israel has the right to defend itself” has so far killed 553,350 Gazans (ECAJ Report:verbal abuse (622), message (283)” ).

Apartheid Israel excludes Occupied Palestinians from all provisions of  the Universal Declaration Of Human Rights [85]. However according to the Preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights [86],  Article 51  the UN Charter [87], and Francesca Albanese (the UN Special Rapporteur on the Palestinians) [88] Occupied people like the Occupied Palestinians  have a right to defend themselves against  tyranny whereas an illegal and war criminal Occupier like genocidally racist Apartheid Israel has no such right in a belligerently occupied territory like what the International Criminal Court (ICC) [89], the International Court of Justice ( ICJ) [90, 91], the UN Security Council (UNSC) [92, 93] and the UN General Assembly (UNGA) [94] regard as the  illegally and war criminally subjugated Occupied Palestinian Territory. The key values of decent Humanity are (a) Kindness and (b) Truth but these are grossly violated by genocidally racist, egregiously mendacious and Zionazi-run Apartheid Israel that has (a) so far killed 553,350 Gazans (24% of the 2.3 million pre-war Gaza population) and including 393,000 children, 51,000 women and 113,000 men [1], and (b) through its evil and traitorous Zionist agents persuaded Mainstream Western media and politicians  to blindly accept 35 egregious Zionist lies [95-97]. Lying by omission is far, far worse than lying by commission because the latter can at least permit public refutation and public debate. Silence over genocidal Zionism is lying by omission . Silence is complicity.  The Labor Government and Coalition Opposition are complicit in the Gaza Genocide in 20 ways [25] and in particular lie for Apartheid Israel in 35 ways [26, 27, 95], thus making themselves utterly unfit for public life and public office.

(11). Racist, mendacious and exceptionalist Zionists and racist Mainstream pro-Zionists ignore massive violent and non-violent racism impacting 6.5 million non-White Australians with a non-European heritage (not tolerated in Australia if applied to the Zionist Jewish Australians).

Australia is a multicultural country – as of  2019 about 29% of Australians were born overseas with the major source countries being England, China, India and New Zealand.  Indeed despite entrenched White Australian racism and the 1901-1974 White Australia Policy, today Australia is 76% White and 24% non-White.  However  95% of senior executive positions (e.g. in top companies, universities and Federal Parliament) are held by Whites and only 5% by non-Whites [96-98]. Australia was involved in the US War on Terror (aka the US War on Muslims) in which 4-7-9.5 million Muslims were killed in the Iraq War and Afghan War alone [69, 72, 74, 77, 99]. Anti-Arab anti-Semitic and Islamophobic Mainstream Australia ignores this Australia-complicit and US-imposed carnage. Indeed widespread Islamophobia and recent arson attacks against a Palestinian-owned restaurant and a school bus of a Muslim school have been ignored in the present “antisemitism hysteria’ [100-108].

 (12). About 47% of Palestinians are children, 399,000 Gaza children killed, and 277,000 Gazans injured (139,000 of them children) (ECAJ: 65 Jews assaulted and none killed each year).   

About 47% of Palestinians are children, 399,000 Gaza children have been killed, and 277,000 Gazans (139,000 of them children) have been injured (as of 20 January 2025) [1]. One supposes that of the surviving  2.3 million – 0.6 million = 1.7  million surviving Gazans (0.8 million of them children) nearly all would be severely traumatized after 15.5 months of bombing, hunger, thirst, and deprivation in the Jewish Israeli-pulverized Gaza Concentration Camp [109-.114]. There are 2 kinds of people in this world: those who oppose the mass murder of children and the utterly unforgivable others.  There is simply no equivalence between this genocidal horror in Gaza and the deplorable impositions on Australian Jews in the last year: non-lethal  physical assault (65), vandalism (29), verbal abuse (622), message (283), graffiti (393), posters, stickers etc (670)[34].  However one must note extraordinarily high levels of sexual abuse suffered by children in Apartheid Israel (18% of children ), the Gaza Genocide-complicit America (18), and Gaza Genocide-complicit Australia (25%) [116-126] .

(13). Genocidally racist Zionism tarnishes Jews, Judaism and the wonderful 3 millennium humanitarian Jewish tradition. Ditto Australian Government-funded intellectual child abuse violating  innocent Jewish children and perpetrated by genocidally racist Zionist teachers at Zionist schools – horrific, real anti-Jewish anti-Semitism.

There is an absolute prohibition applied to school teachers – it is totally forbidden for teachers to deceive their students. About one third of Australian school children attend state-subsidized private religious secondary schools and the rest have supposedly free education at relatively poorly funded state schools. Now religion is like the wonders of art, literature, poetry, and music in that it addresses the human condition but is not amenable to scientific analysis involving the critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses. Indeed such attempted testing of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony or Bach’s St Matthew Passion would be absurd. The  common sense of children would enable them to deal with unlikely assertions such as “virgin birth” and “walking on water”. However Zionist teachers are unforgivably brainwashing innocent Jewish children to fervently believe in the desirability and indeed the imperative of invading, devastating and ethnic cleansing of Palestine the land of the Semitic Palestinian people for 4 millennia – unforgivable Zionazism and horrific, real anti-Jewish anti-Semitism that perverts the children, soils the 3,000 year humanitarian tradition of the Jewish people from the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ ”love thy neighbour as thyself” to the humanitarian intellectual giants of the  present era from Hannah Arendt to Howard Zinn [53].

(14). The cowardly, US lackey  Labor Government, the even worse Coalition Opposition and mendacious Australian  Mainstream media take advice from genocidally racist and egregiously mendacious Zionazi psychopaths instead of from the world’s most eminent anti-racist Jewish scholars – horrific, real anti-Jewish anti-Semitism.

War is the penultimate in racism and genocide the ultimate in racism. A large body of outstanding, anti-racist Jews and anti-racist non-Jews  have expressed their opposition to genocidally racist Zionism (for  huge, alphabetically-ordered compendia see [53, 127]). The most succinct opinions are those of Moshe Menuhin (father of similarly  anti-Zionist musical giant Yehudi Menuhin): “Jews should be Jews – not Nazis”[53] and Nobel Laureate and world hero Nelson Mandela: “Our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians” [127]. The cowardly, US lackey  Labor Government, the even worse Coalition Opposition and mendacious Australian  Mainstream media take advice from genocidally racist and egregiously mendacious Zionazi psychopaths such as former Apartheid Israeli PM, genocidal racist and pathological liar Golda Meir:“There is no such thing as a Palestinian people… It is not as if we came and threw them out and took their country. They didn’t exist” [128]

(15). False weaponizing of “antisemitism” by sidelining, ignoring, censoring and false defamation of anti-racist Jews by Zionists and their cowardly and racist Western Mainstream supporters – horrific, real anti-Jewish anti-Semitism.

Fanatical Zionists have had a peculiar hatred for anti-racist  Jews who they describe as “self-hating Jews”, “self-loathing Jews” and “anti-Semitic Jews”. Thus the wonderful and professionally talented anti-racist Jewish Council of Australia seeks equal and all human rights: “The Jewish Council of Australia stands against all forms of racism. The Jewish Council of Australia is a diverse coalition of Jewish academics, lawyers, writers and teachers. We bring expertise in the fields of Jewish history, human rights law, public policy, politics and law reform” [129]. However the Jewish Council of Australia has been vilified by Australian Zionists. Thus Max Kaiser: “Inspired by anti-fascist organizing in the 1940s, a group of progressive Jewish activists have formed the Jewish Council of Australia. Its goal is to challenge the hegemony of right-wing, Zionist groups that claim to speak for all Jewish Australians. Since Israel launched its offensive on Gaza in October last year, supporters of the war have waged a worldwide campaign to smear legitimate criticism of Israel as antisemitic. Vocal opponents of the war have been fired, blacklisted, and intimidated. Palestinians themselves have been the biggest victims of this campaign… Zionist peak bodies have responded with fury. Various establishment figures have attacked the JCA as “fringe and unrepresentative,” “a tiny minority trying to hoodwink the media,” and a “Jew hater’s council.” The JCA has remained adamant that “it is not treachery for Jews to criticise Israel”” [130]. By way of personal example, on top of a 4 decade academic scientific career, I have published some 1,000 large and exhaustively referenced humanitarian articles and 9 huge books (overwhelmingly outside Australia), but in the last 15 years I have been rendered virtually invisible in Australia by Zionist gate-keepers. A major anti-Jewish anti-Semitic crime of racist Zionists has been to falsely conflate Apartheid Israel and its awful crimes with all Jews and hence with anti-racist Jews who are utterly opposed to genocide and mass murder.

Final comments and conclusions.

On 5 February 2025 I sent the following Letter to major Australian Mainstream media: “Apartheid Israel, its Zionist supporters, the Murdoch media and nearly all non-Green Australian MPs have crudely weaponized anti-Jewish anti-Semitism for political purposes and to hide the horror of the US-backed and Jewish Israeli-imposed  Gaza Genocide: the destruction of Gaza, 553,000 Semitic Gazans killed by violence (111,000) and imposed deprivation (443,000) or 24% of the pre-war population (7/10/2023 – 20/1/2025; The Lancet) and this involving the killing of an estimated 393,000 children, 51,000 women and 113,000 men. Yet the present genocide-ignoring Australian Mainstream “antisemitism hysteria” derives from the following deplorable anti-Jewish anti-Semitic incidents in 1 year: physical assault (65 but no deaths), vandalism (29), verbal abuse (622), message (283), graffiti (393), posters, stickers (670) (ECAJ Antisemitism Report 2024). Largely ignored by the Zionist-perverted Mainstream, 96,000 Australian women suffered physical violence from their current partner (2022), and 46 were killed (2023). 18,700 Australians – mostly women and children – became homeless due to domestic violence (2024) but no Jews were made homeless due to violence, abuse or graffiti. Labor and the Coalition are unforgivably complicit in the Gaza Genocide in 20 ways and lie for Apartheid Israel in 35 ways. Silence is complicity”[2].

In 2024 I published a huge book “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” [131]. The subtitle summarizes 6 key things  that must happen to finally free Palestine from the highly  abusive,  57-year rule by the war criminal and genocidally racist Jewish Israelis. However US-backed, Zionazi Apartheid Israel rejects all 6  propositions that are unexceptional to decent people. Indeed the US under felon, racist, war criminal, climate criminal and pathological liar Trump presently insists that  the surviving Gazans be relocated to some other country (war criminal ethnic cleansing as in the Nazi era)  and that Gaza be used for luxury, Riviera-style,  US-Apartheid Israeli “real estate development”.

Decent Australians and indeed all of decent Humanity are utterly fed up with genocidally racist,  egregiously mendacious and relentlessly  thieving  Apartheid Israel and its pro-Apartheid Trump America, Western, UK, Germany and Australian backers. In Australia’s 2025 Federal elections decent Australians can only vote for the pro-Palestinian human rights Greens, Socialists and a few like-mined decent Independents  – they will put the pro-Apartheid Coalition last and pro-Apartheid Labor second last in Australia’s preferential voting system.

 The decent people of the World must unite against genocide and act by (a) informing everyone they can, and (b) urging and applying comprehensive  Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) not just against Apartheid Israel bur against all people, politicians, parties, collectives, companies, and countries supporting Apartheid Israel in any way. Genocidal Trump America and its Zionazi allies must face not mere tariffs but total boycott and a dumping of the US dollar. Who would buy soap made in Auschwitz?


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[108]. Bernard Keane, “Dutton’s kowtow to Netanyahu splits Australians into two classes: ordinary people and Muslims”, Crikey, 10 December 2024: https://www.crikey.com.au/2024/12/10/peter-dutton-benjamin-netanyahu-dave-sharma-islamophobia-antisemitism/ .

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[111]. Julian Borger, “Death feels imminent for 96% of children in Gaza, study finds”, The Guardian, 12 December 2024: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/dec/11/death-feels-imminent-for-96-of-children-in-gaza-study-finds .

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[115]. Gideon Polya, “ Sanction Zionazism: 99% Of US-, UK-  & Australia-backed Jewish Israelis Support Gaza Genocide & Mass Murder Of Children”, Countercurrents,20 December 2024: https://countercurrents.org/2024/12/sanction-zionazism-99-of-us-uk-australia-backed-jewish-israelis-support-gaza-genocide-mass-murder-of-children/ .

[116]. Gideon Polya, “Horrendous Pro-Zionist, Zionist And Apartheid Israeli Child Abuse Exposed”, Countercurrents, 21 April, 2014: https://countercurrents.org/polya210414.htm .

[117]. Gideon Polya, “Horrendous Child Abuse By  Pro-war, Pro-Zionist, Climate Criminal Australian Coalition Governments”,  Countercurrents, 4 December, 2013: https://countercurrents.org/polya041213.htm .

[118]. “Little Children are Sacred” Report: http://web.archive.org/web/20070703014641/http://www.nt.gov.au/dcm/inquirysaac/pdf/bipacsa_final_report.pdf  .

[119]. Dunne, M.P., Purdie, D.M., Cook, M.D., Boyle, F.M. & Najman, J.M.(2003), Is child sexual abuse declining? Evidence from a population-based survey of men and women in Australia , Child Abuse & Neglect, vol. 27 (2), pp141-152).

[120]. Gideon Polya, “Sectarian Australian Mainstream Ignores Horrendous Child Sexual Abuse Of 4.4 Million Australians”,  Countercurrents, 15 November, 2012: https://countercurrents.org/polya151112.htm ,

[121]. Jane Lee, “Child abuse victims lead “shorter lives” than other children, royal commission hears”, The Age, 25 May 2015: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/child-abuse-victims-live-shorter-lives-than-other-children-royal-commission-hears-20150525-gh8y1d.html .

[122]. Peak Care: https://peakcare.org.au/australian-child-maltreatment-study-2023/ .

[123].  Australian Institute of Criminology (1993). Second Conference on Violence (June 1993).

[124]. Brave Hearts, “Child sexual assault: facts and statistics”: https://www.bravehearts.org.au/files/Facts%20and%20Stats_updated141212.pdf .

[125].  David Finkelhor, “The international epidemiology of child sexual abuse”, Child Abuse & Neglect, Volume 18, Issue 5, May 1994, Pages 409–417: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0145213494900264 .

[126]. Gideon Polya, “Australia’s Horrendous Abuse Of Aboriginal Children The Tip Of Massive Australian Child Abuse”, Countercurrents, 30 July 2016: https://countercurrents.org/2016/07/australias-horrendous-abuse-of-aboriginal-children-the-tip-of-massive-australian-child-abuse/ .

[127]. “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/nonjewsagainstracistzionism/ .

[128]. “Zionist quotes re racism and Palestinian Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/zionist-quotes .

[129]. “Jewish Council of Australia”: https://www.jewishcouncil.com.au/ .

[130. Max Kaiser interviewed by Chris Dite, , “Jewish Australians Are Rejecting the Zionist Establishment”, Jacobin, April 2024: https://jacobin.com/2024/04/jewish-council-of-australia-zionism .

[131]. Gideon Polya, “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide”, Korsgaard Publishing, 2024.

Dr Gideon Polya taught science students at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia over 4 decades. He published some 130 works in a 5 decade scientific career, notably a huge pharmacological reference text “Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds” (2003). He has also published “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” (2007, 2021), “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History” (1998, 2008, 2022), “US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” (2020), “Climate Crisis, Climate Genocide & Solutions” (2020), “Free Palestine. End Apartheid Israel, Human Rights Denial, Gaza Massacre, Child Killing, Occupation and Palestinian Genocide” (2024), and contributed to Soren Korsgaard (editor) “The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published – Dangerous Deception Exposed!” (2020). For images of Gideon Polya’s huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: http://sites.google.com/site/artforpeaceplanetmotherchild/  .

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