Undermining the Grand Design of Darkness
"What but design of darkness to appall?" -- from Robert Frost's Design How can you teach children in a community that is hungry for food? I'm talking about kids suffering…
"What but design of darkness to appall?" -- from Robert Frost's Design How can you teach children in a community that is hungry for food? I'm talking about kids suffering…
"One in ten Americans live within ten miles of highly radioactive Superfund and other sites." -- Richard Martin Oxman You can't arm the world -- like Obama and Trump --…
"Parents want their kids' approval, a reversal of the past ideal of children striving for their parents' approval, and that has led to consumer craziness with high tech gadgetry…
The haunting works made by the painter Ahmed Alsoudani are born out of extreme states of violence. The artist grew up in Baghdad, Iraq, during the Iran-Iraq War and the…
"Who trusted God was love indeed And love Creation's final law Tho' Nature, red in tooth and claw With ravine, shriek'd against his creed" -- Tennyson Most college professors of…
"It’s not just the government’s bum that NPR wipes." -- Geoff Dutton I have 101 articles in front of me which document the degree to which National Public Radio…
"Our faith in technology consumes resources and begets complacency. " -- from Jennifer L. Lieberman's "Why Technology Will Not Solve Our Criminal Justice Problems" To lay oneself out in…
An act of creation is only half the story: the other half is the community into which that creation lands. The realm of blending is all-important. Novelty is insufficient --…
"...creation can only be understood as a gift...." -- Pope Francis underscoring that faith tells us that the earth is not a possession to be used and destroyed... very…
Thomas Paine's pamphlet of January 10, 1776 was, as everyone knows, an important factor in bringing about the issuance of the Declaration of Independence. Common Sense pointed out that…
"Consumer Reports surveys rank Raley's among the top U.S. supermarket chains, in particular for customer service, and that fact can be used as a point of departure for changing a…
"The big kahunas of business are to be blamed, but the finger-pointers have to be held accountable too." -- Rachel Oxman A recent Gizmodo article focuses mainly on worker…
"Why aren't they screaming?" -- from Philip Larkin's The Old Fools The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is typically taken by students some time during their last two years in…
Special note: Don't read about the films recommended prior to seeing them. I'd recommend watching the 2012 documentary Four Horsemen -- immediately -- along with the 2017 Oren Moverman…
"There's many a bestseller that could have been prevented by a good teacher." -- Flannery O' Connor As Wikipedia indicates, Maus is cartoonist Art Spiegelman's graphic novel about an exchange…
"'Let there be light!', he said, as he lit the dry grass with his Rick and Morty customized Bic. 'Sick, sick, sick', he whispered to himself as he drank…
There was a strange view expressed about the worldwide status of Henry David Thoreau in the New York Review of Books on August 17: "Thoreau hardly makes it onto the list…
"There will be no lasting improvement in any realm unless the excessive violence embedded in our diversions dissipates. The Hollywod celebrities who are -- understandably -- protesting the disgusting…
"King Trump is no more or less than a malarial mosquito in a stinking swamp of quicksand we've created. You can say the same about the Queen of England…
Proactive concerned citizens attempting to bring about institutional changes in the midst of our horrid momentum -- rife with what makes us wretch morning, noon and night now -- must…
I'm not using the "V" here to allude to the 2009-2011 mini-series, the 1983 television production, the Guy Fawkes mask, Thomas Pynchon's debut novel or any other silly or pseudo-serious treatment of radical response…
"Near Eastern religions have a propensity for building massive temples and tombs and this tradition has been emulated by Christian tendencies to construct gigantic cathedrals. Temples, churches, and synagogues separate…
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